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  • Are you going to update wrath's contractor or is though commison? Just checking if you are taking commissions again? (Because I would love a new smut chapter with wrath and toga doming max)
    Hello there~ I am unique in how I commission Meribson. I just throw money at him, and he writes what he's feeling at the moment. Wrath, Drengr, Service, and Walk are the four under my purview. If you want to commission for Wrath specifically, I give my blessing.
    Honestly you might be the only writer on this site who writes Futa on male and I really appreciate that
    In your Maximilian mha commission how is he a tier 5 and not a tier 2 at best.
    He still has the Millennium Eye, with all the magic within it, so whomever added him to the Catalog figured he was a 5
    so you do commission? how much? what are your dos and don't in writing?
    You can either grab one of my tiers on Patreon, or you can do a commission directly through Paypal (links in my sig). Patreon has specific word amounts, Paypal is a penny per word. As for dos and don'ts, I'm pretty easy going, my only hard nos are vore and snuff, but some stuff I will charge more for (mostly but not limited to male perspective while receiving)
    Hey loved the tauren in DA story. Very fun idea, seeing someone from an OP setting trounce and fuck their way through a lesser.
    If you have no interest to continue this could you tell me what race you planned his other bedpet, Borama, to be?

    Keep up the good work, whatever that work may be ;)
    • Like
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    I may continue it, I have a lot of ideas I'd like to use but the issue is the stuff inbetween. But, I don't mind sharing: Borama's a draenei.
    So... Did all the arguing regarding the cyber arm put you off from the MCU/CF story? Or the new job is sucking up all inspiration to write? Coz I'll be honest, that story is your best after the DC one. Yours was a unique take where the CF wasn't mainly focused on. Take care and hope to see more chapters coming.
    Bit of both, to be perfectly honest. The cyber arm part was mostly annoyance with how earlier in the story there were massive complaints about him NOT cybering up, and then once he did start it was over 3 pages of nothing but complaints about it.
    How does the next chapter of A Mouse In Harr(iet) Potter go? I am eagerly looking forward to it!
    Just read your "spore" druid in worm fic and loved it. Pity it stopped when it was getting interesting as exploring how Taylor would react to the knowledge that she's soon to be a Big (half-)Sister would be have been pretty interesting...
    So Mr. Xanatos, any idea when you're going to lose to Goliath and the rest of the Gargoyles again? :p Or otherwise known as, I love your avatar pic and I miss the good old days of good 90s cartoons.
    Vergil1989 Crossover King
    Vergil1989 Crossover King
    Oh HELL YES! Are you a fellow Critter or just a fan of LOVM? Either way I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. But yeah, Legend of Vox Machina was just utterly amazing in every conceivable fashion. :D And yes, I've watched every Campaign thus far at least once by this point lol. A dear friend of mine introduced me to Critical Role a long time ago, and I've been a fan ever since thanks to him, wherever he is now.
    Not sure I can call myself a Critter, I didn't discover Critical Role until about midway through Campaign 2 and by that point there's so much to try to catch up on that it's hard to start. Have started listening to Campaign 3 on my commute, and just finished ep 1, will start ep 2 tomorrow.
    Vergil1989 Crossover King
    Vergil1989 Crossover King
    The C1 has the most issues since they were just starting out, and the less said about Orion Aceba, the better, but I would highly recommend giving C1 a shot if you have the chance. Still, I can understand feeling daunted by just how much content there is. That said, C2 is amazing and heartfelt, and C3 has been enjoyable already. So in short, enjoy the ride, no matter how long it takes you to get through it Merib. :D
    I'm going to be taking the month of November off from writing, due to the fact that I'll be starting a second job soon. Adulting's a pain.
    Since I'm not sure if it'd count as necro or not I'll leave this here :V
    But yeah just found your IALA inspired fic!
    There is a criminal lack of horse!:V
    Also who is gonna be the Lolimancer if not the horse?
    But seriously it looks interesting and I hope it gets some more chapters in the future.
    Sorry for the Mix up with Dragons, Decay and Too Many Legs this morning, THAT chapter will be up Friday.
    Is game of death and lust abandoned or can I still hope for future chapters.
    It'll get updated at some point, I hit a bit of a roadblock after the last chapter.
    As I am starting work on an original fantasy book, I will be updating my stories here 2-3 times per week instead of every weekday.
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