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code geass

  1. War of the Seven Kings (Super Robot Wars with Code Geass, Muv Luv Alternative and more)
    Threadmarks: War of Seven Kings Ch1

    A/N: Special thanks to Jameyofthemegacosmos, Icysnowsage, Darklord331, silkdreamweaver (chief beta reader and editor) and our Gundam consult and designer Redrat8. Greatkingrat88 and Seerking have also contributed to the development of this story I had begun in-between projects since early last...
  2. Code Tiberian (Code Geass X Command and Conquer)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Day of Reckoning

    "K1, Q1, K2, Q2, are all teams in position?" "Hai, Zero. All teams are ready for the operation." "Understood. Remember, once we have commenced the operation, we must see it through - we only have one shot at this." "Hai!" XxXxX Cornelia li Britannia, Second Princess of Britannia and...
  3. Code Guardian (Code Geass X Destiny)
    Threadmarks: Prologue: Homecoming

    Shirley made her way to the student council in a daze, a feeling of emptiness inside of her. She ended up being the first to arrive (aside from Milly and Nunnally), and swiftly pulled up a charge and sit down, face devoid of emotion. Soon, they were joined by Rivalz and Nina. Shirley had...
  4. Kingdom Hearts Lelouch of Infinite Hearts

    I’ve posted this fic on Fanfiction.net, Archive of Our Own and a friend posts it for me on Space Battles. Here are the links before I go further. The Fanfiction net version Spacebattles location Archive of Our Own location And it’s Tv Tropes page someone made, which I expanded on...
  5. War of the Seven Kings (a Code Geass, Muv Luv Alternative and Super Robot Wars crossover)

    I thought in eventual preparation for my Super Robot Wars crossover story, and to iron out a few lingering details, I could set up this discussion area. At the time of this thread's creation I have about eight chapters pre-made, but I want to pre-make at least 12 or more chapters before I begin...
  6. Future Code Geass and Genshin Impact fic idea

    Given the feedback I've gotten for my Honkai Impact and Code Geass crossover story, I thought maybe I should post another fanfic I plan on posting, but I'll admit I've hit some road bumps. But at the time of this posting I've made about three chapters so far, but I want to pre-make at least ten...
  7. Honkai: Apostle's Revolution (Code Geass and Honkai Impact with some Honkai Star Rail)
    Threadmarks: Honkai Apostle Revolution Chapter 1

    Chapter 1 The Pink Elf "You should give up, Lelouch," a young boy said. A few feet away, Lelouch, a young ten-year-old boy with black hair and purple eyes wearing a white shirt and black shorts, was tangled up in the fishing line from the fishing pole he was having trouble using. "I'll...
  8. Honkai: Apsotle's Revolution (Code Geass and Honkai Impact 3rd) Discussion and Ideas

    Hiya guys, at the recommendation of a reader I decided to come over here, where I've heard this place has a much more substantial Honkai Impact community here, which I decided to post this thread about a recent crossover I've created and posted on Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net, I might...
  9. Scopas

    A Young Girl's Guerilla War
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: An Inauspicious Beginning

    (In light of the recent threadlock on SB, I figured I'd take the opportunity to cross-post this story here as well. It is also on FF and AO3.) Chapter 1: An Inauspicious Beginning (AN: I am very much looking for a beta reader, or at least an editor. I had this idea and I wanted to write...
  10. Akakiru

    Lelouch the Perseus

    It was already more then 5 Weeks after Britannia on the 10 August 2010 had declared War against Japan and it was just recently completely conquered by the Holy Britannian Empire. After this conquest, Japan was renamed "Area 11" and its people were called "Elevens." Lelouch was sweating as he...
  11. Garahs

    Billy vs Snakeman

    Ah nostalgia. I recently felt like playing some mahjong again (thanks Saki!) and remembered an old web-based game. It doesn't have any flashy graphics, but it's a parody of several older anime. If you want to check it out, you can join my village. You can typically blow through your energy...
  12. BeskHolbien

    Carte Blanche: A Code Geass Story
    Threadmarks: Prologue: One Year after the Black Knight Insurgency

    One Year after the Black Knight Insurgency: Geass Directorate Base, Somewhere in the Gobi Desert, 2018 a.t.b It was never supposed to be like this. The immortal thought as he ran through the winding corridors of what should be a completely secure base. Someone...no, that was incorrect...
  13. Haplessly Incompetent

    Upsetting Plans and Other Pastimes, a Muv Luv/Code Geass crossover.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    Hi everyone, first thread. This is cross posted from Spacebattles, because I forgot why I left the site behind, and then I remembered how much of an idiot I am. You can find this chapter there, but this will be the only one I'll be updating. I don't own either franchise (obviously), so without...
  14. the power behind a name [Code Geass SI]
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: Fem!Lelouch? Who, Me?

    Crossposted on Fanfiction.net. Summary: It is a sad, sad day when one realizes they destroyed all of their fellow BL fanfic writers' dreams just by existing. In other words, hi, I'm Princess Lelouch, and between not dying and saving the entire world, I still have to decide whether I want to...
  15. The Ero-Sennin

    [SRW/Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War/Code Geass] Northern Lights

    This is a short story written mostly to add flavor to the PbP RPG that I am preparing to run. In a ways, it's also an advertisement. It is a short tale, a quick bit of action and plot hopefully to add feel to the universe and what to expect. It's also a bold-faced challenge to the idea that...