020 - On blackmail and plans for the future
Verified Slimegirl Whisperer, Lord of the Useless
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020 - On blackmail and plans for the future
And, like that, it was already time to get back to the Academy, where another uneventful year of being magnanimously patient with the dumb flies that called themselves my classmates would take place.
Oh, wait, Mother said she'd put a stop to that, so… a full year of downplaying my skills again? Man it's been a long time! Looking forward to it!
Only, in spite of our new social statue of non-pariah-ness, Karin became quieter shortly into the year. Apparently Uzumama hasn't been feeling too well lately. I really hope she gets better soon, Mother is a lot more approachable when she has an actual friend to spend time with.
Anyway, it was cool to be left the fuck alone again. Even if Karin wasn't really in the mood to enjoy it. And my stupid Shimada blood still didn't let me take it easy. It seems like I'll have to find more advanced classes to keep myself busy with while—
"Shimada!" Narutaki-sensei calls, after taking a look at a note brought by a chunin I've never seen before. "The higher-ups want a word with you. He's here to escort you there."
I'll admit to blinking a couple of times, in utter confusion. The 'higher-ups'? Did I do anything lately to piss off the Principal? Because I can't remember gouging any eyes lately. Maybe the Haizuki decided whatever warning Mother gave them wasn't worth their attention and they pulled something with the Council? Ugh, stubborn idiots, they won't be missed when Mother goes on a rampage, but that can only mean trouble for everyone involved.
Then I realize everyone is waiting for my answer.
"Sure." I speak up, feeling my cheeks heat up a little. "Let's go."
As suspected, I wasn't guided to the Principal's office, but simply led outside and then, without so much as by your leave, the chunin put a hand on my shoulder and [Shunshin]'d me away. I was about to make a snide comment about rudeness when I noticed where I was.
"These." I started slowly. "Are not the Council's offices."
"You got that right, squirt." My rude guide snorts. "Now be a good girl and wait patiently until you're called in. I'm sure a fourth year like you knows how to be on their best behaviour. But it's your funeral otherwise, I've done my job."
With that, he [Shunshin]'d away. And I sat down in front of the nice lady that didn't even look once my way. And waited for an hour while being on my best behaviour until I was called in. Because when the Boss Dude wants to speak with you, you go see him, no questions asked.
… The Boss Dude is Kusa's leader. He does have an official title, but it's kind of a tongue twister, so in my mind I call him Boss Dude.
Now if only I knew what he wanted with me… Even after I was finally let in, Boss Dude ignored me and my greetings and kept writing away some scroll or another for a good five minutes. Grandstanding and power plays, trying to make me nervous and intimidate me into compliance even before the conversion proper would start.
Not good circumstances for my first meeting with my nominal head honcho, but I was less affected by the theatrics than by the fact he felt theatrics needed in the first place. What, exactly, is he expecting to gain from this?
"Shimada Ran." He finally breaks the silence, eyes still on the scroll. "Only heir of the Shimada clan and shoe-in for the rookie of the year position, in spite of the heavy investment of the Haizuki clan to promote their own geniuses."
"What can I say?" Boss Dude's words may be ones of praise, but his tone most definitely isn't, and I still have no idea what's his angle. "Ryūzetsu is good, and Muku is a freaking monster. But somehow I managed to score higher once or twice."
"What can you say?" He finally deigns to look at her, his face the picture of unamusement. "Maybe you can provide an explanation for why all your teachers claim you're blatantly holding back this year. If things keep up like this, you'll fall back into the middle ratings."
"Uh..." Honestly, I never expected to be called on my bullshit so directly. Aren't shinobi supposed to be all about subtlety? "I don't want to become too well known? An unremarkable graduation means I won't catch attention. That's even assuming I'll go for a shinobi career after all. I'm still a bit iffy about that."
"For that strategy to work, the shinobi in question needs to be as close to a total non-entity from birth as possible. You were born into notoriety, and have been making waves ever since you started the Academy. If there was ever a chance for anonymity, that ship has long sailed"
"Well I still don't know if I want to be a shinobi, making too many waves will suck if I want to open a travelling ramen stand. Everyone would just assume I'm a spy. And then the Kusa-AMBU would have to extract me to keep up the charade."
"For the last time, there is no Kusa-AMBU!"
"Sure." I agree easily. "And if there was you wouldn't admit it anyway."
He sends me a Look I have no trouble deciphering. 'You're going to keep doing whatever you want no matter what I say, right?' He's the Boss Dude for something, he knows his shit.
I smile at him innocently, as if butter wouldn't melt in my mouth. 'Totes'. He takes a deep breath and pulls some files from a drawer.
"Did you know all Uzumaki are technically wanted fugitives by three different major villages?" The smile is wiped from my face at the non-sequitur, it doesn't take a prodigy to realize where that's going. "As a mainly neutral power, standard procedure dictates we surrender them to either Kiri, Iwa or Kumo. Then we can claim their bounty and be in our merry way without getting into trouble with people who can obliterate our whole village. Like they did with Uzu."
"And yet Karin has been my classmate for two years now." Because what the Boss Dude just spewed is a stinky pile of bullshit, anyone unscrupulous enough to 'acquire' an Uzumaki will fight tooth and nail to keep them. And that includes Kusa.
"We made a deal with one Uzumaki Kurisu, when they first arrived in the village." Wait, what? That's news to me. "She used her very rare and valuable medical bloodline limit to keep our village as healthy as possible and, in return, we take her family in."
Damn, so that's why…
"Unfortunately, she can no longer hold her part of the bargain. Considering that, after heroically saving the lives of a non-negligible number of our forces all through the last week… She passed away from physical exhaustion as of twelve hours ago."
His words feel like a bucket of ice water. Suddenly I feel myself unable to react, struggling to breathe, and holding back the urge to break into shivers. Whatever amusement I felt at this situation is completely and utterly erased.
"... Would you mind repeating that?" By some miracle, my voice comes out neutral.
"Uzumaki Kurisu passed away twelve hours ago, leaving an orphan daughter as a charge of the village."
Damnit Karin! Why am I just hearing of this now? When I get to you I swear I'll—! I'll… Hug that fixation you have with bottling up your troubles out of you! Aren't we friends? Why don't you tell me these things?
… Should I have noticed by myself? I mean, she's been downtrodden for a while and she did mention Uzumama wasn't feeling well, but I never connected the dots. Am I... a bad friend?
"Do you have any idea how much the Academy has bent backwards to accommodate you?" Boss Dude presses on. "Dropping advanced classes to remain with a friend' isn't something usually accepted. But we did it for you, because you were an investment. And now we find ourselves in a situation where two different investments conflict. Which one we incline towards hands on your dedication to the village."
"We will…" As I'm saying it, I know it's not going to fly. But I have to try, damnit. "The Shimada will take Karin in."
"You are aware I have the final say in that sort of matters, don't you?" He asks with an arched brow. "For the good of the village, I can and will ensure the Uzumaki of Kusa keep their end of the bargain"
TLDR: Shimada are remarkably hard to control, but I have you by the balls. Cooperate and no Uzumaki has to suffer a fate worse than death by my hand.
"You are excused from the Academy for the rest of the day. Go home and think about you future."
I leave the building in a daze, the surprise and the sudden realization that my future is not in my hands -as if there was any doubt I'll take their rotten deal- doing a good job at freezing my mind. During the walk though, astonishment and incredulity make way to seething anger.
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck!! Who does the Boss Dude think he is, thus threatening my precious? Does he want a Kusagakure-shaped burn mark on the world maps? Is that what he wants? Because I will be happy to oblique!
I'll rip his legs and use them to break his arms! I'll feed him his own eyes and strangle him with his own guts! Then I'll make a soup bowl with his skull and use it to drink his own blood on the burning ashes of this shitty place! I'll show him for the good of the village!!
… Once I'm strong enough to pull it off. Which might take years. And by then nobody will give us back our lost youth. So there will be no point. The anger cools the heck back down in a snap.
Crap. Think, Ran, think. If you can't beat them, and you don't wanna join them, and for once you're actually not sure which side Mother would pick… what do you do?
Getting even is… delayable. Optional, actually. Now that the seething anger has passed I think the things going through my mind where a teensy little bit… dare I say disproportionate? Pointless at the very least. I don't want to burn down Kusa, it's where I keep my stuff.
The important thing is keeping Karin untouchable, while making sure the cost for said untouchableness isn't a Sword of Damocles over me. So, how to go about that in a way that does —
Okay… Okay. Yes, I have an idea. An insanely complex and absolutely crazy idea that'll take a lot of work and low-key mindfuckery. First I need a specialty. A very flashy and obvious specialty that'll allow me to make a name for myself fast. I have five elemental non-affinities, I'm sure I can whip something together.
Would be easier with access to Kage Bunshin to replicate Hiruzen's Ultimate Jutsu from the Ninja Storm games, but I'll make do.
Then I need a hidden specialty. Something the smart ones will know to look for beyond all my flashy jutsu. Preferable something that justifies hours of isolation in a secluded space where nothing remains behind after I leave. Ideally it would be seals, since that plays into what's already known of me but that gives me no excuse for isolation.
… Waitaminute. What's better than spamming explosive tags to crush the enemy? Remote-triggered storage seals filled with chemical explosives! Chemistry is so much easier to personalize than seals, I could pretty much have an explosive for each situation. It also plays on my known interests, so it'll surprise people, they'll arch their brows and think 'how creative' and then go on with their lives without sparing a second thought.
Once I have all that into place, I can start working on my reputation… and in mastering a completely different discipline I'll show to absolutely no one. Because my plan is stupid reckless, overly elaborate and relies in both absolute secrecy and an Uzumaki's protectiveness towards family.
I know I can count on one of those, the other is up to my own efforts.
I'm also kicking Karin's training up a notch. Remember when I said no friend of mine would be bear fodder? I meant it.
A bit more confident about my chances, if not looking forward to the near future, I walk the rest of the way home. When I get in though, there's a surprise waiting. Mother is sitting at the table, waiting for me, in front of two cups.
Two cups holding something a bit stronger than tea.
Surprise! I'm back! Updates might be a bits slower than before, at least for a while. QMing is a time hog, especially the first updates.
So! The dirty and ugly has finally splashed Ran directly, and it's touched some sensitive triggers of hers. To make it worse, in this one circumstance she doesn't know which side Mother will take, because it's the freakin village against her. And Mother is 'a flawless ninja'. That means loyalty to the village, so yeah.
Of course, she's unhappy so she counterplots. There are things hinted there I don't expect anyone to figure out, but hopefully you'll remember this scene when they come into play later on.
So! The dirty and ugly has finally splashed Ran directly, and it's touched some sensitive triggers of hers. To make it worse, in this one circumstance she doesn't know which side Mother will take, because it's the freakin village against her. And Mother is 'a flawless ninja'. That means loyalty to the village, so yeah.
Of course, she's unhappy so she counterplots. There are things hinted there I don't expect anyone to figure out, but hopefully you'll remember this scene when they come into play later on.