What Lies Beneath
Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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What Lies Beneath
27th January
13:27 GMT -8
"Recognised, Green Arrow, zero eight, Robin, B zero one, Kid Flash, B zero three, Orange Lantern, B zero six-"
I step out into the bare stone cave.
"-Artemis, B zero eight."
"So." I make a point of looking around. "This is the Arrow Cave."
Mister Queen sighs and raises his right hand to cover his face. "This is not the Arrow Cave."
Wallace turns back to me and nods. "Totally the Arrow Cave."
"It's just a cave that's far enough away from the roads that I don't have to move the zeta tube every couple of weeks and close enough to a campsite that I don't have to come up with excuses about why I'm here if I get spotted." Mister Queen starts through the cave towards the exit.
Robin pointedly looks at the cave wall. "Do all the caves around Star City have lighting?"
"No, but if anyone asks it's for spelunkers."
Artemis is grinning. "How about the equipment lockers?"
"Spelunking equipment can be very heavy. No one wants to have to carry it here every time."
"And it can't be easy to get the Arrow Car in such a narrow-."
"There is..!" He takes a deep breath. "There is no 'arrow car'. There was an arrow themed carnival float which I used once. I use zip lines or a normal car. One I can get insurance for."
Wallace nods sagely. "Batman does go through Batmobiles kinda fast. Hey Rob, how many was it last year? Three?"
"The third one wasn't a total write off."
"That's not what Two-Face says."
"Half the car was fine."
Mister Queen sighs and shakes his head slightly as we emerge into daylight. Three cars all with four wheel drive capacity are parked just by the cave entrance and Roy Harper is leaning back against the bonnet of the jeep. Unlike the rest of us he's in full costume. Quick scan… No, aside from Roy and.. him, no one anywhere near here. In New England the working day is coming to a close but here we're almost in the middle of it.
Roy straightens up. "Ollie. Robin. Wally. Artemis. Paul."
Robin smiles at him. "Hey Roy."
"I'm not..!" He bites it down. "I'm not Roy Harper."
Wallace shakes his head. "Actually, we checked the timelines. I never even met the other Roy."
Robin nods. "And I only met him once." That doesn't seem to help. "How's going solo working out for you?"
His head turns slightly away and down. "I'm getting nowhere. With the League of Shadows gone I barely even know where to start."
"Dubbilex couldn't help?"
"Couldn't or wouldn't. I was thinking that maybe I should have asked more aggressively."
"That.. wouldn't be a good idea. He's aware of physical harm, but he doesn't really feel pain pain. Plus, even if he didn't brain blast you you'd be swarmed under by G-Elves in seconds."
Mister Queen takes a step towards his protégé. "Roy, you've been running yourself ragged ever since New Year. It's not good for you and it doesn't help the other Roy." Roy's eyes narrow slightly and Mister Queen raises his hands to ward off his complaint. "But, since I know I can't persuade you to take a break, I thought we might try a new approach. Paul's got a technique for finding things that looks like it bypasses all defenses."
"Unless they're protected by magic. Hal already-."
"Actually-" I wave my right hand like a student uncertain about the answer to the teacher's question. "-the quintessence waveform scan should bypass magic… Most magic. You could probably ward against it specifically or.. some sort of planar distortion? I mean, if they've put him in a parallel universe or something you're out of luck, and if they've moved him to another planet we could be here a while. But if he's on Earth and whoever took him hasn't expended massive -and easily traceable- levels of resources…" I nod. "I should be able to find him."
He frowns. "Why didn't Hal try that?"
"Because it would have given him a brain haemorrhage. I can only do it if the Ophidian helps and I can't.. retain most of what it shows me. That's why I brought this." I unsling the box containing my personal lantern and open it. "A location should be doable."
"When can you get started?"
"As soon as James Harper gets out from behind that car." Roy stills slightly. "The one thing I dislike more than him being here at all is him maintaining the pretence that-" I turn my head in his direction. "-I don't know full well he's there!"
The other Mister Harper walks out from around the… Americans call them Sports Utility Vehicles, don't they? He's wearing full Guardian gear. "Orange Lantern."
"Mister Harper." I don't hate him. Nabu is an extremely intelligent being who makes his own choices. When those choices involve body jacking the father of a friend of mine… I'm an Orange Lantern. Taking it personally is exactly the correct response. James Harper on the other hand is an idiot who played the hand he was engineered to hold. True, it hurt many sentient beings and produced no useful benefit, but it did so because he lacks the mental apparatus to do anything else. Maybe he can learn to be something else.
"You knew, didn't you? Back at Cadmus when you came in with Superboy."
"Knew what?"
"That I was a clone as well. You grabbed me, scanned me with your ring and then you just left. I didn't start thinking about it until after Luthor fired me, but you knew."
"You're spiritually shallow and your genetics are extremely similar to those of Roy."
"Was 'Tomato' some kind of British insult?"
"No, it was a reference to the animated television series 'Big O', in which the entire population of the city are clones who think they're amnesiacs. The one man who wasn't is a senile tomato farmer and he constantly tells people what happened in a way no one else understands. Or something, it got a bit weird towards the end." I take a firm hold of my lantern and float the box softly to the ground. "It's probably best that you're here. Having multiple people with the same genes around might be confusing." I reflect on what I'm about to do. "More confusing." Deep breath. "Ophidian, quintessence waveform scan."
She touches my mind and immediately my awareness oooh whaw. This is never… Do Maltusians see the universe like this all of the time? Every mote of energy around me, every whiff that could be anything fully visible in every regard. I could stare at a single atom until the end of the universe and not even scratch the surface. Ophidian, I need to filter a little. I'm looking for matter that looks like this. For an instant the maddening detail fades a little, then it snaps back with billions of locations as I'm bombarded with every skin cell and hair that still has his DNA intact within it. No, more, concentrations. Show me the patterns of organs. Okay. That's.. probably him. In material terms there isn't much difference between a live person and a corpse, but in spiritual terms… Oh, I'm not going to remember this anyway. Just fix on the location…
And the beautiful picture fades away. Artemis catches me as I stumble backwards. "How long?"
"About three hours. You find him?"
I straighten up and nod. "Yep. We can pick him up when the world stops sparkling."
27th January
13:27 GMT -8
"Recognised, Green Arrow, zero eight, Robin, B zero one, Kid Flash, B zero three, Orange Lantern, B zero six-"
I step out into the bare stone cave.
"-Artemis, B zero eight."
"So." I make a point of looking around. "This is the Arrow Cave."
Mister Queen sighs and raises his right hand to cover his face. "This is not the Arrow Cave."
Wallace turns back to me and nods. "Totally the Arrow Cave."
"It's just a cave that's far enough away from the roads that I don't have to move the zeta tube every couple of weeks and close enough to a campsite that I don't have to come up with excuses about why I'm here if I get spotted." Mister Queen starts through the cave towards the exit.
Robin pointedly looks at the cave wall. "Do all the caves around Star City have lighting?"
"No, but if anyone asks it's for spelunkers."
Artemis is grinning. "How about the equipment lockers?"
"Spelunking equipment can be very heavy. No one wants to have to carry it here every time."
"And it can't be easy to get the Arrow Car in such a narrow-."
"There is..!" He takes a deep breath. "There is no 'arrow car'. There was an arrow themed carnival float which I used once. I use zip lines or a normal car. One I can get insurance for."
Wallace nods sagely. "Batman does go through Batmobiles kinda fast. Hey Rob, how many was it last year? Three?"
"The third one wasn't a total write off."
"That's not what Two-Face says."
"Half the car was fine."
Mister Queen sighs and shakes his head slightly as we emerge into daylight. Three cars all with four wheel drive capacity are parked just by the cave entrance and Roy Harper is leaning back against the bonnet of the jeep. Unlike the rest of us he's in full costume. Quick scan… No, aside from Roy and.. him, no one anywhere near here. In New England the working day is coming to a close but here we're almost in the middle of it.
Roy straightens up. "Ollie. Robin. Wally. Artemis. Paul."
Robin smiles at him. "Hey Roy."
"I'm not..!" He bites it down. "I'm not Roy Harper."
Wallace shakes his head. "Actually, we checked the timelines. I never even met the other Roy."
Robin nods. "And I only met him once." That doesn't seem to help. "How's going solo working out for you?"
His head turns slightly away and down. "I'm getting nowhere. With the League of Shadows gone I barely even know where to start."
"Dubbilex couldn't help?"
"Couldn't or wouldn't. I was thinking that maybe I should have asked more aggressively."
"That.. wouldn't be a good idea. He's aware of physical harm, but he doesn't really feel pain pain. Plus, even if he didn't brain blast you you'd be swarmed under by G-Elves in seconds."
Mister Queen takes a step towards his protégé. "Roy, you've been running yourself ragged ever since New Year. It's not good for you and it doesn't help the other Roy." Roy's eyes narrow slightly and Mister Queen raises his hands to ward off his complaint. "But, since I know I can't persuade you to take a break, I thought we might try a new approach. Paul's got a technique for finding things that looks like it bypasses all defenses."
"Unless they're protected by magic. Hal already-."
"Actually-" I wave my right hand like a student uncertain about the answer to the teacher's question. "-the quintessence waveform scan should bypass magic… Most magic. You could probably ward against it specifically or.. some sort of planar distortion? I mean, if they've put him in a parallel universe or something you're out of luck, and if they've moved him to another planet we could be here a while. But if he's on Earth and whoever took him hasn't expended massive -and easily traceable- levels of resources…" I nod. "I should be able to find him."
He frowns. "Why didn't Hal try that?"
"Because it would have given him a brain haemorrhage. I can only do it if the Ophidian helps and I can't.. retain most of what it shows me. That's why I brought this." I unsling the box containing my personal lantern and open it. "A location should be doable."
"When can you get started?"
"As soon as James Harper gets out from behind that car." Roy stills slightly. "The one thing I dislike more than him being here at all is him maintaining the pretence that-" I turn my head in his direction. "-I don't know full well he's there!"
The other Mister Harper walks out from around the… Americans call them Sports Utility Vehicles, don't they? He's wearing full Guardian gear. "Orange Lantern."
"Mister Harper." I don't hate him. Nabu is an extremely intelligent being who makes his own choices. When those choices involve body jacking the father of a friend of mine… I'm an Orange Lantern. Taking it personally is exactly the correct response. James Harper on the other hand is an idiot who played the hand he was engineered to hold. True, it hurt many sentient beings and produced no useful benefit, but it did so because he lacks the mental apparatus to do anything else. Maybe he can learn to be something else.
"You knew, didn't you? Back at Cadmus when you came in with Superboy."
"Knew what?"
"That I was a clone as well. You grabbed me, scanned me with your ring and then you just left. I didn't start thinking about it until after Luthor fired me, but you knew."
"You're spiritually shallow and your genetics are extremely similar to those of Roy."
"Was 'Tomato' some kind of British insult?"
"No, it was a reference to the animated television series 'Big O', in which the entire population of the city are clones who think they're amnesiacs. The one man who wasn't is a senile tomato farmer and he constantly tells people what happened in a way no one else understands. Or something, it got a bit weird towards the end." I take a firm hold of my lantern and float the box softly to the ground. "It's probably best that you're here. Having multiple people with the same genes around might be confusing." I reflect on what I'm about to do. "More confusing." Deep breath. "Ophidian, quintessence waveform scan."
She touches my mind and immediately my awareness oooh whaw. This is never… Do Maltusians see the universe like this all of the time? Every mote of energy around me, every whiff that could be anything fully visible in every regard. I could stare at a single atom until the end of the universe and not even scratch the surface. Ophidian, I need to filter a little. I'm looking for matter that looks like this. For an instant the maddening detail fades a little, then it snaps back with billions of locations as I'm bombarded with every skin cell and hair that still has his DNA intact within it. No, more, concentrations. Show me the patterns of organs. Okay. That's.. probably him. In material terms there isn't much difference between a live person and a corpse, but in spiritual terms… Oh, I'm not going to remember this anyway. Just fix on the location…
And the beautiful picture fades away. Artemis catches me as I stumble backwards. "How long?"
"About three hours. You find him?"
I straighten up and nod. "Yep. We can pick him up when the world stops sparkling."