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  • These "Pokemon merged with the real world" type stories are so fun in concept, though kinda don't like how they end up similar to urban web novels because lazy authors reuse tropes.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
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    Reactions: d.fish
    also the moment they add "secret realms" that are basically an alternate dimension, it seems like a cultivation novel and a cowardly hack writer's way out, but in the base Pokemon games, you can also dig underground and go to a lot of different rooms that seem like random dungeons, which is similar to that concept
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    The worst part of this genre is the nationalism and Chinese exceptionalism
    Maybe a story about a "Council of Interdimensional Isekaied Biigohs" who are fed up with being bullied by a random omnipotent fish.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    yeah well we all gotta sacrifice something for entertainment, at least they aren't hotpot anymore...

    ... "The Interdimensional Council of Isekaied Biigohs Convened in A Hotpot"?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
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    Reactions: d.fish
    *pushes soup bowl to biigoh*
    If you think about it, the current MCU Spider-Man is very Chinese web novel, urban genre. Poor family, lucky opportunities, rich uncle who dies and gives him everything, fatty best friend, multiple love interests, dumb helpers, self-created problems, runs on rehashing nostalgic plots and characters.
    mash a sluttt!!!
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    sleeping with all those eyeless bald staff members and bukkaking while fujimaru is jerking off to the panties he stole and scent of armpit sweat
    and then fujimaru's like hypnotized to not notice it while THEY RAIL MASH RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIMMMM AND SHE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT ITTTTTT
    In MTL, the "Madara" in "Uchiha Madara" often gets translated as "Spot" or "Ban", so some idiot did a ctrl+f replace all with "Madara", so in those MTLs, you see words like "aMadaradoned", "husMadarad", "Madarag!", "Madarated", and the like.
    to be honest, I wish they did program in some hidden stat modifier increase for shiny pokemon, but it sort of becomes like pay to earn games in incentive modification
    Honestly, the ninja from Kumo shoulda had names like "Dallas" or "Chicago" or "Seattle" or whatever instead of what they had.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Oh lordy instead of A, B...
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    Reactions: d.fish
    I mean, you don't hear All Might yelling "A Smash" or "B Smash", do you?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Lol... True
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    Reactions: d.fish
    Because of how he performed in Dragon Ball Super, getting his ass handed to him by Frieza, and because Nobi Nobita from Doraemon is considered absolute garbage relying on other people to carry the team, Gohan is often called "Nobi-Rice" (where 'rice' is the 'han' in Gohan).
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Oh god
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    Reactions: d.fish
    Also because Nobi Nobita keeps trying to get a good grade on his test, and trying to do his homework... 'trying to be a scholar', and Gohan abandoned training to be a scholar.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    There's layers to this meme! Layers!
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    If jinchuriki gets bijuu extracted and then edo tenseied, will they not keep their powers of jinchuriki since edo tensei unlimited chakra, and thus you could manufacture unlimited ten tails by sacrificing the jinchuriki and a life for each jinchuriki every time you want to make another?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Obito already tried something like that with those two SAVAGES that got swallowed up by Kurama, then reanimated and sealed into the big orange ball that isn't Naruto. So, it's technically feasible.

    But then you'd need an infinite supply of withered Juubi statues, and good look with that! It'd be like creating infinite stonks with no bank account. Completely pointless! But at least it looks good on a resume!~
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Cloning tree people does exist in the setting, Obito just was always late to science class.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Clearly needs Kushina in bondage summoning!
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    Reactions: Rikov
    In hindsight, inuyasha as a character isn't that bad. At most he's got a bad temper and he's kinda dumb, but that's no reason to hate a guy. Most men are ill tempered and stupid, after all.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    lol.... ish dat so?
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    Reactions: d.fish
    Lustfulness isn't bad as wrathfulness, but if you think about it, Inuyasha is in the end faithful to Kagome. In contrast, Issei sought a harem with a type of wishy washy heart, and his inability to grow as a person, and lack of deep, redeeming qualities, is much worse in comparison
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    With age, I realize that characters like Tendo Akane, Chichi, Videl, and such really aren't too bad. Youthful ignorance and online arrogance are really blinding.
    What's the version of the Truman Show feeling but like instead of you being watched by everyone, it's that everyone is having sex while you're not there or just not with you?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Tanuki thinks it's the PG-13 verse
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    Reactions: d.fish
    You hope so but it isn't
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    It's the PG-13 verse ala Truman show verse
    Apparently on Douyin, to get around the censorship, people replace "China" with "America". So now there's a lot of posts about how bad "America" is on Douyin lmaooo
    And like who the fuck was Joan of Arc (DXD)'s ancestor? Because it certainly wasn't the historical Joan of Arc, who never had time to get preggo. Who's she supposed to inherit power from?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    But why'd she become so dumb?
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    She got stuck in a shonen setting where OPPAI is power. Also, she does seem to get better after being away from Cao Cao.... so who knows what he did or what happened there.
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    Reactions: d.fish
    I still can't get into the series because of the god awful art style. Sigh. Modern anime has moved away from that generica to something more pleasing to the eye, so it's a pity that it was made in that era.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Noticed a cultivation system story that is perfect for QQ. Dude isekais to cultivator world with shit qualifications, and a system that gives him 1yr of cultivation and 1yr of youthful lifespan per child he has. Grandkids give 1/2 that, greatgrandkids 1/4, and so on. Also if descendants cultivate, dude gets a percentage of gains.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Fable of the Unspoken Word
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Lol... That kind of a system. Xd
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    Reactions: d.fish
    Tbh it's not so bad, this story the guy didn't completely forget about the previous girls, and he's not a eunuch, and he actually interacts a little with waifus outside of smecks
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Sometimes it feels like people are being unfair to Dicaprio for liking almost-lolis.
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    Ish dat soh?
    they keep memeing about him ditching them after they reach 25
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    Reactions: Biigoh
    umu umu
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