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  1. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Day job roll in a momeent... 1162
  2. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    I don't want the boots, so it's fine to give them to Xicree, someone else is carrying my rations, there should still be some... .... I don't think there's anything I want or need to buy right now, actually. I might spend pp for a wand of Snapdragon Fireworks, though, if that's a legal one...
  3. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Eh. Go ahead and sell 'em I guess.
  4. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    What do the boots do?
  5. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Picking up a Darkleaf Cloth Hide Shirt for 770 gp. (paying 400 out of pocket and the rest, 370gp, from group funds) Selling Haramaki for 1gp and 5sp, throwing out ten useless torches from my kit to reduce weight, sets me at 11gp5sp in my pocket. Going to set my spells as Endure Elements...
  6. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Hang on. What is this rod and what does it do? I was assuming it just cast a silence spell, but now that I think about it 'Metamagic' implies that this is not the case.
  7. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Okay. I'll be buying a Pearl of Power(1) for 1000 gold. Since I'm suddenly food paranoid, I'm also buying 10 trail rations for 5 gold. Total spent of 1005 gold. And after a lot of deliberation, I think I'm going to stick with focusing on the best defense being a strong offense and buy a 2pp...
  8. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread Shit, I forgot to post this and just realized as I was lying down. I'm thinking my shopping list: --- 2PP: Wand of Magic Missile. Haramaki: 3GP Scrolls- Protection from Good: 25GP Protection from Evil: 25GP True Strike: 25GP Sleep: 25GP Deck of Cards...
  9. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread I understand that you're reluctant to easily offer the potential of extra gold, but I'm going to link a few things now that I'm not reeling from my first real introduction to tabletop gaming 'economics'...
  10. Chibi-Reaper

    Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

    Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread We've cleared the museum and are slated to escort some elf back to elf-land, by way of a smuggling vessel. Before that, however, it's the traditional end-of-quest shopping spree and preparations, with a sack of 2000 gold to be divided among the party. And...