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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Often I notice subtle things but don't realize they were not obvious until someone else points out they were subtle so im not likely to comment on them generally if I'm going to comment it's going to be because I saw multiple possible meanings to something and I want clarification

also I'm far more likely to not comment on something that happened in the beginning or middle of the chapter because its not what I'm thinking about anymore when I finish the chapter or if you got more than one chapter written before I got time to read this story I tend to figure you may have answered my question with the rest of the story then even if you didn't my mind is somewhere else now so I forgot I had the question I still have the question though I'll just think about all the different ways the story could go based on all the possibilities I saw when I'm bored later usually when I'm at work or driving so I can't really leave a response then and when im not thinking about it it may as whell not exist so yeah sorry
also I'm far more likely to not comment on something that happened in the beginning or middle of the chapter because its not what I'm thinking about anymore when I finish the chapter
Something I do when I want to comment on multiple parts of the story is to highlight and add to multiquote the part I find interesting. Then when I get around to commenting, I insert the quotes and it brings me back to what I was thinking at the time.
Your own brain lies to you all the time. All the time. It fucks with how you see the world, and how you see people, on a daily basis. Once you accept that, then 'liking someone due to shards screwing with your head' is a lot easier to forgive and go with.
I have to agree with Ack on that one, to me, by the beginning of the story, Taylor and Amelia had already attuned to their Shard enough that "Shard Influence" was already an integral, irrevocable part of their personality. Ultimately, nothing more then an exotic form of brain chemistry.

So what if the attraction between Taylor and Amelia wasn't rational ? Since is ATTRACTION of all thing EVER rational ?
I have to agree with Ack on that one, to me, by the beginning of the story, Taylor and Amelia had already attuned to their Shard enough that "Shard Influence" was already an integral, irrevocable part of their personality. Ultimately, nothing more then an exotic form of brain chemistry.

So what if the attraction between Taylor and Amelia wasn't rational ? Since is ATTRACTION of all thing EVER rational ?
Always. You see traits that are good, you find them attractive.
Always. You see traits that are good, you find them attractive.
Rational, according to the brain that (as mentioned above) is lying to you, all the time.

Your like/dislike of people is predicated on your brain taking note of factors and then telling you "I like this person" without ever letting you know why. Height, weight, distance between the eyes, their resemblance (or lack thereof) to your relatives, the pitch of their voice, the colour of the shirt they're wearing ... dozens of different factors go into that first impression, and you're aware of maybe one or two of them. And the ones you're aware of aren't even critical.

Compared to that, Taylia is positively predestined.
Heh, heh.

I was keeping my little nation and I thought about checking this thread. I see it's still kicking.

The Empire of Pantheon from Amelia is a small, safe nation, notable for its frequent executions, multi-spousal wedding ceremonies, and devotion to social welfare. The democratic population of 36 million Pantheon from Amelians love a good election, and the government gives them plenty of them. Universities tend to be full of students debating the merits of various civil and political rights, while businesses are tightly regulated and the wealthy viewed with suspicion.
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Well, fuck... It's over. There is no more and i will return to feeling empty. But seriously. I don't know how, but this was way too good. I'm not entirely sure, but i honestly don't think i have read a story that affected me as much as this did. I sat smiling and laughing like a lunatic, so much that i could not read this among other people. And that god damn ending. I'm not saying it had me in tears, but my eyes did water up. But it wasn't all sadness. I felt genuinely joy when i read the ending. But also a lot of sadness. Sadness for Taylor and Amelia not getting to know their daughter. Sadness that it's over. This massive story was everything i hoped for and more.

Thank you.
Well, fuck... It's over. There is no more and i will return to feeling empty. But seriously. I don't know how, but this was way too good. I'm not entirely sure, but i honestly don't think i have read a story that affected me as much as this did. I sat smiling and laughing like a lunatic, so much that i could not read this among other people. And that god damn ending. I'm not saying it had me in tears, but my eyes did water up. But it wasn't all sadness. I felt genuinely joy when i read the ending. But also a lot of sadness. Sadness for Taylor and Amelia not getting to know their daughter. Sadness that it's over. This massive story was everything i hoped for and more.

Thank you.

Pricestory.WordPress.com, it's not worm, but it is tana.
Been re-reading this. I'm starting to realize how pivotal this story has been to the fandom.
The retrospective ANs have been interesting as well.
"I hope not! The only thing dumber than that would be if some retard tried to revive the dead entity!"
Did you plan on that irony when you wrote that back in ch 200?
And thank you for the glowing review. Can you believe there are still people who refuse to read this because they think it's just lesbian sex and power wanking?

Been re-reading this. I'm starting to realize how pivotal this story has been to the fandom.
I strive to do my best. PS- read my original work. :p

It's a lot stronger written than this story... especially the early chapters of this story... I focus on a handful of characters at a time, instead of the 30-40 person cast this monster had.

The retrospective ANs have been interesting as well.
Yeah, some of the stuff I forgot I even wrote floored me, not gonna lie.

Did you plan on that irony when you wrote that back in ch 200?
Well, I knew from approximately chapter 30 or so how the story was going to have to end. There was only one possible outcome that fit the tone I was building and the setting Wildbow created. And so it came to be.

But that was more a jab at Teacher being a fucktard than foreshadowing, per se... so I'm not sure the answer to that question, myself.
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And thank you for the glowing review. Can you believe there are still people who refuse to read this because they think it's just lesbian sex and power wanking?
Holy crap!? Seriously? How the hell can people not read this?! It'll be like... Refusing to read The Kingkiller Chronicle or something! This story here is a fucking masterpiece. My eyes are getting teary just writing this, because i'm so god damn sad that it's over. Almost 2 weeks after and i'm still not recovered from reading this. Honestly, if this was in physical form, after it's been run through for spelling errors, i would buy it and place it right next to His Dark Materials, which i read once or twice a year and then spend several days to weeks being all sad and depressed because it's over. I am most definitely going to read this again at some point in the future.

And those people who thinks this is all about lesbian sex... How?... It'll at most be implied, because this is on a SFW board(it is, isn't it?) with two scenes posted in a NSFW "Ideas and Rec" thread, because if sex. And even if there were sex now and again, then it wouldn't be any reason to not read it. It's not porn. It'll be like the sex scenes in movies. People don't get angry about those, so why should they be angry about this?

God damnit, TanaNari, you magnificent bastard.

Edit: Oh, crap... I just realized that i have way too many stories i need to read. And those are all, almost, Sufficient Velocity. I haven't even started looking through QQ or SB yet. I'm gonna be reading 'till the end of days. And that's also your fault TanaNari. Amelia was the whole reason i came to QQ.
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Holy crap!? Seriously? How the hell can people not read this?! It'll be like... Refusing to read The Kingkiller Chronicle or something! This story here is a fucking masterpiece. My eyes are getting teary just writing this, because i'm so god damn sad that it's over. Almost 2 weeks after and i'm still not recovered from reading this. Honestly, if this was in physical form, after it's been run through for spelling errors, i would buy it and place it right next to His Dark Materials, which i read once or twice a year and then spend several days to weeks being all sad and depressed because it's over. I am most definitely going to read this again at some point in the future.

And those people who thinks this is all about lesbian sex... How?... It'll at most be implied, because this is on a SFW board(it is, isn't it?) with two scenes posted in a NSFW "Ideas and Rec" thread, because if sex. And even if there were sex now and again, then it wouldn't be any reason to not read it. It's not porn. It'll be like the sex scenes in movies. People don't get angry about those, so why should they be angry about this?

God damnit, TanaNari, you magnificent bastard.

Edit: Oh, crap... I just realized that i have way too many stories i need to read. And those are all, almost, Sufficient Velocity. I haven't even started looking through QQ or SB yet. I'm gonna be reading 'till the end of days. And that's also your fault TanaNari. Amelia was the whole reason i came to QQ.
2 scenes on the NSFW thread? I only recall one. Can you provide links to both of them?
2 scenes on the NSFW thread? I only recall one. Can you provide links to both of them?

337.5 (Linked on 337). 404 (linked thereabouts). And to date two epilogue smut chapters focused on Riley, Theo and Missy's engagement and "celebration". Hehe.

Easiest way to find those is here. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3998737/chapters/10548360

And for my OTHER erotica... of which there's only one thus far...

2 scenes on the NSFW thread? I only recall one. Can you provide links to both of them?
What he said.

337.5 (Linked on 337). 404 (linked thereabouts). And to date two epilogue smut chapters focused on Riley, Theo and Missy's engagement and "celebration". Hehe.

Easiest way to find those is here. http://archiveofourown.org/works/3998737/chapters/10548360

Thanks for doing that. I really didn't feel up to digging through the story for those two scenes. I mean, i knew where the Amelia/Taylor one was, but not Victoria/Chevalier.
Nah, more like Citizen Kane, a product of its time. It's not the Memorials series.
I am probably gonna push some buttons here, but i never cared for Citizen Kane. Couldn't really get through it. And i've never heard of The Memorials Series. Which is annoying, since i assume it's some kind of book. And if that is the case, then i will have to take a look soon
What I'm becoming confused by is where my new readers keep coming from. I presume my story's come up in conversation somewhere, but I'm not sure where that somewhere is.
What I'm becoming confused by is where my new readers keep coming from. I presume my story's come up in conversation somewhere, but I'm not sure where that somewhere is.
I got it in my Sigature on SV, linking to QQ, and i keep recommending it to whoever listens. Or just casually bringing it up in conversations.
And i've never heard of The Memorials Series. Which is annoying, since i assume it's some kind of book. And if that is the case, then i will have to take a look soon

It's another Worm fic, one of the major ones & generally well-regarded, with two finished parts, and a third ongoing.

Complete versions of the first 2 installments are up at AO3 (Cenotaph and Wake, in that order; SB threads here & here.)

Legacy (SB thread), the third installment, is currently ongoing, with the last update 2 weeks ago.

What I'm becoming confused by is where my new readers keep coming from. I presume my story's come up in conversation somewhere, but I'm not sure where that somewhere is.

It's also been brought up a few times in the SB idea thread over the last couple weeks, & IIRC, it's also gotten a few mentions in commentary across various story threads.
Nah, more like Citizen Kane, a product of its time. It's not the Memorials series.

Hey. I can think of worse compliments than being compared to Orson Wells. Tvtropes has a review comparing me to Ang Lee and Kubrick in basically the same breath. Granted... it's in an almost back-handed compliment sort of way, with some 'it's a work of art... the story's so smart that if you're dumb you miss the best parts' undertones in the review.

Yeah, okay... if I'm being honest with myself, it's probably true. I DO get pretty damn cerebral in my storytelling. *Le Sigh*.

It's another Worm fic, one of the major ones & generally well-regarded, with two finished parts, and a third ongoing.
I kinda lost interest, myself. The first was interesting and emotional. The second was intense. The third one... well, can't say I'm a fan. He wrote himself into the same corner Wildbow did with Taylor's character... but Wildbow had the sense to timeskip and kill her off, while this is just trudging through the quagmire.

Like scuba diving in a tar pit.
It's another Worm fic, one of the major ones & generally well-regarded, with two finished parts, and a third ongoing.

Complete versions of the first 2 installments are up at AO3 (Cenotaph and Wake, in that order; SB threads here & here.)

Legacy (SB thread), the third installment, is currently ongoing, with the last update 2 weeks ago.
Ooh. No, I've heard of those. I have them on my list, though they were some of the first i put on there, so they're pretty high on my list, which i haven't decided i i want to read in descending or ascending order

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