• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

You can't check what threads a user has made in their profile anymore. Not great for a fanfiction forum, where you might want to check what other stories someone has written.

Edit: Looks like there's a button on the profile page, now. Right next to Start Conversation, you can click Find and then Find Threads. Kind of annoying to not have it on the Posting tab anymore, but not a huge deal.
In the profile, there should be a dropdown box next to the others labeled Find. the Search threads/Search Posts feature is behind that.
I have lots of chapters bookmarked to keep track of my place. When I click a bookmark and am brought to the chapter, I cannot immediately see if there is a new threadmark and have to scroll up because the <- and -> are blocked by the top navbar. Probably minor inconvenience for most, but really bothers me.
This is tyranny!

Clearly we've imported too many Spacebattlers! Someone has to build a fire wall around the website to keep them out. We must make QQ great again!

.....No but seriously this disgustingly horrendously trash. No offense to the hard work, but it's just right ghastly lads.
Feedback: Skipping over the obligatory "It's new, I hate it" bit, my only request is some additional theme options. The dark theme is eye-comfortable, but everything kind of feels like it globs together into an undifferentiated mass with the current theme options. I'll be patient, however, as I'm sure there's plenty of themes out there just waiting.
It's because there's effectively no contrast, and the current Dark Theme is gray on gray on gray.

We absolutely need more/better themes ASAP.

Honestly, people may be better served just waiting a few days for the most egregious kinks to be worked out, because while we're not supposed to kinkshame, these kinks are absolutely awful. :V
What's the issue with the XenForo change? Was there an issue with qqs old formatting?

Xenforo 1 is no longer supported, IIRC?

Why was this done. Im sure theres a good reason for it but I was completely blindsided by it so I don't know it.

As others have pointed out, XF1 hasn't been supported for some time. Crucially, there's been a couple serious security flaws in the base code, that we were lucky to have someone manually fix before they were exploited. This transition was a long time coming, though I only found out it was happening today about 12 hours before it began because an author helpfully announced it in their chapter.
So far everything is new and something I like or would be able to get used to but dark mode is just terrible on Mobile. It's dark grey background with lighter grey words.
When I write in someone's feed, I get four boxes for responses. Is anyone else having this issue?
the dark style doesnt have the same side border size as xenforo default
So I love that threads now show the first three tags when you go to the creative writing forums.

I don't love that the tags are always sorted alphabetically and seemingly can't be sorted in any other way.

Feels kind of bad tbh. Any fix for that, or are we stuck with it?
These things have already been mentioned but I'll reiterate them, the default dark theme sucks. Two, I dislike the sticky header bar and there's no way to disable it like on SV/SB. The screen jumping when a new post in thread is annoying. Fourth, how did the people viewing thread section get put above the post editor.
This is tyranny!

Clearly we've imported too many Spacebattlers! Someone has to build a fire wall around the website to keep them out. We must make QQ great again!

.....No but seriously this disgustingly horrendously trash. No offense to the hard work, but it's just right ghastly lads.
Praise be to Jord, burn the heretics, Lord Chari-Jord.
Honestly, I'm glad that they upgraded, even with the minor inconveniences that come with change. I had to turn off javascript for this forum on my phone's browser because it kept crashing. Hopefully this upgrade will fix that.
Try Xenforo Default and the dark mode modifer.

If your phone has a dark mode setting too, that should work.

It's actually weird how much better the margins are on Xeno Default.
My main issue right now is that there are no lines separating all the different icons which makes it blend together even more. So more lines please
Ah damn, missed the sticky menu, initially. Which is an annoyance at the best of times.
SV has options to kill the excessive margins and kill the sticky header bar, can we get those here?

Also, there's a scroll issue with alerts and/or posting, whole page jerked up when someone posted in the thread while I was typing just now.
Alright, so the site is usable for me once I changed the text editor to the better one and installed the Dark Reader extension so that the light theme became a reasonable dark theme. It's not the best and there are still issues, but I no longer feel like my face is melting when I try to read anything. I'm sure that things will be better in a few days.

I still don't like the little banners on every post that make them take up more room than they need to, the locked top bar, and a few other annoyances, but they seem relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.
I checked the thread and as far as i know nobody has said this but the length of the reader mode is also messed up imo. It is shorter than the old one. Like its 1:3 of new to old one.

While this is an interactive story site and all, sometimes i discover older stories and reading them now has made it annoying. Thanks

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