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  • I'm asking because you seem to be familiar with the genre, and because I spent half a day glued to the monitor after finding your own delightful fic here. There should be a lot more wonderful stories like that hidden in obscurity, if you could point out some hidden gems, I personally would appreciate it greatly.
    Could you perhaps give us a list of notable fics/mangas/manhuas/light novels for "Isekai in Otome" or "Fractured Fairytale Otome"? For such a contrived premise, there seems to be a lot of compelling and engaging stories using it. "Accomplishments of Duke's Daughter" and Bakarina are widely known, but both the source for your fic, and "Beware of the Villainess" that you once recommended aren't.
    Belatedly, just checked jumpchain thread here. Liked the SPESS MAREEN build!

    I thiiink i posted the updated version of chapter master a bit ago. No huge changes, but you'd have an extra point since I made governing style a non-points thing.
    I've considered doing a less dumb build myself, at one point or another. Then I realize my main idea aside from the fuckstupid that is the Inframarines is taking over the Flaming!bros and keeping them from getting killed after the Cursed Founding.

    I feel like I would want to break away from the 'actual chapter' CAP reduction, or at least sacrifice less, because almost nothing is known of them.
    Are you the guy that wrote that one Buffy SI? And alsooooo the Sailor Moon one?
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