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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Fate/Stay Night Crossover
Alright. So... I have a guilty pleasure. A shameless but guilty pleasure.

React content.

It's the laziest type of content there is. Especially when you steal other people's content to make money off of it (*cough*HassanPiker*cough*).

But I still love it.

Unfortunately, the trend of stuff like "RWBY Reacts to Multiverse" and shit, is waning fast. That's upsetting to me. I liked it. I loved it, actually.

You know I used to write stuff over on FF with the intent of having them appear in React fics? They never did, of course, but I just wrote stuff that I would have liked to see in one of them.

Well... I did it again. Mainly because I thought about trying my hand at my own reaction story. Of course, it sucked ass so I scrapped it. Maybe I'll try again in the future?

For now, I wrote this thing and even though I basically just took something and swapped some characters... I still like how it turned out.

I don't exactly know what constitutes plagiarism on this site. If this is, please tell me and I'll immediately get rid of it.

I just didn't want to just delete this entirely. Even if it's garbage. Even if it sucks. Even if it is the laziest type of content.

I like React stuff, so I wrote (read: stole) something for it.

If it's against the rules, feel free to hit me with the book. I'd deserve it, after all.

The ground shook and the cavern rumbled. Jaune Arc gasped for breath as he marched forward. At the end of the gigantic cavern stood a dark tower. Four spikes crowned the very peak, and floating above them was an orb of darkness.

'My consciousness is breaking apart. A mere hundred meters become an impossible vast expanse.'

His heart beat in his chest, his vision flashing white from the pain.

'It's only a matter of time before the cavern collapses. The ceiling's crumbling in places, and the ground is strewn with rubble.'

Another heartbeat and flash of pain. Pain which Jaune doesn't acknowledge. Another step. He drags his feet forward and takes just one more step.

'My joints are stiff. It hurts to bend my limbs. If I let my guard down, I stop breathing. Finally, with the determination it would take to stick a knife in my throat, I manage to draw a few breaths. I keep doing it in spite of the pain, because people can't live without oxygen. I might be able to move without oxygen, and even if I am to breathe, I would stop moving soon.'

His sweat and blood drips down onto the stone beneath him. The tower looms in the distance. Impossible tall, almost within reach yet so incredibly far away.

'...It's hot. Hundreds of blades are growing out of my body. An inescapable death by skewering. I am the bone of my sword. But I already knew that. ■■■■■ said… The time bomb was activated when I used Projection. So this end was already determined.'

Another beat of his heart. His entire body was covered in sharp metal blades growing out of his body. Only his head had, mostly, avoided the blades.

'...My legs are heavy… I don't know what I'm doing. My heart's about to explode from pain, fatigue, and emptiness. But just a bit more. Everything will end once I beat him. There's no one in my way. There's no one getting in my way anymore.'


"Haa… ah…" Jaune's gasping reaches his ears.

The tower was so close now. Jaune could see it clearly. A great tower, as tall as the CCT tower of Vale. It was made of dark flesh. It pulsed and squirmed. Great eyes, almost like human eyes, watched him. Inside the tower, barely visible because of the light the tower was emitting… was a gigantic body curled up like a fetus.

'The shadow wavers. In front of the crater, the Great Holy Grail. Bathed in the ruddy glow, ■■■■■ is standing.'

"...Tyrian Callows." Jaune wheezed out, glaring at the scorpion faunus in front of him.

The faunus appeared calm. Almost serene. The glint of madness no longer present in his eyes. "Yes. It seems we've both managed to survive. Jaune Arc." His voice carried nearly no emotion. All it had was…

'A voice filled with strong will. As if it's fate, the man blocks my way through this desolate realm.'

"...What are you doing? There's nothing for you to do now." Jaune stands up straight, the blades stabbing into his muscles.

'I don't ask him how he's alive. He's dying. I don't feel magical energy from his body. There's a black stain where his heart should be… Like me, a brief fire that's like a turned hourglass.'

'I don't hear his heartbeat. He doesn't have much longer to live. This is not speculation, but a predication. Tyrian Callows will die in a few minutes, even if he doesn't do anything.'

"Do not ask something so obvious." Tyrian responded, his stump of a tail curling. "There is only one goal for me: To give birth to the curse."

"...What? You can't do that. He won't become yours." Jaune rasped.

The ball of darkness pulsed like a great heart. The fetus that resembled a grown, yet shriveled man squirmed in the Greater Grail.

Tyrian shook his head. "Of course not. I cannot intervene with this, and I have no intention to. But I have told you. I will bless anything that comes to life. This is about to be born. So it is only natural for me to protect it from an outside enemy that tries to kill it."

"...Are you insane? What are you saying with that dying body of yours? And even if it's born like you wish, you'll…"

Tyrian interrupted the boy, his face blank and near emotionless. "The same goes for you. There is no sanity here. Our end will be the same, even if we accomplish our goals. You will destroy it, while I will protect it. But there is nothing to be gained, no matter whose goal is achieved. You came here knowing that… This is a meaningless battle. We are two madmen engaging in useless folly."


'Tyrian will not back down. He won't retreat, and I can't use Projection as long as he's there. I need time to Project. He'll smash my head if I show such an opening.'

Jaune shot the faunus a look of disbelief. "Why? Why are you going so far to protect him? Even if he's born, you gain nothing. So why?"

'Even on the verge of death, why does he approve of mankind's enemy, all evils of this world?'

Tyrian shook his head. "There is no room for questions. This is my only pleasure… Jaune Arc. As you feel supreme bliss in others' happiness. I feel supreme bliss in others' unhappiness."


"First of all, why kill it?" Tyrian continued. "It is arrogance to assume it is evil even before its birth. Is it not love to allow a life that yearns to be born into the world?"

"Don't bullshit me." Jaune shot back. "He's killed many people already. I can't let him out."

"Oh? Then let me ask. What is good and evil? Are you saying murder is an absolute evil?"

"That's…" Jaune choked on his own words. He knows how many he's killed, both innocent and not. If murder is evil, then Jaune is more than guilty.

'Good and evil mean nothing to me now. The justice Jaune Arc believed in disappeared the instant I decided to save Ruby.'

"...Fair enough." Tyrian accepted Jaune's silence with a nod. "There is no answer from the start. That's what humans are like. There is no clear answer, and they accept a changing truth. We have no absolute truth from the very beginning. Humans have both good and evil, and it's up to you to decide which is which. The start is at zero, and there's no crime in being born. I thought I'd already told you."

"...Yeah. You said there's no crime in the baby even if it's evil."

"Correct. Humans become good or evil through learning. A certain scripture mentions that humans are superior beings to angels. Why? Because there are people who know of evil, but do not become evil. It's different from angels, who only know of good since birth. Humans have evil, but can live as good, so they are superior to angels, who only know of good."

Tyrian chuckled. "...And at the same time." He continued. "There are rare moments of goodwill shown by evil men. There are bad intentions shown on a whim by saints. The contradiction. The coexistence of good and evil is the Holy Grail that makes people human. Living is a crime by itself, and there are punishments because one is alive. Good exists with life, and evil exists with life. Therefore…"

Tyrian placed a hand over his silent heart. "...You cannot inquire about the crime of one who has not yet been born. There is no existence that is born as evil, that is unwanted by everyone. It has no reason to be punished until it is born."

'That's Tyrian's answer. That man pardons "All the World's Evil" for this reason alone.'

Jaune gesticulated towards the Holy Grail. "So you're going to forgive him? He's someone that can only kill. If you know he'll kill many people once he comes out, he's a definite evil for us…!"

"Yes." Tyrian agreed. "His nature is evil. He was made that way, after all. He was born to be evil from the very beginning. He's not like people. This is a pure deity that people made. But… even if his actions are evil, we have yet to know what he thinks of it."


'What Angra Mainyu thinks about his own actions…?'

"Yes. If Angra Mainyu considers them evil and agonizes over them, or considers them good and laughs about them. That is not something we can assume. If that thing has emotions like those of humans and agonizes over its doings, it is evil. But if it has no doubt about its existence, it is good. Everyone wished for him to be that way, after all. If it has no doubt about its function, it cannot be evil."


"Yes. Those with defects at birth. Those who were not wanted, even before birth. It should show us the worth of meaningless life: The meaning of birth. Would it be able to forgive itself after destroying and losing everything? That's what I would like to know. I want to know if it is a crime to live as you are, when you are different from others. That is why I killed her father and let Ruby Rose live. I cannot come up with the answer by myself. That is why I wish for the birth of what can provide me with the answer."

Tyrian focused his gaze onto Jaune, both looking eye to eye. "...That is my goal, Jaune Arc. I am at the opposite extreme from you, as you have no wish for yourself. Our desires are of the same nature."


'...I can't comprehend him. His wish is too alien for me… So there's only one thing I understand. That's the only reason he…'

"Ruby. You used Ruby for such a thing?" Jaune grit his teeth in anger.

'I shake off the vagueness, glaring at the faunus with all the hostility I can muster. And…'

"Yes. To that end, I have taken many lives. That is why I cannot back out now. I told you. That is how I lived. I lived to answer that question. It will not change, even on the verge of my death."

'He makes this declaration, holding my gaze.'


'His words are bold. He states it as a matter of course, saying he has no regrets or doubts.'

"...I see."

'That makes me realize. We're irreconcilable. I opposed him ever since I first saw him… I finally realize why.'

'I don't want to admit it. But it seems… I like Tyrian Callows. I was frantic to see him as an enemy because I didn't want to accept the fact. He said we're similar. I understand now. We both believed ourselves to be sinners. And we both lived a certain way to free ourselves of those chains...We both knew we could never be freed, but believed it was the right atonement, and sought salvation that would never be given to us.'

"...Of course you're not going to back out." Jaune accepted with a ghost of a smile on his lips.

'There's no way he'll withdraw if he's the same as me. It's not that he's trying to grant his wish because he's about to die… That's right. It's not that he's protecting his oath in his last moments. That's how he lived until now. He never walked a different path. So even if he's to die in the next minute, he doesn't know any other way to live.'

"...Humph." Tyrian smiled. "And I admit, this is also sentimentality. I knew it was a possibility, but at last I realize it."

'He steps forward. There's not much time left for either of us. So we have to settle the match quickly. We have to extinguish the other's fire before our own is blown out.'

"...I envy you people." Tyrian spoke, turning to look at flashes of light at a different part of the cavern. Where Jaune knew Weiss was battling Ruby. "What I sought, but could not obtain. What I obtained, but could not obtain. Many things slipped out between my fingers, no matter what commandment I used."

Tyrian turned to look at Jaune. 'What other people called happiness…' Tyrian's voice spoke in his own mind.

"I am going to release my pent-up emotions here." Tyrian clenched his fists.

'...Did not bring me any joy.' Tyrian's mind revealed.

'...Yeah, he's empty because he couldn't obtain it, no matter what he tried. He sought and sought, but couldn't obtain happiness. And the only way of life he found was carrying death. So how can he abandon his way of life now?'

"I see. I guess I made you waste your time, Tyrian."

'I resume breathing. Pulling oxygen into my lungs, I get my body ready for battle.'

Tyrian shrugged. "I do not mind. Neither one of us has much time."

'Strength enters Tyrian's body. There's no way this is going to turn into a battle of magecraft. We're both almost dead. All we can do is drive our fists into our opponent. There's no technique or strategy involved. It's a mere brawl to the death. He needs to kill me to make his wish come true. I need to kill him to destroy his wish. We both put our lives on the line. I need to beat him and eliminate the shadow before my life burns out.'

'He kicks off the ground and runs straight at me.'


'I don't have such power left in my legs. I lower my stance, eyes fixed on his incoming chest, and…'


'I swing my fist full-force at a speed he can't avoid…! But my fist swings through empty space, and I'm the one who gets hit.'

Jaune skids across the ground, his feet digging trenches into the sharp stone beneath them. "Guh-!?" More swords begin to grow from where he was hit.

'I don't see Tyrian. That speed. The enemy that charged me disappears from my view in an instant…'

'Crouches down by my left side, slams his palms into my stomach, and kicks up at my body with his lightning fast legs.'

Jaune's body slammed down onto the rocky earth. Blood poured from his neck, but swords burst forth and stabbed up into his skull, keeping his head attached to his shoulders. He gasped and his eyes refocused. "Haa-guh…!"

'His kicks are like fire. It's been a while since I felt pain strong enough to make me lose consciousness.'


'How many meters was I kicked up? The impact was strong enough to rip my head off. No, if I'm going to talk about impact, then the second blow to my stomach was strong enough to pulverize my organs.'

"You…!" Jaune gasped, bloody chunks flowing from his mouth.

'I know this. Taking the shortest route without any initial movement. A circle and a line. It tries to damage the inside instead of the outside.'

"An agent of Salem using Mistral martial arts?"

'And he's really good at it. It doesn't seem to be something he copied on the spot…!'

"That's not true." Tyrian said, guessing what his opponent was thinking. "My moves are mere mimicry. It's a mimicry of taolu without much in it… but it seems to be enough against a dying man."


'He strikes again. Forcing my fused joints to bend, I get up.'


'But Tyrian stops and looks at his fist. His hand is covered in red.'

"What a troublesome body." Tyrian noted. "The one attacking has to risk his life."

'It is…' Swords burst out of Jaune's back, as if striking the heavens. '...A price he had to pay to attack a body made of swords.'

"Haa-ah!" The blonde man gasped.

'...I gather my consciousness and face my enemy. It doesn't matter. He won't stop attacking, even if faced with the thorns of death.'

"But this should make a good handicap. In short, our fight is…"


'Tyrian lowers his stance. His trained body is getting ready for the explosion.'

Tyrian lets a shadow of a grin form on his face. "Not a fight against someone else, but a battle with your body at stake-!"

'...The enemy closes in. Tyrian is far stronger than me. His fists won't break. At this rate, the hourglass itself will be destroyed before all the sand spills to the bottom.'


'I don't look away from my enemy, closing in like a spark. There's only one thing I have to do. I have to be faster than last time, I have to punch him faster, even if he avoids it.'

'...All I can hear is the sound of my heart, pounding in my ears. I take no notice of the rumbling or the raining bits of earth. The one I must defeat is right in front of me. I don't care about some millenias-old wish or the end of this small world. For Jaune Arc, defeating this enemy is the last remaining purpose.'


'His palm slams against me. It doesn't matter what my body's made of. The attack's meant to damage inside me, so the impact mercilessly pierces through me. I'm overwhelmed in this battle. My fists are dodged and parried, while his attacks land cleanly. Every time his fists hit me, my vision whites out. It's not because of the damage, but because of the pain brought on by my soul which tries to heal and overwrite my wounded body.'

Tyrian's fist slams into Jaune's right arm protecting his head. Swords grew with a spray of blood, ravaging Tyrian's fist.

'I protect my head. My face hasn't turned into swords yet. It'll be over if I'm hit there. I can't manage to strike him, so I put everything into fending off his attacks to my head.'

Another palm connects with his gut, and a leg cracks against his side.

'My sense of pain's already numbed, and my vision will be cut off soon. The only pain my brain can sense is the invasion from my soul. His bloody fists pulverize my body. My soul frantically tries to repair me, and consequently…'

Jaune is slammed into the rough stone again and again. Tyrian doesn't let up. Not against this opponent. Not until he's sure it's done.

'Everything turns white. My vision and mind turn too white to be recovered.'

Jaune's head is knocked back again, and he sees the Greater Grail watching him. Angra Mainyu grows steadily. Soon it'll be time.

'Even thinking brings pain now. As my body is destroyed, swords are created, trying to keep it alive. In exchange, my brain continues to be ground away. I don't know which one of us will die first.'

"...Guh, fu…!" Tyrian groans as his fists give way. Still, he throws another boulder shattering punch.

'The bones in his fists are destroyed. He bears it with a pained expression and keeps up the assault.'

'I dodge and swing my right fist. It's repelled. A jolt runs through my left rib. I resist the swords stabbing my brain and punch again.'

'I can still move. I can still move, I can't move, this is my la-'

Two more haymakers crash against the sword in the shape of a man.

"...Ah. Ah-"

'That hurt. That one hurt. I shouldn't feel any pain, but my body's about to cry out from it. Flung like a rag doll, my body hits a large piece of rubble, narrowly avoiding falling off the cliff.'

"...Ah." Jaune groans.

"Ah." He tries to move his arms and legs, but…

'I can't get up. If the impact hurts this much, the pain to reinforce my body would be beyond imagination. It'll be the end. I'll burn out, unable to bear the pain… But if I go to sleep before that… If I close my eyes…'

"So this is the end. Then I shall crush your head."

'The enemy walks to me… He can't run either. Both of us might disappear within the next minute. Then-'

A scrambled image comes to the forefront of his mind. A girl. She's beautiful. The most gorgeous girl he's ever seen. Her black hair with red tips. Her soft, pale skin. Her silver eyes that shone like an unbroken moon.

He couldn't remember her name.

"Ah." Oxygen escapes his lungs.

'What did you swear?' A voice calls to the sword. 'Who did you swear to protect?' It asked him.

"Ah." He tried speaking, only letting out a strangled noise.

'Live. She said she won't be saved unless both of you are alive.' The voice whispered.

Another image came to life. A blonde haired, blue eyed boy held in his hands a large dagger. With both hands gripping it, it was plunged into the chest of another woman, the boy sat on top of her. Her corrupted, but once glorious armor was cracked. Her blonde, almost white hair spread out ocer the cavern floor. Her gold eyes watched him, even as he pushed the blade deeper.

He didn't recognize either person.

"Ah, ah."

'What did you lose? What did you lose in exchange?'

"Ah, ah…" Jaune lifted his head. His vision barely comprehensible over the white noise.

'The enemy comes closer. He drags his legs, trying to get close enough to crush my skull… No way…! I won't lose! That man has no goal! He's just following his way of life he protected…! But I have one. I have a goal. I have a reason that I have to beat him, a reason that I have to win…!'

Another image emerges from the broken mess of meat and blades that was his brain.

It was raining. It was the moment in which Jaune Arc threw away his pride, his goals, his life's dream. He threw it away for her. The woman he loves more than anything else. He found her standing in the rain. Jaune Arc came to her and… he held her in his arms.

He knew what would happen if she was allowed to live. He was given a choice. Kill ■■■■… or risk Angra Mainyu being born.

He threw away his hopes and dreams. Why would he want to be a hero? If being a hero doesn't let him save ■■■■… Then damn it all! If he had to choose between ■■■■ or the world, he'd pick her any day!

"Aah, ah-ah." Jaune grit his teeth hard enough to crack them. His bones groaning audibly as he forced them to move and bend.

'I don't know how much I made ■■■■ cry. ■■■■ was crying where I couldn't see her. She only smiled in front of me, and always cried by herself.'

"Ah-oh." Jaune cried out as swords broke through his skin and breached the air. Still he kept pushing.

'...Yes. So I have to protect her. The crimes ■■■■ committed, the crimes that condemn ■■■■, the crimes ■■■■ remembers. I have to protect her from everything. The girl who could only smile in front of me. Her body was dying, but she still said she'd protect me-'

Her smiling face came to his mind's eye. He didn't remember her name. But he knows what she means to him. All that matters is saving her. Nothing else.

'...So she can eventually smile in front of other people again.'

The Greater Grail's heart beat once more.

His vision turned red. Faces. Faces of countless people. All screaming. Screaming wordless noises. They screamed out pleas for mercy. They screamed out begging for more. They screamed out his name, though he couldn't remember it. They screamed out her name, though it escaped him.

They screamed out innumerable curses. Sins. Evils.

The original punishments come in five kinds, the death penalty, corporal punishment, incarceration, humiliation, financial penalty, all kinds of crimes and mud and darkness and hatred spin and spin and spin and levy the punishment.

The eradication of human rights by execution, deportation, and oppression. Taking satisfaction in sadism and the torture of the flesh. The denial of honour and prestige by the collective will of the group. Scorn arising at the selfishness and judgement that freezes assets and property.

The death penalty, penal labour, incarceration, confinement, fines, crimes caused by personal grudges, crimes caused by lust, crimes committed unintentionally, crimes celebrated self-consciously, rebellion, solicitation, misrepresentation, theft, robbery, kidnapping, self-harm, tyranny, arson, bombing, trespassing, manslaughter, mass violence, death at work, accidents caused by overconfidence, accidents caused by alcohol, cover-ups.

Committed for profit. Committed to gain self. Committed for love. Committed for virtue. Committed for oneself. Theft, embezzlement, fraud, concealment, murder, property crime crime crime crime, attack attack attack attacks born of personal grudges dirty dirty dirty dirty you are dirty repent repent repent repent repent every violence every crime every victim repent repent.

This world is ruled by people who aren't people. To correct that crime, know conscience. Know the punishments to correct those crimes.

The goodness in people lies here, so much and so common that you don't notice the amount of it. Know the violence done to conceal crimes. Know the authority used to conceal crimes.

The evil in people is here, so small and so hard to find that its existence is cast in relief. One evil for every hundred goods. The evil must shine brighter to maintain the balance, to oppose the masses of the good I reign as a great and brutal 'evil'. The original punishments are five...

yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself—for yourself

Solicitation, misrepresentation, theft, robbery, kidnapping, self-harm, tyranny, arson, dirty dirty dirty dirty you are dirty repent repent repent repent repent every violence every crime every victim repent repent DIE AND REPENT!!!!!!

He heard them all. He saw them all. He felt them all.

The Holy Grail was filled to the brim with curses and evils. Evils so numerous, viscous and pungent they became a physical substance, a thick tar, a black mud.

This was Angra Mainyu. All the World's Evil. A true God born from mankind's desires.

Soon, ■■■■ would give birth to All the World's Evil, and it would flood the world. Not even the Grimm would survive.

But… Jaune couldn't let that happen.

'You're getting in the way of that.' Jaune growled in his mind.

"Aaaaah- Aaaaaah!" Jaune screamed as he forced himself to his feet.

'...Get lost. Ruby can't smile if you exist!'


Jaune's fist made contact, slamming into his enemy's face.

"Guh-nu-!?" Tyrian spit out blood. His face twisting in pain and shock.

"Ah, ahhhhhhhh-!"

'One blow. I punch my enemy in the face with everything I have.'

"You, still…!"

"Tyrian Callows…!"

'Two blows.'

'Three blows.'

'Four blows.'

'Five blows.'

'Six blows.'

'Seven blows-!'

'I punch, I punch, I punch, I punch…!!! This is it. There's nothing left if I miss this chance. I put all of my remaining life into this miraculous chance…!'

Tyrian counters and Jaune slides across the jagged rocks, swords upon swords emerging to fix the damage.

"-, Ah…!!!"

'I'm blown away. He deflected my attack and counterattacked me with a hard shot.'

Jaune's vision flashes white. He's barely able to see the ground in front of him, let alone his enemy. "Ah, gah, guh…!"

'Damn! I know! I know he won't let me punch him that easily! He's many times stronger than me, so he can easily fend off my attacks and come finish me off-!'


'Yeah, so what…!? The difference in our powers won't change. Things won't conveniently go right for me. I'm blown away, and my enemy comes to smash my head. I'll lose. I'll lose. I'll lose. I'll lose. It's a self-evident truth. But my body still moves-!'

Jaune drags himself to his knees. "Tyr-"

'My enemy looms over me. My legs don't move-yeah, my right leg really doesn't move at all-but I fire them up to raise my body.'

Tyrian's fist rockets towards the sword's head.

'I won't die here. I can't avoid the enemy's attack with these legs. In desperation, I try to evade the death coming in the next second and-'


'The guy in front of me didn't make it. He's standing in front of me with an upraised fist.'

Tyrian stares down at Jaune. "...This is how it ends. A simple difference in time."

'He looks down at his chest. The black stain is right where his heart should be… The difference in time. So he became half-dead in the forest a bit before I did.'

Tyrian let go of his combat stance, and stood up straight. "You win, Jaune Arc. I don't know how many more seconds that body will last you, but you must hurry if you need to do something."

'He's just like before. He sounds uninterested in anything, just like when I first met him at the church.'


"You are the last Master. Go to the Holy Grail and fulfil your wish."

'The last Master. The words contain deep weight, but the faunus still sounds the same. It's natural. This man won't change, even on the verge of his death. He continues to be my despicable enemy.'

"...Yeah, this is for hurting me so much. I'm going to mercilessly destroy your wish."


'Did he smile in his last moment? On the verge of rusting away, my eyes no longer serve their purpose. The faunus disappears from this world, with no one to bury him.'


'I take a breath, drawing enough oxygen to allow me to move. My throat only moves once. Fortunately it's not painful. Most of my senses have turned to steel.'

Jaune's vision was static. It blurred and everything he did see was but a tiny fragment. Still, he saw the Greater Grail towering over him, and moved towards it.

'...No matter how hard I try. I'm starting to feel faint… Let's go. It's my final job.'

'I release my soul. My consciousness is about to fade away… My last Projection. I'll use the strongest sword I know to destroy the curse along with the Great Holy Grail.'

'It'll be the definite end. I… No. I can't go back if I use it. I know I'm going to disappear anyway. But I have to try to find some other way as long as I'm alive. I promised that I'll protect Ruby from everything. I can't selfishly die. I want to live with Ruby. So…'


'...But there's no other way. Ruby's crime. The absolute requirement for Ruby's happiness is the destruction of this curse… Only a single grain of my consciousness is left. Ruby, I…'

"...Projection, start."

'The promise I made with you…'

In his mind he pictured the sword. It was black. Four red circles were glowing along its length. He had seen the devastation it had unleashed, a single strike blowing away Beacon Academy.


'A sword is in my hands. ■■■ is ■■■ body ■■ last ■■.'

"...No, you won't die, Jaune." A voice like an angel entered his mind. "Because I'm the one that's going to shut the gate."


'It's… The voice of someone I can't remember.'


'I can't remember, but I call her name. I know I have to do it… Because ■■■■■ will never return if I don't.'

A girl. He saw a girl standing in front of him. She looked young, barely twelve. Her hair was a brilliant white, as was her skin. Her dress was white as well, with gold throughout. Why was she wearing the Dress of Heaven?

"...Hey. Do you want to live, Jaune? Do you want to live on, no matter what kind of life you become?"


'I want to live. Name. I have to call her name and stop her. But I want to live. I know ■■■■■ will disappear if I nod, but I want to live from the bottom of my heart.'

"...Yeah. I'm glad to hear that. I wanted you to live instead of me."


'What are you saying, idiot? Just come back. You won't be able to return if you go any further. I'll take him, so, damn, I have to remember her name, but my head's turned stupid, and the important name is…'

"Then I'll show you a miracle. It's an application of the magecraft I showed you earlier, but this one's amazing. This is the True Magic everyone wanted to see, after all."


'No, I don't need to see it. Just come back. I…'

"...But the container's a bit cheap. I can't completely reproduce it using only my own body, but it's alright. You'll be back in no time if you and Weiss keep trying."


'She goes to the center. The person in white becomes the sacrifice, just like in the first ritual to close the Great Holy Grail.'

"...Goodbye. We aren't related by blood. But I'm glad we were siblings."


'■■■ya. If that's how you feel, then don't go. I can't sacrifice you. I said we'd live together to make up for all the time you've lived alone. But… if one of us has to be the sacrifice, then…'

"No. You said an older brother protects his younger sister, right? Yeah. I'm the older sister. So I have to protect my younger brother."


'I remember. Her name. Father's real blood relative. The girl who was left alone because I came and stole him. A girl with silver hair and red eyes that's a bit older than me…'

"Illya… Illya, Illya, Illya, Illya, Illya, Illya, Illya, Illya…!"

'I can't reach her. I don't hear voices anymore. I can't see anything in this light. And at the last moment.'

The girl turned to face him.

'She smiles goodbye and shuts the gate of the Great Holy Grail.'

It was just like last time.

A sage cried out: Open, Gates of Heaven. Bless us and bestow miracles upon us!
The sage cries out in regret: Close, Gates of Heaven. Save us from all our sins and evil!

The curtain closes. The millennium comes to a standstill. Our dreams, our hope… was a forbidden failure from the start.

The stars fall out of the sky. Space closes up into nothingness. The pathway to the Center is shrouded along with our sins.

…I am, at last, filled with joy.

All has been engulfed in darkness. Nothing can hurt you now. At last, you have been set free from the pain that you carried for so long. You may now rest, without a worry on mind.

'I can see the sky. I can go into the sky if I reach out just a bit. But there's nothing left. There's absolutely no energy left in my body. I'm sinking. The life she saved is sinking. I clench my fist out of vexation. I feel something cold in my hand. The sensation rouses my mind…'

"It's all right. Weiss will save you." Illya's voice rang out in the Arc's mind.

'...Yeah. There's a miracle in my hand. A little magical energy. A small, useless pendant, but it can at least help me reach out with my hands.'

'I reach out. The gentle atmosphere and warm sun hits my skin. In my hand is the endless blue sky…'
That's... literally just replacing Shirou, Kirei, and Sakura with Jaune, Tyrian, and Ruby. Hell, you even left Angra Mainyu and Ilya in place.

It's Blonde Shirou, Furry Kotomine and Ginger Sakura, just add Angry Mango and Yandere Sister. What's even the context?
That's... literally just replacing Shirou, Kirei, and Sakura with Jaune, Tyrian, and Ruby. Hell, you even left Angra Mainyu and Ilya in place.

It's Blonde Shirou, Furry Kotomine and Ginger Sakura, just add Angry Mango and Yandere Sister. What's even the context?

Yeah. I know.

I wanted to write a RWBY Reacts story but I can't write anything of even average quality to save my life. So I scrapped it, but the thing I copied for the react story was already written and I didn't want to just delete it and do nothing with it.

So, I felt like I'd just post it. If someone down the line wants to write a RWBY Reacts story of some kind, they can feel free to use it. Hell, they can use anything I make. It's not like I do this for any reason other than "I like it". I don't make money from it. I do it for fun.

However if you think I should just get rid of it, please just tell me. If you say I should, I'll get rid of it. I don't know how well things like this are looked upon on this site. So if even one person tells me to, I'll get rid of it immediately. I don't want to get perma-banned or anything. I like it here.


Decided to put one more thing in. The reason I left Angra Mainyu and Illya as is.

For Angra Mainyu, well, why would I need to change him? His backstory and everything going on with him is perfect as is. Who would I even change him to? Salem? Salem doesn't seem to be anywhere near as evil as Angra Mainyu. Salem just wants to die, or rule the world. Angra Mainyu exists to end all life, and is a God... or rather, he would be a God if he was birthed. Pretty sure it's stated somewhere that if he was born he'd become a Beast.

As for Illya? Well I like Illya. Why would I want to replace the perfect sister-wife with an inferior? Seems pretty stupid to me, personally. I could have replaced her, sure, but I didn't want to. There wasn't really any reason to do so. She plays a very small part, and only so much is said about her.

The only things that's said about her in that snippet is that she's older than Jaune, is his sister, is his father's only blood relative, was alone, Jaune promised to live with her to make up for her loneliness, can perform magecraft, can reproduce a tiny fraction of True Magic... and that she killed herself while saving him.

This obviously changes Jaune's family dynamic a lot. But I felt there's no reason to not change his family. Not all Jaune's within an infinite multiverse would have family. There's an infinite amount where his family is the same as canon, an infinite amount where his family is like AndrewJTalon's snippets, and an infinite amount where he just fucking poofed into existence Ex Nihilo.

Soooooo... I saw no reason to change it.
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Yeah. I know.

I wanted to write a RWBY Reacts story but I can't write anything of even average quality to save my life. So I scrapped it, but the thing I copied for the react story was already written and I didn't want to just delete it and do nothing with it.

So, I felt like I'd just post it. If someone down the line wants to write a RWBY Reacts story of some kind, they can feel free to use it. Hell, they can use anything I make. It's not like I do this for any reason other than "I like it". I don't make money from it. I do it for fun.

However if you think I should just get rid of it, please just tell me. If you say I should, I'll get rid of it. I don't know how well things like this are looked upon on this site. So if even one person tells me to, I'll get rid of it immediately. I don't want to get perma-banned or anything. I like it here.

I mean it's just as confusing as the actual Fate so good on you for that.

More seriously, it would be good to figure out how the Holy Grail War would work in RWBY without making everyone expies of the existing characters. Find a way to make it fit into RWBY's world and how all the characters would deal with it as themselves.
I mean it's just as confusing as the actual Fate so good on you for that.

More seriously, it would be good to figure out how the Holy Grail War would work in RWBY without making everyone expies of the existing characters. Find a way to make it fit into RWBY's world and how all the characters would deal with it as themselves.

I can think of a way.

For just the Holy Grail and not Magecraft? The Relics could be used. Maybe Ozma tried usibg them to build a fifth Relic in an attempt to bypass the restrictions on the others? Use them together to bypass most testrictions so you can build the thing that won't have those restrictions.

Magecraft is harder but can be done in multiple ways. Either the "Solomon" route or the "Survivors" route. Solomon route is simple, Oz builds a magic system so everyone(hypothetically) could learn it.

The Survival route is there are survivers of the gods destruction of everything and they passed on magic to their families... though not every child.

Anyway, that's what can think of...
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A few random thoughts:

-Aura and Semblances being expressions of the soul, and being able to channel that into physical objects, does mean that there might be ghosts bound to various physical objects. And thus might be able to move said objects. So there could be ghosts bound to armor or statues or what not. Especially if someone had, essentially, a Necromancy Semblance or similar magic.

-Yang and Jaune ending up in the infirmary together a lot might be fun given they are the tanks of their respective teams.

-Cardin and Velvet being secret girlfriend and boyfriend getting revealed to the school could be very interesting to explore.

-Given Aura and crime, it is a bit strange a Batman or similar vigilante hasn't emerged in Remnant independent of the DC Crossover. What would that look like?

-What else can be done with Lines of Succession and Jaune becoming King of Vale? And Blake becoming Queen?

-What other challenges face Jaune and Yang in "In the Family Way"?

-How does Super Sentai/Power Rangers Jaune's first day on the job go?
I only like react fica when they feature the characters of a piece of fiction reacting to it before canon occurs or something like that.

If they're reacting to a different piece of fiction that has nothing to do with them, why should I care?

I don't.
-Given Aura and crime, it is a bit strange a Batman or similar vigilante hasn't emerged in Remnant independent of the DC Crossover. What would that look like?

A new wave of robberies break out across Vale at various bakeries, and the only thing stolen are cookies, lots of cookies. Ruby, is naturally horrified, and strong arms RWBY/JNPR into staking out the bakeries that haven't been hit yet, to catch the culprit. Ruby falls asleep during the stake out, and it is revealed she has been sleep semblancing, that is to say, a combination of sleepwalking & semblance use. Ruby is in fact Vale's cookie thief.
They stole fifty cookies! That's as much as five tens!!!

juane being a super detective at the entire scene, as well as picking up cues enough he suspected either a teleporting semblance or a speedy one.

so him becoming the greatest detective in the world would be hilarious. He can be known as…THE HUNTSMAN! And his colorful enemy (in red and black), The Cookier! Or something like that.

he j it could even be tyran who decides he is the best nemesis a scorpion/grimm can ever have and goes ham.

at least here Jayne would be well adjusted enough to not go full Batman.
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I can think of a way.

For just the Holy Grail and not Magecraft? The Relics could be used. Maybe Ozma tried usibg them to build a fifth Relic in an attempt to bypass the restrictions on the others? Use them together to bypass most testrictions so you can build the thing that won't have those restrictions.

Magecraft is harder but can be done in multiple ways. Either the "Solomon" route of the "Survivors" route. Solomon route is simple, Oz builds a magic system so everyone(hypothetically) could learn it.

The Survival route is there survivers of the gods destruction of everything and they passed on magic to their families... though not every child.

Anyway, that's what can think of...

Somewhat related, but... What if Jaune accidentally reawakened one of his ancestors? Gilgamesh? Yes, that Gilgamesh?
I mean it's just as confusing as the actual Fate so good on you for that.

More seriously, it would be good to figure out how the Holy Grail War would work in RWBY without making everyone expies of the existing characters. Find a way to make it fit into RWBY's world and how all the characters would deal with it as themselves.
The Grail and the Ritual/War are somewhat workable, instead of founding families trying to reach the Root it could be something Ozma put together using the Four Relics when he had access to them.

  • The Relics of Choice and Knowledge to provide the blueprint of the summoned Heroes from across time and also to let them have general knowledge of the current culture and language;
  • The Relic of Creation to create the Avatars(servant containers) that are supplied Aura by the summoners to manifest (possibly limiting the summoner to 50% max with the other half being used by the servant, with the summoner being able to supply more temporarily).
  • The Relic of Destruction, hasn't had it's abilities revealed so assuming it just destroys things, maybe it could be used in the destruction of the created servants to turn them into pure energy to fuel the "Wish" or the "Heaven's feel" equivalent.
Command Seals would have to be something either ingrained on the created avatars or something Ozma created without the Relics. The biggest problem I can see is who would be summoned as there's not a lot of historical figures or heroes that can be drawn from RWBY, and I don't think the standard classes fit all that well in the context of RWBY's hunters.

A possible alternative instead of an one-to-one System from Fate could be that that instead of summoning an existing hero instead the Ritual creates one based on the summoner extrapolating a potential "ideal future self" using the the Relics of Choice and Knowledge to fill the blanks on possible skills and abilities that is them manifested as an Avatar by the Relic of Creation and supplied Aura to exist by the summoner, the defeated Avatars are then destroyed by the the Relic of Destruction to supply enough energy for the Ritual to make the extrapolated "ideal future self" a reality by merging the summoner and their Avatar. This would give a reason for the Ritual to be created, as a way for Ozma to produce better warriors in his war against Salem. The number of participants could be 4 each representing a Relic, or more Great Grail War style with multiple teams and multiple winners.

P.s.: Sorry for intruding, I thought the idea interesting so wanted to give some input.

Edit: added missing letters and post script.
The Lioness, the Amazon, and the White Knight
It was unusual for Jaune to get up early on a Sunday. Yet Pyrrha watched him through lidded eyes as he stealthily climbed out of bed. He pulled on his school uniform, and snuck out carefully and quietly. Nora's snoring and death grip on the still-sleeping Ren ensured neither of them would awake to go after him.

It wasn't until Pyrrha had pulled on some street clothes and started after him that she even questioned why she was following Jaune.

Yes, she did... Care for him. Very deeply. This though was bordering on stalking.

It isn't stalking! She argued with herself, using her prodigious skills in evasion to keep up with Jaune while he was none the wiser, He's just sneaking off early in the morning and I have no idea why!

He'd done it the last two weeks as well. She hadn't confronted him or even talked about it... Yet here she was following him

Geez... I-I really am sad, Pyrrha thought to herself. Jaune exited Beacon and headed to the main courtyard. She peered around the door at him as he approached a... A feminine figure.

She was dressed in simple white and red robes, yet it was... Familiar. She was familiar, in a way Pyrrha wasn't quite sure-

The girl turned... And Pyrrha's jaw dropped.

Arslan Atlan?!

Her self-declared rival from Sanctum was-was meeting Jaune in secret?! In robes?! What was going on?!

They smiled and laughed together at something Pyrrha couldn't make out. Jaune turned to head for the main gate, but Arslan stopped him. With a warm smile, she held up a necklace and fixed it around Jaune's neck. He blushed, but accepted it with an equally warm smile.

WHAT?! THEY'RE EXCHANGING JEWELRY?! Pyrrha thought frantically, her heart sinking. Did... Did my rival...?!

Her eyes narrowed as red hot rage burned through her veins. Arslan could never defeat Pyrrha-Polarity let her sense the iron in her blood and weapons, and allowed her to evade the lioness Faunus with ease. She was the closest thing to a challenge Pyrrha had ever faced, to be honest, and fighting her had greatly improved her skills. She could almost sense Arslan's... Respect? Maybe?

Now though... A seething contempt boiled inside Pyrrha as she glared at Arslan. Jaune getting shot down by Weiss hurt a little, but the fact the heiress seemed to have no interest in Jaune prevented Pyrrha from getting too angry with her.

Arslan though... She was smiling at Jaune. They were clearly at ease! How long had this been going on?!

They walked through Beacon's main gates, intent on the Bullhead port. Pyrrha followed.

- - -

It wasn't easy to evade Faunus hearing and smell. Pyrrha knew this. Clinging to the outside of the Bullhead may have been overkill, but it was the only way to continue her pursuit. She leaped off just before the Bullhead arrived in Vale proper, and climbed down to near the main entrance to wait. She pulled up the collars of her jacket, pushed down her baseball cap, and adjusted her sunglasses. She tried to appear utterly nonchalant as Jaune and Arslan walked out of the port, and went to a bus.

She continued her pursuit, leaping to the top of the bus and lying flat. It was a long, boring journey.

When her quarry finally got off the bus, it was outside of a small but beautiful stone church in Midtown Vale. Arslan and Jaune walked together, holding hands. Pyrrha seethed, but kept her outward cool through long practice as she leaped off the bus, landed, and followed them.

They walked into the sanctuary, happily accepting a paper bulletin from the usher up front. Pyrrha frowned and followed. It was risky getting this close, but... But...

She was in so deep, she couldn't back out now!

The two headed into the sanctuary. The stained glass windows above and ahead were gorgeous, Pyrrha could admit. Each showed scenes or people she wasn't really familiar with. A horse and a boy. A wicked looking queen all in white. A noble looking lion.

At the front of the cathedral was a stone table, but broken right in the middle.

Her eyes drifted to Arslan and Jaune. Arslan's eyes met her. The lioness Faunus's eyes widened, and then narrowed angrily. Pyrrha flushed, but managed a glare back.

Jaune looked where Arslan was looking, and then grinned. He waved.

"Hey Pyrrha! Come on over!"

Pyrrha flushed. She bowed her head, feeling incredibly foolish. She walked over to them and faced them as best she could. She glanced up to see Arslan's scowl, and Jaune's welcoming smile.

"I uh... I didn't know you were also a follower of the Broken Table," Pyrrha managed.

Jaune beamed happily.

"Oh yeah! My dad was raised by a Paladin-Monk of the Church, so I joined it when I got old enough. Arslan's a Warrior-Nun!"

He held up his necklace-The sigil on it resembled the broken table at the head of the church.

"I heard of his father, and his mighty deeds," Arslan said with a nod, "Slaying the Grimm and protecting the innocent. I wanted to know more, and upon learning he had lapsed a bit in his faith, I offered to go with him."

Jaune flushed.

"Yeah, I uh... I kind of slacked off on going to the Church after a while," he said, "But Arslan said that I shouldn't. We are protecting the light of life and all."

He smiled at her.

"You wanna join us?"

Pyrrha, deeply embarrassed, nodded slowly.


Jaune scooted over just enough to let Pyrrha sit between him and Arslan. Jaune then grimaced.

"I need to get to the bathroom," he winced, "I'll be right back!"

He headed off quickly. Arslan smirked a little at Pyrrha.

"Something wrong, Nikos?" She asked.

Pyrrha glared at her.

"Yes," she growled, far more irritated than she intended.

Arslan blinked at her in confusion.

"What? What am I doing?"

Pyrrha flushed.

"You... You gave Jaune jewelry-!"

"He lost his mensa, I had a spare," Arslan said airily, "I'm glad to have someone to go to service with."

The non-chalance, the arrogance in her tone... She had hoped to be friends with Arslan, but duel after duel, fight after fight...

"But you... He...!" She glared. "Is-Is this your idea of-of defeating me at last?! You couldn't beat me in the ring, so you-!"

"So I what?" Arslan demanded. "What do you think I'm trying to do?!"

"Hey... Uh..."

Both girls looked over at Jaune. He coughed awkwardly.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

"J-Just fine, Jaune!" Pyrrha said quickly, plastering her fakest smile on her face. Arslan sighed in frustration, and bowed her head.

"Jaune, can you please tell Pyrrha about the Code of Rivalry by Peter the Magnificent?"

Jaune blinked quizzically.

"Oh... Um. Sure. Rivals in the Sect of Peter help each other become stronger. They see each other as equals and push one another to ever greater heights. They challenge each other and never let up. It is one of the forms of friendship Saint Reepicheep wrote about."

Pyrrha's jaw slowly dropped Memories of a hundred spars with Arslan flashed through her mind. Looks of anger, regret, and frustration from the lioness that Pyrrha had thought were signs of hatred...

She stared at Arslan. The lioness Faunus blushed, and tried to hide her face in her hood.


"That... That is all I ever wanted, Nikos," Arslan murmured. "I'm sorry... I-I should have told you..."

Shame filled every inch of Pyrrha's body. She bowed her head, and rose.

"I-I've got to-"

She felt Jaune and Arslan's hands rest on her forearms. She looked at Arslan in confusion. The Warrior-Nun looked ahead, blushing deeply. She looked to Jaune, not quite able to meet her eyes.

"What is it?" Jaune asked.

"I..." Pyrrha sighed. "I'm... I'm sorry. I've made a huge mistake, and... And I don't know-"

Jaune then pulled her into a hug. It made Pyrrha squeak.

"Hey," Jaune chuckled, smiling at her gently, "If my faith has taught me anything? It's that... As long as you strive for forgiveness? There's nothing that can't be overcome. Especially when you have friends alongside."

Pyrrha glanced at Arslan. The lioness Faunus managed to look at her, embarrassed but... Hopeful.


"I-I mean," Jaune said quickly, holding his hands up and waving them, "Y-You don't have to! N-Not trying to convert you! Or-Or anything! I know Argusians have very different religious rites and all, but uh... It-It would be nice."

Pyrrha flushed... Then slowly nodded.

"I... I wouldn't mind... If you don't?"

Jaune beamed, and slid back into the pew. He sat down, and scooted over to leave a space between himself and Arslan. He patted the bench. With a nervous smile, Pyrrha sat between them as the priest called the congregation to order.

"I'm sorry," Pyrrha murmured to Arslan. Arslan shook her head.

"Don't be... Besides..." She grinned with her sharp teeth, "You're not entirely wrong about my intentions with Jaune."

Pyrrha gaped at her in shock. Her rage began to build. Arslan smiled softly.

"But I am willing to fight fairly, if you are?"

Pyrrha blinked a few times. She then slowly nodded, and smiled.

"I... I would like that."

- - -

Again, not trying to preach. But Arslan being a warrior-nun of a Narnia-based take on Christianity in Remnant was too good an idea not to use.

"Mensa" is Latin for "Table" and would take the place of the crucifix in this world.

Thanks Sift Green !

Besides, the Brother Gods are assholes. I can't be the only one who would like to see Lion-Jesus appear and kick their asses.
The Grail and the Ritual/War are somewhat workable, instead of founding families trying to reach the Root it could be something Ozma put together using the Four Relics when he had access to them.

  • The Relics of Choice and Knowledge to provide the blueprint of the summoned Heroes from across time and also to let them have general knowledge of the current culture and language;
  • The Relic of Creation to create the Avatars(servant containers) that are supplied Aura by the summoners to manifest (possibly limiting the summoner to 50% max with the other half being used by the servant, with the summoner being able to supply more temporarily).
  • The Relic of Destruction, hasn't had it's abilities revealed so assuming it just destroys things, maybe it could be used in the destruction of the created servants to turn them into pure energy to fuel the "Wish" or the "Heaven's feel" equivalent.
Command Seals would have to be something either ingrained on the created avatars or something Ozma created without the Relics. The biggest problem I can see is who would be summoned as there's not a lot of historical figures or heroes that can be drawn from RWBY, and I don't think the standard classes fit all that well in the context of RWBY's hunters.

A possible alternative instead of an one-to-one System from Fate could be that that instead of summoning an existing hero instead the Ritual creates one based on the summoner extrapolating a potential "ideal future self" using the the Relics of Choice and Knowledge to fill the blanks on possible skills and abilities that is them manifested as an Avatar by the Relic of Creation and supplied Aura to exist by the summoner, the defeated Avatars are then destroyed by the the Relic of Destruction to supply enough energy for the Ritual to make the extrapolated "ideal future self" a reality by merging the summoner and their Avatar. This would give a reason for the Ritual to be created, as a way for Ozma to produce better warriors in his war against Salem. The number of participants could be 4 each representing a Relic, or more Great Grail War style with multiple teams and multiple winners.

P.s.: Sorry for intruding, I thought the idea interesting so wanted to give some input.

Edit: added missing letters and post script.

It's all right. Fate is hard to fit into many things, so it was a worthy attempt. Don't stop posting! It's good to have your input.
"I'm sorry," Pyrrha murmured to Arslan. Arslan shook her head.

"Don't be... Besides..." She grinned with her sharp teeth, "You're not entirely wrong about my intentions with Jaune."

Pyrrha gaped at her in shock. Her rage began to build. Arslan smiled softly.

"But I am willing to fight fairly, if you are?"

Pyrrha blinked a few times. She then slowly nodded, and smiled.

"I... I would like that."

I'd enjoy seeing more of this.
What if beacon has to put on a play.

Let's say Cardin is playing the bad guy and gets sick or something so they have to replace him last second with stagehand Jaune.

Who is worryingly good at playing the villain.

(Since he didn't have time to study anything he's just winging it and even somehow pulled off a entire musical number.)

Somewhat related, but... What if Jaune accidentally reawakened one of his ancestors? Gilgamesh? Yes, that Gilgamesh?

Gilgamesh: "FUHAHAHAHAAAAAA! The beasts exiled themselves to an island and called it Menagerie? Truly, the mongrels of this day and age never fail to surprise me with their idiocy!"

He would get on fairly well with Tyrian, who genuinely enjoys his lot in life, amusingly enough.

With regard to Fate, I'd honestly have Solomon and Ozpin be completely different people, considering modern magic's ties to the 72 Demon Pillars and Goetia. Though I suppose a fusion would be rather interesting, and have Jaune be the reincarnated Solomon, living his life as a human as God's final gift to his beloved servant after Ars Nova.

Alternatively, Jaune is Goetia post Ars Nova, slowly remembering what he was and not knowing whether to hate Solomon for the deaths of the Demon Pillars or to wonder at being truly human.
The Arc Clan: Great-Grandmother Arturia and Great-Grandfather Shirou
Radian was called the Jewel of North Sanus. Once the seat of kings, it had declined a bit in prestige and grandeur to larger walled cities in the region after Vale was formed but still retained historical significance.

Felling it would draw a great deal of attention... But it would also serve as a potent warning to those who defied the Bandit Tribes.

Raven Branwen entered the city, dressed as a cloaked bounty hunter. Nothing too out of the ordinary in this region. Even entering at night, she garnered very little attention.

She was on her way to the local bar in the red roofed section of town, and took an alleyway to get there faster... When she stopped.

A figure stood before her. Short, with blonde hair fading to white in a neat plait against the back of her skull, and wrinkles around her aquamarine eyes. She wore an old fashioned blue dress, with tall armored boots. There was the swirl of blue Aura around her hands, as the old woman glared at her.

"Something I can do for you, old woman?" Raven snorted.

"You can leave before I cut you in half," the woman stated coldly, her voice unwavering. Raven grit her teeth. Her Aura was strong, despite her age. She gripped the hilt of Omen.

"Bold words from an old hag like you," Raven hissed.

She dashed forward and drew Omen in a flash, swinging fast to bisect the woman... But her steel met steel, and the woman forced her back with her sheer strength! Raven lashed out again and again, but the old woman parried and fenced without moving an inch. Her sword was invisible, making it difficult to fight her!

Raven cursed and turned to flee... Only for a tall, old man to bar her way. He held twin, curved short swords, and his Aura burned like a fire threatening to explode out of a furnace. He wore a simple black button up shirt with a red vest, white pants, and well-worn black boots.

"I'll thank you not to refer to my wife in that manner," he stated, faded red hair waving slightly in the breeze as his brown eyes narrowed. Raven grit her teeth.

"What do you two want?" She demanded.

"Raven Branwen, the Bandit Princess," the old man stated coldly, "We know why you're here. It's ambitious to think you could topple our town..."

"But foolish," the woman stated.

"You can't last very long, you old geezers," Raven sneered.

The old woman's steely gaze burned.

"We can last long enough to finish the likes of you."

Raven slowly lowered Omen... Before springing towards the old man! She swung her blade, and he ducked, narrowly avoiding the edge but his swords were cut to pieces! Raven backflipped and made to stab downwards, to make sure the old woman was too distracted by her husband's injury to pursue-!

The old man summoned two new swords and parried her strike. His smirk distracted her long enough for the old woman to close the distance and swing!


Raven barely rolled clear and stood up, panting hard. Some locks of her hair floated in the wind... And the front half of Omen lay gleaming in the soil. The old woman stood in front of her recovering husband, eyes glowing with power.

"I crushed the invasion of Gilles de Rais at the gates of Camelot in the Great War. My husband slew him in single combat after. You are a young, brash upstart who's in over her head. Now... Are you going to run like the coward you are? Or do I mount your head on the city gate as a warning to the rest of your pathetic tribe?"

Raven seethed... Slashed the air, and vanished into a portal.

They'd try their luck elsewhere. They'd get stronger... And one day? These old relics would know their place.

- - -

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jaune~, happy birthday to youuuuu~!"

Jaune blushed in pleased embarrassment in Radian's Holy Grail Tavern. His sisters and parents clapped happily, as his birthday cake, lit up with ten candles, sat before him.

"Go on Jaune! Blow them out!" Saphron insisted.

"Yeah!" Verdy giggled. "It's ice cream cake! You gotta eat it fast!"

"I just... I wanted to wait for Nana Arturia and Papa Shirou," Jaune sighed.

"Well! Isn't that just so polite!"

Jaune brightened as his great-grandparents entered the tavern, both carrying presents.

"Nana! Papa!" He cheered.

Shirou laughed as he set down a crockpot on the present-covered table. Arturia beamed and hugged her great-grandson happily, a hug he returned with glee.

"You two all right?" Isabel asked worriedly. "You took longer than you said."

"We're not decrepit yet, Isabel," Shirou chuckled, "I just uh... Took a little tumble."

"He really needs to be more careful in the future," Arturia teased him, "Some consort for a Queen you are."

"Says the woman who hasn't been a queen in decades," Shirou chuckled.

"And I don't regret it one bit," Arturia laughed, kissing Jaune on the top of his head.

"Wow! If you're a Queen, can I be a knight?" Jaune asked eagerly.

Arturia saw Isabel grimace while Nick chuckled. The former queen smiled, and affectionately rubbed his head.

"Of course, sweetie. I believe in you... Now. Blow out your candles, and make a wish!"

"And make it a good one," Shirou chuckled, ruffling Jaune's hair as well. The little boy grinned, and blew them out. Much clapping ensued, as Nick began to cut the cake for everyone else.

"So? Did you make it a good one?" Shirou murmured to his great-grandson. Jaune nodded.

"Uh huh! I wished to-!"

"Don't say it," Arturia said quickly, "Or it won't come true!" She winked.

Jaune flushed, and nodded.

"I will, Nana... But you probably know what it is."

Arturia chuckled.

"I think I just might..."

- - -
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She also finds it fucking hilarious.
Officially, Salem loves gaining a new agent.
Unofficially, Salem sighs in relief that Cinder finally has someone to love. Maybe she won't be as loose of a trigger after this.
Secretly, Salem wants babies to dote upon and will play matchmaker for the two of them.
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What if beacon has to put on a play.

Let's say Cardin is playing the bad guy and gets sick or something so they have to replace him last second with stagehand Jaune.

Who is worryingly good at playing the villain.

(Since he didn't have time to study anything he's just winging it and even somehow pulled off a entire musical number.)

Cinder ends up not knowing whether to jump him or to feel incredibly insecure.

Meanwhile, Jaune just channels all his theatre lessons into blowing them all out of the water.

Jaune: "I... I do not remember your love, Ruby. I have tried to. I have tried to recreate it, to spark it anew in my memory. But it is gone... a hollow, dead thing. For years, I clung to the memory of it. Then the memory of the memory. And then nothing. The gods took that from me, too. I look upon you and I feel nothing. I remember nothing but you turning your back on me, along with all the others. Once my thirst for power was everything. And now I hunger only for revenge. And... I... Will... HAVE IT!! ...How was that?"

Ruby: *bursts into tears* "I'M SORRY!"
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wasn't her age frozen when she pulled out the sword? she probably still had some growing left in her.

Lartoria is a strong big-breasted blonde.

Isobel is a strong big-breasted blonde.

Jaune's pursuit of Weiss is an obvious attempt to rebel against his natural urge to smother his face in Yang's sweater-puppies.
Lartoria is a strong big-breasted blonde.

Isobel is a strong big-breasted blonde.

Jaune's pursuit of Weiss is an obvious attempt to rebel against his natural urge to smother his face in Yang's sweater-puppies.
Or maybe like laharl he's got big titty fear due to almost suffocating as a child because of being hugged by stacked women.
Imagine how terrified Cinder will be when so many of Jaune's very formidable relatives come to see the Vytal Festival.


because even those people with "Flee on sight" started off as a nobody. . . . *grins evily*
Imagine how terrified Cinder will be when so many of Jaune's very formidable relatives come to see the Vytal Festival.


Grandma and Grandpa Gabriev show up.

Lina: "Heed me thou that art darker than dusk..."
Jaune: "Goddammit Ruby, your uncle just had to open his mouth, didn't he?"
"And I don't regret it one bit," Arturia laughed, kissing Jaune on the top of his head.

"Wow! If you're a Queen, can I be a knight?" Jaune asked eagerly.

Arturia saw Isabel grimace while Nick chuckled. The former queen smiled, and affectionately rubbed his head.

"Of course, sweetie. I believe in you... Now. Blow out your candles, and make a wish!"

Grammie Arturia needs to sit Isabel down, and have a talk about choice.

Also, I need a short with Barghest & Yang.....

Barghest - " So, you think you are strong enough to date and protect my cousin, girl? Throw a punch that I can feel.

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