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Questionable Questing

What I'm thinking with controlling their own bodies, they can actually infuse it with chakra, the same way Samurai infuse their weapons, and literally turn their arm into fire or other elemental effects and then back. Really push how far the usual Ninja skill of transformation can go.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
How early in canon you want to start story?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Like a fire fist or a arm made of giant fire? And you want to expand ninja taijutsu? In canon so few examples and not enough sword use
I'm think wave arc, with flash backs to Tsuande and Naruto's relationship. the trauma of the event really forced Naruto to start listening to Tsuande warning's and helps him start to grow up, while for Tsuande her fear of losing him finally pushes her over the edge into sleeping with him.
A fire first, except on the higher end of monks its literally made of fire so swords would just pass through, they have that much control over their own chakra.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Wandering Samurai show up in wave arc to have Zabuza a ninja sword master vs a Samurai or Gato using a corrupt Samurai?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Monks are Logia devil fruit. Elemental spirit matter men
yeah, the devil fruit and especially Ace is what inspired the Monks.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Giant Chakra avatar forms to bitch slap ninja and samurai
I'm thinking on the higher end of Monk's they are in such control over their own internal chakra, that enemy charka that touches them either gets absorbed or just gets brushed away painlessly.
Imagine this huge Jutsu with this huge air of effect and a ton of wind up, only for an old man to wave his hand and watch as it just Peters out into nothing, that's my idea of the strongest monks.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
While what is a strongest samurai and ninja?
Strongest Ninja would be orchimama, tsuande, any of the Hoakges.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Ninjas are bloody MMA wizards to quote a friend
Strongest Samurai would be so skilled with their blade and armor, they can freely manipulate it like it's apart of them. changing the size of the blade and how it attacks with what kind of style or elemental charka. All of it done none verbally, all mentally, so unlike Ninja's you don't get any warning to what happened next unless your a highly skilled chakra sensor.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
So a Samurai pimps out their sword and armor with all kinds of Chakra enchantments.
they focus most of their time on that and honing their bodies to handle the souped up weapons. Kind of funny to think about, but their like a biker obsessing over their ride with how much they focus on their blades.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
So a Monk becomes flame while a Ninja taijutsu master infuses his fists with explosive fire in a iron fist technique but can only augment, not transform
A Monk infuses, a Samurai layers. A monk literally absorbs the chakra with in. the Samurai tries to hold as much chakra on the surface. Neither one is stronger than the other, its all just two different mental paths and approaches to the same concepts.
Infusing chakra is time consuming and extremely difficult, taking a lot of concentration and understanding so you don't kill yourself or blow anything up, but gives a percent power boost since on the higher end you can freely access natural chakra which is basically unlimited.