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  • Ahem

    There once was a ship that put to Xi
    And the name of that ship was the Xicree o' Xi
    The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down
    Blow, me bully boys, blow! Hah!
    Soon may the Fishie-gal come,
    To bring me Sugar and lolis and RUM!
    One day when the fishin' is done
    We'll take our Fishie and go!
    • Like
    Reactions: d.fish
    "... and in the end, the male protagonist and female protagonist's ashes were all left to me, so there I was thinking whether to dump them into the ocean or down a toilet, but I decided on a crematorium since I didn't want to pollute nature or dirty our sewage system. I'm such a good person."
    "One of you is his childhood sweetheart, and the other is his non-blood related sister, but I... am his current lover, so I'm the one who should be his roommate."

    lmao I love this kind of story hahahaaa
    xi, xi xi, xi xi xixi, xi... xi? xi xi xi xi xixixi, xi, xixi xi, xi xi... xi... xi! xi?


    Hey there, little boy, you look like you have a special physique and unique bones—er, don't worry I don't hand out martial arts manuals like my cousin, pft who wants some stupid ass buddha palm fist

    how would you like one of these cheat systems?

    Look, I have a leech exp system, a stealth villain system, a more wives more lives system, and I even have a lazy otaku system, which one do you want? Just ten dolla
    feels kinda bad when, you know, when you're reading a story and you're like, I like this character, she turned out to be very likeable and great, and MC doesn't deserve how good she is, and she's so heartwarming, and

    and why is her story so shit though, like, her plot was god awful, what the fuck
    isekai to another world with the gacha system, in them pulls and rolls there's things from every gacha in existence, but the probability is exactly as gacha games are, so you get 99.9% of rolling trash, though guarantee semi-trash every ten gamba
    Yer late... it's already been done. :p

    Ps... it was Traasssssshhhhhh!!!!
    • Like
    Reactions: d.fish
    indeed trashy trash
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    they should make it so that you can make omelets from the extra eggs you make from the breeding ranch
    okay so you can get around these deaths because you can touch your corpse's pillar of light from any height, so you can just fly way up high and not have to corpse hop your way out of the lava zone
    aaaa the fucking lava area sets you on fire just by being there even though i have lv3 heat whatever
    so I was reading this fun historical 1900's harem story, and you know how trashy these tend to be, but there was this one passage in this one scene, where the MC NTRs a mook's "goddess" and the mook went and got himself beaten up while simultaneously trying to wreck the MC's plans

    and for a single line it was poignant, like, "the only way to numb the pain of the heart is with the pain of the body"
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    felt kinda nice

    made me think of why we all seek to play the hardest modes in some video games, despite there being no rewards for doing so, some kind of internal drive for masochistic tendencies because of some invisible pain we feel but can't express

    or maybe we're just bad at the game, idk
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    why the fuck did I die in the volcano area again, like what the fuck is with this fire that doesn't ever get put out???
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    Because you, like me, are a dummy who didn't stock up on full fire resistance gear before dancing into a volcano...
    but to be honest, pals never really have that lore-oomph that pokemon have

    maybe I'm just old and nostalgic

    you know like

    it'd be really cool to see like, I guess, a WWI-type story set in the Pokemon world

    like you know how Tanya was just WWI-Magical Girls, but do the same this time it's WWI-Pokemon, or some shit like that, idk lmao
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    I feel like it Could... but it'll need to work for/on it for a while before it does.

    On the other hand some of my favorite Pokemon stories are the ones where Pokemon are scary fucking things that people use for all kinds of things including war... and Kanto is considered to be full of crazy warmongers.
    • Like
    Reactions: d.fish
    like, idk, imagine if, ya know, what if, like

    they added fucking your pals into the game

    instead of some breeding ranch with cake
    Hey, I need some help with another fic of mine.
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    I mean it makes sense to either do that or continue on with your own version. Its a pick one or the other matter.
    My versions a combo of my headcanon based on what we had with the pilot and what we got in episode six. Should I continue with what I have then?
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    At least wait till the season is at the end before you decide.
    For example, if you caught "Zoe & Grizzbolt" using the wanted bug to catch tower bosses, and used the grizzbolt harness thing to ride it, your head is like under Zoe's thighs

    though to be fair, there's only Zoe and Lily worth catching, but still, I haven't gotten a Lily yet

    hmmm worrying
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    ... I mean, you can't even ride the Lyleen, so you can't let Lily ride your face anyway
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    and basically with Zoe, if you're looking at it from a phone screen, it looks lewd, but on the PC, it's just her foot stepping on your face, which I guess some people are into, I guess, but that's not what I want and you know it
    • Like
    Reactions: Xicree
    a pokemon trainer who can't defeat their own pokemon in battle is a shame to pokemon trainers
    but the game does have plenty of flaws, a bit grindy, though most of the genre are the same, wonky ai at times, though most of the genre are the same, and graphical errors, though most of the genre are the same,

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