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Search results for query: *

  1. Seth Vatamaris

    The SFW image thread

  2. Seth Vatamaris

    General chat thread

    I remember that there was this cool Channel that was all Let's Plays MLG highlights, game trailers, and that
  3. Seth Vatamaris

    General chat thread

    Discord hasn’t helped, and it’s ones I made.
  4. Seth Vatamaris

    General chat thread

    I am not that creative or good at problem solving, are there any other sites out there I can go to. Not big social media a forum like this, I’m not liking the SB spin-offs anymore, I don’t feel for them like I used to
  5. Seth Vatamaris

    R.I.P Technoblade

    I was just looking into Dream SMP and this happens
  6. Seth Vatamaris

    You have to give your Avatar The Talk

    Yes explain the birds and bees to your avatar in whatever crazy or cringe way you want even if they know it.
  7. Seth Vatamaris

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Well as of recently though the video is much older, this YouTuber who a friend introduced me to has gone bonkers, and I used to watch infrequently but stopped because my essential job has mandatory overtime for the last few months to keep us out of the red. Anyways to keep Rule 8 to a minimum...
  8. Seth Vatamaris

    General chat thread

    Well my parents are going to Japan, one of their many locations is Akihabara and she offered to buy me anything that could be taken back But like with my Birthday I have no idea, there's a lot of anime I like but do any of you have ideas.
  9. Seth Vatamaris

    Cutest 2D Girls Image Thread

    Alternate Timeline Origami Date A Live, she's the best
  10. Seth Vatamaris

    What Makes a Pure Evil Villain?

    Bringing this from SB as there's not much traffic reaching I was trying to think of how to make this thread then this video came out It's a analysis of what makes a villain so pure irredeemably evil and its a hard topic to pin down. I once expressed annoyance at the Anti Villain which...
  11. Seth Vatamaris

    Cutest 2D Girls Image Thread

    Date a Live To Love Ru
  12. Seth Vatamaris

    Cutest 2D Girls Image Thread

    Demon Lord Milim Nava from Slime Isekai
  13. Seth Vatamaris

    Cutest 2D Girls Image Thread

    Love Live K-On! Idolm@ster Laid Back Camp
  14. Seth Vatamaris

    Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

    Demon Lord Milim from Slime Isekai
  15. Seth Vatamaris

    Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

    I'll have to go with Captain MacMillan from Modern Warfare. He only appears for two missions in the campaign and mostly only serves as a mentor/guidance for Captain Price, who you play as. However, he's pretty popular for his accent, being a badass, and literally never missing. Even after...
  16. Seth Vatamaris

    Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

    I've been in deep with the Naruto Fandom and I'm disappointed in TVTropes for not mentioning these filler characters, found some of my old postings on this. Tsukino She only appears in one videogame but has such a remarkably good chemistry with Naruto that if Hinata didn't exist I'd push...
  17. Seth Vatamaris

    Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

    US Navy SEAL Team 9 Alpha Platoon aka Night Nine from Jormangand They manage to sneak up on the tied up marines and free them before they even realize their bonds were undone. Night Nine then manages to sprint in an unfamiliar Cuban jungle ( with Predator recon) to catch up with Koko's team in...
  18. Seth Vatamaris

    Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

    Delta Squad from Republic Commando Appearing in a single game with no sequel Boss - Temura Morrison Fixer - Andrew Chaikin Sev - Jonathan Cook Scorch - Raphael Sbarge Funny enough when the Scorch action figure was released he was almost immediately sold out. I have one. Well most of the...
  19. Seth Vatamaris

    Minor or Supporting Characters with Major Followings

    Floral Pants Man from Persona 5. Well as an NPC who's been used multiple times in the story he's given random noun and verb descriptor. But if you don't complete Mishima's Confidant to 10/10 he's the one who takes his place in the finale (though with Mishima he's the first to support him)...