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Search results for query: *

  • Users: Mu-Sensei
  • Content: Threads
  • Order by date
  1. Mu-Sensei

    QQ Tables

    Is there a way to set minimum width for a QQ table? I have one (I'll put below into a spoiler), which makes a cell tiny, because it doesn't contain any text (I think).
  2. Mu-Sensei

    The Questionably Upbeat Depressive

    So, Depression. I have noticed quite a number of forumers mentioning it on a way or another in their profile posts. So I figured if people are asking for help, I could do something, little as it is. I can't cure Depression, not even the best medicine can. I can't even do all that much. But...
  3. Mu-Sensei

    So... Keyboards.

    Well, as I have posted on my profile, my keyboard broke. I have tried to buy another one, but the one I got came with failing led backlight, keys which lock once pressed and, though not exactly a defect, keys that require too much strenght to press. Does anyone recommend a keyboard with soft...
  4. Mu-Sensei

    Unlimited Blade Works chants

    Because, why not? Serious or not, they almost always sound awesome. I am the bit of my byte silicon is my body, electricity is my blood I have ran over a thousand programs Unknown to 0s Nor known to 1s I have withstood many errors to complete many processes and yet this circuit will never...