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Questionable Questing

You know I understand in the real world there's millions of people working in basically slave conditions mining out the rare earth minerals our society needs to function.
But in a literal death world were those same slave labor mines are located in a tundra in atlas surrounded by hordes of unending man eating monsters, and if your bosses are cheap enough to skimp on basic safety equipment, you can bet your ass their doing the same with basic defense against the grim, what dumb ass would sign up for that?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Defense against the Grimm would be the one thing he doesn't skimp on. The rest is profit to be gained from terrible conditions and Whitely as the mordred of Willow the winter witch is a great plot point. He wants Winter's ass, might already have started training her.
I guess what I'm saying is that he can be a dick, I just want him to be more realistic about it. A great example, automation. he had remnants greatest robotistic working for him for many years, and not once did have him build any machine that could do the mining instead of the fanus.
Machines don't argue about health care or workers comp, they don't rob your shit or go on strike. Robots would be cheaper to deal with than the fanus at this point. And for the fanus it would be horrible for them. Sure their not getting abused by the company anymore, but if they were desperate enough to work their, then that must of been their only option.
There you go, moral complexity. Automation stops work place abuse and keeps people from dying in those hellish mines, but it cost the livelihood's of thousands of people. You make it more gray. You make it more complicated, than evil business kicking puppies and laughing about it later.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
My rule with Jaques is find every shitty thing a corpo has ever done and do that, and add in a nice stinking layer of sexism and abuse of his secretaries and all the lovely bullshit of that. You know of the Vince mchmaon story? Seen the details of how fucked that is? Shit like raping a girl, shitting on her, having the other guy keep raping her for three hours while taking a shower
God that story was so crazy, I went from thinking it had to be faked this is too crazy, to thinking it's so crazy it has to be real. Jesus, I wonder how many other wrestlers were into it. I was never into wrestler, but still I can't imaging being a fan right now.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
What you think of Whitely and Willow as partners planning to screw over Jaques?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
He prosituted her to another guy as "breakfast meat" and named his dildos after wrestlers and dressed up as a wrestler to rape her. It is fucking batshit and evil
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Thought, Cinder as Salem's adopted daughter? And how evil you want her to be? Personally, I feel bad for her and think her adopted dad figure is a fucking idiot. Who fucking cares if she killed the fucking people torturing her. What the fuck is even the problem here
I really like the stuff with Willow and Whitley, but I'm always a fan of a proactive and incestous Willow. Plus Jaques getting screwed over is a staple of every good RWBY fic.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
You know many good Willow and Whitely fics? I know squat.
Cinder is a tragic case, being taken advantage of to be used as a weapon. Her and Salem relationship will be complicated, as she simultaneously hates, fears, loves, respects, and desperately wishes for acknowledgment from the grim queen.
There's a few quests on Fiction Live with Whitley as the protagonist that our fun. The latest one I've been reading is a cheap power fantasy, but it has Whitely impregnating and NTR'ing most of the cast so that's always fun.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
You said NTRing and I am not liking this. What is the tone of this quest? And what the title of quest?
Its called a different Schnee and its tone is chill, I mean yeah there's bad guys to fight and there drama with the girls and family to deal with, but the quests like to focus on empire building with Whitley managing his own section of the company hoping to one day gobble his father along the way traveling around, making deals, and meeting beautiful ladies.
The focus is more light hearted and all the girls are strangely not jealous of how many partners Whitley has.Which was given a lore reason with how much of a death world Remnat is, poly relationships are seen as normal.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Is Willow a main girl?