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Video Games General

Does anyone recall seeing a Dwarf Fortress YouTube video where someone embarks on a an evil* area and a group of "giant wren corpses" started literally in the wagon and slaughtered his dwarves immediately? I can't find it.

*Presumably Terrifying because of the "giant"
So I startd to play Project Wingman. And now I see I'm kinda shit at piloting, but well, the last time I played a fighter simulator was at an arcade games more than a decade ago.

I should probably still find a cheap joystick if it can help.
Started playing Rimworld again, after getting the Ideology expansion, and, uh... well, I forgot how many hours you can sink into that game without noticing. Especially now that all my old colonies are all unusable since many of the Mods I used with them are broken by the DLC or abandoned.

On the plus side, the time it takes for my mods to start up is ideal for preparing lunch.
...Of all the things I expected, a Stanley Parable rerelease/expansion/remake isn't one of them.

...Fuck it, wishlist'd. I'll dive back into that weird shit.
After many years, she's finally here!


I'm super glad they didn't redesign and change her look & outfit!

I was never a fan of some of the redesigns (e.g. Ram, Milia, & I-no) that they did for Strive especially I-no's.


They just end up getting rid of her iconic outfit and only kept the hat!

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I'm here to recommend Highfleet.

Saw Sseth review on it and played it on my brother's rig for a few hours (read: total of 6) and I just love everything about it. It was a far better realized and immersive take on the gameplay of 2d aerial combat than Airship: Conquer the Skies ever managed. If I ever managed to save up for a gaming rig again, I'll be sure to get it myself. Hell, it's probably the only game around that make me consider actually installing Steam on one of my devices.

My personal tip: Aircraft Carriers are hands down the best unit around. Use those planes and use them often. As Halsey said: "Hit Hard! Hit Fast! Hit Often!"
I'm here to recommend Highfleet.

Saw Sseth review on it and played it on my brother's rig for a few hours (read: total of 6) and I just love everything about it. It was a far better realized and immersive take on the gameplay of 2d aerial combat than Airship: Conquer the Skies ever managed. If I ever managed to save up for a gaming rig again, I'll be sure to get it myself. Hell, it's probably the only game around that make me consider actually installing Steam on one of my devices.

My personal tip: Aircraft Carriers are hands down the best unit around. Use those planes and use them often. As Halsey said: "Hit Hard! Hit Fast! Hit Often!"

It teaches you about the consequences of using your nukes and the inevitable second strike capabilities of the enemy.

You are a fleet on a sanctioned guerilla operation/suicide mission.

You only have six nukes, but the entire country has many more than you, and they'll keep launching until you run out of interceptors and die.
Rune Factory 4 Special is up on Steam .

That said the speed of the game is tied to frame rate, so turn v sync on so you don't run through the game at breaknect speeds


All of my yes :)

Want a return back to classic 2D beat em up? Asterix and Obelix is there for you.
I don't give a shit about the Game Awards but I do like how they've turned into a mini-E3 with new trailers and stuff coming out every year. Any last-minute predictions before the show tonight?

Hollow Knight Silksong? We've had no new info for two years and it didn't show up in the Nintendo Direct for some reason, so...
How's halo infinite? I saw it's out on steam.
I was hoping for Zelda. I did not get any Zelda. :(

But the Sonic 2 trailer is pretty hype!

Wait the sequel to Captain Titus?

Looks like!

Also relevant, Titus is still with the Ultramarines after the shit with the first game. So they seem to have ditched that old idea for the second game about him being on the run.

Also, going by the Service Studs* that Titus is sporting, this looks to be about two hundred years after the first game.

*Studs mean different things for different chapters, but Gold is a general one with each representing 100 years of service.
Looks like!

Also relevant, Titus is still with the Ultramarines after the shit with the first game. So they seem to have ditched that old idea for the second game about him being on the run.

Also, going by the Service Studs* that Titus is sporting, this looks to be about two hundred years after the first game.

*Studs mean different things for different chapters, but Gold is a general one with each representing 100 years of service.
Maybe we'll get to see Rowboat too. He's why the primaris exist after all.
So, what things must I know about Fire Emblem: Three Houses before I play? I know about the Sword/Axe/Lance triangle and I've played Awakening, but things might be different enough that that's a detriment. If linking vids, please do your best to link one's with minimal spoilers.
So, what things must I know about Fire Emblem: Three Houses before I play? I know about the Sword/Axe/Lance triangle and I've played Awakening, but things might be different enough that that's a detriment. If linking vids, please do your best to link one's with minimal spoilers.
You shouldn't need to know anything mechanically, Three Houses isn't terribly hard, even on Hard. Definitely don't play on Maddening though, if that is even available before you beat the game once.

You don't need to worry about the weapon triangle either. It doesn't really matter unless you're playing on Maddening.

If I had some advice, I would not suggest attempting to recruit every character on your first playthrough. You can, and it isn't a wrong choice, but I think you'll appreciate the story more if you don't.

That isn't to say don't recruit anyone from outside your house, but I recommend sticking mostly to the characters in your chosen House, if only so that you don't feel overwhelmed by endless Support conversations between missions. Recruit someone if they seem interesting, but you'll get a better sense of who that character is by playing the route they belong in.

In that vein, just pick whichever House seems most interesting to you, but keep an open mind about things. Which route you play first can definitely color your perceptions.

Azure Moon (Blue Lions/Dimitri) is the strongest story route in my opinion, with its characters having deeply personal and interwoven conflicts, but offers the least insight into the world and the broader conflicts in play.

Verdant Wind (Golden Deer/Claude) is the most classically 'Fire Emblem' story route, and offers a lot of insight into the world, but its characters are the least personally invested in the story.

Crimson Flower/Silver Snow (Black Eagles/Edelgard) has a route split in it. At some point you will receive a prompt telling you that a decision you can make will have serious consequences when talking to Edelgard. In order to unlock the route split you must agree in this dialogue. This doesn't lock you onto the alternate route, only opens up the possibility later. If you fail to do so, you will be forced onto the 'intended' route (Silver Snow) at the point where you would otherwise have the option to choose.

Silver Snow is quite similar to Verdant Wind in terms of insight into the world, but on a character level it is the most lacking. I'd say that this is the most skippable route.

Crimson Flower (the alternate route) is my personal favorite, but it is also the shortest route in the game, to its detriment. Anything else I could say would be pretty spoilery.

Just have fun. Three Houses is just great.
As little as possible so you go in unspoiled!
I really hope that this isn't some 'let the newbie suffer' stuff, because that shit is annoying. It's like asking for help on a boss in SMT and getting told 'use buffs skrub', it's patronizing and useless outside of Matador in Nocturne.

Definitely don't play on Maddening though, if that is even available before you beat the game once.
I'll assume this the Lunatic/Lunatic+ of this game. ...I never did that on Awakening because I would need literal RNG to let me have a chance of winning. Also, fuck classic.

If I had some advice, I would not suggest attempting to recruit every character on your first playthrough. You can, and it isn't a wrong choice, but I think you'll appreciate the story more if you don't.
So a branching paths scenario, traditional routes for different factions or I get different parts of the story depending on who I have in my crew.

In that vein, just pick whichever House seems most interesting to you, but keep an open mind about things. Which route you play first can definitely color your perceptions.
Ah, traditional routes then.

Meh, as long as I get to waifu a green haired, sorta-divine, dragon girl... I think I'll be happy.

Verdant Wind (Golden Deer/Claude) is the most classically 'Fire Emblem' story route, and offers a lot of insight into the world, but its characters are the least personally invested in the story.
Probably going to do this route first, if only because I'm a sucker for classics like saving the world. Well, Golden Deer or the DLC side story because bit of a toss up at the moment unless you have something to say about that. Plus I can enjoy the character based routes later on a NG+.

I do do basic research on mechanics of games before I ask about things after all, so I know there is a NG+ but little else outside the connotations of NG+ having. I know Renown is a thing, but no idea what it is in the context of the game but I'm guessing some secondary currency for premium equipment/items.
I really hope that this isn't some 'let the newbie suffer' stuff, because that shit is annoying. It's like asking for help on a boss in SMT and getting told 'use buffs skrub', it's patronizing and useless outside of Matador in Nocturne.
Nah, I just wasn't clear what sort of info you were looking for. It's not a difficult game, like brute7 said.

I do do basic research on mechanics of games before I ask about things after all, so I know there is a NG+ but little else outside the connotations of NG+ having. I know Renown is a thing, but no idea what it is in the context of the game but I'm guessing some secondary currency for premium equipment/items.
New Game+ allows you to spend renown to unlock stuff like special items, unlock classes you unlocked previously, or raise the ranks of peoples' skills back to where they were in the previous playthrough. For instance you can train yourself up to A-rank swordsmanship in one playthrough and then spend some points to have A-rank swordsmanship at level 1 in the next playthrough, and you can do that for your students too. You can also do things like raise a character's support ranking so they're easier to recruit when you're not playing their house and so on.

Renown also stacks between playthroughs, so on a third or fourth game you'll have even more of the stuff.
Renown also stacks between playthroughs, so on a third or fourth game you'll have even more of the stuff.
There... there has to be a cap of some sort, at minimum to prevent absolute bullshit happening. Everyone in one 'house', though if everyone was in one house/dorm build... Lewds aside, Everyone being recruited into one faction and being absolutely top tier is broken outside of Golden Ending routes where the boss exceeds the level cap.

Don't tell me what it is, I really want to find out. Unless it is some ungodly high number, then feel free to tell me.
Probably going to do this route first, if only because I'm a sucker for classics like saving the world. Well, Golden Deer or the DLC side story because bit of a toss up at the moment unless you have something to say about that. Plus I can enjoy the character based routes later on a NG+.
I looked around for route order recommendations and saw a consensus for Moon -> Wind -> the other two. Flower's length makes it feel like more of a bonus round than a proper route, which... can be an argument both for and against playing it after Snow.

I've been spoiled on a lot of things about Three Houses but haven't actually played it, so I'm not speaking from confidence.

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