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Search results for query: *

  • Order by date
  1. Silver W. King

    Good day today? 😃

    Good day today? 😃
  2. d.fish


  3. Ack

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Ooh, thanks. Will fix.
  4. d.fish

    Upon realizing this, Zam's response was "oh nyo"

    Upon realizing this, Zam's response was "oh nyo"
  5. d.fish

    Until a final restart where Zam was told that time stopped looping, but all of the thousands of...

    Until a final restart where Zam was told that time stopped looping, but all of the thousands of significant others who fell in love with Zam also remember their one individual time loop where they fell in love with Zam, making those thousands each thinking their one true soul mate is Zam
  6. d.fish

    There once was a Zam who was cursed to time loop, but it's counted in years instead of hours...

    There once was a Zam who was cursed to time loop, but it's counted in years instead of hours, but being an optimistic Zam, she tried to live each life to its fullest, so she'd master an art or a field, fall deeply in love, achieve happiness with a significant other... and then it'd start all...
  7. jambas

    Sexually Harassing Brazilians

    Sexually Harassing Brazilians
  8. Mr Zoat

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Thank you, corrected.
  9. Heaven Canceler

    Whelp, in case you want to know, it appears that Infernal Heritage is finally finished with the...

    Whelp, in case you want to know, it appears that Infernal Heritage is finally finished with the rework and got released a little bit ago. Maybe you want to check it out if you still want to get back to your Worm/WC Devil fic at some point.
  10. Oth

    General chat thread

    Attempt at serious answer. "And then what? How does this affect me?" Internalise that majority of strangers and/or acquaintances's opinions are essentially irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, online semi-anonymised strangers doubly so. Will other people with said opinions even remember...
  11. Sypho.uad

    Ahh I see. I guess QQ was late in changing the site. But it still had that look ya know. More...

    Ahh I see. I guess QQ was late in changing the site. But it still had that look ya know. More pleasing on the eyes.
  12. Lord Kaeru

    Like everybody else don't know why you followed me but thanks have a follow.

    Like everybody else don't know why you followed me but thanks have a follow.
  13. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Technically she wasn't possessed. She just had a bunch of Hell energy in her system that made her violently feral. I remember that 666 Diana was taken to Nazi Earth where she was healed using Gaia magic, but I don't remember any mention of the Amazons going there, or any of the enslaved...
  14. moralrelativity

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    ready -> read
  15. Coltsguy

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    'it', I'm betting.
  16. Avalonknight

    to anyone interested you can find my works on the other sites I post them on, at this time the...

    to anyone interested you can find my works on the other sites I post them on, at this time the only thing that isn't here is my first story which is on hiatus that you can find it on fanfiction https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5327048/ https://archiveofourown.org/users/AvalonKnight
  17. Gowonzu's Snippet Thread (Worm)

    Oh my, imagine once the secret gets out! Mandatory training sessions for the protectorate and PRT troopers on arachnid anatomy and standard issue tickle feathers adding to the load outs. Most hilarious fall from grace for a villain since somebody realised you could disable Accord by...
  18. Vaermina

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Silver Age kryptonians are massively more powerful than their Earth 16 counterparts. In the two seconds Paul was concerned Kara could have spent several months working out her issues using mental super speed.
  19. MercerV12

    I just re-read The Game Must Go On and I was wondering if you still planned on continuing the...

    I just re-read The Game Must Go On and I was wondering if you still planned on continuing the novel at all, someone replied to a comment 9-10 months ago saying you were working through editing some things from the old chapters before you release any new ones and I was wondering if that was still...
  20. Value Dissonance (Original Fiction)
    Threadmarks: Curse

    In fact, I thought about eating from the rich woman's plate when I was time traveling to the past. It's- uh- a very bad idea. Of all the people among the "Pioneer" group, Selene always has that serial killer vibe to her. And while all the members of the "Pioneer" group have that I would kill...