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Samuel Calderon
Miriam doesn't grace your look with any comment. No she's obviously far too busy studying away to even notice you. Over the sounds of Tetris.
"You better be learning Russian."
Aaron agrees that the Archer is always a solid selection. In April after funds for the Wolverine get transferred to Norse Battlemechs to cover the cost of replicating the tooling he One Time Pads a numbered Comstar account that covers the cost for VMI to duplicate their Archer line. Said line ends up remaining down until April 3026 as VMI takes the opportunity duplicate their tooling.
TTI having brought the various parts factories online estimates that once the tooling arrives the first Wolverine should roll off the assembly line sometime in June-July 3026
Though I think we should tweak the design. What do people think of changing the direction of the laser? And is this a partial or full wolverine line? If full, it might be a good idea, to, I don't know, dupe the parts we don't already havea copy of? That way... well... 2-for-1 deal.
VMI starts planning to shut their Griffin line down in January 3026 to copy the tooling, Magistry Metals does the same as VMI Engineers head to Magistry to help the process along.
Alright. Though along those lines I'd like to suggest some modifications to the Shadowhawk based on my own perceptions of its performance.
Tactical Weapons Carrier actually. A wheeled Combat Vee small enough to fit into Light Vehicle Bays based using a standard chassis to equip a range of weaponry from SRMs, LRMs, Autocannons, and eventually Mech Mortars, Rocket Launchers, and any other new tech.
Shown below is what they expect the basic SRM version to look like
Code:Tactical Weapons Carrier FC Mass: 40 tons Tech Base: Inner Sphere Motive Type: Wheeled Rules Level: Experimental Tech Era: All Eras (non-canon) Tech Rating/Era Availability: D/C-D-D-A Production Year: 0 Cost: 1,057,000 C-Bills Battle Value: 701 Power Plant: 140 Fuel Cell Engine Cruise Speed: 43.2 km/h Flanking Speed: 64.8 km/h Armor: Standard Armor Armament: 5 SRM-6s Manufacturer: Primary Factory: Communications System: Targeting and Tracking System: ================================================================================ Equipment Type Rating Mass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal Structure: Standard 20 points 4.00 Engine: Fuel-Cell Engine 140 6.00 Cruise MP: 4 Flank MP: 6 Heat Sinks: Single Heat Sink 1 0.00 Control Equipment: 2.00 Lift Equipment: 0.00 Turret: 1.50 Armor: Standard Armor AV - 120 7.50 Armor Factor Front 29 Left/Right 24/24 Turret 24 Rear 19 ================================================================================ Equipment Location Heat Spaces Mass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 SRM-6s T 20 5 15.00 @SRM-6 (60) BD - 0 4.00 BattleForce Statistics MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 4 Points: 7 4w 4 4 0 0 2 0 Structure: 2 Special Abilities: EE, TUR(4/4/0, SRM 4/4/0), SRM 4/4/0
Neat. Work out an ICE version as well for export we can use the sale of them to help fund the TDF's accusation
The TDF is actually rather happy with the idea of having an easier to move Fire Support unit that shares a common chassis, with additional variants added on to the list. Engineering the bugs out will take time, but in the end the TDF will have a nice base unit to put into production.
Do we have any Hermes Battlemechs anywhere? If not I'd like to get one. I don't care if the lostech is in it as long as its modular repair system is intact. I believe it would behoove us to study it for ideas.
Assisted by the fact that the new Universities founded by your predecessor Thomas Calderon eight years ago are putting out new graduates. The R&D splurge is soaking up new graduates and has set up a number of Research Parks across the whole TC University system.
Additionally the prospect of Bulls being plunged into the economy via R&D has very much calmed jitters in the stock market.
Hanse Davion isn't the only one who can look to the future. I respect his NAIS efforts but we're gong to show the universe that when it comes to new ideas, the Sword and Star might be good, but nobody takes the Bull by the horns. Nobody.
They'd very much like to build up expertise first on the Rocket Launchers and Arrow IV projects, its not so much a matter of additional cost now that the R&D facilities have been established. Throwing more money at it won't actually make things go that much faster, its much like BBQing sometimes low and slow gives the best results even if it takes time.
Ah. Okay. Fair enough.
A good deal of protests start going up, right now its turned into a matter of pride.
"Believe me, I know who my enemies are. And he's not one of them. Not exactly a friend, though both can change based on future events but for now he and I have one thing in common: we have bigger fish to fry. For me, the instability of this nation cased by the deaths of my kindred. For Hanse, the Draconis Combine. And in this I believe we're both on the same page. He wants a stable and more importantly, quiet neighbor to the South so he can focus his efforts on the Dracs. I want a wealthy and prosperous Taurian Concordant and Thomas Iguchi's head on a silver plate. I believe it can be said that our current objectives align quite nicely..."
As for your Mech it has its armor slowly swapped over. At the same time two additional Magna Medium lasers are added. While still not a Mech to Alpha strike in ever, it provides Samuel with two distinct range bands along with plenty of fire-power.
Pull the smalls and replace them with a flamer.
While your personal Mech is being upgraded another stock 6D is purchased for your usage at the Ecolie Militare
Very nice.
Starting from a base of Anti shipping missiles used by Gunships the engineering staff are having real trouble with the launch system. A big advantage of LRMs and SRMs is that individual missiles aren't actually all that big, so its much easier to load and launch them.
Hm. Start with a non-reloadable system (the original .5 ton Thunderbolt from unbound). A compact, lightwight single shot system can still add a good deal of punch to most mechs. We can work out a reloading version later.
Well that and it made TTI's lawyers happy that any lawsuit against it would fail badly.
You can't license a weapons loadout and it it was developed independently there would be no room to stand anyways.
Given the dream of an all fusion powered fleet dies instantly once the costs of building new powerplants gets mentioned the TDF is perfectly happy to envision a future of using a Fuel Cell fleet.
Fuel Cells and Fusion are like a hand and a glove. Perfect match.
Another great idea!
Biggest issue is that the easiest way forward is to settle on a single armor scheme that can support variant weapons load. By the end of the March the TDF settles on an engine size (Fuel Cell 250) and in November a single armor scheme that supports both an AC10 variant and a AC5 paired with a SRM6 for the two main production variants.
The various factories tool up to produce the engines for local production.
Colonel Henry merely shrugs and answers "Safe, sane, consensual can cover a great deal of ground. Then the Canopians will think up at least fifty additional ways to add more ground to that."
I laugh.
Chemical Warfare Labs are always interested in additional new weapons. Why they are greatly underfunded compared to the bastards over in Nuclear Weaponry
A non-lethal compound that will turn the enemy into paranoid crazies is always a good thing.
"If you were grey haired, fifty, and a complete disaster hadn't just occurred I doubt anybody would mind" a tall elegant woman in a grey dress answers in a friendly tone.
"Muckle darmed Snakes! 'Aie eh nabmlies be keepin' me wee men?!?!"
I pause. "Sorry just reminded of a merc that I met when I was younger with that..."
And I put a sidenote to hire Old Man Henderson if he'll be available. Payment will include Lawn Gnomes.
Eve Moneypenny you recall from your study notes was Marshall Brenda Calderon's personal secretary and was tapped to work with you.
Never can say no to a Moneypenny.
A retired TMI field agent, she has a daughter Naomi who just turned 15 and was engaged to a former TMI field agent who died in the field.
I'll introduce her to my sister. She can use (reliable) friends.
Helloooo nurse!
Taking a moment to adjust your tie Miss Moneypenny continues on, "Now a few pictures of you relaxing on a beach somewhere with an open Hawian shirt would be greatly appreciated by all the young ladies in the galaxy. In this case the suits going to appeal to all the bankers, businessmen, and politicians who are panicked by the current instability."
"I think my briefcase full of R&D and industrial projects will do about the same."
A completely average roll.
While everyone sees the mention of ties to Aaron Sandoval as inevitable and is perfectly happy at focusing on pirates not everyone, including Grover Sharplen is happy about seeking ties with the FedSuns.
I restate the point above.
More importantly Aramis Dunn, the prominent leader of the Farlookers is extremely pleased by your forward looking attitudes after eight years of Thomas's fear of the FedSuns.
I sit down with him when he gets the chance.
I understand his mindset but over the next few years I intend to slow down colonization efforts to focus on industrial buildup. My plan is what I like to call the Lobster principle. When they grow a lobster must shed its shell, and during this it has to slow down to allow its new shell to harden less it become dinner for a rival lobster. We need to keep the same attitude.
Periods of growth followed by a solid consolidation period to ensure that those new worlds are a net benefit to the concordant as a whole. I agree with the Farlooker creed in principle but we have to temper it with realpolitik.
I believe the next 5 years are going to be pivotal and violent. I believe storm is about to hit the Inner Sphere so I'd like them to start being careful with their efforts and work with me to make their current colonies safe and secure before any great waves of expansion. Once they are, we can talk about new expansion. That said, I will be much more willing to support colonies on worlds abandoned during the fall of the Star League and colonies placed to ensure that no new world is more than 30 light years from another Taurian world.
The former are a matter of pride that will never be questioned as long as it can be done without causing a political incident or endangering our national security. The latter are in my mind, naturally part of the focus on consolidation efforts as I believe no world should ever be cut off from immediate support from another.
My gut tells me we're looking at about a regular 5-10 year cycle depending on political climate of controlled expansion follow by a consolidation phase.
In general I tell him I have two rules for everything: Safe, Sustainable, Achievable, and Manageable, with a good Return On Investment. As long as my old buddies SSAM and ROI are there, you can probably talk me into doing almost anything.
Basically a pro-Farlooker stance with caveats. I outright say their job is to be eyes in the stars idealists and as long as they behave within the law, I support that. We need people like them. But my job as protector is to be the rock that keeps them grounded in reality because if you're head is too far in the stars you might find yourself drifting.
I hope they can respect that and as long as they do, they have my support. And that together we can draw from eachother's strengths to pave a better future not only for the Taurian Concordant but humanity as a whole.
As a symbol of my dedication I... pass forward an NDA. What I'm about to tell him is top secret.
If he sighs, I let him know that I intend to remove one of the largest canker sores on the ass of his efforts: The so called Pirate's Haven cluster has always been a nest of problems. Before the fall of the Star League it was under Taurian control. I'd like to see it return to such. And I don't just want to smack the bastards and leave, I intend to resettle it with proper Taurians who know the value of a Bull and are willing to work for an honest living. I'd like his help finding it. Rumor has it that James Kaiten has found a stable world inside the cluster that may be possible to colonize without protective gear.
While not exactly an ideal region, the Badlands would make a great resource supply for future expansion, if there's one stable world there may be others, and by systematically relieving outside pressure we can shorten the consolidation phases and allow more generous colonization phases.
More practically the Ministry of Trade is happy with the direction you are taking.
He's also the Minister of Colonization so I hope he can respect my above viewpoint.
On the flip side a good number of the Privy Council is cautious about moving too fast and too far. While the Fed Com Accords and the Kaypten's Pact have start dividing the InnerSphere into two factions no is thrilled with the idea of actually picking a side and getting dragged into the Succession Wars.
My view is to be marginally aligned with the FedCom. We share a massive border with the Federated Suns which would be almost impossible to properly defend in case of war. Our borders with the Capallans are much more narrow and besides McCarrons Armored Cav, their forces in the region are somewhat limited.
We can afford to be opportunistic.
"Speaking of," Miss Moneypenny mentions after the meeting as she slips you a smooth gin and tonic. "The high profile young ladies you pretty much have to meet are Lisa Steiner, she's the niece of the current Archon, she's been hopping jumpers like mad to get here.
I plan a polite discussion about Mech tactics.
With her is Duchess Natalie Vanderzham head of Bowie Industries whose lovely features had very little to do with her becoming CEO even if she's only 25 years old. "
An offer to expand business relations.
Miss Moneypenny passes you short profiles of each of the young ladies in questions to review.
"From the FWL Louise Humphries, my she's a short one with an almost pink shade of blonde, daughter of the current Duchess of Andurien.
I think I've head about that one... she's pretty violent is she not?
Force Commander Elizabeth 'Liz' Sherman is here with her mother Andrea Sherman CEO of Magna Metals.
More people to talk shop and business with.
They've been here since November last year and Magna is a major industrial producer here on Taurus."
I see.
"From the Cappies, Candace Liao has actually sent a rather lovely note of regret that she can't attend and meet you as she's currently leading efforts against aggressors from the Capellan March.
One bullet dodged.
Lady Kelly O'Hanion ruler of Victoria is the leading light and most eligible of the candidates. With her is Commander Jessica Hollis, second daughter of the Duke of Corey and an ASF ace in her own right. "
I'll be polite and friendly to both, but honestly, considering I know what's coming I do not intend to get overly chummy with the Capallan Confederation.
Polite and friendly to both, with discussions of improved relations but there's little common interest at the moment.
"From the OWA Guardian Kara Avellar is teaching at the Aersospace Flight School and is a bit of rowdy but then she's an Ace with twenty six kills to her name."
I'd like to discuss with her some possible fighter concepts and what she thinks would be a good strategy for improving the Taurian Navy.
"Madeline Centralla, currently studying Orbital Engineering here on Taurus is the niece to the Magestrix. While she's not in line to take over Madeline's also not going to be plunged into this unexpectedly."
Orbital Engineering, interesting concept that.
"Locally the big names are Callina Malvena, heiress to New Vandenburg, and Baroness Sajal Duro ruler of Celentaro.
I need to get very acquainted (respectfully) with them. We'll be working together for the rest of our lives.
Ms Mayumi Saegusa heir to Wingman Enterprises on Pinard rounds out the list. The Saegusa's and Wingman are rather notorious for acquiring ASF designs from the Combine during the lead up to the New Vandenburg Rebellion without a single speck of consent and a habit of shooting lawyers who brought lawsuits on behalf Wakazashi Enterprises."
I like them already.
Some more projects I'd like to play with.
1) What would it take to get our jumpship yards back up and running and get Snowdens back under production?
2) I'd like to approach more companies about getting businesses started up on the less developed and more newly colonized worlds of the Concordant and am willing to discuss at least some degree of industrial partnership with interested worlds. Doesn't even have to be pure military production. Anything that fills a real need will be valued.
Along those lines I'd like to contact Mountain Wolf Battlemechs.
3) I'd like to make locating and capturing Bloody James Kaiten's secret home world (and killing the son of a bitch) a priority. Ideally we'll be able to work with the Farlookers on this project. As they are fighting a non-state opponent, they are clear to use low power tactical nukes if need be. I'm very strong on that last part. I want to capture as much intact as possible and not ruin the damned planet.
4) I'd like to reverse engineer Black Bessie and put the Toro back into production. I'd also like to put out a bounty for an intact Talos.
5) As part of consolidation efforts I'd like to open up some merc contracts. Not *great* pay, but with full salvage rights (within reason), a permanent land-hold, and a comfortably generous discount on all war materials bought from Taurian based manufacturing interests.
Pay will reduce after 10 years but and as long as they keep a percentage of their unit on the planet in question as a security force (unless working on behalf of the Concordant) and are willing to fight to protect the Taurian Concordant they can keep the other aspects and take outside contracts as long as they do not threaten Taurian interests.
Basically if you're willing to become a Taurian aligned unit, we're willing to treat you really damned nice...
Perfect for smaller units to built up, for damaged units to recover, and for moderate to set down roots, and larger to consolidate and organize into a truly terrifying force.
There's also a couple in case of war clauses but they're pretty standard really and come with hazard pay.
6) I'd like to suggest a Triangle Support Pact between the OWA, TC, and MoC focused on Pan-Periphery development. The objective being to improve the educational standards, medical care, industrial development, and national security for all members via exchange of resources and information.
7) I have a somewhat ambitious plan to piss the Dragon off royally and profit greatly from it but I'll need help. I need a front company created that'll pass muster enough to buy the tooling for the Charger. I'm willing to contact Duke Sandoval about the project. The plan is simple. Buy the Charger line, run off with it, then put it back into production after a full on refit. I'm willing to share the tooling with Sandoval in exchange for support and assistance.
Along those lines I'd like to hire the Hat-in-the-Ring Battalion on a long term Garrison contract.
The Challenger is going into full production.
And yes, I know this plan is a little bit crazy. Which is why I think it'll work. Noone will expect it.
Kaede Kanzaki-Calderon (23), 3011
Right.... how many of them are less than twice Kaede's age? For their current positions that isn't a bad thing (and I'm not making wholesale replacements) but as prospective spouses...
Not many to be honest.
You soon get a message from an aid who is appropriately named Col Akabar.
The regiment is badly mauled. Seems that the raiders were all part of McCarrons Armored Cav who were flying under false colors and they'd managed to cycle over a regiment onto the planet. They were baiting you to respond.
Your forces fought a wonderfully and managed to withdraw without severe loss of life, a fucking but a good deal of material was losses severe. They had to abandon (and) destroy almost a third of their mechs.
TMI is flummoxed, the military is FURIOUS, and the population is enraged. Your press secretary has managed to pass the blame off of you, but there's some talk that you might be too green to be making military calls.
And in other news you're getting sued.
There's two other projects I have in mind to provide a 'rounded' fuel cell option for the TDF: the Tracked APC and the Ballista (see Liberation of Terra pg 139-140). Maybe the Hover APC as well. With these and the J.Edgar (fusion powered) we're covering most of the bases for our armoured brigades.
I'll check it out.
Well... that's probably a good thing.
Discuss this with my advisors. It's very good for us if we get invaded, but historically it's more likely the Capellans won't be able to keep their hands off Andurien and we'll get dragged into the Succession Wars. It may be worth it.
Considering what they just did, the general opinion is fuck the Capallans with a 50 Megaton Warhead.
Literally. There are some calls to blow up the Big Mac's base on Menke.
Well at least I've got something going for me.
Normally I'd be thinking that marrying Taurian would be best but there aren't any serious contenders at the moment. Catherine's third and fourth sons (Conrad and Laurence) are both a bit younger than me and would wind up a politician and a scientist. They'd also make it less likely that any children would be highly placed in the succession to Andurien. I wouldn't be averse to meeting them if Catherine can bring herself to send sons that far from home.
She is. You're encouraged not to rush marrying though.
Privately: 'Prince Ian is the best sort of Davion, the type who lead their armies directly away from the Concordat'. I don't think being more pro-Davion than that is politically wise at this point.
Works. That said, Ian is interested in meeting you for possible trade negotiations.
My official stance is that the Concordat and the Suns have a long history of antagonism. I don't see the need to shed more blood on those matters as they stand.
Nice and neutral.
That'll do for now. It'd be worth considering sending a diplomatic mission to discuss whether they'd be interested in Taurian support with their educational system in exchange for Canopian support with our medical system.
Figures. Well, depending on how the Rollis matter goes, I may consider some operations there.
The word is "poorly"
I don't think I have the credibility to send people off to look for lost Star League caches in the distance at the moment. However it may be worth seeing if we can put together a credible claim that the DCMS are building a major supply depot on Halstead Station on the location of an old Star League university and attach to this a 'theory' that the supply base is to cover efforts to recover some material from the university's remains. Then leak this to MIIO.
You can manufacture it if you like. You want anything in exchange for the info?
I think there's a reasonable chance that Ian Davion will launch a major effort to deal with the supply base/possible lostech cache.
Oh hell yes he will.
And on the back of this, request a survey of Celeano to check for old Star League facilities that may have been missed in the confusion of Kerensky's withdrawal.
They'll look into it. Send me info please.
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