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Search results for query: *

  1. Pensive Rumination

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    I assume Castle is saying he believes they can take on Kusmich and the thugs? It's a little unclear...maybe, "but they could still take those odds" "Castle" "shot" (1)Does the 'him' refer to the vic or the demon? (2)"didn't" seems to work better
  2. Pensive Rumination

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    Huh...so today I learned that Vi's an actual Buffy character and not an OC. Guess it just goes to show that reading lots of Buffy fanfiction can't quite equal having watch the show itself. "This" "didn't have" "e-mailed". I tend to associate 'mailed' with the old paper and pen method. Or...
  3. Pensive Rumination

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    You never really establish who's speaking here. I assume Castle due to the "Dear Lord" but it's a bit jarring nonetheless. Think you missed a word. With it however, the sentence becomes a little wordy. Maybe you could shorten it out to something like "Vi used the opening created by the...
  4. Pensive Rumination

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    ...as an Australian I feel SHAME!
  5. Pensive Rumination

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    "undressed" Missing word. "Have" Confusing wording, maybe: "being seen and having your lie exposed?" Missing comma. Missing comma. Missing word. I think "This is" works better. He's holding it after all. Not needed.
  6. Pensive Rumination

    Richard Castle, Watcher (Castle/Buffy) (Complete)

    Funny thing is this is actually quite possible since the original show actually has an alternate universe episode. If Canon!Castle took a left after the 3rd Hellverse instead of a right...;)