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  • CSM Chapter 167... I'm speechless. I was expecting there's be a sex scene at some point, but not that. Fujimoto really does know how to subvert all expectations, huh?
    Ohhh I was thinking about something if you don't mind.
    Do you think Carrion would be in good terms with Falling? Or at least nos hostile at sight, she seems reasonable enough.
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    He'd be chill with her right up until she tries cooking a human, at which point she gets turned into a fine red mist. Her PTSD attack would be effective on the SI's Hivemind, but it would also be the equivalent of kicking a hornet's nest once they get their bearings. An incredibly destructive fight for sure, but Falling isn't winning this as the SI's drones would be capable of flight by this point in the story.
    Oh, and if he saw her spawn in like she did in Part 2 with all the people jumping to their deaths to form her body, yeah, he's not gonna talk to her, he's just gonna try obliterating her on sight.
    Carrion: "I only simp for Justice!"
    Hello again... I wonder if makima's many in universe simps are gonna be pretty mad at makima's great emotional intrestest in Carrion while he's mad at HER for using all these guys that way lol
    People are going to think that Makima's type is someone willing to talk back to her as she and Carrion constantly argue and keep trying to passive aggressively one-up each other while still managing to be two of the most competent workers in Public Safety.
    Hey man, I hope you're having a great time! I just have a question. Did other biblical events happen in the IATSMA verse? Like for example, the rebellion in Heaven that was led by the angel Lucifer? I always had this headcanon that the first Primal Devils were born from Lucifer's flesh after Michael cast him down to Hell.
    Heya Neurax we know that you plan to build on the framework of a more redemple Makima from canon, are they any new quicks or headcannos you plan to also show Makima to have? (Unless of course that's spoilers then never mind)
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    As per canon, she really likes movies, to the point she hits the SI with a monologue essay about movies when he gives her the slightest hint he watches them.

    She has a weakness for small and pitiful looking animals, and the reason she only has huskies as pets is because she wouldn't get anything done at home otherwise. For this reason, tiny drones are at risk of being grabbed and snuggled against their will.
    Atleast show us some kind of progress Instead of just saying it's coming pls?
    You've got the thread watched, right? So, you'll know when it's updated, right? So, you don't have any reason to be here bothering him, right?
    Without going in to spoiler territory, you think underused character like Spider o Quanxi´s fiends could not just be killed that quickly. Particulary with Quanxi, she is an Assasin that travel to another country to kill a 16yo boy, so for our dear Carrion would be like "It's on sight, old hag".
    The idea of Carrion one shotting Quanxi it´s particulary funny to me hahah.
    Depends if Quanxi underestimates him or not. If she tries to CQC him, she will lose the second he gets a good grip on her. Her Hybrid form has a better chance, but it's just delaying the inevitable. While she never fought Makima in the manga, in IATSMA Quanxi still would've lost if she resisted and Makima wouldn't have even had to use Devil powers. Not weak, just fighting something entirely out of her weight class.
    Could an Angel and Devil procreate or is that entering spoiler territory?
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    But more seriously, I'm not really sure if I want to incorporate something like that into the story, or how it would work. Angels and Devils are Tulpas, independent entities brought into existence through thought as "ideas" and "fears" respectively. Unless a large amount of humans are actively thinking about the SI to knocking up Makima and making babies from it, realistically it's not gonna happen.
    Now I have been considering how "Fallen Angels" would fit in to the lore, and maybe if the SI was "fallen" such a thing would be possible... assuming that Pochita hasn't already retconned what would be a likely horrifying concept of Devil-on-Devil offspring. We still don't know that much about him, but it wouldn't surprise me.
    I guess it would depend on what makes a "fallen" angel different from a normal one... that's properly also a good question in general.
    Don't know how you guys feel about death battle but Gojo vs Makima is next!

    I'm gonna root for our girl even if she is the more asshole canon version.

    And she even got a pretty decent chance thanks to her contract with the prime Minister.
    I can't speak for canon as it isn't clear it's a power inherent to the Control Devil, but in IATSMA Makima's finger-gun is linked to her "bow" and is not a space cutting/bypassing attack. But for canon, if it was, it probably wouldn't have stopped at the wall after she hit Power with it.
    But then again, she wasn't exactly restricted to one setting for that attack, so maybe it could have bypassed space on a certain setting. But if that was the case, why didn't she use it on Pochita instead of shooting him into space? Would have made retrieval a lot easier if she managed to defeat him...
    Makima lost... oh well.
    Recently watched a play-through of Carrion and got reminded of this story. I had forgotten how utterly terrifying Carrion is, especially when one remembers that in the game you run on very limited supply
    Especially when one considers the ramifications of Carrion, throughout the entire game you are at your weakest. A carrion out in the wild has a massive supply of humans to eat and foreign dna to assimilate. There's a whole smorgasbord of traits for it to consume. And A LOT of space for it to grow and spread its mass.
    IATSMA's Carrion is even stronger than the game version due to not being restricted to meat but can assimilate anything that qualifies as "biomass" such as plant material. There are drawbacks in place to prevent the Si from steamrolling everything, but he's more or less the most powerful thing in CSM's setting we've seen so far.
    But this'll all be covered in Fumigation 1.1 as the SI explains why he doesn't cover Japan in a sea of living spaghetti to find Denji. He's incredibly powerful and nigh-impossible to truly "kill", but he isn't invincible.
    Good morning, Neurax. I noticed that while you're preparing the other part of the prologue, you've been explaining some questions from people on your profile, and I couldn't resist hopping on board.
    Could you tell a little of how fiends would interact with SI?, if Si is as strong as primal fears and Cosmo, Power--
    Hello Neurax. I saw your comment about the Horsemen's potential relationship with CARRION and I've been very interested in how he might actually become besties with the Death Devil.

    If you don't mind me asking, what are your personal interpretations or headcanons about Death given how she is the only horseman who hasn't been officially revealed yet?
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    (SI---<--Yoru) Apathy/Obsession: What Makima and Pochita were in canon. One of the SI's concepts has a connection to "War" that the obviously starved War Devil will be chomping at the bit to latch onto him, while he just sees her as yet another psycho in a world full of them who has an unhealthy interest.
    (SI<->Fami) Mutual Hatred: As Rammacan put it, both Fami and the SI were designed to hate each other from the get go, especially since what Fami's doing with her cult is more slimy than what Makima did, and isn't apologetic whatsoever about it.
    (SI---Death) Friendship? Admittedly, we know nothing about the Death Devil so far, so this could be entirely out of the picture if Fujimoto's masochism strikes again and he makes them another crazy bitch. But it would be nice to have a "chill" Horse(wo)man.
    What happened to your uploading schedule to your story if you don't mind me askin?
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    Motivation tanked after Trans I, and I've been working on and off on the second part of it. I still work on writing it here and there, but it's slow going with all the distractions around me and the limited amount of free time I have. It's getting there. Slowly, but surely.
    that's a long time to work on a chapter for a year or so tbh
    how would fami and carrion feel like about eachother?... if you don't mind me asking.
    Mutual, genuine hatred.
    Yeah makes sense fami seems to be the most intrestest in just fighting the good fight against the angels without any hate-love or anything like that

    And carrion being a Angel and former saintlike human dislikes devils unless they prove themselves
    An angel that is designed to eat encounters a manipulative evil devil that takes control of those she can starve...
    Yeah, as the Jefesito Neurax said, they are designed to hate eachother.
    You have any excerpts, spoilers, or interesting ideas that you'd be willing to share? I'm dying of thirst over here Neurax!
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    -Alternate fic set in Part 2 where SI never got inserted into Proto-Carrion's body and instead Proto-Carrion eventually managed to break out of Relith Science on their own and make their way to Japan in order to hunt down Conquest... only to find a socially inept teenager and a tiny brat of a tyrant who is little more than a blank slate.
    (Continued) Long story short, Denji and Nayuta get a new mom who is more than capable of folding everyone and everything in a fight, but struggles at being a single parent and passing themselves off as a human. Would probably be a comedic light-hearted slice of life story.
    There is so many questions around how this will play out, but we need to consider the factor that this is, above all else, a retelling of part 1, so this is going to take a long time once it's starts.
    On the other hand, in a Darkness Devil situation I'm strongly speculating a moment in the likes of "This is a unique chance for me to show you how powerful I really am". Carrion being Superman.
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    Sorry that the message is not together apparently it needs to be short on message because it only accepts 420 characters. I'm kinda new here since yesterday so...yea
    Qq registration takes a while. I do plan on putting this on spacebattles eventually.
    So I got registered but the problem is it's been a day and I haven't received their email to be accepted from QQ so I'm kinda sad that I won't be able to read the new rewritten prologue NSFW fic of It's All The Same Meat Anyway so I was wondering if you post the NSFW fic in other websites? Like Spacebattles, AO3, etc.

    Btw keep up the good work for a new chapter!

    *Part 2 on message
    Hey Neurax! Gotta say I love your work! Long months waiting for an update and being rewritten is worth it! So when I click the (NSFW) new rewritten prologue I have to like register QQ first to see it (I was reading on a website first because I don't have an account on QQ).
    *Part 1 on message
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