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The New World, and the Land of Illusion. (Touhou Overlord crossover)

So we only know touhou characters level but what their build? As for setting that have status and gamelike that what I interested in
So is these the only characters that's isekai to overlord or more are coming? Cause I'm interested in a few Ex : clownpiece ,enternity larva, akyuu ( would be interesting in her immortality reincarnation ability and all the knowledge that's she have become skills and level), kaguya, kokoro etc
So is these the only characters that's isekai to overlord or more are coming? Cause I'm interested in a few Ex : clownpiece ,enternity larva, akyuu ( would be interesting in her immortality reincarnation ability and all the knowledge that's she have become skills and level), kaguya, kokoro etc
No the list are for those who are confirmed for the reader to have shown up. I hinted at who you could cross out with Yukari reading a list from Ran though as pointed out she didn't quite finish after reading Okina's name being on there.

There also the fact that Ran mostly went around Gensokyo only and visiters like Sumireko (Outside World) and Koishi (Former Hell) got sweep up in the madness while they visited or were attempting to enter Gensokyo.
Chapter 6
Walking out of a portal Ainz re-equipped his armor and swords of his adventurer persona. It took two days after his duel with the Lady of the Lake for everything to settle down back at Nazarick. In that time Aura had finished looking through anything of note within the Forest of Tob. Besides a Naga and a Troll, who were both supposedly on par with his pet hamster there really wasn't anything else of any note. The Great Forest was practically under Nazarick's control now with the exception of the area around the lake which fell under the dominion of Cirno.

Which reminded him as to way he currently was looking forward to returning to his adventurer persona. Demiurge had explained to the other Floor Guardians that he had suspected that Ainz had wanted to take over the world. 'How did he even think I want to do that anyway?'

Taking over the world for only a split second sounded fun to some part of him. However, that was quickly pushed aside by the very fact he had just fought someone who was unstoppable, that Shalltear had died to a young-looking devil who was aware she was being watched, and the fact that there others in the world who might be more than able to stop Nazarick. Yet, Demiurge had unknowingly sold the Floor Guardians on that being his own plan. Because of that, he had to pretend he wanted to go along with this even though he was hesitant.

"Narberal isn't here…" Not surprising as he did tell her she was going to have to wander around the city or something to give the illusion that Darkness wasn't cooped up in their room. It didn't matter if he wasn't seen out in the city as long as "Nabe" was people would just assume he was as well. 'I think I should check in at the Adventurers Guild maybe to see if any other rumors exist.'

He did feel like he should explain what was going on with the Great Lake but after a second brushed it aside. Cirno didn't strike him as someone who would just kill anyone who entered her territory, not unless they forced her to. Besides anyone who did try to fight her stood no real chance with her broken passive anyway. If they even could hurt her.

Walking out across the city Ainz stopped as he crossed the local temple or church that he didn't pay much attention to. At least not before he started to wonder about how gods work in this world. 'I should come by here later.'

Entering into the adventure guild building he took time to look at the various jobs listing. His grasp of the native written language was still limited though he did notice that one of the listings was written in two different languages. 'I should ask about this.'

Taking the paper he was about to but as he passed by a seat he overheard the adventurers. "Hey, did you hear about the sightings of undead?"

"What from the graveyard or the plains?"

"No, what's more, the undead seem to be controlled given that they are seen with things in their hands."

"You think it's a necromancer?"

"Maybe it's the Corpus?

"Corpus?" Ainz decided to cut in as he had a feeling that this might be something he should know. Especially given the last bit of rumors led to him meeting the Lady of the Lake. "If you don't mind me asking what are you talking about?"

"It's an old group of undead, the Corpus of the Abyss, much of what is known about them comes from two hundred years ago like them possibly being part of the destruction of Inveria," Sure, it did run counter to the story of the vampire Landfall being responsible but the rumor of the Corpus being responsible was older and did have some backing. "They did attempt to invade the Slane Theocracy and fight the Thirteen Heroes but beyond that, it's mostly hearsay."

'Not a lot to go off on in terms of what this group is capable of,' Ainz had no frame of reference for both beyond the fact the Slane Theocracy is still standing and the Thirteen Heroes disbanded instead of being killed. Neither of which he understood their full capabilities. 'Should I risk it by looking into these rumors?'

"All the sightings seem to end up here," Ainz stood within a small hilly grove of trees. It was about a day or two travel from the fortress city but with a Gate, it wasn't much of an issue. No, the only problem was trying to find where the Corpus was located.

"Lord Ainz," Ainz turned over as Narberal who pointed to the ground just to the side of them. "These look like skeleton tracks."

Ainz didn't even notice at first, indeed given they are a bit off the commonly traveled paths it was hard to tell, but recent heavy rains had left the ground muddy enough that tracks were still visible even if already fading away. By the looks of things, they were heading deeper into the trees around where a large hill should be. As they followed the tracks the clutter of the leaves started to make it somewhat harder to track but eventually, there was something that seemed to be worn about the ground. This path was commonly used.

Finally, they came across what was a cave within the hill that while it seemed natural at a passing glance. As they got closer the stones on the floor seemed unnatural to say the least. Sure, it did at first seem to be erosion but they were almost completely flat, and deeper within the cave looked like stairs more than simple rock.

'This must be the hideout,' Ainz thought about the entrance to Nazarick. Maybe they should put a bit more work into hiding it than they did originally.

"Narberal, I am going in, you stay out here in case I need backup," Ainz pulled out a pair of scrolls that contained a Gate spell. "I will message you and you will head back to Nazarick and pick up whoever is there."

"You're going in on your own?"

He had several summoning items on him, something he had decided to take a look into from the vaults and other storages alongside a few of his former guild mates' weapons at the ready. Technically, speaking he wasn't going in alone as much as he was going in to scout the strength and respond accordingly. Narberal, standing watch and being able to leave to get the Floor Guardians was more if he did end up accidentally facing something he shouldn't.

"Between the two of us, I am the highest level," Sure, levels didn't mean everything but the gap between them both was such that it mattered no matter what. "Besides, you have probably heard about my fight with the Lady of the Lake I take it?"

She did but only today. Narberal didn't know what to think about hearing that he had been defeated. "I have," Corno as she was called was supposedly strong enough to hurt him but the real issue was that nothing could seemingly kill her for good. "You think someone similar to her is in there?"

"No, though I wouldn't put it past that who or whatever is in there isn't high level as is," Nothing about how the general population saw in terms of power gave him a reliable scale anyway. In fact, no one understood what a level seemingly was, or even a build for that matter.

Walking down the caves Ainz didn't get far until he found what appeared to be a stone wall that was at a glance in the darkness around him seemed like it was nature. Looking around he cast Detect Illusion. As he did to the right a semi-transparent mirage gave way as a well-kept wooden door appeared. Opening it up he was greeted with a leaver. Pulling on it caused the ground in the middle of the room to move out of the way and reveal a flight of stairs leading deeper inside. Ainz was quick to compare this to some early-game dungeons.

'Well, then let's see what I will find.'

A modest-sized dungeon with a handful of easily noticed traps was what greeted him. A few zombies here and there but nothing he couldn't take out. It seemed almost a chore but as he walked into the various rooms he noticed objects. Items he recognized from YGGDRASIL, were mostly low-tier trash, but a few pieces of gear that were rather mid-tier. Something that could be made with the right knowledge.

However, what really caught his eye was pieces of what looked to be ruined walls. Inside a rather large room a piece of weathered, broken, and somewhat put back together stone. On it was what seemed to be writing that made no sense even more than the native language but what did catch his eye was a picture. A long serpent-like beast with a pair of clawed arms and a dragon's head. Around it were several images of what seemed to be traditional-looking dragons.

'Lindworm,' Though if the image was to be believed this creature was massive compared to the Lindworms in YGGDRASIL. The next image broken and caved at places showed what could have been a circle of something and a crude image of a person with what might be a bow. 'Not much to go on there.'

The very last image in this piece was the most broken. Just a large head with two claws, the crude image of the supposed archer, and finally what was likely another dragon next to the archer. Both of which were attacking the lindworm in some sort of battle.

'How old is this?'

Come to think of it, he didn't seem much in the way of old ruins dotting the nearby landscapes. Admittedly, if this world was anything like his own when it came to society and history then it was obvious that whatever works of some older civilization were probably not appropriated. So many ruins became such even if the area had been continuously inhabited because the new rulers had no care for them. There was also the possibility population had developed a radical cultural shift and no longer cared for the works of their ancestors. After all, one of his former Guildmates had talked about how the Rosetta Stone was found within the walls of a fortress being used as a brick of all things despite it being able to translate Ancient Egyptian when no one could.

That did beg the question of how far back recorded history even went for everyone here. Did any of the kingdoms or raves have objects sitting in some trophy case, or inside a random building that told of a people long gone? 'You would have probably on on a tangent about the importance of museums and learning from the past.'

Turning around, Ainz walked down the next flight of stairs to come across a large room with several doors closed and a single figure in the room. Clocked in decorated high-quality-looking ropes was an Elder Lich who looked back at the armored figure in front of him.

"I had a feeling that there was an intruder, imagine my surprise it's an Adamantine Adventurer," He looked Ainz up and down. "Honestly, you don't look like a woman so I take it you're a recent addition?"

"You can say that," Ainz pulled both of his swords up as he pointed at the Elder Lich who didn't seem frightened at all. "Are you a member of the Corpus of the Abyss?"

"Oh, I see a new big-shot adventurer managed to track me down to prove his worth," The Elder Lich seemed almost bored at this. "Please I fought and killed some of the Slann Theocracy's best," He pointed to Ainz with a bony hand. "Do you really think you scare me?"

Hearing this Ainz decided to use Discern Enemy to get a reading on how strong this Elder Lich was. 'He's level fifty-seven…'

Comparing him to some of the other New World inhabitants he came up wanting. Admittedly, he was comparing the lich in front of him to Cirno, the devil that beat Shalltear, and Sabrina who all outclassed him in the level department. Compared to his first enemies in the New World before the devil girl he was a step or two above them. In fact, he was about in the ballpark of the Pleiades.

The Elder Lich raised his hands as the large doors gave way as dozens of skeleton warriors, armed zombies, and lesser revenants. All low-tier trash that Ainz wasn't worried about. "Unfortunately, adventurer, I can't let you leave here alive."

He brought his hands down as the undead rushed Ainz. Swinging his large swords, Ainz was able to take out several with each swing but predictably they were just distractions. Within the Elder Lich's hands gathered negative energy. A cone of negative energy pulsed out into the undead horde and hit Ainz who did show any signs of being affected by the spell. The surprise was evident at first by the Elder Lich but he knew that there were ways to negate the effects of Negative Energy within the world even if rare to come by for the living. Instead, he decided to focus on a high-level spell that he was unlikely to survive.

Lightning arced between his hands before he let out the seventh-tier spell. "Chain Dragon Lightning!"

The lightning strike raced forward, tearing through the undead as almost an afterthought as it arced into its target. As the electricity arced through the armor Ainz stood there unmoving. This spell had a greater effectiveness against those wearing armor, a bonus to its effect, but his spell resistances, magical defense, and the gap between them levels were vast. In short, the spell did effectively nothing at all to him.

"T-this can't be!" Even adamantine adventurers couldn't just seemingly shrug off a seventh-tier spell! "What are you!?"

Ainz had his two swords disappear into his inventory as he removed his helmet revealing his true face. The bony skull of the Overlord stared back at him. "For one I am not alive as you can see."

With no point in hiding his identity, Ainz switched his equipment back to his usual garb which caused the Elder Lich to freeze up for a second. A memory long passed, almost faded to nothing but still there to be recalled. Of an individual that looked almost exactly like him who was there and had killed his previous coven hundreds of years ago.

'He's dead,' The Slane Theocracy had hidden it but the lich knew the truth. That one of their gods had unambiguously died at the hands of someone else. 'There is no way he can be him!'

The Elder Lich looked on in fear as he tried to think of something to stop Ainz. There was only one possibility that he could do. 'Please Elder Coffin I am in need of aid!'

Ainz brought up his hands and let out a blast of flames. As the Elder Lich expected to meet his end a wave of energy came over him as his personality faded into the background of his mind. 'Assuming Direct Control!'

The fire hit a freshly summoned wall of bones that was more than able to block it. As the bones faded away it revealed that the Elder Lich wasn't exactly an Elder Lich anymore. At first, Ainz did mistaken him for an Overlord like himself. 'No, he's an Archlich."

In YGGDRASIL it was something of a divergence class from Overlord in the Lich family. It wasn't picked because the requirement for it was something that one didn't do unless your whole Guild was made up of lichs, a gimmick build basically that had no purpose. Because of it, the only times it was seen was with certain end-raid bosses that happened to be Dracolichs.

"I am amazed that he called, usually Rinik wouldn't dare call me for aid," The Archlich spoke, though the voice coming through it wasn't this "Rinik". No, it had to be someone else. "I can see why he did."

Ainz was now on guard. Using this chance he did a quick Discern Enemy. According to his spell, his opponent's level is now sitting at level ninety. If this was indeed as it was in YGGDRASIL then the being currently controlling the Archlich was anywhere from level ninety-five to level one hundred. Both of which meant that whoever it was wasn't someone to underestimate. Which meant that yet again another being of interest had made itself known to him.

'Honestly, at this point, there is like one hidden in every cave just off the road,' That was probably not the case but at this point, the string of them showing up lately was starting to be a bit concerning. Right now he had to try and be a bit diplomatic even though they were probably far past it. "I believe there is a bit of a misunderstanding going on…"

"A misunderstanding?" Elder Coffin laughed through Rinik's body. The moment he took over the Elder Lich all the Elder Lich knew was given to him. "You came here as Adventurers, Adamantine I might add but you're not that," The Archlich pointed at Ainz. "In fact, I believe I saw someone who looked a lot like you who came here almost six hundred years ago from another world."

That caught Ainz's attention. Did that mean he wasn't the first, well it was only logical given that things from YGGDRASIL existed here but the way he was talking about him. "How do you know?"

"Because you are far too strong," The Archlich raised a bony finger as the one controlling him started to list the ways. "You effectively showed up seemingly out of nowhere so you can't have gotten to the level in this world," Another was raised signifying the second reason. "Finally, the only ones who tend to reach your Tier Magic level are those who are tied to the players in some form or fashion."

Ainz didn't immediately respond as he processed everything that was said. The way he talked about it did make sense as there was like no way to properly explain where someone like him came from. "Are you someone from YGGDRASIL?"

For a moment the one puppeting the Archlich finally felt like a missing piece in a puzzle was put in place. A light chuckle came over him. "No, but I did how to say eat one of the Players like you and gained part of their knowledge and abilities."

Another powerful native it seems who probably had experience dealing with people like him. One that was likely hostile and could now use Tier Magic. 'Just my luck.'

"Well, pleasantries aside," The controlled Archlich raised his arms up as Ainz realized what was going on without him even needing to say it. "You attacked my servant so it's only fair I attack you won't you say?"

On one hand, this was enough of a threat that he would take it seriously. However, the Archlich was who was being controlled and it was unlikely the controller could have optimized the builds without a menu, forums, and other third-party tools. Ainz had the edge and this time it was unlikely that the native had any broken resurrection passive!

The Archlich glowed as unknown symbols and runes formed around him. "Form Break!"

After his small blackout, a few things had changed for Sebas. For one he found himself being more on watch whenever he heard about a thief, or people talking like someone had been nearby. Sebas knew that he should contact Nazarick about the developers but he didn't have anything beyond a blackout. No one could explain what had happened either. He had let a Shadow Demon scout out in case they could find anything.

The demon didn't come back at all. Either something had killed or captured it. Asking for more to scout out the city was a possibility but that many moving around could draw attention to them. "I'm telling you there is something off about that storehouse!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I was within there and when I came back out I completely forgot what was going on and I'm not the only one who dealt with that."


"Yes, almost everyone who goes there can't remember, except one guy who went in at sunset and said it looked like someone was living inside the storehouse!"

"Excuse me gentlemen," Sebas cut into the conversation, causing both men to turn to him. "Are you saying that someone or something is living inside the storehouse and no one can remember who?"

"Yeah, some of us have been thinking about sending a request to the city guards or the adventurer guild about it," One of the two men pointed to the old, somewhat run-down but still viable, storehouse down the street. "If you want to look for yourself it's that building over there."

"I believe I will," There was something up about the building and something told Sebas it fit with the blank in his mind. A missing part of his memories he couldn't access. 'Perhaps it is the lair of who or what seems to be causing this to the rest of the city.'

As Sebas walked into the room he noticed that while a bunch of crates and wooden barrels filled the place there were signs of someone repurposing things. A crate way out of the way from the rest with smaller ones around it like a table and chair set. Cups and utensils resting on top of the makeshift table. A punch of barrels were tied together over a bunch of straw, cloth, and pillows into a makeshift bed. A pile of junk piled up in one corner with clothes, toys, books, and tools making it up. Random objects seemed tossed around the room from balls to pieces of wood.

On the side of a rather large box, drawn in crayons, were four crude images. First, was what looked like a two-tailed black cat pushing a wheelbarrow around. The second was a bird with a red orb in its chest standing on top of a large yellow orb circle with yellow lines coming off of it. Finally, the last two were a pair of apes or maybe monkeys. Both had an eyeball in their hands with the difference being their colors. One was pink while the other was light green.

Someone had indeed turned this into a makeshift home of sorts. "Oh, hey you're back," Floating down from a higher room from the ledge Koishi came to see her newest guest. "No, you're that off-color guy."

It was like a switch had gone off. Something that had been remembered but wasn't returned. Sebas had met her before and she had done something to him. The moment his gaze had left her did he forgot all about her. "Koishi," That was the name of the girl in front of him. "You, how did you make me forget about you?!"

"If you remember me then you didn't forget," There wasn't anything of greater substance in Koishi's words but to be honest there wasn't much in the subconscious to reflect off of him. Besides the moment he saw her Koishi could feel the fight or flight instinct flare up.

Unadulterated, rather simple, and violent was the only way to describe it if she could. Most other people she met had something more developed, tempered by their consciousness. His was closer to a wild animal whose actions were driven more by lower brain functions, overlapped by a consciousness that didn't control it.

"Oh, you want to fight?" To anyone asking that it would seem weird but to Koishi who was reflecting herself off of his subconscious it seemed completely reasonable. Koishi's expression briefly changed to that of a careful expression as she pulled out a knife seemingly out of nowhere. "Let's play then."

Even with the debuff put on him that removed his immunities Ainz's assessment of his abilities proved mostly correct. He did indeed have the advantage as the Archlich was just auto-leveled and as such given a more standard build. No proper specialization which while it did offer variety it did not make it good at anything of note.

The only reason Ainz hadn't already won the fight was that the thing controlling the Archlich had something that Ainz hadn't encountered up to this point. Custom-made Tier Magic spells. First, he denied him use of summons with a spell called Slave Invalidation. Such a thing was next to unthinkable in YGGDRASIL without a World Item or the Wish On a Star spell. Next, he possessed a way to harm the undead with Negative Energy. Necro Bane Reversal which seemed to be an area of effect spell which swapped what energies healed undead, or made it so Negative Energy hurt them. Finally, there was the last one which Ainz almost wanted to call bullshit if there wasn't a boss skill based on what it was back in YGGDRASIL. Phantom Equipment, a spell that literally undoes all the effects of the items he had equipped, and made it so he couldn't use the abilities of the ones he had on himself.

All of which meant he was without a good chunk of his usual boosts and abilities. Which, didn't matter as much as he still had the advantage against his opponent. "Maximize Magic, Dimension Slash!"

With a wave of his hand, a rift in space formed and cleaved into the Archlich in front of him. Its body seemed to fall in two before a new spell was uttered. "Stitched Together."

The body parts seemed to be forcefully reattached to itself. It wasn't true healing, though for the undead it could in a way be said to artificially create temporary HP for true healing. 'This is getting me nowhere.'

Elder Coffin knew that his opponent was going to win. It was obvious from the start that Rinik wasn't able to cut it. Indeed, it was probably because his "build" as the player once called it, was what was deemed a "standard set" because of his actions. No, specialization or unique tricks that came about. All players and their descendants apparently started to try for such a thing the former more so than the latter as to optimize what they could do.

Recalling Rinik to him was needed though that had one issue. What Rinik was working on, and the things had gained would fall into the hands of this player if he did so. 'I will have to destroy everything.'

There was the possibility that the player had servants with him. Dropping the whole dungeon on top of their heads might not prevent them from recovering any of it but it was best to ensure they didn't get everything. A lesser of two evils it seemed. Stopping for a moment on the other side the Dracolich readied a spell to destroy everything. "Over Magic and Delay Magic, Spell Remote Detonation."

With these two spells he had cast he should be able to set off the spell regardless of if he is actually in the area. Pulling on Rinik's MP he cast the last needed spell. "Greater Teleportation!"

Nothing happened as Rinik remained where he was. Dracolich cursed as he realized what was going on. A Dimension Lock was in place. For a second he started to weigh the usefulness of Rinik to see if he warrants being saved from this. In a short weighting of the cost and benefits he just barely made the cut.

"Dimension Break!"

For a second the illusion of reality cracking like glass covered the area. This spell was the first one ever designed for the express purpose of getting around spells that prevent teleportation and the like. "Greater Teleportation!"

In a flash, Rinik disappeared from the area leaving Ainz to himself as the victor. As he did leave all the debuff he had placed on him disappeared as well. "He managed to flee."

For a second he had thought about capturing the Archlich but given it was obviously being empowered by the one controlling it the moment he did Rinik would just revert back to an Elder Lich. That was assuming his real opponent could just terminate him remotely.

"How could he…" Ainz was quick to remember that he was underground. "Greater Teleportation!"

Just as he cast the spell did the Tenth-Tier Spell activated. The whole dungeon was ripped up as the floors above it came crashing down due to the use of Earthquake. Outside of the cave entrance that led to it the ground gave way, collapsing into and being ripped open by what looked like a sinkhole, all the while an earthquake shook the area powered in part by the collapsing earth. Near the very end of this Ainz reappeared in front of the entrance.

Narberal was quick to his side but Ainz chose to ignore her for right now. Turning around to the collapsed cave Ainz thought about his confrontation with the controlled Archlich who had just tried to bury him alive. A thought now entered his mind as he had some time to think about it.

Was that their leader he had just fought through the Archlich or had he just fought a high-ranking member in their organization?
Rinik could feel his consciousness return to him as his body returned to the state it was before it had been taken over. The Elder Lich's mind started to try to process what had happened, what its body had seen, heard and had said. Finally, the thoughts of his master during that time echoed for just a moment before fading away into just a vague understanding of what he was doing.

"Well, Rinik you should be thankful you're still here," The Elder Lich looked up as he realized just where he was. Within the center chamber of his master's lair.

A great albino dragon looked at him, its long neck and tail seemingly out of place with its bulgy midsection. The dragon looked down at him. Just because he was weighed to be worth it didn't mean he wasn't annoyed by what it had to do and it showed given the look it gave him.

"I apologize, Elder Coffin," Rinik dropped to the ground and gave the great beast a blow. "I had underestimated the adventurers and fell for their trap."

"Come now you and I both know that wasn't some mere adventurer," Cure Elim should have guessed that the players would come anyway. Just because someone else, someone new and whose power held the key to his desire, did not mean that no players had come. 'I wonder if I should try and tell the Emperor's son about the player.'

If there was something the Elder Coffin Dragon Lord and the Platinum Dragon Lord could agree on it was the threat of the Players. Beyond that, there was nothing they shared and even trying to meet directly was grounds for them both to fight. 'No, I shouldn't have to inform him about it.'

Besides, the player wasn't his priority right now. If the both of them did end up crossing paths, or if say their servants did, then he would just have to crush them. After all, there hadn't been a player who hadn't let his own hubris or the hubris of their servants end in their death.

Floating around the city Koishi did run into a bit of trouble here and there. Most of the time that was solvable by just getting out of the area as they forgot all about her. Their minds forget all about her as the memory gets buried into the subconscious. Then there was that group who tried to capture her. Youkai hunters maybe or something but they sucked at it. The instinct to fight or flee didn't register as much more annoying than some random stray pet that Koishi normally would play with.

This guy who was similar to the fox and cat Yakumos was not like them. Her fight-or-flee instinct was actively registering him as a threat. All around her balls of hearts and lights pulsed outwards seeming to glitch, for the lock of a better word, as Koishi was starting to try and force out danmaku. With the spell cards not working her powers instead seemingly reacted with the psychic energy from the collective subconscious in the area around her. In essence, she was firing psionic attacks and as she did so she was starting to give form to people's fears.

Shadowy constructs of psionic energy that moved to join in the assault. Sebas found them more bothersome than actually a threat. The only issue was as he punched them apart they tended to just get reabsorbed and remade. All around the building was starting to wrap, as if reality was starting to change and bend. In truth, this was all an illusion, the whims of the subconscious of the population of capital bleeding out from Koishi and into the world around her as she fought Sebas.

Weapons fail like rain, hands moved up from the ground, eyes staring from the ceiling, a mouth opening and closing at random everywhere. Sebas tried to knock out the strange girl that was the cause of all of this but when he did his fist seemed to pass right through her! 'An illusion?'

A flesh feeling of pain from his side caught his attention. Looking down he saw blood pouring out of him. Turning around he caught of glimpse of Koishi with a knife in her hands that had fresh drops of blood on it. Sebas turned to the satori and tried to hit her, all the while feeling something was wrong. As he did his fist passed through the illusion and instead, he felt something slash into his outstretched arm.

Pulling it back he noticed the cut that sliced the tendon of his arm clean threw. 'What in the…' All around him was copy after copy of Koishi. 'More illusions?'

They each moved to attack as Sebas moved himself trying to block an attack against what should be the real one. He felt a pull to the right and tried to move out of the way as a slash that was originally aimed at his throat instead cut into his shoulder. The many Koishis floated around as he tried to pay attention to which one had been the one to cut into him. As he did his vision blurred and twisted, sounds of people talking alongside animal sounds echoing softly in his ears like endless static, Sebas could smell scents of everything from freshly made sweets to the most unpleasant things one could think of. Somehow she had compromised his senses making it nearly impossible to actually track her. Nearly, as there was one sense that he had.

Closing his eyes Sebas decided to rely more on his ability to feel chi, something Monks could do to offset the debuffs that inflicted blindness and the like. 'She's in front of me!?'

Sebas had expected her to be behind him or off to the side not right in front of him. Although, given she was able to throw off all his other senses and create illusions of herself he shouldn't be surprised that she chose to instead fight from the front. It wasn't a bad plan, all things considered. Sebas moved as he came to attack her, barely registering in his conscious thoughts.

Koishi was able to pick up his subconscious impulse. She tried to get out of the way as he locked on to her despite his senses being messed up by her. Instead of his fist hitting her square in the chest it instead hit her arm, just missing enough to not completely shatter the bone in it. She hurt, her mind could register the pain as she floated far back as the knife in her hand fell and edged itself into the ground. Looking at him her eyes caught sight of his closed eyes as he continued to face her direction.

Was he like that gate guard from the red mansion, and could locate her without the aid of his five senses? Such a thought seemed strange for someone without a consciousness to have but the idea that she couldn't think or remember anything was a misnomer. A misunderstanding of the role of the conscious and the subconscious. Memory was the domain of both and while it was harder for her to process, Koishi did know things. One of which was that she didn't really stand much of a chance against someone if she couldn't whittle them down or use stealth to kill them outright.

Fighting was not an option if that was the case. All of the subconscious impulses that had leaked out moved towards her and through her. With her closed third eye as the focus out came a mad fusion thing. Hands in the form of wings, eyes inside mouths, all of which were on a body that was one part bug-like and another part something that seemed slimy. Sebas delivered a swift punch to destroy the thing but all it did was cause its form to randomize as it rushed into him knocking him into the wall. Koishi took her opportunity and raced for the door out of the room.

Sebas managing to break through the psionic manifestation went to give chase but the moment the door closed and Koishi was out of sight he suddenly stopped. The thing that Koishi had formed was gone and what greeted him was a destroyed storehouse with a simply looking knife on the floor out of place as it stood dug into the ground.

Walking up to the out-of-place object he picked it up as a memory came to him. Of this knife cutting into him repeatedly. Looking around his body he noticed the cuts in both his skin and his clothes that seemed to match it. 'This… is just a normal knife.'

Sebas found it strange that such a thing could hurt him. Yet, he was looking exactly at the thing that did. The only issue was how it could even do something like that. A blurry image, a recent memory of someone that was buried into the back of his mind. One that he couldn't recall fully as there was a block of some sort. However, a name rang out in his head that was tied to the individual he knew was responsible for all of this.


Took slightly longer then I had liked. Figured I should give Nazarick some win as well they do kind of need it so I figured that I can use this chapter for that.
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Most NPCs that are higher leveled do have some form of mental protections, so this is a pretty believable outcome Imo. And yeah, hardly suprising Koishi lost there. Most of her danger comes from her ability so if you can handle that just fine then you can reasonably handle her just fine.
Elder Coffin is right,that players hubris usually kill them - but here,Overlord is not average player.
And Sebas&Koishi babies when ? it is QQ after all!
Hope Arche would not be dead this time. It's would be funny if flandre be transported into her family home and take a liking to the sisters
Most NPCs that are higher leveled do have some form of mental protections, so this is a pretty believable outcome Imo. And yeah, hardly suprising Koishi lost there. Most of her danger comes from her ability so if you can handle that just fine then you can reasonably handle her just fine.
Sebas was a bad match up from the get go.

Hope Arche would not be dead this time. It's would be funny if flandre be transported into her family home and take a liking to the sisters
We'll see I have something planned for the workers.

Elder Coffin is right,that players hubris usually kill them - but here,Overlord is not average player.
And Sebas&Koishi babies when ? it is QQ after all!
I mean he did get caught into a duel with an immortal. Although you could call that a miscalculation.
Touhou Builds: Youkai 1
Here is a basic class build idea of some of the Touhou Characters of the story so far. It's rather basic as I don't want to focus on stats, which mind you is probably subjective and the Touhou series does a poor job explaining it due to the nature of the settings combat system. A few passive/skills of note are listed as well. Oh, and because this is via the YGGDRASIL perspective Magicians, Hermits, Lunarians (Non God and Rabbit ones at least), and Celestials will be treated as Humans. They will get a separate page.

Remilia Scarlet

Race: True Vampire*

Level: 94

Racial Levels: True Vampire 10, Jotun** 3, Valkyrie 2, Onikin 5

Job Levels: Fighter 10, Sorcerer 10, Mage 5, Runic Mage 10, Battlemage 5, Dark Princess 2, Arcane Knight 5, Knight 10, Grand Knight: Lancer 3, etc 4

Ability: Manipulation of Fate: Ability Classes: Fatewaver 5, Oracle 5

Skills/Passives: Oni Might, Vampire Speed, High Regeneration, Fate Awareness

Kasen's Arm

Race: Oni (True Blood)

Level: 100

Racial Levels: Onikin 10, Oni 10

Job Classes: Fighter 5, Sorcerer 10, Necromancer 10, Barbarian 10, Bandit 10, Hermit 5, Kishin 5, Forbidden Arts Master 5

Ability: Guiding animals. Ability Classes: Beastmaster 10, Dark Tamer*** 10

Skills/Passives: Oni Might, Lie Detection, Alcohol Empowerment, Beast Dominance


Race: Grand Fairy****

Level: 93

Racial Levels: Fairy 10, Greater Fairy 10, Grand Fairy 5, Water Elemental 5, Ice Elemental 10, Air Elemental 5, Nymph 5

Job Classes: Sorcerer 10, Mage 10, Elementalist (Water) 10, Bard 3

Ability: Manipulating cold. Ability Classes: Cryomancer 10 (Note: All Spellcaster classes are locked into Ice Magic)

Skills/Passives: Nature Connection, Fairy Existence, Fairy Resurrection, Ice Immunity, Fire Resistance

Koishi Komeiji

Race: Satori

Level: 85

Racial Levels: Beastmen (Apemen) 5, Satori 10

Job Classes: Psionicist 10, Rogue 5, Stalker 10, Assassin 10, High Assassin 5, Illusionist 10, Shadow Blade 5

Ability: Manipulation of the Subconscious. Ability Classes: Mind Reader 5, Medium 5, Summoner 5

Skills/Passives: Subconscious Reflection, Mental Delusion, Subconscious Manifestation, Five Senses Confusion.

Yuuka Kazami

Race: Greater Nymph (Sunflower)

Level: 100+

Racial Levels: Nymph (Sunflower) 10, Greater Nymph 10, Fairy 5, Elemental (Earth) 10, Botanical Horror 5

Job Classes: Druid 10, High Druid 10, Nature's Herald 5, Fighter 15, Nature's Wrath 5, Gardener 10, Elementalist (Earth) 5, Warlord 5, etc 15

Ability: Flower Manipulation. Ability Classes: Flower Master 10, etc 5

Skills/Passives: Nature Connection, Terrain Terraforming

*Touhou Vampires are treated not as a form of undead but as a kind of Onikin

** Jotun are the western counterpart/equivalent to Oni. Commonly mistaken as a race of giants.

*** Class is Restricted to Kasen's Arm, Kasen herself has High Tamer.

**** Original Race, Greater Fairy. Evolution into Grand Fairy is only possible due to being the daughter of a Grand Fairy.
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Interlude: Supreme and Infinite
So, I know that it's a bit short but I was making another story and I had to split the attention for this story with it. I only realized Halloween came up a bit too close to this and so I figured I would do an interlude instead of a full chapter.

Either way I apologize for the length and hope you at least like it.

"Did I take a wrong turn?"

She was in a forest. That wasn't something that should be wrong here. Instead what was wrong was that she appeared somewhere else. That portal she opened should have existed within the Forest of Magic, not far from the house of whom she was going to meet. Around her was an unfamiliar forest that didn't even have the same trees!

To add on the sun had almost completely set over the horizon instead of it being midday like when she had passed through. 'There was something off about the portal when I stepped through it.'

Originally, she didn't think anything of it. Portals opening to and from Makai tend to have something off about them with no issue. Looking around she tried to get a sense of just where she was. It wasn't Gensokyo's Forest of Magic, and she had opened a portal that should have taken her to the space that Gensokyo occupied within the scope of the realms.

'Is this New Jotunheim?' The space that Gensokyo occupied relative to all the realms was on the same plane as Europe's youkai refuge. A place that she hadn't been to but had heard about from the devils who had come to live in Makai under her. 'I hope I am not within the Outside World.'

It would be an issue if she was. Looking around she decided to head in some random direction. If nothing came of it then she'll head into the air and fly up to get a better idea. The shadows of the trees would make it difficult to see but for her, it wasn't an issue. Walking through the forest she noticed the movements of animals. Some of them stared back at her before racing away. As if knowing just what she was.

Just as she was about to give up on the walking and fly up into the air she noticed a faint glow. Flickering in the shadow of trees. 'A fire?'

Moving closer to the flickering glow she could see that the flames weren't going out of control which meant it was a campfire. As she got closer she could make out two figures sitting together over it. One looked like a knight covered in full dark plate armor and the other a raven-haired woman.

'Maybe they can help me,' Walking out from the shadow of the forest she decided to make herself known. "Excuse me, I hope I'm not bothering you."

Ainz looked at the newcomer. A woman dressed in red robes, with white hair and a side tail that was held in place with a pair of red orbs. She gave off the appearance of someone who was of nobility at a glance though her being out here was suspicious. Namely, because she didn't show any signs of having anything on her to defend herself which given they were off the roads was almost mandatory.

"Sorry, we didn't expect to meet anyone out here," Ainz motioned to a log that was down to the side. "You're welcome to take a seat by the fire, miss…"

"Shinki," The woman introduced as she took a seat on the log that was offered to her. "Shinki Margatroid."

Her name caught Ainz off for a bit. The first name sounded Japanese but her last name sounded somewhat European. Yet another thing that seemed suspicious about her. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you doing out here by yourself?"

"Oh, it was a mishap with a portal," Shinki looked more closely at the two of them as she could tell something was off about them both. Especially with the girl whose appearance seemed fake to her. 'It's not an illusion so she's probably a shapeshifter of some sort.'

Ainz didn't immediately respond as her words rested. Opening up portals didn't seem to be something most people could do in this world. '... It's only been a few hours.'

Was he dealing with another one? Another being of interest that just randomly showed up in a forest after he had gone through the dungeon and fought one controlling a lich? Using Discern Enemy felt almost mandatory at this point. Which was saying something as Ainz had gotten more use out of it than he did in years.

'Let's see she's level… one hundred!?' This was the highest confirmed level for a New Worlder he had seen! Though there was a chance the person controlling Rinik was level one hundred it was also likely they were at minimum level ninety-five. 'Just who on earth am I talking to here?'

A part of him wanted to be defensive. After Cirno and dealing with the custom spells of the lich's puppeteer he was starting to dread the power of the New Worlders. Never mind, his luck seemed to be extremely wrapped given he kept running into them.

"Excuse me for asking but you're companion," Shinki's eyes focused on her and Narberal felt more like she was staring directly into her soul. "She's a shapeshifter of some sort, correct?"

There was a pause as her words left her mouth. None were more surprised than Narberal who had no idea what was going on with the girl. "How do you know?"

"Well, I dealt with Doppelgangers and Tanuki before," Mostly, the former thought she hadn't met any of the latter outside that Tanuki that crossed over between Gensokyo and the Outside World. "Though it was more my divine senses that picked it up."

"Divine senses?"

"Well, I am a goddess, a devil goddess to be precise," Shinki's response was extremely casual. If she wasn't in the Outside World then there wasn't any reason to hide her identity.

On her back, she undid her six wings before the shapeshifter and the armored man. Seeing them Ainz took a moment not to respond but to use another spell to verify her claims. This one was to tell him the race of the person in front of him. As soon as he got the feedback his mind stopped for a second. Her race was indeed a deity. Well, technically it was Archdevil God but that didn't matter to him right now.

'An actual fucking god just wandered into my camp on accident…' The absurdity of the thought was something he wouldn't have months ago.

"Lord Ainz Sabes has reported that there is someone or something in the capital of Re-" Albedo chose then to speak to him through a message but Ainz just cut her off.

"Albedo, whatever it is, can wait," Now this was not helping him right now. "I just found myself in the company of an actual god."

"What!?" Albedo on the other side was caught completely off guard at this. "Lord Ainz do you need backup?!"

"No, but stay ready just in case."

So far many of the beings of interest within the New World had proven to be unknown variables. Just because he knew her level meant nothing. Back in YGGDRASIL fighting Gods in raids was a challenge to parties that didn't come prepared. Some were even strong enough that they were deemed impossible to win against. Never mind, Cirno had claimed she had fought gods before and he knew how broken her passive was.

"M-my lady you honor us with your presence," Ainz played up the part of his adventurer persona unsure of if he was even playing it convincingly. He didn't think he would have to meet a god so suddenly after all. "How can we be of service to you?"

Shinki was a bit surprised by his reaction. Sure, gods like herself could get such a response, though maybe it was because of her state as an Archdevil. If this was New Jotunheim like she thought then it would make sense as they likely had more dealings with her kind than an Eastern Realm like Gensokyo. They probably thought she was related to one of the big devil houses.

'An assumption that wouldn't be wrong,' Thinking about her family did remind of of what she was doing. She needed directions of where she was exactly so she could travel to Gensokyo and meet her daughter. "You wouldn't happen to have a map or could you point me to a city so I can get my bearings?"

'... She's lost?!' A god was here because she was lost. At first, he wanted to ask how that was but quickly another part of him pushed that aside. "Here."

Ainz handed her the map that he had on hand. Taking it Shinki looked at it and was bewildered. New Jotunheim as the name implies was built from the remains of the realm of Jotunheim. None of the names on the map though made any sort of sense. Judging by the map it was likely what she was in was a completely separate continent. A continent that had to be in a completely separate world.

Somehow her portal had tossed her into another universe. Shinki knew that shouldn't have happened. Getting back home could be a problem. She still held a faint connection to her home of Makai, her essence woven practically into the foundations of the realm. Whatever force that brought her here, whoever it was who did it, they will be who she needs to find and force to send her back. Closing the map she held her hand as in a flash of light a copy of the map formed.

"Thank you," Handing back the original Shinki pocketed her copy and let out an overly dramatic sigh. "Oh, Alice I can't believe I messed up this much!" Shinki slumped over in defeat as her wings went limp. "My daughter probably wondering where I am…"

'Her daughter?'

Ainz didn't have any picture of what he would do if for some reason he encountered a New World God. The sight of the one in front of him definitely wasn't what he had expected. Something out of an old mythology was his first thought or perhaps a sentient force of nature. What he was seeing her sounded more like a mother who was confused and making a scene after messing something up for her child.

Shinki let out a sigh as she composed herself. Right now she had to focus on what was happening. She was somehow lost in a completely New World. Options on how to get back were her first priority. The only issue was she had no idea how this place worked.

If there were any gods native to this world she could try to ask them but there was an issue in of itself. Without any knowledge of them, she might end up appearing in front of one who would attack her on sight. Was that a bit extreme to think about? Yes, it was to an extent but Shinki had been rejected once before from her father's pantheon despite technically being of their divine tribe. Who knew how they would handle a goddess who was also a devil?

"Lo-," Narberal caught herself as she almost used his real name. She spoke just loud enough for the both of them. "Momon, what are we going to do about her?"

"Right now we do nothing as I would rather not fight her," He was cautious about doing anything against her and there wasn't any reason either. What did catch him was her words on a daughter, something to file for later if he met anyone with her last name. "Lady Shinki, do you require any help that we could offer?"

"No," Standing up Shinki created a card in her hands and handed it to Ainz. "Here, I owe you for your help," There was something written on it but Ainz couldn't make out the language on it. "If you need me just burn this and I will appear to help you."

As she finished handing it to her Shinki raved her hand to the side as another portal opened up with an image of the nearly large town there. Shinki walked through and left the two of them. Ainz took a moment to look at the small card in his hands as the realization of what just happened hit him.

'A god gave me an 'I owe you'…'
Well,Ainz is smart to not fight her,but could propose food,and exchange informations about new world.
Chapter 7
Alright this took way longer then it should have but then again that's what I get for writing another story and not realizing this year would be one that has my free attention split. Huh, not like I can apologize as I am way passed that point. After all, its been about... 6 months. Yeah, I'll just get on with the story.

"A third-eyed girl that was able to erase memories when someone wasn't looking?" Here he thought meeting with a goddess was the strangest thing he would hear about today. First, some sort of powerful undead puppeteer, next an archdevil goddess, and now he is learning about this. "How much do you remember about your encounters with her?"

Sebas paused as he tried to recall everything. Despite having his memory jolted by the knife, retaining it proved to be a hassle in itself. Whatever passive ability the girl, Koishi, as he reminded himself, possessed was very good at its goal. The specifics of the fight were lost but the general knowledge was retained with Sebas able to fill in the blanks.

"The first time I had completely forgotten and I probably would have the second time if it wasn't for this," Sebas handed Ainz the simple knife. "This was the weapon she had used that had cut into me."

By the looks of things, it was an ordinary kitchen knife. Thinking looks are deceiving, Ainz attempted a spell to learn what it was. 'This is an ordinary kitchen knife!'

This being able to injure Sebas shouldn't be possible at all. Yet, he was certain that this was indeed the weapon used on him. "As for the fight much of it is a blur though what I was able to retain was that she was able to create something similar to illusions and completely throw off the five senses," Sebas grabbed his throat for a moment as one bit that wasn't a blur was her going for his neck. "It was only thanks to my ability to sense chi that I was able to attack her."

'Manipulation of the five senses and being able to create illusions on top of it,' Ainz looked down at the simple kitchen knife as he was starting to get a sort of picture of what she likely was. Naturally, he immediately fell to an Assassin of sorts as it would fit the closest. "Do you have anything else of note?"

"Only her name, Koishi."

Not much to work with but given she could erase anyone's memory of her was understandable. Still, it was enough for Ainz and everyone else in the room to get an idea of her combat potential. "By the sounds of things we should send an undead to find her."

Demiurge's assessment seemed reasonable. At least from the perspective of YGGDRASIL. Unfortunately, this wasn't YGGDRASIL and if Cirno was anything to go on such assumptions did not translate one to one. "No, that would be another problem, and by the sound of things she isn't a threat unless we make her one."

Besides he was certain that an actual threat existed with Corpus of the Abyss. Even if overall the power of most members was just at the rank that Rinik was, they still possessed a leader whose power could be level one hundred. Who could turn them into an Archlich at a moment's notice with completely unknown Tier Spells. Never mind, the fact he did just meet a goddess who confirmed for him that the gods are very real things in this world.

Now that he was thinking about possible fighting between Nazarick and the Corpus he noticed that someone was missing. Someone who hadn't been seen in a while. "Where's Shalltear and Aura?"

When he had resurrected her Shalltear had no memory of what had happened. When she had been told she had failed her mission she seemed heartbroken and wanted to apologize. Perhaps if it had gone on a bit she might have even been a bit depressed by it. However, that all seemed to change when she was told who had taken her out.

"Shalltear went off to a remote location to train herself," Ainz suspected he knew the reason for this being the young devil who had defeated her. "As for Aura, she's hunting something that's caught her attention."

Destruction covered the abandoned plains before her as Shalltear destroyed another of the stray Skeleton Warriors that had seemingly spawned from this place. No effort was needed to do so and that alone frustrated her more than she had expected. All her thoughts had been on her failure to Lord Ainz and her death at the hands of some young devil.

'How could I let that happen?!' Her death wasn't what she found the most egregious of the information. No, it was the fact as far as everyone could see she was the one struggling against the devil when they fought. 'Faster, stronger, and was able to kill me not just once but twice.'

To add insult to injury she had after the act shown that she was aware that they had been watched. To make things worse after her little fight more, and more of these Beings of Interest started showing up. One of which ended up defeating Lord Ainz by the sheer fact she couldn't stay dead! As illogical as it seemed she was starting to blame this on herself.

As the mists around rolled over she saw a shadow walking through that she couldn't quite make out. Regardless she rushed forward figuring it was another undead spawned by the mists. To her surprise, her lance was batted away by an umbrella of all things. A punch then connected with her chest and she was sent flying back almost like a ragdoll by the strength behind it. Shalltear had to take a moment to just reinforce herself from the sudden and powerful hit.

'What the…' Pulling herself back up she was greeted by a green-haired woman who stared at her with red eyes that almost priced through her very soul.

"Huh, most of the dead have been mindless skeletons and reanimated corpses," Yuuka looked at the much more intelligent undead before her. Instead of a mindless attempt to get back up and attack, there was a moment's hesitation which denoted higher reasoning. "Now before we continue, why did you attack me?"

Her look was surprisingly enough able to scare Shalltear. "I thought you were an undead the plains spawned."

Her explanation caused the green-haired woman to let up her stare for a moment as Shalltear took a second to use Life Essence and Mana Essence. She couldn't quite figure out someone's level on her own but this could give her some idea, alongside the brief clash if one could call it that, at what her level was. What she got made her eyes go wide and almost caused her to fall back at the sheer level of both. In simple terms it was overwhelming.

'This much is impossible, it's greater than most of the Supreme Beings…' Shalltear wished she could get a concrete estimate but she was certain that the green-haired woman was level one hundred. She couldn't be certain though as she didn't have any means to accurately measure but regardless she figured that trying to fight wasn't a good idea. "Great and I came out without any means to contact Nazarick.'

It wasn't like she expected anything from this place. Her first visit here just had pathetic undead. No Being of Interest seemed to call this place home. She had overheard something of a Ghost Ship from Demiurge but she hadn't seen any sign of that. No, what she had mostly seen was just lonely skeletons and zombies. Until now though it was obvious that whomever this was didn't fall into the ranks of the undead.

"I do not think this plain could ever spawn a Nymph like me," Yuuka pointed her umbrella at Shalltear. To the vampire, it seemed strange that a parasol was being used to threaten her but the power behind the Nymph was clear. "You, however, I have no idea what kind of undead you are."

"I'm a Vampire."

"A vampire?" Yuuka was genuinely confused by hearing this. There was no way this undead girl was at all a vampire. "You're not a vampire."

"What are you talking about?" Shalltear was insulted by this. Yet, strangely enough, this felt familiar to her somehow. "I am a True Vampire!"

"Vampires aren't undead they're a type of Oni, Jotun, or devil depending on who you ask," Yuuka might be wrong on that as it was clear that wherever she was didn't follow the same rules of her world back home. However, despite some differences, it seemed the undead here did share enough similarities with some of those back home.

For just a moment Shalltear could feel something at the very edge of her consciousness. A memory that wasn't quite there. Even though she couldn't directly pull on it she knew in some capacity that it had happened. Shalltear knew that this had to be from the fight that she couldn't remember. The fight against the young devil that had killed her.

Wandering the countryside for a time had given Remilia a better idea of the world she was in. For one she could confirm that this was a Kingdom that seemed to run on a High Medieval state of feudalism. A struggle between the king and the nobility was known to the villagers who were under the control of one or the other. Amongst the nobility, there was a divide between those who sided with the King and those who sided amongst themselves.

From the pattern, Remilia could pick up lesser independent nobles and those who are said to live within the cities sided with the King. Those who are powerful with land to their names sided against the King's authority. A division that she would have assumed without much bother although the division wasn't as clear cut as to be expected. Medieval power dynamics was something that Remilia had learned but never really got to see much in action beyond the Holy Roman Empire in her life.

Speaking of the nobility Remilia was more than able to pass herself off as one. Which wasn't hard as she was a noble herself. Her full name though didn't seem to fit the noble naming convictions of the Kingdom. Much to her annoyance at times.

"Remilia Kriemhilde la Scarlet?" Her name repeated to her more than it had in centuries. Only Patchouli bothered to ever use her full name and only when they were together. "You're not from this kingdom or the empire that's for certain."

Another nation of this New World that Remilia had heard about. The so-called main enemy of this kingdom that fought an on-and-off war with it. "No, I am from a far-off land known as the Kingdom of France."

"France huh," The village leader tried to recall if he had ever heard of such a place. Most of the village's interactions were with traders and men from the local lord who would keep them up to date about a few topics. "Must be far away from here."

Far away was putting it lightly. Still, despite the obvious implications Remilia wasn't worried about being stuck here forever. After all, she felt it through fate that Gensokyo would find her. The how didn't matter as it could be a team effort or Yukari would probably go to Ginnungagap using the remains of Yggdrasil to breach the gap between universes where it was weakest. What did matter was what to do until that happened.

"Sir," A panicked voice as one of the village farmers came in, cutting into her conversation. "Their back."

The mood shifted as the village leader cursed under his breath. "They said they wouldn't be back for another week," Remembering his guest he turned over to Remilia. "Sorry, I need to deal with this for a moment my lady."

"No need to apologize," Remilia just waved it off as she put up a disinterested face. Acting like the usual noble disinterested in the goings on of some former land.

As soon as he had left though Remilia instead of just waiting got up from her seat. Truth was she wasn't interested in what it likely was but seeing as she had nothing better to do. Drawing into the air with her finger a glowing rune formed before activating. This was something she had come up with after the incident with the escapee from hell as a precaution against intruders. Maybe when she got back she could cast it on Patchouli's library.

"I thought you wouldn't be back for another week," The Village Chief's voice was the first one she heard. It did seem whoever this was wasn't who he wanted to see.

"Relax we're only here to make sure nothing happened to the product," The owner of the unknown voice was very uncaring and even condescending with just his tone. "After all one of the warehouses had gotten hit not far from here and well we have to see if you weren't in on it."

It seems that this wasn't the local lord's men who had come by to seek their tithe. Neither was it a local church or equivalent. "No, we know better than to go against the Eight Fingers."

"Really now?" A new voice spoke up though from the sounds of things it belonged to someone who was with the first unknown voice. "Well, we'll take your word but we're coming by every now and again for insurance you see."

There was a pause as it seemed that the very sketchy figures had left. Finally, all of it was cut off as the villager from before. "We know they are in the forest so why are we just letting them continue to control us?"

"You know we can't afford it nor can we ask for the local lord to help," The village chief's voice had a tinge of despair to it. A sign to Remilia that he was speaking from experience. "Besides, the warehouse was taken out by a traveler last I heard."

Remilia heard enough as she canceled the spell. There was a small pause before she made a choice. A few minutes later the Village Chief reentered the room to find that Remilia was nowhere to be found. Later on, one of the farmers would talk about how he saw what he assumed was a bat flying out from the village chief's house.

Locating the encampment of a bunch of bandits was not that hard. All Remilia had to do was go off the beaten path and let fate do the rest. One would question just wandering without much rhythm or reason but for Remilia such a thing typically didn't matter. Her ability practically altered probability itself at times to make things just happen for her. The only issue was that it occasionally changed things to her detriment.

True enough the camp came up to her at the edge of a small stream amongst a slight clearing with what looked like ruined basic stone walls from a fort of some sort. Flying down why still in her bat form she tried to listen into the conversation that was being had. "I'm telling you working for the Eight Fingers is the best idea the boss ever had."

'Eight Fingers?' Right, the village leaders said something about them to the group of bandits. Now that she thought about it there was a strange plant being grown in fields that Remilia hadn't put much thought into.

"Yeah, sure beats exploiting villages for supplies."

"Don't we still do that anyway?"

"Yeah but having the backing of the largest syndicate in the kingdom?"

By the sounds of things, there was some sort of organized crime group within the kingdom. Using bandits as expendable enforcers which Remilia was certain could be purged at a moment's notice. By the sounds of it, the bandits typically extorted villages for supplies but seeing as they didn't with the one she was at hinted that the village had a connection to the Eight Fingers.

'The plants,' Drugs, those had to be plants used to make drugs of some sort.

Dropping from her spot listening in Remilia wondered what she should do about all of this. Stopping the bandits was something she could do and given how she had nothing better to do as she waited for Yukari to send a retrieval team. Taking on a crime syndicate that likely has embedded itself into the kingdom like a tumor?

'Why not,' If the nobility here wasn't doing their job then she would just take it on herself. Shifting back into her humanoid form safe for her wings Remilia walked forward to the camp. 'Time to put up the little lost girl act.'

One of the benefits, and curses, of being a vampire was to never age and be eternally young. Well, she didn't necessarily have to look young, her shapeshifting abilities could age up her form if she so desired, but it typically felt weird to do so. Plus, she was honestly far more comfortable in this state just like her sister. Hiding her wings was all that was needed.

For the two lookouts at the camp, it had gotten rather boring. Just standing around in case of some adventurer, men from the local lord, or even some monster came by. Which hardly if ever happens given where they set up their base. Sure, being bandits action shouldn't be something they wanted but there was no fun if they didn't get into a little fight now and again.

"Hey mister," One of the guards got cut out just before dozing off to sleep by an innocent-sounding voice that triggered some primitive instinct. Turning to look down he was greeted with what looked like a lost noble girl who gave him a smile that felt off. "Do you mind helping me?"

'Something is not right here,' Shinki hadn't intended to wander into the local temple but it had kind of just happened. Usually, there was something that showed that this was a place of worship on the outside.

The only thing that seemed out of place was how big the building was, giving off the idea that this was the seat of the local town mayor, or whatever it was that was the town's leader. Instead, the moment she set foot into it she felt it. Consecration is one of the methods to enshrine the divine into an area. Yet, what caught her attention was the feeling behind it. Amongst gods, there was a sort of extra sense. One that could feel the presence of another within their place of worship and the state of the divine being in question. Shinki was feeling a hollow sensation.

This wasn't the feeling of a consecrated land to a god that didn't exist. Such places did exist but typically after a certain amount of time and followers a new god would form. In those cases, the feeling was more of a faint echo. No, hollowness only came about if a god had died.

Back home there were generally two different kinds of gods, the Old and New. Old Gods were those who didn't need faith to exist. Either from the fact they predated humanity, to their nature allowing them to persist without any worshipers or another sort of power. A trade-off was that if they died it was ridiculously difficult if not impossible to revive them without the aid of another Old God. It was the New Gods who needed faith or some other energy source to persist in the world. For them, death was less of an issue. So long as they had enough followers and faith they could revive themselves in a sort of self-reincarnation. Shinki would by these metrics count as one of the Old Gods even if she was quite young when compared to most of her kind.

"If this is even similar to how it is back home then why is it that they still have a temple and worship them?" Old Gods didn't need to acknowledge their faithful while in many cases they weren't even worshiped. Acknowledged sure but even someone who worshiped them would stop doing so when they realized they were dead as there is no real point too. "Could it be that their faith is causing blessings to happen that they attribute to them?"

A possibility that could happen if the right circumstances played out. Faith of the masses if they kept being focused on dead gods who couldn't revive with it could eventually form into a Pseudo-Consciousness. A type of will that would react in such a way that could easily be mistaken for a god by those who did not know any better. Such a thing did happen back home though to see it happening here was strange.

'Shouldn't there be other gods that could tell them that theirs is dead?' Part of why that was so hard to do came about because of how offending another deity could inform them. Such a thing did get rarer as more resistive rules and agreements had set in. 'Maybe I should check to see where the deity here is…'

Maybe reviving a dead god would allow her to receive some sort of help returning home. At least it would give them enough of a reason to hear her out. Walking up to the altar she could feel the hollowness starting to uneasy her. Like someone being confronted with the mortality of seeing their dead body. Reaching out her hand Shinki's eyes closed as she focused on following the thread connecting the altar to the god enshrined.

A black sky dotted with the lights of stars unfiltered by clouds or even air greeted her. The empty void of space meant she wasn't on the planet. If she was a human or even some forms of youkai she might be suffocating right now had she brought her body. Fortunately, as a god, she could survive such conditions albeit with discomfort. Looking forward she was greeted with the sight of what looked to be the surface of the moon which, going by the fact that there was no planet hanging in the sky, should mean this was the far side.

'What happened here?!' All around here the ground was torn apart in a way that was impossible for mere space rocks impacting its surface to do. Large gashes in the ground and jagged rocks rose into the nonexistent sky. 'This looks like a battlefield.'

Out of the corner of her eye just below her, she caught something sticking out. Taking a few steps back her eyes widened as she looked at just what it was. Bones, still seemingly fresh despite the body having long decayed. The remains of a god, no the remains of the god that was consecrated within the temple. Shinki looked out again into the battlefield as she started to notice the remains of various gods. An arm bone, a rib, or even bits of a skull. That wasn't all now that she got a good look. Edged into the ground was something else. Dust that seemed to be of a completely different substance than the moon with something that she could feel lingering from it even in her astral form.

It had to be the remains of whatever had done this sort of thing but Shinki wasn't quite so sure. Without being able to interact with it she had no idea. Furthermore, she wasn't the best to try. As good as she was with magic part of that was inborn knowledge from her nature and she didn't have the means to attempt such a thing.

As for her plan to revive the god that was enshrined, there were a few issues. For one she didn't know if her surge of power to do so wouldn't revive whatever that was. It probably would revive the other gods nearby, at least she was certain the other bones belonged to other deities, but they wouldn't exactly all be in the best of shape.

Opening her eyes back in the temple, Shinki just looked at the shrine in front of her. The god this was dedicated to was dead, and a Pseudo-Consciousness was likely in control of it. Worse case scenario Shinki might be the only god currently alive in this world. If that was the case then getting back home was just made so much harder.

There had been something that had caught Aura's attention. At the very end of the Forest of Tobe, a large section of the trees had been knocked over with the ground torn apart. A trail of destroyed trees leads into the mountains before seemingly going cold. That was until she came across remains. Only a few heavily broken bones and a bit of scales. Both of which came from a dragon and the bones showed signs of being chewed by something.

By the looks of things, something had been eating a dragon. It was hard to tell exactly what it was or if it was truly predation but Aura was certain it was something to look into. After a few minutes of sharing with nothing to show for it the Dark Elf jopped off her Kirin, an equestrian like dragon, and looked around trying to find any sort of sign. "Great the trail gone co-"

The ground suddenly erupted around them as one of the cliffs just broke apart. In a panic, the Kirin managed to jump away unknowingly avoiding the piercing jaws that had just broken through the ground and almost carved into its draconian flesh. Even Aura was forced back by the explosion of dust and stone. As soon as it settled down the Dark Elf got a good look at what had just torn apart the cliffside.

"A giant centipede?" Indeed it looked like a giant centipede. A common low-level creature back in YGGDRASIL found in low-level caves and the like.

Only those were typically no bigger than a person owing to their trash mob state. This one though was bigger, and by the looks of things much, much longer. Already it was raised on its legs and was looking down at them from a height that would allow it to look down at even dragons. Turning its attention back at Kirin the large centipede lunged down as it tried again to bite into the horse-like dragon seemingly trying to eat it. Kirin only just barely got out of the way as the giant centipede smashed into the ground ripping apart the rock from the sheer force of its impact.

Kirin was visibly afraid as the centipede's eyes looked at it. Centipedes are supposed to have rather basic eyesight, something that even the giant centipedes shared with players able to sneak up to them without invisibility due to how poor it was. Yet, the instincts in the Kirin's mind screamed that this was not the case with this creature. All but confirmed as instead of moving its antennae to smell where the Kirin had gone the centipede merely moved its head so its eyes could lock back on it.

Aura though looking at this strangely massive centipede was quickly starting to put everything together. The thing that she had been tracking at the forest's edge, which seemed to be predating on dragons of all things, was this giant centipede monster. Using a skill she decided to check what this centipede's level was to get a much better idea. Kirin's reactions seem rather justified. Her skill showed that the centipede was level ninety-eight.

Suddenly the fact that it was hunting and feeding on dragons made more sense. Taking her bow out, Aura had decided that she was going to try and tame this creature for Nazarick if she could. Lightning arrows were let loose and on impact with the centipede's carapace they all but bounded off with only the electric charges. Admittedly, given the stats she saw Aura wasn't surprised that the arrow didn't do much though bouncing off the carapace wasn't what she was expecting.

The centipede had felt the electric shocks and turned over to Aura with its head moving around as it tried to find the source of what had hit it with lightning. What happened next surprised Aura as this was something that giant centipedes shouldn't be able to even do. They weren't anything more but as intelligent as lower animals after all.

"Alright, who did that?!"
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I like it.Everybody is still confused what is going on,but Remilia decide that she is bored,so she would take down local crime syndicate waiting for Yukari.Seems like her.

P.S Who is taking centipede?
I like it.Everybody is still confused what is going on,but Remilia decide that she is bored,so she would take down local crime syndicate waiting for Yukari.Seems like her.

P.S Who is taking centipede?

Momoyo Himemushi, the Extra Boss from Unconnected Marketers. She's supposed to be a Touhou who canonically has to force herself into a humanoid form, which she's supposedly only barely able to maintain, as she's one of the few touhous who don't possess it as either natural or have some form of shapeshifting to take on such a form.
I may not be overly familiar woth touhou but I CAN'T help but appreciate that nazarick is not the top dog anymore.
Momoyo Himemushi is here! Oh... this is gonna be funny!
"Hey mister," One of the guards got cut out just before dozing off to sleep by an innocent-sounding voice that triggered some primitive instinct. Turning to look down he was greeted with what looked like a lost noble girl who gave him a smile that felt off. "Do you mind helping me?"
Aye no way, its from that certain panel :eek:
Momoyo Himemushi, the Extra Boss from Unconnected Marketers. She's supposed to be a Touhou who canonically has to force herself into a humanoid form, which she's supposedly only barely able to maintain, as she's one of the few touhous who don't possess it as either natural or have some form of shapeshifting to take on such a form.
Thanks ! i hope,that they manage to talk,and get some peauciful agreement.

I may not be overly familiar woth touhou but I CAN'T help but appreciate that nazarick is not the top dog anymore.
The same.It was boring,when they just keep winning.

Aye no way, its from that certain panel :eek:
Which panel? but, i almost pity those bandidt now.Well,considering that they are bandits stupid enough to work for dudes who murder them later - maybe not.
Which panel? but, i almost pity those bandidt now.Well,considering that they are bandits stupid enough to work for dudes who murder them later - maybe not.
The "Hey mister" meme.
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