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  • Hey Leecifer, why are you Muted? Can you even respond while Muted? Did I accidentally click something to Mute you on my end or did you get Muted for the whole site? What does being Muted even mean? I am confusion.
    Moving is always stressful, especially when your car starts making worrying noises, but nothing to do but buckle down and make it all work!
    So, I just read Abaddon Born(e), well, more like skimmed the parts of it that are on SV and then read every chapter from "Break Second Triggers" to the end on Fanfiction (turns out my college blocks FF.net so I had to read it on my phone using mobile data) in a 2 week period and I learned a few things:
    Are you planning to put out a rebalanced World catalog to go with the CC? I admit some more frames of reference would be helpful in trying to pin down a Danger Rating. The original DRs are oftentimes... questionable.
    Something I think people forget is that a lot of content starts out the same to similar and then evolves after all pathfinder was originally just a barely changed d&d 3rd edition. it took a decent amount of time and effort to make an actual different system from it. You make some good stories so don't be bothered too much by nitpicking.
    Just read the catalogue pdf. I like the rebalanced start up, the three tiers of defence and cost/benefit changes. A much easier to use ride system. Treasure hoard deserved your price hike for how broken it was. Residential changes, may be put a "stunning Villa" between sweet home and manor with grounds.
    BTW they locked the thread so I wrote here. I'll delete this if you want me to when it reopens.
    Good on you for pissing off swift!
    Hate that manchild
    I would suggest either removing those completely, or better yet making a lesser path to power such as jobs or careers that aren't as powerful but would still let me be a dragon pirate in one piece.
    I thought about it a bit more, and if you lean towards Davy Jones than just 'being a pirate' then the inhumanity makes more sense, it just doesn't kick in until fairly deep down the line. Also if you want to be a Dragon Pirate in One Piece resleeve yourself into someone who's a dragon, just be a pirate (or, if you need to, Template Stack one), and head to One Piece to make that story work if you want.
    Sounds good, and thanks for the clarification. I still like the idea of jobs, and think something like Shonen protagonist would be fun. Able to quickly advance in power, but at the cost of upping the Tier rating, and lowering your IQ.
    Hey, did you do something to your profile? Because now i can't see anything under the "posting" option
    Thought so. I asked an admin directly, since i didn't know where else to ask, and i'm still waiting their response
    Update: the admin i contacted said it's because they're still moving servers. Since it works through the search index, said index is reconstructing itself and won't work for a while
    Oh, that makes sense! Thanks for telling me!
    Hey, when I try to go and read the majority of your fics this appears: Questionable Questing - Error
    You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

    Do I have to ask here to be able to view Them or something?
    Hey random question, in some of your works a few Lee's in story has mentioned that they were teachers or training to be, is this a story only thing or /were/are you a actual teacher?
    I like writing as much as I like teaching, and I don't have to worry about being judged because of my, well, everything, while also being told that can't happen because of my, well, everything.
    Your Target
    Your Target
    While i don't understand everything i just read, i am glad you like things.
    Thank you for answering my question boss.
    TLDR: Teaching in New England is Political AF, and I don't match the wanted Politics, nor will I pretend to, so getting a job doing it without having another kind of in, like family, was extraordinarily difficult, so I have a teaching degree, but write instead.
    Yo, quick question about the WC. Do the companions know which world you are heading into? In the same vein, when and how are the companions added to your location? Couldn't find any info, and you seem to be in the know about WC.
    It's super open ended, for you to handle as you wish. Cherico added the concept of 'Orphanage' Waifus, who are raised to be Company Employees while still being themselves, which I then firmed up in BtK to have Templates that kind of guide their development, like mental molds.
    Those waifus know (generally) what's going on, while you can also get ones that are just the canon characters dropped in with no knowledge (and Bindings to keep them with/from turning on you), or some third thing! The WC is such that there's suggestions, but no real rules about the minutiae, which is what makes it so open-ended as a writing prompt!
    Hey, just wanted to thank you for getting me into Mark of the Fool. Saw you recommend it to someone and I've recently picked it up. I'm almost caught up (just gotta finish book 7) and I've gotta say it's a good series. Though there are some things I dislike, it's still good overall. Thanks!
    Hey, im just wondering if you know where i could find the cyoa you use? All i can find is the new version with the garbage intensity rules.
    The frozen builds for my main stories (DR, ACE, MHA) are found in the first index'd post on those threads. As for the commissioned works, I use the current version on the Neocities' site ( https://waifu-catalog.neocities.org/ ), using the 'Legacy' Intensity setting, and double check the point gain values are the same (for a bit they didn't match the old Catalog despite being 'Legacy').
    I just add in the difference manually if need be (on the pop up, top right is a wrench symbol, which you can use to tweak the point values) and then I export the text version to a 'Builds' file, which lists everything out so I can make sure it works out and don't have to rebuild it with a... questionable source.
    S T 0 |2 M
    I mean… now you have a new cyoa?
    Ei Lee, quick Question. Would you say than the Breath Stile from Demon Slayes fall under Martial Talent our Soul Talent?
    Hey Lee, so I know you've mentioned a couple times the whole "premium catalogue" and general CYOAs being company run, thick I've spotted one with a few Catalog influences, can I share it to see if you think there's enough room for it to be explained away in story as company made?
    Your one of my favorite writers, so want you to know that your writing helps, me atleast. You explain things that others just seem to know, and it makes sense even if it's hard to understand, even if it seems nonsensical a lot of the things you say make sense. You're even the one that got me into writing through Abaddon Borne, I have been reading your work since like chapter 60, and you keep getting better. Thank you
    Hey just wanted to say I love your Harry Potter work and hope you don't take peoples insults to heart.
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    Don't worry, as a teacher and internet native, if someone doesn't provide proof or an explanation, my default is 'Well, that's just like, your opinion, man'. If anything, I find the angry screeching sadly amusing, as there's really better things they could be doing with their life, but they're stuck spitting vitriol at rando's online.
    Got couple of questions about the WC: would the Substitute origin/insertion method into an undead(Third Overlord, for example) individual insert you prior to said undead status or after it at canon start? Second question was what is IMG on the catalog?
    It should substitute you into them as they canonically are at that time in the timeline, so if you start as Canon, you're undead, if before, you're not. And IMG is the Currency+ you get for capturing Tier X, Y, and Z targets, who are so powerful they break the scale, so it doesn't matter how many Tier 3's you capture/sell, they will NEVER equal the cost to purchase a Tier X.
    Thanks for fixing the ellepsis issue. Listening to my harem was smooth af! DR was a nightmare though... all those pauses awkwardly talking about consentual nonconsent!
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    Michah side note, in moon+ You could change any character(s) into another with name replacement. So you could fix authorial choices / issues with your preferred method. Changing ... To ellipsis, or random jumble of letters as a section marker to a tag like <hr> for clean boundaries.
    The issue isn't removing the spaces. I could do a find and replace on any wordprocessor. The issue is that I'm at work on my phone and I just select all and then copy/paste it into the app to have it read it to me while I work. I work in retail and don't want to be seen playing on my phone for minutes it would take to do that.
    Mr. Doe I use VIIO. its a free app with a couple different voices. Pretty sure it uses google translates voice as default.
    Hey so I know you like both Arcane and RWBY, would you say Vi as she is in arcane and with her gauntlets would be team RWBY level or closer to CRDL?

    Just because I've been toying around with the catalogue and I think a template of Vi would work well for going to RWBY. Especially with Aura on top of Vi's anime level physical abilities and combat skills.
    That makes sense, even if you add aura on top of the skills and physical abilities from that template, when it comes to actually using your aura you're still gonna be as far behind season 1 team RWBY as they are behind like... Qrow.

    Like Jaune level aura skills only without the tanky reserves to compensate.

    And while I intend to possess Whitley, as current season Whitley should probably be close enough in age to at least pass as the right age for Beacon, especially since Cinder managed to pass as a student, well he lacks any actual combat skills, but it would give me the potential for aura and a versitile, powerful and most important non random semblance.

    But even so, even with talents to help close that gap sooner, it would take significant work to reach RWBY level before the fall of beacons scheduled arrival, which is actually better for a story I think.
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