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Search results for query: *

  1. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Does Jaune's being completely unruffled this was him only going easy on them, was as little effort as possible, and that he literally can't perform less good than this? Imagine how incredible they would feel if Jaune actually put in any effort (any effort whatsoever, doesn't matter how much).
  2. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Or something like this, where Ruby can't see Jaune's aura when she's close to him (like within 10 kilometers/6 miles). :p
  3. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Wouldn't Dust mining be very dangerous, seeing as it is, you know, HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE? So they would need specialised equipment, and it would be very carefull work, because a wrong move could trigger a chain reaction that could kill everyone in the mine at once. This is also likely the part of...
  4. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Fun fact, some martial arts schools actually "trained" students they considered unworthy incorrectly on purpose, just like Wimp Lo. Heck, even the thermometer breaking scene isn't all that weird, as certain forms of Chinese martial arts do go to considerable lengths to toughen up the...
  5. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Addendum to this post of mine (which I will edit in). If Jaune's mother is a doctor, it would make sense if she was a member of the Igor clan. This works a little bit too well, because Adam and Hex are both pieces of shit. 😆
  6. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    An idea for one more Arc relatives. One or more Igor(s) transplanted from the Discworld series/setting. It could be 1 uncle or a whole sub-clan within the arc family (or from Jaune's mother's side). edit; If Jaune's mother is a doctor, it would make a lot of sense if she was a member of the Igor...
  7. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I'm imagining somekind of small monkey Grimm (a bit like a spidermonkey but without a tail). Not very strong, but much more intelligent by Grimm standards (though not as smart The Hound), and almost always work in gangs/groups. This kinda reminds me of that one Hollow/Arrancar from Bleach who...
  8. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Interesting to see that Cardin's hindbrain is the smart and tolerant one, while conscious Cartin is the idot and (ex-)racist.
  9. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    For a moment I thought that Cowboy Jaune grabbed a second revolver. Which made me think that it might be funny and/or interesting if Cowboy Jaune had a bunch of different revolvers for different purpouses. Kinda like Daddy Masterson, aka Daddy the Father from One Piece. Fun fact; Daddy WAS...
  10. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    It's Kama Sutra, not karma sutra. Kama literally translated means: "Love," "Desire," "Pleasure" and/or "longing". Karma literally translated means: "action", "work", and/or "deed", referring mostly to its effect or consequences, and to a principle of cause and effect. Fun fact; the Kama Sutra...
  11. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    It might be interesting to if Jaune was not just from a lineage of Huntsmen, but is also descended or related to some of the best and greatest thieves/criminals of Remnant, with Sly Cooper, Arsine Lupin III and Carmen Sandiego being just a few of them. Is Yang using her breasts like a pair of...
  12. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    It reminds me of the overacting plot of One Piece, Treasure Island/Treasure Planet, and/or possibly The Goonies (though I must admit that I haven't seen it, only read a summery). Didn't that kinda already happen in canon? While it's never acknowledged in-universe, eventually (in I think from...
  13. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Some ideas: - Someone (maybe Jaune, Cardin, Sun, an OC) has a very unique and weird Semblance, as what it can do changes to something random each day/8 hours/hour, so nobody knows what their power will be, or if it will be helpful in any way. - Cowboy Jaune's eventual transforming weapon has a...
  14. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I think that's the joke.
  15. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I don't get what Ren has to do with this idea. Do you mean that he disconnects himself from others or something? Or do you mean that he can sense the emotions of others (which he could only do after Volume 8 Episode 7)? As far as I understand Ren's Semblance iesn't about connecting with others...
  16. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Or alternatively, the Schnee Semblance is about lineage, where the family Semblance can do a little bit more with each generation (a bit like how the One For All Quirk from MHA, but without the power stockpiling). This doesn't mean it gets more powerful, as it still requires aura to use, aura...
  17. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Somehow Jaune has way more knowledge and advise about being a crime lord than he should have and and Jaune refuses to explain it (but is implied to be connected something like a sister, cousin or aunt).
  18. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp3sFWNI3eM This version is also fun and appropriate.
  19. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    So I was wondering if it would be okay if I quoted your post, or mention your names in a different thread,the [NSFW] Hot Pieces of RWBY thread specifically, because I have the feeling that that thread could have a lot of fun with those ideas. I'm asking because I'm not sure what the etiquette...
  20. Bommel

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Would it be weird if Glynda is actively encouraging the girls and Jaune to form a harem, not because she wants to win the betting pool (though she may or may not have a decent amount money put on it), but because then she has a chance at joining the harem/getting with Jaune? So someone like...