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Fanfic Search Thread

Looking for a fic where Uta is "invited" to Big Mom tea party and she decided that she wanted the Diva in her crew.
When Linlin use Soul Pocus to force Uta to accept she instead summon Tot Musica.
Looking for any Harry Potter fic where the statue of secret is broken has never existed or is slowly destroyed
main character preferably Harry Potter but male oc or si works I've heard about something something the grand Super Bowl reveal I was hoping for a less violent aftermath or one where the prejudice is done on a low

also looking for any male protagonist worm fic where the protagonist joins the wards preferably a tinker that hasn't been abandoned and isn't in hiatus I know that's a hard find but I can hope right
things I don't won't involved rape/non con mind control futanari yuri or anything similar
sorry that made it a thousand times harder


This might be the first one. It has a scene in it where a stadium of wizards are killed by a nuke or something like that
Hi new to the forum does anyone have the link for this fic.

Skill Issue? (Re:Zero - Jeanne D'Arc Alter
Looking for a Percy Jackson fanfic with lovecraft elements
mc is the son of an elder god and gods weren't born as gods but it was given to them by the elder gods
Right, so i remember reading this Warhammer 40k fic but i cant find it anymore. Basically its a Self Insert as an Psycher Inquisitor and sent to a planet (which i think is part of the Dawn of War games) where 7 factions are fighting over it. Manages to negotiate Space Marines and Guard not kill each other and even gets the Necrons to play ball. He finds a little girl thats a blank and basically adopts her.
He also had a right hand man in a commissar who was the son of a Sister of Battle and really likes using flame weaponry

I have been looking for it in a while, so it might have been deleted? Thank you if you find it
Looking for a Girl Genius fic. It has Klaus Wulfenbach getting access to a Girl Genius website through a dingbot. Passholt is incurable, but he eventually softens enough to send a revived Zulenna to meet with Agatha. Think Ao3.
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Hello guys
I'm looking for a snippet about dragon ball where a self-insert (OC) was sent into that world around the age of Gohan (FemGohan btw) going to school and living a double-life as a hero (heroine in this case) and helping her
Anyone recall a short fic that had Taylor (Worm) as Mercy (Overwatch) and she revived everyone in an endbringer fight?
Cambrian wrote a oneshot like that, check his snippet thread.

The extremely long one right? Not sure how I'm gonna find that needle in that haystack, thanks for letting me know where it's at though.

Edit: Found it, many thanks.
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The extremely long one right? Not sure how I'm gonna find that needle in that haystack, thanks for letting me know where it's at though.

Edit: Found it, many thanks.
could you post a link

half the reason I watch this thread is for the rare chance I can be helpful
the other half is people find the most interesting things
Looking for help finding a RWBY fic where Team RWBY is dead except Ruby and she's been on a revenge hunt for the maidens, I think she had the moniker of Reaper. Cue to her being on the last maiden who is at a highly secured Atlas base which Ruby with the help of some entity who is sharing her body sneak into and the Maiden ends up being an old woman Winter. Ruby and Winter have a back and forth before Ruby kills her and leaves as she's finished her revenge quest, the last thing I remember is the entity and Ruby merging and leaving to another world I think??? But I can't for the life of me find it, I think it has only one chapter and has since been abandoned(?) probably.

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