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Search results for query: *

  • Order by date
  1. ThunderBasilisk

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Fucking hell Raven your even more of a dumbass then Sienna is. Any bets Raven might try to kidnap one of Jaunes kids?
  2. Yami-Guy

    Just found both your Worm and Star Wars stories, I hope both of them continue for a long time...

    Just found both your Worm and Star Wars stories, I hope both of them continue for a long time. Keep up the great work! They are very enjoyable to read.
  3. Monarchist Guy

    Writers block my enemy

    Writers block my enemy
  4. Hellhound_dow

    Supers VS Guns

    Agreed. A random ganger with a full auto unloading at the super and somehow not hitting them at all, even if they aren't wearing body armor or are invulnerable is plot armor. Doing so against a super that is invulnerable some way and the ricochets of the bullets never hitting the shooter is also...
  5. RenanPMoraes

    [Dragon Ball Z] Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer

    Hey guys! I usually respond to your comments when I post my new chapter because that way everyone can read the discussion on all the Fic platforms I post (I translate your comments for Portuguese speakers). But I would like to acknowledge SSIntrinity's comment on the numbers. The reason I use...
  6. Jao

    [BUG?]Pictures not shown

    I don't like that one because sometimes it puts adverts in the copy and paste box, meaning when you click copy and then paste it into a QQ post with out looking it might also have in advert in the QQ post. I have been using https://postimages.org and it doesn't do that bs. Also this image may...
  7. A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Character Sheet

    [In interest of taking advantage of my weekend, I will be closing the vote early, so that I can put out the next turn today.] You are a research biologist fresh out of college and one of the first scientists tasked with studying Xenobiology. Your task is simple, decipher these strange and...
  8. Brian Boru

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Well now I'm imagining Tai taking ONE LAST chance at love and well... Yang: "Should we still call you Professor? Or Mom?" Glynda starts bawling her eyes out due to hormones
  9. evildice

    General chat thread

    Sounds Appalachian.
  10. Treble

    General chat thread

    I sometimes wonder if I should stand up for my cousin when our parents and grandparents mock her...unorthodox marriage. Had another of those "funny" family meetings today, but I decided not to intervene because she's a big girl and can take care of herself. At the same time, I'm still her elder...
  11. Kylia Quilor

    Supers VS Guns

    Supers can hurt guns if the author wants them to. Because you know, superpowers don't exist IRL, same with the rules of vampirism varying from story to story. It's not plot armor if it's an established part of the setting that many superheroes are bullet resistant or bulletproof (at least to...
  12. Supers VS Guns

    The weak link is not the gun, it's the meat-based fire control unit holding the gun. Meat is not perfectly mechanically reliable. It can fumble, it can miss. Meat doesn't have bug-free programming. It can hesitate, or make wrong decisions, or get overwhelmed by feedback and shut down. Meat runs...
  13. Sol Zagato

    Supers VS Guns

    Supers can carry more gun. It all depends on the look and feel you want.
  14. Hellhound_dow

    Supers VS Guns

    Oh for sure. But by realistic physics, I mean with body armor, not invulnerability of some fashion. With body armor, you still have kinetic force, and even the best modern body armor will only stop up to certain calibers. Even then the kinetic force can still knock you down and break bones if it...
  15. On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    *sniff* the power of frienship is truly stored in the walls.
  16. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    ....What if Isabel became the school nurse early in the story?
  17. AndrewJTalon

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Heh. Though I can also see this working well with Isabel Arc. She's got eight children, she can't help being motherly.
  18. Just Another Perv

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts
    Threadmarks: Mom

    ...Blake: "Old News. But you calling Professor Goodwitch 'mommy' on the other hand..." Yang: "Hey, 'mommy' is not on the table!" Jaune: "But you *did* call her 'mom.'" Yang: "You shut up! You faked your transcripts to get in here! We shouldn't listen to a thing you say!" Jaune: "Alright, I faked...
  19. D'waawwu

    Supers VS Guns

    I mean Superhero setting throw realistic physics out the window. The moment someone shows up who can take a fifty cal to the face, You now have something to study to allow you to make better armor. It becomes an arms race.
  20. Hellhound_dow

    Supers VS Guns

    And I agree. That's why I specified about the plot armor, too. There was a debate going on about how guns in the hands of normal gangers were useless in a setting with supers which was derailing the thread, so I made this here since everyone seemed to want to continue it.