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Questionable Questing

But people like the son who have more ambitions, eventually get an offer from Lilith to expand their reach and meet with her to discusses some opportunities. Because what i'm thinking is that while Lilith doesn't like the violence she see's the opportunity in it, In building herself some enforcers and attack dogs away from the established clans and families.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
You can't be a hedonistic asshole without regard for anything anymore. Now you are part of a society and project that will make demands of you
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
What is the culture and civilization of Lilith? What does she strive for, what has she built and what has been the thing to inspire Fallen and Overlords to swear to her?
Since these petty tyrants don't have a family or a support system to fall back on, their entirely rely on Lilith's continued favor to survive against the established families that look down upon violent and chaotic newcomers.
And Lilith get's brownie points with the established families by reigning in any ambitious warlords under her control. Just one of many ways despite her altruistic goals, Lilith can be just as much of a monster as Lucifer.
Because Lilith's big thing is that she's the law. She's stability and compromise. She's one of the few major overlords advocating for slowing down and thinking things over. people may chaff under her rules, but they don't want to back to the lawless time when only Lucifer ruled. Her big thing is fairness. Everyone gets a trial. She has her very clear rules and if you follow them she won't go after you.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
How do the commonors and those of lesser power factor into her rule? And so Lilith promises Overlords they won't be broken by ancient demon demigods or destroyed by petty Fallen noble houses that have been seething since the birth of Hell. In all of this, Lilith is the medatior of power all sides trust to serve a unique interest that unifies them as a group.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And was Lucifer's rule really that bad? Was it Beal, Satan, Lucy himself when he wasn't moping? How pissed was he when he Fell?
The problem with Lucifer wasn't that he was bad ruler, it was that he wasn't there. he basically let the inmates run the asylum and spent all his time either as Satan seething and planning his next campaign against heaven, as Beel causing chaos on earth, or being a depressed shut in as Lucifer.
Which it wasn't too bad at first when the older demons were in charge, but with the influx of sinners turned overlords who had no respect for the old rules or the war, it turned into complete chaos.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And so Lilith had to try to make a actual government for Sinners to abide by and provide protection and purpose for people who just wanted to have a job and live a life
I wonder how the economy works in hell when you have overlord's that can literately make shit up with their minds? I wonder what a normal job in hell even looks like?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
That is a challanging but very interesting creative point. For one, I don't think Overlord production of materials and resources is unlimited
I'm thinking that since people and literately entwined with hell it means making art and anything creative will be a much easier and better approach. Lol I just had an idea that a good chunk of hell's economy is just various overlords trading paintings around.
But it does a bring up a good point that with as much as Lucifer enjoys music, gaining his favor could probably be as simple as creating the best theater production and that various overlords compete for the best actor and singers for their productions.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
What I think Hell's economy is based on is who do you have a Contract with? Which boss owes you goods and services? Who you owe goods and services to? How much power over Hell do you have to be the one that people want to serve?
I could totally imagine Charlies birthday being a huge celebration where overlords all over pay respect, and brings gifts and theater plays to the young girls to try and earn her parents favor.
I like that contract idea too, makes for some juicy conflict with how trade has to go across various different fiefdomes and much in like in our world, it becomes a careful balancing act as each ruler wants to corner the markets for themselves, through tariffs, trade disagreements, and intimidation.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Contracts are gold. This is Hell, powerful souls have value and so that value is traded and shared and collected. And everyone is trying to increase their value or the value of their family or in group.
And Lilith is the big boss uptop that makes sure those contracts get followed, nice. The world building seems to be coming together.