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Search results for query: *

  1. Bad Habits

    The future is here

    Ah. So this is the real reason Skynet went insane and tried to wipe out humanity. Perfectly rational response actually.
  2. Bad Habits

    Yeah, she's a great ship.

    Yeah, she's a great ship.
  3. Bad Habits

    Are You Afraid of the Dark? [Worm AU fanfic]

    Eh, it's actually kind of sad though that it took Shadow Stalker from dying to kick over this ant hill. They've almost certainly done a lot of crimes worthy of this response, but it was the rogue cop, undeserving of the badge getting killed that set it off. Not the dozens, probably hundreds, of...
  4. Bad Habits

    Thousand Hands (Naruto)

    Overall a nice chapter, but the constant shifting of the text size was a pain in the ass to deal with. If it's intentional perhaps find something else to set the sections of text apart from one another?
  5. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    Sasori was probably a lot better than we got to see since all the Akatsuki members were supposed to be super strong and almost all of them ended up going out like chumps. That said, S-Class seems to be more of a threat rating of "Yes" due to them having/being reliant some sort of special ability...
  6. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    Ran definitely meant bantering, but honestly she's so bad at it she can't even get the name right :P
  7. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    Knew there was going to be a sequel hook. Although I finally figured out which one's going to be the baby carrier between her and Karin. Ran'll have a hard time running off again if Karin's keeping her barefoot and pregnant.
  8. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    That would be awesome. Like genuinely, legitimately awesome. I mean yeah it's probably going to end up not doing a lot since apparently not everyone in ROOT is a brainwashed Sai-alike so there's almost certainly somebody to step in and lead the organization following his death, but just killing...
  9. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    The way you say that makes me think there's going to be some sort of sequel hook in case you decide to come back and play in this sandbox again.
  10. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    Can you give a citation (the chapter or just a range) on it being "dense" chakra? I know that Kushina had something special about her chakra that was why she was chosen, but I didn't think they got any more indepth than that. I know a lot of people think her having the chains was the reason why...
  11. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    The Heal Bite as you call it was definitely something that Karin's mother had and it's overuse is canonically what killed her. That said, I say it's a bloodline ability because I don't believe that her mother would teach her that ability if she could avoid doing so, especially as I don't think...
  12. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    The only thing that would be, by definition, a bloodline ability is Karin's healing ability. The chains are more than likely secret techniques/teachings that Karin was able to recreate in some form or fashion, likely having had incomplete instruction from her mother or simply reconstructed based...
  13. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    If we're gonna go there - how about we address the fact that Ino is by all appearances the heiress of the Yamanaka clan and has no younger siblings so by that logic her crush on Sasuke was never going to go anywhere and she knew it. Honestly out of the girls in Naruto's class Sakura was the...
  14. Bad Habits

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    I don't remember which story, but I do recall reading a Sakura focused post-698 (pretty sure it cut 699 and 700 both out) that actually addresses this and Ino admitting it's a bit of a kink for her. Like explicitly says that men with mental issues are a major turn on for her and that she likes...
  15. Bad Habits

    QQ's Future - Partnership with Google

    ...if only there was such a respectable reason for the government to be leaving Google alone.
  16. Bad Habits

    QQ's Future - Partnership with Google

    Aren't they shutting down Stadia? I seem to recall hearing a rumor to that effect. I bet the free access starts the same day they discontinue the service.
  17. Bad Habits

    QQ's Future - Partnership with Google

    No, you're really not. I mean the world is headed the way of Demolition Man where all the people who like to look at nudie mags and have actual sex have to go live underground in the sewers while all the nice, mind-controlled sheep live above ground.
  18. Bad Habits

    QQ's Future - Partnership with Google

    Holy shit, you fucking trolls, for a moment I thought this was real. I almost started crying! ...if it's not obvious I fucking hate Google and their "Be Evil" corporate ethos.
  19. Bad Habits

    Thousand Hands (Naruto)

    Will need to reread then. Still I am somewhat interested in Mito's experiences growing up now that she seems to be taking a larger role in the narrative.
  20. Bad Habits

    Thousand Hands (Naruto)

    I feel like we need to see more of Mito's life - especially what she went through growing up - to make that scene with Ebisu make sense. Because while she's experiencing some serious upheavals right now, that...really came out of nowhere. So unless I've missed something in previous chapters or...