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Saturday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

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Needs more handholding. [Forever DM]
Nov 12, 2013
Likes received
La and lo! Book keeping and tactics?

Current Roster:


Wait List:


Current Path:

Haunted Museum 100% Cleared
Escort Snobby Elf Home 100% Cleared
Recover Artifact 100% Cleared
Mountain Climbing 100% Cleared
Reach Destination with McGuffin 100% Cleared

That said, chat here.
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Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Next game, tentatively Friday 16th, at 6PM Chibi-Time, pending confirmation.
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Next game is slated for Thursday May 22 at 6PM Chibi-Time, pending further complications.
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Chibi-Reaper: 2PP
Darkened: 2PP
Enthalpy: 0PP (2PP spent on a Wand of Cure Light Wounds)
Merior: 2PP


2000 GP in group coffers.

Shopping now. Discuss. Any questions? PM/Ask here/IRC/etc
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

We've cleared the museum and are slated to escort some elf back to elf-land, by way of a smuggling vessel.

Before that, however, it's the traditional end-of-quest shopping spree and preparations, with a sack of 2000 gold to be divided among the party. And there are so many things to buy, preparations to make, and questions to ask and answer.



Question time, in a format that won't be lost among myriad other IRC words.

What do I have to roll to check what I know about envoy Elf-man? That'd be nobility knowledge?

Similarly, I'm in the merchant...y group, thing. Can't pronounce it, but it's the Q one. So to find out what stuff I can buy cheap here, slap on a cart, bring along on the smuggling ship ride to elf-land, and sell at a profit.... uh, would that be Appraise? Because I guess I can also see it being geographical knowledge or knowing about nobles, to determine things they want?
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

What do you know about the elf? It was an ask and get it answered from the Venture Captain.

Who is Sephriel? "He is a representative of the isolationist Mordant Spire elves who have stood guard over the ruins of ancient Azlant for millennia. His safe arrival at the Mordant Spire is of paramount importance, and your primary mission."

As for the merchant thing... The answer is no, this is not an opened world economy, every merchant will magically know how much an item costs and charge you 100% for it, and buy it from you at 50%. These scenarios are laid out in a way that there should not be any influx of extra gold aside from what was laid out in the scenario.
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

I understand that you're reluctant to easily offer the potential of extra gold, but I'm going to link a few things now that I'm not reeling from my first real introduction to tabletop gaming 'economics'.


Relevant section is Trade Goods, and I'll just snip the most important line.

>>Trade goods are the exception to the rule that you can sell an item for half its price; they're valuable enough to be exchanged almost as if they were cash itself.

That's just a general 1 to 1 exchange of currency to barter currency, though. There's also supply and demand, which is easily utilized from here:


On page 39, accounting for how the prices of trade goods change depending on if they're flooding the market or nowhere to be found.

But yeah, I'm not talking about trying to buy a hundred breastplates for a discount and sell them for more than market price or anything. I can easily accept 'Adventurer shit runs on different, and bullshit, rules', I just want to drag a wagon of Stuff around places, buying and selling exotic spices and sundries.

And it's less bringing more money in than it is pushing adventurer funds out of the system, really. I'm spending money on trade-stuff, that can convert into money but in general converts to more trading stuff. I mean, I'm a wizard. If money is the huge issue, then the second I get something like lesser planar binding I can just keep indefinitely summoning earth elementals to bring me diamonds and produce infinite money.

Also, not unrelated, and not immediately relevant either, but interesting:

Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Chibi-Reaper said:
Similarly, I'm in the merchant...y group, thing. Can't pronounce it, but it's the Q one. So to find out what stuff I can buy cheap here, slap on a cart, bring along on the smuggling ship ride to elf-land, and sell at a profit.... uh, would that be Appraise? Because I guess I can also see it being geographical knowledge or knowing about nobles, to determine things they want?
Isn't this something which the Day Job rules (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organised Play p21) are supposed to cover?
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Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Yes, day job roll covers that.
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Shit, I forgot to post this and just realized as I was lying down.

I'm thinking my shopping list:


2PP: Wand of Magic Missile.

Haramaki: 3GP
Protection from Good: 25GP
Protection from Evil: 25GP
True Strike: 25GP
Sleep: 25GP
Deck of Cards: 7GP?(Detailed artwork item, shark skin &etc.)

Total: 110GP

For now, nothing else jumps out at me that I can afford.
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Purchases approved, please edit your character sheet accordingly.
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Anyone else having no clue on what to do to move forward right now, or is it just me?
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

You're ace detectives! You'll get to the bottom of this... Eventually...
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Track down someone landside to cast resurrect, ask our dead-guy what happened?

Murder everyone then say it was a conspiracy?

Just agree to blame someone and when they say they're innocent just point out that proclaiming your innocence is exactly what a guilty person would do!
Re: Thursday Pathfinder OoC- Thread

Session for this week is re-scheduled to Saturday July 19th for 6 PM Chibi-Reaper time.
Mystery finally complete, after 3+ months of goofing around. Go shopping.
Shopping List

Trail Rations 4x – 2g - 4lbs
Potion of Cure Light Wounds x3 - 150g
Potion of Mage Armor x3 – 150g
Potion of Endure Elements x3 - 150g
Rope, Silk – 10G - 5lbs
Arrows(40) – 2g - 3lbs
Bedroll – 1S - 5lbs
Winter Blanket – 5S - 3lbs
Flint&steel – 1g
Cold-weather outfit – 8G -7lbs
Pouch, Belt x2 - 2g - 1lbs

total spent 475.6g
total weight gained 28
Buying 5 scrolls (beguiling Gift, Mount, Charm Person, Web Bolt, Induce Fear) -125GP

Trail Rations 4x – 2g - 4lbs
Winter Blanket – 5S - 3lbs
Cold-weather outfit – 8G -7lbs
Potion of Endure Elements x3 - 150g

Total Gold: 285G 5s
Total Weight Gain: 14ibs
2x Scroll of Endure Elements @25g
2x Potion of Cure Light Wounds @50g
1x Cold Weather Outfit @8g
5x Trail Rations @5s
1x Winter Blanket @5s

Total: 161 g
Purchase Approved. Please remember to note down encumbrance.

I'll be buying a Pearl of Power(1) for 1000 gold.
Since I'm suddenly food paranoid, I'm also buying 10 trail rations for 5 gold.

Total spent of 1005 gold.

And after a lot of deliberation, I think I'm going to stick with focusing on the best defense being a strong offense and buy a 2pp Wand of Burning Hands. Hitting the Weak Point for Bonus Damage is always nice.
Looking through my equipment I've already got most of the basics in my Pathfinder's Kit (which includes, amongst other things, a week of trail rations). I'm also wanting to keep her in her light load so I need to be careful.

Winter Blanket 5 sp 3lbs
Cold-weather outfit 8 gp 7lbs
Climber's Kit 80 gp 5lbs
Small Tent 10 gp 20 lbs
Masterwork glaive 310 gp 8 lbs
Total 408.5 gp +43 lbs

In addition there was the 10 gp "transfer fee" for Killik (the Besmarian medic) from the end of the last scenario and I'd be selling/getting rid of the old glaive she had (which effectively factors out the weight of the new glaive). Would also buying a potion of Endure Elements and two of Cure Light Wounds be okay (an extra 150 gp for those items in total)?
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Lootz found in Taldor mausoleum:

+1 Longsword
+1 Dragonhide Breastplate
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Silence
Wand of False Life (8 charges)
100 Plat Pieces.
that's 166.66~ gp value with one person or the group fund getting .01 more extra i believe.

[X] sword and armor should go to the tank Merior
[X] sell rest
dreadis said:
that's 166.66~ gp value with one person or the group fund getting .01 more extra i believe.

[X] sword and armor should go to the tank Merior
[X] sell rest
Given how valuable, and expensive, they would be then I would be fine not taking any of the cash if this happened.
dreadis said:
[X] sword and armor should go to the tank Merior
[X] sell rest

I've no problems with this distribution. I'd prefer if the gold distribution were in integer increments, though - it makes bookkeeping a lot easier.
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