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Planning 2044
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +4000
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--War with Russia (Stalemate)
--War with Germany (Stalemate)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Preparing for war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5500
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 446% [73700]
Interest: 2% (7 turns till 3%) [1474]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Interceptor(Size: Tiny, Quality: Veteran)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Infantry: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Munitions: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Alien Alloy: 1000
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
[Expand Interceptor Unit] (2)
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Diplomatic Union (3x)] (3)
Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Miniaturization (2x)] (1)
[Alien Materials (2x)] (3)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+20%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Trained).

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle): (Requires Improved Miniaturization)
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
Locked, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft): (Requires Improved Miniaturization)
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
Locked, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
75%, 500(+15%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor

Expand Interceptor Unit:
Our Air Force needs additional planes and personnel. A hundred aircraft is not enough to defend a continent. It will be expensive, but an expanded core of interceptors will pave the way for more specialized ground support and air supremacy aircraft.
100%, 1500x0.5, 3
Infantry(Medium, Trained), Interceptor(Tiny, Veteran) -> Interceptor(Small, Veteran)
Note: Military units automatically regenerate damage <=10%, allowing the formation of smaller, more specialized, units.

Organize Militia:
It has come to your attention that a very large number of wartime militias did not disband when the War ended. This is somewhat concerning, but may present an opportunity. While you cannot dissolve them, you can integrate them into formal State and County militias with an actual chain of command. While the results would not be particularly useful in a modern war, they would provide an excellent source of recruits.
70%, 100(+20%), 3
Infrastructure <- Militia: Good
Note: Each country has an Infrastructure to increase maximum recruitment size. e.g. Japan has Robotics Factories, France has the Foreign Legion, America has the Militia.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+20%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Fusion Reactors:
Fusion reactors have the potential to revolutionize energy production. The resulting drop in energy prices will reduce industrial costs, reduce consumer expenses, and create an excess petroleum supply.
80+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Tax Base +10%, Electrical -> Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, Argentina, Brazil, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+10%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Munitions to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union is preparing for war with a major world power. They need all the munitions they can buy. Our munitions industry may be unexceptional, but they'll take what they can get.
95%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with CAU, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success (Improve industry to increase.)

Sell Food to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of staple crops such as wheat and corn. Fortunately, we produce large quantities of the same.
80%, 500(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Buy Oil from Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has an excess of oil. Japan has a shortage. Buy low, sell high.
Locked, 250(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, 1000-500 Trade Expense By Degree of Success, Trade Good: Oil

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. This is why we must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
80%, 500(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
80%, 300(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 85%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

XCOM's MECs have a great deal of potential as ultra-heavy infantry. Unfortunately, you don't have the cybernetics technology required. Perhaps XCOM would help get you get started?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Cybernetics Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is preparing for a war against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: 45%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.

North American Diplomatic Union:
We have been mostly ignoring three quarters of the globe for over a decade, and will likely continue to do so until our current crisis is resolved. When we resume proactive worldwide diplomatic activity, we shall do so in tandem with our neighbors.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Diplomatic Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Advanced Weaponry:
Improved weapons technology.
100%, 400x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+20%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Materials:
The alien materials are as far beyond our newest generation of advancement as a Tesla is a Model T. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Improved Miniaturization:
From mechanical behemoths to cell phones, the evolution of electronics has miniaturized systems to an almost absurd degree. With insights gleaned from XenoTech, we can push this miniaturization even farther. Improved miniaturization techniques will allow more functionality in a smaller space. Even mechanical devices may be miniaturized.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock Actions

Advanced Software:
Improved electronic software.
75%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+15%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 5
Unlock Orbital Construction
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Results 2044
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Food (2+1)
Consumer (2+1)
AeroSpace (2+1)
Industrial (2+1)
Electronics (2+1)
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +4500
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--War with Russia (Stalemate)
--War with Germany (Stalemate)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Preparing for war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5500
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 428% [70700]
Interest: 2% (7 turns till 3%) [1414]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Interceptor(Size: Tiny, Quality: Veteran)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Munitions: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Alien Alloy: 1000
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Expand Factories (Infantry, 2x)] (1) -> 68/0
[Expand Factories (Armour, 2x)] (1) -> 52/0
You begin an aggressive military-industrial modernization effort to bring the army's armament up to modern standards. Many old designs are incompatible with modern manufacturing advances, so you have much of the arsenal replaced outright. It's at least twice as expensive as simply upgrading the factories, but it shows results. By the end of the year capacity for everything from rifles to IFVs has doubled and costs are down 25%.

Factories.Armour -> Decent, Factories.Infantry -> Decent
Cost: 1000+1000
Note: Upgrade to Good to unlock them as trade goods and gain a further bonus to CAU trade income.

Military Actions:
[Expand Interceptor Unit] (2)
The expansion of the Air Force continues to proceed as planned.

Expand Interceptor Unit Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 750

Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (4) -> 40/15
Across the country fusion reactors are constructed to replace conventional power plants. There will come a day, not long from now, when the power of the sun is harnessed to the yoke of American industry. On that day a new age will dawn. But not this day; today you prepare.

Fusion Reactors Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Food to Central Africa (2x)] (2) -> 34/0
Central Africa is happy to accept food imports. Most of the constituent countries were dependent on imports prior to the War, and shipping hasn't been reliable in decades. Some of the local pirates attempt to board one of your cargo vessels, but the crew are equipped with substantial quantity of liquidated military equipment. The pirates reaction proved quite popular on Youtube despite repeated attempts to ban it for graphic content. The merchant had somehow managed to acquire a 5" naval cannon. The artillery had devastating effect on the unarmoured pirate vessels.

"You may fire at will. (Loud Boom) I've always to do that."
"I told you the naval artillery would pay off."
"So you did. I sup-(Loud Boom) I think I understand why the navy likes to reserve old vessels for target practice."
"(Laughs) Better not get too excited. Next thing I know you'll be buying a dozen rowboats to 'test' the gun on."
"Now there's an idea. This trip should profitable enough."

Sell Food to Central Africa Locked, 1 year remaining. (+400 Income)
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Diplomatic Union (3x)] (3)
The State Department assures you that negotiations have progressed dramatically. You honestly can't tell the difference.

North American Diplomatic Union Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Miniaturization (2x)] (1)
The new miniaturization technologies are completed this year as promised. They allow the anticipated advances in compact military equipment. However, they also offer a more surprising result. A number of sub-technologies prove highly applicable to the construction of compact high pressure piping. While originally intended to reduce the volume of aircraft fuel tanks, they were suited to a much larger array of plumbing systems.

"Did you really use our new fuel line designs to optimize a toilet?"
"Yes? But I wasn't wasting time, I-"
"Wasting time? It's brilliant. I'll never have to dig a latrine again."
"Uh-Wh-I- When have you had to dig a latrine?"
"There was this one lab in the Mojave, morons thought plumbers were a security risk..."

Actions Unlocked
Cost: 500

[Alien Materials (2x)] (3)
Research on alien materials continues apace. The reports are exceedingly dull for the combined efforts of the world's most brilliant minds. At least they seem excited about the progress.

Alien Materials Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 6600+5500
Expenses: 1000+6650
Interest: 1474
Net Profit: 2976 -> 3000 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 428%
Planning 2045
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Food: 1/3
Consumer: 0/3
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +4000
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--War with Russia (Stalemate)
--War with Germany (Stalemate)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Preparing for war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5000
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 428% [70700]
Interest: 2% (7 turns till 3%) [1414]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Interceptor(Size: Tiny, Quality: Veteran)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Munitions: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Alien Alloy: 1000
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unit Design:
Unit design is conducted separately from normal turn voting. Any design which receives at least 5 votes will be added to the catalog and can be created using a military action.
Each unit has a size and a number of equipment slots. The size acts as a multiplier on armament equipment slots and on hidden stats.
Each unit type has a size cap. Infantry have a size cap of 1 while armour and aircraft have a cap dependent on engine technology. The closer a unit is to its size cap the lower its speed. An infantry unit represents a 6 man squad.
Each unit type has multiple categories of equipment with a variable number of slots. One of the technologies contained within a category may be chosen for each slot. A technology may be chosen multiple times, although additional selections may have little or no effect.
The Armament category is special. It's slots are multiplied by the unit's size. This allows for a wider variety of unit designs.
Some armament items have example weapons in parenthesis. These are real life weapons of similar role.
Light Machine Gun: A potent weapon which combines range, power, and suppressive fire at the cost of mobility.
Shotgun: A short range weapon most effective in a melee.
Sniper Rifle: A long range support weapon capable of precision fire.
Squad Automatic Weapon: A support weapon dedicated to mobile suppressive fire.
Battle Rifle: A heavy weapon that trades mobility for power.
Assault Rifle: A general purpose weapon capable of both automatic and semi-automatic fire.
Carbine: A lightweight weapon tailored for mobility at the cost of power.
Rocket Launcher: A portable explosion creator with versatile munitions.
Grenades: Portable explosives designed for easy throwing.
Tactical Armoured Vest: A simple vest able to provide limited torso protection.
Tactical Body Armour: Mundane body armour capable of taking a few bullets.
Ceramic Plating: Rigid plates which provide protection in exchange for mobility.
Heavy Machine Gun (Slots: 1/2): A large automatic weapon best suited for anti-person use.
Autocannon: A mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire capable of both anti-person and anti-tank use.
Cannon (Slots: 2): A large cannon best suited for anti-tank use.
Howitzer (Slots: 2): A large cannon designed for long range ballistic bombardment.
Anti-Tank Missile (Slots: 1/2): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Surface-To-Air Missile: A missile which targets aircraft within visual range.
Transport: Space to transport men or supplies.
Diesel: An ordinary diesel engine. (Size: 3)
Turboshaft: An extremely powerful motor which guzzles fuel. (Size: 5)
Wheel: Ordinary wheels. Excellent handling, decent durability, and passable rough terrain performance.
Half-Track: A hybrid system which combines the handling of wheels with the rough terrain performance of continuous tracks.
Continuous Track: A specialized form of propulsion which sacrifices handling in favor of durability and rough terrain performance.
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Sloped Armour: A slanted form increases the chance of deflecting enemy fire.
Reactive Armour: Specialized armour built to counter shaped explosives.
Modular Armour: Segmented armour designed for rapid replacement of damaged sections.
Heavy Machine Gun: A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Rotary Autocannon (Slots: 3): A versatile mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire. (GAU-8)
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (Slots: 1/2): A missile which excels against aircraft within visual range. (AIM-9)
Long Range Anti-Air Missile: An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size. (AIM-120)
Air-To-Surface Missile (Slots: 2): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges. (AGM-129)
Anti-Tank Missile (Slots: 1/2): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Guided Bomb (Slots: 1/2): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Torpedo: A guided explosive equipped with aquatic propulsion. Highly effective against naval targets.
Transport: Space to transport men or supplies.
Helicopter: A rotor engine capable of hovering and vertical takeoff and landing. (Size: 5)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Flight Computer: Advanced autopilot system capable of fully automated transit.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Heavy Machine Gun: A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): A missile which excels against aircraft within visual range.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x2): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Rotary Autocannon (Slots: 3): A versatile mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire. (GAU-8)
Anti-Tank Missile (x10): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x20): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x80): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Torpedo (x32): A guided explosive equipped with aquatic propulsion. Highly effective against naval targets.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x16): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x20): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Transport (x20): Space to transport 60 soldiers.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Heavy Machine Gun (x2): A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Helicopter: A rotor engine capable of hovering and vertical takeoff and landing. (Size: 5)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Autocannon (2x): A mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire capable of both anti-person and anti-tank use.
Diesel: An ordinary diesel engine. (Size: 3)
Continuous Track: A specialized form of propulsion which sacrifices handling in favor of durability and rough terrain performance.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Sloped Armour: A slanted form increases the chance of deflecting enemy fire.
Rotary Autocannon: A versatile mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire. (GAU-8)
Anti-Tank Missile (x6): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Heavy Machine Gun: A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): A missile which excels against aircraft within visual range. (AIM-9)
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size. (AIM-120)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Guided Bomb (x30): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x12): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges. (AGM-129)
Guided Bomb (x32): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
[Expand Interceptor Unit] (1)
Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (3)
Financial Actions:
[Sell Food to Central Africa (2x)] (1)
Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Diplomatic Union (3x)] (2)
Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Materials (2x)] (2)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+20%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Trained).

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
70%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
85%, 500(+15%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor

Expand Interceptor Unit:
Our Air Force needs additional planes and personnel. A hundred aircraft is not enough to defend a continent. It will be expensive, but an expanded core of interceptors will pave the way for more specialized ground support and air supremacy aircraft.
100%, 1500x0.5, 3
Infantry(Medium, Trained), Interceptor(Tiny, Veteran) -> Interceptor(Small, Veteran)
Note: Military units automatically regenerate damage <=10%, allowing the formation of smaller, more specialized, units.

Organize Militia:
It has come to your attention that a very large number of wartime militias did not disband when the War ended. This is somewhat concerning, but may present an opportunity. While you cannot dissolve them, you can integrate them into formal State and County militias with an actual chain of command. While the results would not be particularly useful in a modern war, they would provide an excellent source of recruits.
70%, 100(+20%), 3
Infrastructure <- Militia: Good
Note: Each country has an Infrastructure to increase maximum recruitment size. e.g. Japan has Robotics Factories, France has the Foreign Legion, America has the Militia.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+20%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Fusion Reactors:
Fusion reactors have the potential to revolutionize energy production. The resulting drop in energy prices will reduce industrial costs, reduce consumer expenses, and create an excess petroleum supply.
80+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Tax Base +10%, Electrical -> Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, Argentina, Brazil, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+10%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Munitions to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union is preparing for war with a major world power. They need all the munitions they can buy. Our munitions industry may be unexceptional, but they'll take what they can get.
95%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with CAU, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success (Improve industry to increase.)

Sell Food to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of staple crops such as wheat and corn. Fortunately, we produce large quantities of the same.
80%, 500(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Buy Oil from Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has an excess of oil. Japan has a shortage. Buy low, sell high.
Locked, 250(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, 1000-500 Trade Expense By Degree of Success, Trade Good: Oil

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. This is why we must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
80%, 500(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
80%, 300(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 85%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

XCOM's MECs have a great deal of potential as ultra-heavy infantry. Unfortunately, you don't have the cybernetics technology required. Perhaps XCOM would help get you get started?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Cybernetics Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is preparing for a war against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: 45%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.

North American Diplomatic Union:
We have been mostly ignoring three quarters of the globe for over a decade, and will likely continue to do so until our current crisis is resolved. When we resume proactive worldwide diplomatic activity, we shall do so in tandem with our neighbors.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Diplomatic Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Advanced Weaponry:
Improved weapons technology.
100%, 400x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+20%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Materials:
The alien materials are as far beyond our newest generation of advancement as a Tesla is a Model T. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Advanced Software:
Improved electronic software.
75%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+15%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 5
Unlock Orbital Construction
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Results 2045
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +4500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--War with Russia (Stalemate)
--War with Germany (Stalemate)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5900
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 406% [67100]
Interest: 2% (6 turns till 3%) [1342]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Alien Alloy: 1000
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Expand Factories(Infantry) (2x)] (1) -> 84/0
The military complex continues to improve, although the largest gains occur among manufacturers of infantry manufacturing. With the outbreak of war between France and INTO the CAU has begun conscripting large numbers of infantry to replace their losses. Your manufacturers are eager to supply a portion of the equipment the recruits need.

Factories.Infantry -> Good
Cost: 1000

[XCOM MECs (3x)] (1) -> 9/0
XCOM is reluctant to share their cybernetics technology, even with a close ally such as yourself. Fortunately, years of fruitful cooperation have build trust and XCOM agrees after you promise not to use the technology on conscripts. You begin integrating with XCOMs cybernetics program and are immediately stunned. You had known some of XCOM's soldiers were walking tanks. You had not known XCOM had perfected the system to the point of shrugging off a Mechtoid's Plasma Barrage. If they could be mass produced...

Unlocked XenoCybernetics
Cost: 800

Military Actions:
[Expand Interceptor Unit] (1)
The expanded interceptor unit is completed this year, bringing the air force up to a respectable 1000 craft.

Infantry(Medium, Trained), Personnel(Tiny, Veteran) -> Personnel(Small, Veteran), +900 F-0 Interceptors
Cost: 750

Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (3)
Construction of industrial scale fusion reactors continues. They are on schedule, not unsurprising, and under budget, which is extremely surprising. Most of your projects cost at least twice the projected budget.

Fusion Reactors Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Food to Central Africa (2x)] (1)
The civilian trade route to the CAU is thriving. Massive cargo vessels move vast quantities of food, mostly grains, to the rising power. On their return trips they fill their hulls with Cacao and other luxury foods for processing in America. The CAU military is particularly pleased, as the imported food allows the government to minimize the rationing that results from the war with France.

Trade Deal with CAU, +400 Trade Income
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Diplomatic Union (3x)] (2)
Your embassy fills out a lot of paperwork this year.

North American Diplomatic Union Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Advanced Software (2x)] (1) -> 85/0
Your research leads to multiple breakthroughs in software design. They are quite promising, although further research is needed before final implementation. Three avenues are particularly intriguing. The first is a number of improvements to research software which would allow scientists to make more efficient use of their time. The second is a system of improved communications protocols which have the potential to create a generational improvement in the consumer electronics market. Finally, Dr. Vahlen believes the current research is sufficient foundation to begin studies of the advanced software captured from X-Rays.

Unlocked Improved Research Algorithms, Improved Communications, Alien Software.
Cost: 500

[Alien Materials (2x)] (2)
Dr. Shen creates the first synthetic Alien Alloy this year. It can only be manufactured in extremely small quantities, but your researchers believe this is only the beginning of a monumental breakthrough. You hope to hear more on the matter next year.

Alien Materials Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 6600+5900
Expenses: 1000+6450
Interest: 1414
Net Profit: 3636 -> 3600 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 406%
Planning 2046
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +4000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5400
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 406% [67100]
Interest: 2% (6 turns till 3%) [1342]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Mediocre (Cost: 100%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Alien Alloy: 1000
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Heavy Machine Gun: A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): A missile which excels against aircraft within visual range.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x2): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Rotary Autocannon (Slots: 3): A versatile mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire. (GAU-8)
Anti-Tank Missile (x10): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x20): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x80): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Torpedo (x32): A guided explosive equipped with aquatic propulsion. Highly effective against naval targets.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x16): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x20): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Transport (x20): Space to transport 60 soldiers.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Heavy Machine Gun (x2): A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Helicopter: A rotor engine capable of hovering and vertical takeoff and landing. (Size: 5)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Autocannon (2x): A mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire capable of both anti-person and anti-tank use.
Diesel: An ordinary diesel engine. (Size: 3)
Continuous Track: A specialized form of propulsion which sacrifices handling in favor of durability and rough terrain performance.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Sloped Armour: A slanted form increases the chance of deflecting enemy fire.

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (2)
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Diplomatic Union (3x)] (1)
Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Materials (2x)] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+20%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Trained).

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
70%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
85%, 500(+15%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor

Organize Militia:
It has come to your attention that a very large number of wartime militias did not disband when the War ended. This is somewhat concerning, but may present an opportunity. While you cannot dissolve them, you can integrate them into formal State and County militias with an actual chain of command. While the results would not be particularly useful in a modern war, they would provide an excellent source of recruits.
70%, 100(+20%), 3
Infrastructure <- Militia: Good
Note: Each country has an Infrastructure to increase maximum recruitment size. e.g. Japan has Robotics Factories, France has the Foreign Legion, America has the Militia.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+20%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Fusion Reactors:
Fusion reactors have the potential to revolutionize energy production. The resulting drop in energy prices will reduce industrial costs, reduce consumer expenses, and create an excess petroleum supply.
80+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Tax Base +10%, Electrical -> Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, Argentina, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+10%), 1
Trade Information

Expand Merchant Marine:
Our renewed international trade has begun to strain the capacity of our merchant marine. Moreover, resurgent piracy has stretched our navy thin guarding the trade routes. Both must be expanded to allow for further expansion of our trade network.
75%, 1000(+5%), 2
Trade Capacity +5

Sell Munitions to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union is preparing for war with a major world power. They need all the munitions they can buy. Our munitions industry may be unexceptional, but they'll take what they can get.
95%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with CAU, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success (Improve industry to increase.)

Buy Oil from Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has an excess of oil. Japan has a shortage. Buy low, sell high.
Locked, 250(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, 1000-500 Trade Expense By Degree of Success, Trade Good: Oil

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. This is why we must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
80%, 500(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
80%, 300(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 85%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is preparing for a war against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: 45%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.

North American Diplomatic Union:
We have been mostly ignoring three quarters of the globe for over a decade, and will likely continue to do so until our current crisis is resolved. When we resume proactive worldwide diplomatic activity, we shall do so in tandem with our neighbors.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Diplomatic Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Advanced Weaponry:
Improved weapons technology.
100%, 400x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+20%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Materials:
The alien materials are as far beyond our newest generation of advancement as a Tesla is a Model T. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Improved Research Algorithms:
Our scientists have been stretched increasingly thin. The integration of portions of XCOMs research program has only exacerbated the problem. Improvements to research software will allow scientists to make more efficient use of their time.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock R&D Action

Improved Communications:
A system of improved communications protocols has the potential to create a generational improvement in the consumer electronics market. The resultant improvements in civilian communication will pay economic dividends.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 2
Unlock Industry Action

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+15%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs
Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
50%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???
Results 2046
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +4000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +2000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5400
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 377% [62200]
Interest: 2% (5 turns till 3%) [1244]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted and Financial Actions:
[Expand Factories(Munitions) (2x)] (1) -> 8/0
[Sell Munitions to Central Africa] (1) -> 100/5
Your traders have good news, bad news, and better news. The bad news is that INTOs war with the EU has continued to intensify, with several key battles occurring in past months and no victor in sight. The good news is that the Africans are running out of bullets and need to buy more. The better news is that they need to buy a LOT more.
The munitions trade is booming, so much so that it temporarily overwhelmed your industrial capacity. Fortunately, the planned expansions were able to make up part of the slack. The rest is covered by a massive boom in the munitions industry as manufacturers strive to meet demand. The expected expansions of industry are immediately followed by redoubled growth in an effort to cash in on the war. When the expansion finally slows it has almost doubled your initial projections.

"I cannot possibly be reading this right. There must be some sort of misunderstanding."
"I've already doubled checked, everything is in order."
"They couldn't have ordered 150 thousand tons of bullets, how would we even manufacture that many."
"We'd have to expand our factories tenfold, probably more."
"Now there's an idea..."
"You can't be serious, how would we pay for it."
"We'll have to look into that. I bet the state will give us a loan, job creation and all that. Maybe see if we can get an advance..."

Factories.Munitions -> Good, Trade Deal with CAU, +2000 Trade Income
Cost: 1000+1000

[Organize Militia (3x)] (3) -> 39/0
Attempts to organize the semi-formal militias of the several states begin without difficulty. The militias are eager to cooperate and there are more than enough resources to resolve administrative difficulties with extreme prejudice. While it will a take a few years for the militia to become accustomed to the new system the results are already promising.

Organize Militia Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Aircraft, 2x)] (6) -> 9/20
Attempts to design an airworthy fusion reactor result in a false start. The compact fusion reactors are simultaneously subjected to premature wind tunnel testing and prove extremely sensitive to vibration. The resulting series of explosions demolish most of the facility, although staff remain miraculously unharmed. They are extracted from the rubble and promptly fired for extreme negligence. Future development will require an entirely reconstituted program.

"How could you not know the reactors exploded when vibrated?"
"We used specialized low-vibration equipment whenever we handled the reactors. There was no way to anticipate their reaction to vibration."
"... You could have used normal equipment."
"Are you kidding? They might have exploded while we were handling them."
"Perhaps you could have subjected them to vibrations within the designated blast chamber?"
"We had no reason to expect problems with vibrations."
"So you used specialized low-vibration equipment because what, it look cool?"
"It didn't just look cool, the manufacturers agreed to model them after Star Trek props."
"... I am done here. Good day."

No Result
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (2)
The first industrial fusion reactors finish construction this year. Safety checks will take another year, although no problems are anticipated.

Fusion Reactors Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Diplomatic Union (3x)] (1)
The North American Diplomatic Union is formalized this year. The trio of signatories have aligned their foreign policy over the last half decade and are now ready to conduct international diplomacy in tandem. The newly established North American Diplomatic Core (NADC) has been declared the new diplomatic authority.

Achieved Diplomatic Union with Canada and Mexico.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Research Algorithms (3x)] (3) -> 85/0
Development of improved scientific and CAD software begins with a bang. The scientists, mathematicians, and coders cooperate splendidly to do in one year what would normally take 2. Not only are the design documents finished; alpha and then beta versions are released. All that remains is to iron out the last few glitches, a process which should take no more than a year.

Improved Research Algorithms Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Alien Materials (2x)] (1)
Last year's breakthrough continues as the production methods are refined. Your researchers are pleased to report that they have created a (relatively) economical means of producing Alien Alloy. While large scale manufacturing is yet to be implemented, the importance of this breakthrough cannot be overstated.

Unlocked Alien Spaceframe, Alien Aerodynamics, Alien Armour, Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing.
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 6600+7400=14000
Expenses: 1000+6800=7800
Interest: 1342
Net Profit: 4858 -> 4900 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 377%
Planning 2047
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +3500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 16500 (40%) [10000@165%]
Income: 6600+5400
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 377% [62200]
Interest: 2% (5 turns till 3%) [1244]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Good
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Heavy Machine Gun: A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): A missile which excels against aircraft within visual range.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x2): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Rotary Autocannon (Slots: 3): A versatile mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire. (GAU-8)
Anti-Tank Missile (x10): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x20): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x80): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Torpedo (x32): A guided explosive equipped with aquatic propulsion. Highly effective against naval targets.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x16): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x20): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Transport (x20): Space to transport 60 soldiers.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Heavy Machine Gun (x2): A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Helicopter: A rotor engine capable of hovering and vertical takeoff and landing. (Size: 5)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Autocannon (2x): A mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire capable of both anti-person and anti-tank use.
Diesel: An ordinary diesel engine. (Size: 3)
Continuous Track: A specialized form of propulsion which sacrifices handling in favor of durability and rough terrain performance.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Sloped Armour: A slanted form increases the chance of deflecting enemy fire.

Unrestricted Actions:
[Organize Militia (3x)] (2)
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (1)
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Research Algorithms (3x)] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+20%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Trained).

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
70%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
85%, 500(+15%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor

Organize Militia:
It has come to your attention that a very large number of wartime militias did not disband when the War ended. This is somewhat concerning, but may present an opportunity. While you cannot dissolve them, you can integrate them into formal State and County militias with an actual chain of command. While the results would not be particularly useful in a modern war, they would provide an excellent source of recruits.
70%, 100(+20%), 3
Infrastructure <- Militia: Good
Note: Each country has an Infrastructure to increase maximum recruitment size. e.g. Japan has Robotics Factories, France has the Foreign Legion, America has the Militia.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+20%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien manufacturing techniques. Mass production of Alien Alloy is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+5%), 3
Factories <- Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

Fusion Reactors:
Fusion reactors have the potential to revolutionize energy production. The resulting drop in energy prices will reduce industrial costs, reduce consumer expenses, and create an excess petroleum supply.
80+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Tax Base +10%, Electrical -> Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, Argentina, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+10%), 1
Trade Information

Expand Merchant Marine:
Our renewed international trade has begun to strain the capacity of our merchant marine. Moreover, resurgent piracy has stretched our navy thin guarding the trade routes. Both must be expanded to allow for further expansion of our trade network.
80%, 1000(+5%), 2
Trade Capacity +5

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. This is why we must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
Locked, 500(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
Locked, 300(+20%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +500-2000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 85%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+20%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is preparing for a war against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 100 (+10%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.

Caribbean Alliance:
The Caribbean nations have long been of strategic interest to the United States. An American-Caribbean alliance would serve to keep America's backyard free from intercontinental influence. With the formalization of NADC we are free to establish such an alliance in lockstep with our neighbors.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 100(+10%), Time: 2
Add Caribbean to Sphere of Influence

Central American Alliance:
With the recent rise of Argentina some fear the domination of Central America by a foreign power. An alliance would serve to keep America's backyard free from intercontinental influence. As an additional bonus, it would ensure the Panama Canal remains open to US shipping. With the formalization of NADC we are free to establish such an alliance in lockstep with our neighbors.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 150(+10%), Time: 2
Add Central America to Sphere of Influence
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Advanced Weaponry:
Improved weapons technology.
100%, 400x0.5(+25%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+20%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Spaceframe:
The alien materials are the perfect candidate for the construction of next generation spacecraft. The improvements to the durability and payload capacity of conventional rockets would be significant. When combined with the latest fusion technology the improvements would be nothing short of revolutionary. Lunar colonies, exploration of Mars, asteroid mining. These projects and more would become not just feasible, but affordable.
85%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Industry, Military Actions

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Improved Research Algorithms:
Our scientists have been stretched increasingly thin. The integration of portions of XCOMs research program has only exacerbated the problem. Improvements to research software will allow scientists to make more efficient use of their time.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock R&D Action

Improved Communications:
A system of improved communications protocols has the potential to create a generational improvement in the consumer electronics market. The resultant improvements in civilian communication will pay economic dividends.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 2
Unlock Industry Action

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+15%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+15%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%, 500x0.5(+15%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
50%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???
Results 2047
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Oil: 0/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +750
Japan: Food -> +250
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +3500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 17500 (40%) [10000@175%]
Income: 7000+6400
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 325% [57000]
Interest: 2% (4 turns till 3%) [1140]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Trade Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Central American Alliance (4x)] (2) -> 65/0
The Central Americans are open to alliance negotiations. However, you wish to ensure they understand their position. 'Speak softly and carry a big stick,' as it were.
You begin by stepping anti-piracy operations in the area to create good will. You even deploy a carrier group to more completely demonstrate the futility of piracy. Next you encourage American involvement in the local economy; the task is accomplished primarily through direct investment from you into local business. By the end of the year almost 10% of the Central American economy is partially or wholly owned by the US government. Finally, you become involved in local politics. You do not form new parties or upset the balance of power. Nonetheless, a US endorsement soon becomes a valuable commodity in Central American elections.
The Central American nations quickly agree to an alliance. Only formalities remain, although they will take another year.

"... therefore I believe the Central Americans will readily agree to our proposal."
"Excellent, let's begin the influence campaign."
"Is that really necessary sir? They would agree regardless."
"Of course. It isn't enough for them to simply agree. They won't even consider another proposal."

Central American Alliance Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1200

[Organize Militia (3x)] (2)
The militia continue regular training exercises to improve their coordination. The expected adjustment period has only one year remaining.

Organize Militia Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 400

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (4) -> 20/0
A new project is created, with entirely new staff and facilities, to develop a working naval fusion reactor. The proximate goal is the development of cheaper, longer ranged escorts and cargo vessels. These are expected to greatly benefit maritime commerce. However, the project also hopes to lay the groundwork for spaceship reactors.

Fusion Reactor (Naval) Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Fusion Reactors] (1)
America becomes the first nation powered by fusion this year. All reactors pass the safety checks, albeit with a few minor difficulties, and begin operation on schedule. The resulting drop in both electricity and oil prices triggers a minor but notable economic boom.

Tax Base +10%, Electrical -> Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Investigate Trade Opportunities (Argentina, 4x)] (1) -> 26/0
Your diplomatic overtures to Argentina contain few economic surprises. They have a surplus of food, which you don't need, and a growing demand for consumer goods, of which you have an excess. The geopolitical news is of much greater concern.
The current president of Argentina, Barnabas Perez, has been aggressively expanding Argentinian influence. He is suspected to have ambitions of a continental empire. He first gained renown by playing a key part in the centralization of the confederation his predecessors had formed with neighboring nations. He then became a national hero after spearheading the operation that suborned Brazil's embattled government. The action was praised as preventing a civil conflict from devastating the continent. He ran a leadership campaign on this basis and won in a historic landslide. More recently, he has successfully drawn Peru into an alliance.
These developments are of great concern as a united South America has the potential to threaten the US heartland.

Information on International Situation, Possible Consumer Market.
Cost: 800

Diplomatic Actions:
[Caribbean Alliance (3x)] (2) -> 16/0
Your plans for an alliance initially leave Caribbean nations recalcitrant. Fortunately, you had begun to gather information on local politics months beforehand. A few favorable trade deals, crafted to benefit marginal districts, are drafted. The Caribbean leaders become significantly more flexible upon their unveiling. You expect to have a deal by the next year.

Caribbean Alliance Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Research Algorithms (3x)] (1)
Working versions of the new research algorithms are released this year. The sophisticated software proves highly effective. Initial testing suggests two scientists with the software are the equal of three without.

+1 R&D Action
Cost: 1000

[Advanced Weaponry] -> 42/0
Your scientists begin research into more advanced aerial in naval weaponry. They have yet to produce any concrete results. They have, however, uncovered a number of promising avenues for future research. The more immediate improvements include pure fusion warheads and practical lasers weapons. Even more promising, but of less immediate use, is a possible method for synthesizing Elerium.

Unlocked Pure Fusion Warheads, Naval Beam Lasers, Elerium.
Cost: 200

Financial Report:
Income: 7000+6400=13400
Expenses: 1000+6000=7000
Interest: 1244
Net Profit: 5156 -> 5200 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 325%

Foreign Actions:
Note: These are diplomatic actions other nations have taken towards you.

Greenland Purchase:
France has contacted you as a representative of the EU in order to negotiate a deal on behalf of Denmark. Denmark has recently evacuated Greenland in an attempt to repopulate areas devastated by losses in the recent war with Russia. It now wishes to sell the island to help finance continued reconstruction efforts. Their asking price is exorbitant, but some believe the strategic benefits justify the expense.
[] Yes, buy Greenland. (-10000)
[] No, refuse the offer.
Planning 2048
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Oil: 0/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +3000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--UST with Argentina (Unresolved Socioeconomic Tension)
--UST with Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 17500 (40%) [10000@175%]
Income: 7000+6400
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 382% [67000]
Interest: 2% (4 turns till 3%) [1340]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Good
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Greenland Purchase:
You accept France's offer and take ownership of Greenland. Denmark sends you a very polite note thanking the US for its contribution to Eastern European reconstruction.

Heavy Machine Gun: A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): A missile which excels against aircraft within visual range.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Short Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x6): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x2): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Rotary Autocannon (Slots: 3): A versatile mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire. (GAU-8)
Anti-Tank Missile (x10): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Afterburner: Provides short bursts of very high thrust during combat. Guzzles fuel and breaks stealth.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x20): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x80): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Torpedo (x32): A guided explosive equipped with aquatic propulsion. Highly effective against naval targets.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Long Range Anti-Air Missile (x8): An anti-aircraft missile which extends range past visual at the cost of increased size.
Air-To-Surface Missile (x16): A cruise missile which excels against surface targets at standoff ranges.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Stealth Armour: Specialized armour materials and a minimal radar profile make the aircraft difficult to locate.
Guided Bomb (x20): A large explosive with guidance equipment for increased accuracy. (JDAM)
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Light Armour Plate: Lightweight armour plating grants little protection but reduces weight.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Transport (x20): Space to transport 60 soldiers.
Jet: An ordinary jet engine providing limited power and range. (Size: 20)
VTOL: Allows a plane to perform vertical and landing.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Aerodynamic Contour: A particularly aerodynamic form reduces drag.
Heavy Machine Gun (x2): A large automatic weapon capable of putting large quantities of high caliber ammunition downrange.
Anti-Tank Missile (x4): A short range missile with the sole purpose of destroying enemy vehicles.
Helicopter: A rotor engine capable of hovering and vertical takeoff and landing. (Size: 5)
Minimal Emissions: Complex engineering reduces thermal emissions to interfere with infrared targeting.
Armour Plate: Ordinary armour plating balances weight and protection.
Targeting Computer: Advanced target prediction software which increases accuracy.
Autocannon (2x): A mid-sized cannon with a high rate of fire capable of both anti-person and anti-tank use.
Diesel: An ordinary diesel engine. (Size: 3)
Continuous Track: A specialized form of propulsion which sacrifices handling in favor of durability and rough terrain performance.
Heavy Armour Plate: Heavy plating dramatically increases weight in return for increased protection.
Sloped Armour: A slanted form increases the chance of deflecting enemy fire.

Unrestricted Actions:
[Central American Alliance (4x)] (1)
[Organize Militia (3x)] (1)
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (3)
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[Caribbean Alliance (3x)] (1)
Research and Development Actions:

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
80%, 1000(+10%), 2
Military <- Recruits(Large, Trained).

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
70%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
85%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor

Organize Militia:
It has come to your attention that a very large number of wartime militias did not disband when the War ended. This is somewhat concerning, but may present an opportunity. While you cannot dissolve them, you can integrate them into formal State and County militias with an actual chain of command. While the results would not be particularly useful in a modern war, they would provide an excellent source of recruits.
70%, 100(+10%), 3
Infrastructure <- Militia: Good
Note: Each country has an Infrastructure to increase maximum recruitment size. e.g. Japan has Robotics Factories, France has the Foreign Legion, America has the Militia.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien manufacturing techniques. Mass production of Alien Alloy is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+10%), 3
Factories <- Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Expand Merchant Marine:
Our renewed international trade has begun to strain the capacity of our merchant marine. Moreover, resurgent piracy has stretched our navy thin guarding the trade routes. Both must be expanded to allow for further expansion of our trade network.
80%, 1000(+10%), 2
Trade Capacity +5

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. This is why we must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
Locked, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
Locked, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina: (Degrees of Success)
Our consumer goods are cheaper and of higher quality than those produced in local Argentinian factories. Access to Argentina's markets would allow our traders could do brisk business.
Locked, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Argentina, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 65%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 65%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is defending against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: Locked, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Alliance:
Central Africa, like most of the world, was not happy with your decision to abandon the mantle of world defense during the War. Your recent interactions have begun to improve the previously soured relationship. Trade has created bonds between ordinary citizens while arms deals have earned the government's gratitude. It is time to establish a formal alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 200 (+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Central African Alliance, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200 (+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
50%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.

Caribbean Alliance:
The Caribbean nations have long been of strategic interest to the United States. An American-Caribbean alliance would serve to keep America's backyard free from intercontinental influence. With the formalization of NADC we are free to establish such an alliance in lockstep with our neighbors.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 2
Add Caribbean to Sphere of Influence

Central American Alliance:
With the recent rise of Argentina some fear the domination of Central America by a foreign power. An alliance would serve to keep America's backyard free from intercontinental influence. As an additional bonus, it would ensure the Panama Canal remains open to US shipping. With the formalization of NADC we are free to establish such an alliance in lockstep with our neighbors.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 150(+5%), Time: 2
Add Central America to Sphere of Influence
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Beam Lasers:
Reports from the African conflict have thoroughly demonstrated the effectiveness of laser weapons similar to those deployed in limited numbers during the War. Your generals are concerned that the French may adapt the technology for aerial use. These new weapons would surpass your current generation of direct fire weapons in both power and accuracy. Clearly, you must develop them first and preempt the French.
75%, 800x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Spaceframe:
The alien materials are the perfect candidate for the construction of next generation spacecraft. The improvements to the durability and payload capacity of conventional rockets would be significant. When combined with the latest fusion technology the improvements would be nothing short of revolutionary. Lunar colonies, exploration of Mars, asteroid mining. These projects and more would become not just feasible, but affordable.
85%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Industry, Military Actions

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Improved Communications:
A system of improved communications protocols has the potential to create a generational improvement in the consumer electronics market. The resultant improvements in civilian communication will pay economic dividends.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Industry Action

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???
Results 2048
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Oil: 0/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +3000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+5100
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 357% [64300]
Interest: 2% (3 turns till 3%) [1286]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Central American Alliance (4x)] (1)
The alliance with Central America is concluded without difficulty. The arrangement is of little military benefit; the local militaries are strictly insignificant. However, the strategic benefits are not inconsiderable. Protecting the locals from foreign powers prevents rivals from establishing a beachhead in North America. Control of the Panama Canal provides considerable economic influence.

Add Central America to Sphere of Influence, Strategic Bonuses <- Panama Canal
Cost: 1200

[Organize Militia (3x)] (1)
The militia have adjusted to their new chain of command and are performing admirably. They are quite happy to be doing their part to defend against any further invasions. Many would be willing to serve full time and enlist in the military. There was even a proposal to integrate with the Coast Guard. It was revealed as a prank when the document suggested titling Admirals 'Mairons'.

Infrastructure <- Militia: Good
Cost: 400

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (3)
The first prototype naval fusion reactor is completed, but a working production model will take a few years more.

Fusion Reactor (Naval) Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Expand Factories (Munitions) (2x)] (2) -> 6/10
You attempt to encourage another expansion of the munitions industry. This time, no one responds. The existing munitions manufacturers are already straining to keep up with demand. Those interested in expanding into the industry have already done so. There is a shortage of experienced labour. In short, no amount of government cash will induce an improvement. Fortunately, the situation is likely to resolve itself. Manufacturers will become accustomed to new ventures and fresh recruits will become experienced labour.

Expand Factories (Munitions) Blocked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000
Note: This just means you need to wait a turn before trying again.

Financial Actions:
[Expand Merchant Marine] (2) -> 59/20
The new military vessels will not be ready to sail until late next year. Split roughly 25/75 between coast guard and navy, the largest are only light cruisers. While not ideal for pitched battle, they are exactly what is needed to secure the sea lanes from piracy and other crimes committed on the high seas. Several civilian cargo vessels have already begun construction in anticipation.

Expand Merchant Marine Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[Caribbean Alliance (3x)] (1)
The Caribbean alliances are finalized this year. There is some potential for economic gain, but the primary benefits are strategic. Hostile control of the Caribbean has been a concern since before the Cuban Missile Crisis. Keeping foreign powers out of the area is not an inconsiderable benefit.

Add Caribbean to Sphere of Influence
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Communications (2x)] (2) -> 100/20
Research into improved civilian communications technology goes significantly better than expected. Research in completed in three months, development in 6, and industry wide adoption occurs before the end of the year. Apparently the new protocols were made entirely backwards compatible and upgrading is remarkably painless. Best of all, at least so far as national security is concerned, they are remarkably resistant to hostile intrusion. Your economy is not immune to cyberwarfare, but it will be significantly easier to protect.

Tax Base +5%, Communications -> Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Cost: 500

[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (4) -> 31/20
Traditional naval cannons have largely fallen out of favor. Missiles are smaller, lighter, and more effective. Alien derived naval technology may change this. Laser weapons are certainly more powerful, and more accurate, than conventional armaments. However, their lack of a ballistic trajectory renders them unsuitable for shore bombardment. Fortunately, their other uses more than suffice. Lasers have the potential, in concert with Alien targeting computers, to revolutionize point defense. Laser cannons, when attached to an aerial platform, do not require a ballistic trajectory to serve as artillery. Spacecraft too will benefit; space is vast, and increased range is of greater import than the ability to shoot around non-existent obstacles.

Naval Beam Lasers Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 800

[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (4) -> 88/10
The alien alloys are the ideal material for a next generation spacecraft. Frankly, they are the ideal material for almost everything. There's probably a variant which makes the fluffiest pillows ever. Regardless, the benefits to your incipient spaceships are not inconsiderable. The incredibly durable materials can withstand the immense power of a fusion drive with ease and resist use fatigue to an incredible degree. You'll save a fortune on replacement parts. The lightweight nature of the alloys allows for spaceframes lighter than was previously thought possible. These weight savings directly increase the payload capacity. In a few years America will reach for the stars. And, should the Aliens return, XCOM will take the fight into orbit.

Alien Spaceframe Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 7200+5100=12300
Expenses: 1000+7300=8300
Interest: 1340
Net Profit: 2660 -> 2700 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 357%
Planning 2049
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
XCOM Research (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
XCOM Training (Quality: +1)
Oil: 0/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+4600
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 357% [64300]
Interest: 2% (3 turns till 3%) [1286]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance. You'll be able to make use of it (and start paying upkeep) once you recruit the necessary personnel.

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (2)
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
[Expand Merchant Marine] (1)
Diplomatic Actions:
Research and Development Actions:
[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (3)
[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (3)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.

Recruit From Militia:
The militia represents a large pool of willing and able recruits for our standing army. They're even partially trained. A brief recruitment drive among the states would allow for a further expansion of the military.
75%, 1000(+10%), 1
Military <- Recruits(Large, Experienced)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
70%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
85%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien manufacturing techniques. Mass production of Alien Alloy is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+10%), 3
Factories <- Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Our improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
70+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Expand Merchant Marine:
Our renewed international trade has begun to strain the capacity of our merchant marine. Moreover, resurgent piracy has stretched our navy thin guarding the trade routes. Both must be expanded to allow for further expansion of our trade network.
80%, 1000(+10%), 2
Trade Capacity +5

Trade with Sphere Members:
The countries within our sphere of influence are economically insignificant. Individually, that is. As a group, they represent a lucrative opportunity for mutually beneficial trade.
Locked, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Sphere Members, ???
Note: Requires 2 Trade Capacity.

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. We must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
75%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
70%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina: (Degrees of Success)
Our consumer goods are cheaper and of higher quality than those produced in local Argentinian factories. Access to Argentina's markets would allow our traders could do brisk business.
65%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Argentina, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Oil to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
Japan requires additional oil to fuel its war with China. The introduction of industrial fusion reactors has given us an excess of oil. The solution is clear. Sell oil to Japan and make a killing.
80%, 500(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Japan, +500-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 65%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

XCOM GeneMods:
XCOM has the most advanced genetic engineering in the world. Even a small amount of shared research would be a great boon.
Chance: 65%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Unlock GeneMods Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is defending against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: Locked, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Alliance:
Central Africa, like most of the world, was not happy with your decision to abandon the mantle of world defense during the War. Your recent interactions have begun to improve the previously soured relationship. Trade has created bonds between ordinary citizens while arms deals have earned the government's gratitude. It is time to establish a formal alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 200 (+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Central African Alliance, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200 (+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
50%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Beam Lasers:
Reports from the African conflict have thoroughly demonstrated the effectiveness of laser weapons similar to those deployed in limited numbers during the War. Your generals are concerned that the French may adapt the technology for aerial use. These new weapons would surpass your current generation of direct fire weapons in both power and accuracy. Clearly, you must develop them first and preempt the French.
75%, 800x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Spaceframe:
The alien materials are the perfect candidate for the construction of next generation spacecraft. The improvements to the durability and payload capacity of conventional rockets would be significant. When combined with the latest fusion technology the improvements would be nothing short of revolutionary. Lunar colonies, exploration of Mars, asteroid mining. These projects and more would become not just feasible, but affordable.
85%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Industry, Military Actions

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???
Results 2049
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Oil: 1/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +3000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+6100
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 345% [62200]
Interest: 2% (2 turns till 3%) [1244]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[XCOM Genemods(3x)] (1) -> 53/25
XCOM proves surprising willing to share their genetic knowledge. The research contains surprisingly few flashy modifications. XCOM has focused their research on an extensive catalog of alien anatomy, behaviors, and genetics. An extremely extensive catalog. You had never expected to hear the phrase 'breed them like flies' in relation to Mutons.

Unlocked XenoBiology, Discovered XCOM's breeding population of Sectoids, Thin Men, Mutons, and Ethereals.
Cost: 800

[Sell Oil to Japan (3x)] (1) -> 97/0
Your sale of oil to Japan comes at fortuitous moment. China recently began a renewed offensive with the aid of suspiciously well equipped Russian mercenaries. Japan's strategic fuel reserve was on the verge of exhaustion. They purchase oil faster than you can ship it. Your merchants are thrilled; the American shale industry recovers from its fusion induced slump in a heartbeat. The Japanese are grateful; they send some of their best electronics researchers to assist you for a year.

Trade Deal with Japan, +1000 Trade Income, -1 duration for Improved Durability (Electronics)
Cost: 2000

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (2)
Your engineers have solved most of the major problems plaguing their prototype reactors. However, many minor issues remain and must be resolved prior to full scale production. This can be expected to take at least a year.

Fusion Reactor (Naval) Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing] (3) -> 71/30
The process of permitting the manufacture of Alien Alloy has begun. Trusted industry have partners have been selected, vetted, and vetted again. Now they are ready to begin learning the actual manufacturing process. This is expected to take another two years.

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Expand Merchant Marine] (1)
The new naval vessels leave on their maiden voyages with much fanfare. The armada of escort ships and patrol vessels will keep American trade routes and territorial waters free of piracy well into the future. Concordant with this event, civilian shipping experiences an expansion. The new vessels include multiple oil tankers, which ferry fuel to Japan under heavy escort.

Trade Capacity +5
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[North American Welfare Union (4x)] (5) -> 5/25
Attempts to unify welfare systems on a continental scale do not go well. Canada and Mexico prove reasonably willing to cooperate. The United States, embarrassingly, does not. The populace proves extremely unhappy with the proposed compromise. Conservatives oppose what they term 'Canadian Socialism' and Progressives oppose 'Mexican Austerity'. Congress chooses to proceed anyway. The several states respond by holding a Constitutional Convention. It concluded that the Constitution shall not be construed to give the Federal government any authority over welfare. This throughly sunk any chance of the negotiations proceeding. Worse, it threw the entire American welfare system into a state of chaos which will likely take a generation to resolve.

North American Welfare Union blocked, 10 years remaining.
Cost: 800

Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Durability (Electronics) (2x)] (3) -> 29/20
Electronics are the backbone of the modern economy, the modern military, and the modern society. Yet they are startlingly vulnerable. Heat, electromagnetic flux, water, and more can permanently damage electronics. Protective technologies exist, but their expense is often prohibitive. The improved materials science gleaned from alien materials has the potential to change this. Protecting electronics from the elements, and perhaps even from hostile action, can be made simple, cheap, and lightweight.

Improved Durability (Electronics) Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 500

[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (3)
Progress on the new laser technology continues. Your scientists promise results within the next two years.

Naval Beam Lasers Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 800

[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (3)
Development of the new spaceframes remains on schedule. Completion in expected within two years.

Alien Spaceframe Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 7200+6100=13300
Expenses: 1000+8900=9900
Interest: 1286
Net Profit: 2114 -> 2100 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 345%
Planning 2050
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Oil: 1/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--At war with INTO.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--At war with France.
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+5600
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 345% [62200]
Interest: 2% (2 turns till 3%) [1244]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Trained)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Experienced)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance. You'll be able to make use of it (and start paying upkeep) once you recruit the necessary personnel.

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (1)
Industrial Actions:
[Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing] (2)
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Durability (Electronics) (2x)] (1)
[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (2)
[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (2)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.

Recruit From Militia:
The militia represents a large pool of willing and able recruits for our standing army. They're even partially trained. A brief recruitment drive among the states would allow for a further expansion of the military.
75%, 1000(+10%), 1
Military <- Recruits(Large, Experienced)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
70%, 500(+10%), 6
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Naval):
Fusion technology practically begs to be used by oceangoing vessels. Traditional fission reactors provide nearly unlimited range, but are prohibitively expensive and require rigorous anti-radiation measures. Fusion reactors avoid both downsides. Fusion fuel is less expensive than highly refined uranium. Improvements derived from alien fusion cores even allow reactors to run on seawater.
85%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Naval Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien manufacturing techniques. Mass production of Alien Alloy is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+10%), 3
Factories <- Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Our improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
70+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK, China}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Trade with Sphere Members:
The countries within our sphere of influence are economically insignificant. Individually, that is. As a group, they represent a lucrative opportunity for mutually beneficial trade.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Sphere Members, ???
Note: Requires 2 Trade Capacity.

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. We must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
75%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
70%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina: (Degrees of Success)
Our consumer goods are cheaper and of higher quality than those produced in local Argentinian factories. Access to Argentina's markets would allow our traders could do brisk business.
65%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Argentina, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???

Eliminate Welfare:
With the current level of debt, we have no choice but to eliminate numerous welfare programs. This will ease integration with Mexico at the cost of integration with Canada.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Expenses -> 500, Population.Morale -> Good
XCOM Psionics:
XCOM has literal magic mind powers. You have absolutely no idea how to develop them yourself, but perhaps XCOM would be willing to help?
Chance: 75%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Unlock Psionics Tech Category

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government is defending against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: Locked, Cost: 100 (+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Alliance:
Central Africa, like most of the world, was not happy with your decision to abandon the mantle of world defense during the War. Your recent interactions have begun to improve the previously soured relationship. Trade has created bonds between ordinary citizens while arms deals have earned the government's gratitude. It is time to establish a formal alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 75%, Cost: 200 (+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Central African Alliance, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200 (+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
50%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Beam Lasers:
Reports from the African conflict have thoroughly demonstrated the effectiveness of laser weapons similar to those deployed in limited numbers during the War. Your generals are concerned that the French may adapt the technology for aerial use. These new weapons would surpass your current generation of direct fire weapons in both power and accuracy. Clearly, you must develop them first and preempt the French.
75%, 800x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Spaceframe:
The alien materials are the perfect candidate for the construction of next generation spacecraft. The improvements to the durability and payload capacity of conventional rockets would be significant. When combined with the latest fusion technology the improvements would be nothing short of revolutionary. Lunar colonies, exploration of Mars, asteroid mining. These projects and more would become not just feasible, but affordable.
85%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Industry, Military Actions

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Improved Durability (Electronics):
While we are already capable of protecting our electronics from water, EMP, and other hazards, the cost is often prohibitive. Our researchers believe that recent advances will lead to cheaper and more effective methods of protection.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Industry/Military Actions

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Results 2050
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
XCOM Training (Quality: +1)
Oil: 1/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +1000
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+5600
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 338% [60900]
Interest: 2% (1 turn till 3%) [1218]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Expand Factories (Munitions) (3x)] (1) -> 18/0
The munitions industry is finally ready for a resumed expansion, albeit only just. There is still a shortage of experienced workers, but you pour funding into training programs to offset this. It works. When the dust is settled the munitions industry has reached new heights in both size and quality.

Factories.Munitions -> Excellent
Cost: 2000

[Trade With Sphere (2x)] (2) -> 54/10
An expansive trade deal covering your entire sphere of influence is created without significant difficulty. It is designed for maximum range of applicability and leaves ample room for future sphere members to join the treaty. Integration of new sphere members should be practically spontaneous. Provided, of course, that you can support the requisite quantity of trade. It will, as with the current members, take about a year after the treaty is passed for merchants to establish trade.

Trade With Sphere Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Naval) (2x)] (1)
The prototype naval fusion reactor is finally ready for full scale production. The new reactor will, once retrofitted onto military and authorized civilian vessels, vastly increase operational range. The benefits will be immense for cargo and patrol vessels alike. The decreased fuel usage will likely also prove a boon; fuel costs are a substantial portion of transportation expenses. Further development may even adapt the reactors for use in spacecraft.

Trade Capacity +5, Unlocked Equipment, Unlocked Military Action
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing] (2)
The selected contractors have finished studying the Alien Alloy production technology. There were a few hiccups, someone thought leaking to the press was acceptable, but the results are satisfactory. The manufacturers have begun tooling their factories and will begin production in a year. Of course, working out the kinks in this untested technology will likely take longer still.

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina (3x)] (2) -> 28/15
Argentina's market for consumer goods proves smaller than expected. You learn after the fact that Argentina is experiencing a minor recession. Their attempts to stabilize Brazil have been of questionable effect and are becoming quite expensive. So expensive that it's placing a significant burden on their economy.

Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1200

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Psionics (3x)] (1) -> 48/15
XCOM agrees to share their Psionics research without hesitation. It is more extensive than you had expected. Apparently analysis of the Ethereals' capabilities had been a primary focus for the last two decades. The information they have compiled, primarily through analysis of bred or captured specimens, greatly surpasses that available during the War.
Your principal interest was the method of awakening psionic power. The information you received on the topic is mixed. All humans possess latent psionic potential, which is promising. Unfortunately, the potential is almost impossible to awaken naturally. There is a procedure which can forcibly unlock latent powers, but it is hideously expensive, not to mention rather distasteful. XCOM's post-War research has managed to achieve a nearly 100% success rate and lower costs significantly. Unfortunately, they have hit a dead end. Further progress will likely require a new approach. Perhaps the alien BioCybernetics technologies contain a lead?
The awakening method is far from the only topic you learn of. XCOM has gathered data on the very nature of Psionics, at least as used by the Ethereals. The Ethereals have three categories of psionics: mental, physical, and external. Mental psionics act on one's own mind. Physical psionics act on one's own body. External psionics act on others, or on the world. Oddly, the meaning of "one's own mind" seems to include the minds of allies. Dr. Vahlen believes this is a product of the Ethereals' unique hivemind based culture.
The range of Psionic abilities is wider than you had known. Apparently even XCOM has only mastered a few of the more direct, combat oriented abilities. The Ethereals themselves possess an array of powers both wider and deeper than expected. You understand now, why combat with an ethereal was considered a death sentence by those outside XCOM. The most basic of their psionic powers are simple enough. Telepathy, heightened reflexes, and mental assault are formidable, but not terribly impressive. The greatest Psionics are far superior. They allowed the Ethereals to form a galaxy spanning hivemind with perfect unity and power and intelligence far greater than the sum of its parts. The more martially inclined can alter reality itself: tear it to shred with their enemies inside, twist it into strange paths to bewilder foes, glimpse into its future to avoid danger. Their scholars and engineers can speed thoughts past light's limit and transfer the knowledge of a lifetime within a single breath. Frankly, you can't believe XCOM actually won. Maybe they didn't; perhaps this is all some sick alien simulation?

Unlocked XenoPsionics, Unlocked XenoNeurology
Cost: 800
Note: You aren't actually in a simulation. I just couldn't resist the XCOM 2 reference.

Research and Development Actions:
[Improved Durability (Electronics) (2x)] (1)
Work on improved electronics hardening finishes early with the help of the Japanese research team. The technology is now ready for both civilian and military usage.

Gained Strategic Bonus (Hardened Electronics)
Cost: 500

[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (2)
Development of next generation laser weapons continues. Your engineers have a working prototype, but nothing suitable for combat. You are promised results within a year.

Naval Beam Lasers Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 800

[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (2)
The first prototype spacecraft make from alien alloys is tested this year. The explosion was quite spectacular. They should have that fixed by 2051.

Alien Spaceframe Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 7200+5600=12800
Expenses: 1000+9300=10300
Interest: 1244
Net Profit: 1256 -> 1300 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 338%
Planning 2051
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military)
Australia: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
XCOM Training (Quality: +1)
Oil: 1/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 0/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Minor Fuel Shortage, paying Australia for exclusive exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+4100
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 338% [60900]
Interest: 2% (1 turn till 3%) [1218]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran)
Armour(Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance. You'll be able to make use of it (and start paying upkeep) once you recruit the necessary personnel.

Unrestricted Actions:
[Trade With Sphere (2x)] (1)
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
[Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing] (1)
Financial Actions:
[Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina (3x)] (1)
Diplomatic Actions:
Research and Development Actions:
[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (1)
[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.

Recruit From Militia:
The militia represents a large pool of willing and able recruits for our standing army. They're even partially trained. A brief recruitment drive among the states would allow for a further expansion of the military.
75%, 1000(+10%), 1
Military <- Recruits(Large, Experienced)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft):
Our Alien Alloy spaceframes will need better engines to fuel their ascent. The fusion reactors used by our naval vessels hold potential. The design, if scaled up and attached to a torch drive, may be precisely what we need.
80%, 1000(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Spacecraft Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien manufacturing techniques. Mass production of Alien Alloy is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+10%), 3
Factories <- Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from our miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Our improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
70+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {Germany, France, Russia, UK}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Trade with Sphere Members:
The countries within our sphere of influence are economically insignificant. Individually, that is. As a group, they represent a lucrative opportunity for mutually beneficial trade.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Sphere Members, ???
Note: Requires 2 Trade Capacity.

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. We must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
75%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
70%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +250-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina: (Degrees of Success)
Our consumer goods are cheaper and of higher quality than those produced in local Argentinian factories. Access to Argentina's markets would allow our traders could do brisk business.
65%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Argentina, +100-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+5%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Australian Military Alliance:
The Australian government is eying the conflicts occurring in Eurasia with concern. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Australians to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Australians.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Australia, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: Locked, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Alliance:
Central Africa, like most of the world, was not happy with your decision to abandon the mantle of world defense during the War. Your recent interactions have begun to improve the previously soured relationship. Trade has created bonds between ordinary citizens while arms deals have earned the government's gratitude. It is time to establish a formal alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Central African Alliance, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: Take this to unlock the military alliance.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
50%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Beam Lasers:
Reports from the African conflict have thoroughly demonstrated the effectiveness of laser weapons similar to those deployed in limited numbers during the War. Your generals are concerned that the French may adapt the technology for aerial use. These new weapons would surpass your current generation of direct fire weapons in both power and accuracy. Clearly, you must develop them first and preempt the French.
75%+5%, 800x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions

Alien Spaceframe:
The alien materials are the perfect candidate for the construction of next generation spacecraft. The improvements to the durability and payload capacity of conventional rockets would be significant. When combined with the latest fusion technology the improvements would be nothing short of revolutionary. Lunar colonies, exploration of Mars, asteroid mining. These projects and more would become not just feasible, but affordable.
85%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Industry, Military Actions

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
10%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2051
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
XCOM Training (Quality: +1)
Oil: 1/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+4600
Expenses: 1000
Debt: 333% [59500]
Interest: 3% [1785]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
National Guard (Size: Small, Quality: Experienced)
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran)
Armour (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Investigate Trade Opportunities (Germany) (3x)] (1) -> 66/20
The reports from Germany prove enlightening. The economic news is promising. The political news is at least interesting.
Germany was, as is widely known, recently embroiled with a land war in Asia. This has left profound marks upon all nations of Eastern Europe, and Germany not the least of these. The marks' general character is as expected; costs were high, casualties were higher, recovery is a long process. However, the specifics occasionally prove startling. The impact on economy and infrastructure, while not trivial, are already mostly mended. The gravest economic cost is a simple lack of consumers. The war repeatedly decimated the region's already fragile demographics. Entire towns were left empty husks, their youth rotting in Polish mud. A few of the more easterly cities were outright abandoned. The population only recently ceased shrinking, and seemingly impressive reproductive statistics belie a shortage of young men.
The shortage of youth defines the economic opportunities your traders find in Germany. Consumer goods, produced by revitalized factories, swamp a market much diminished from its pre-war size. A sprawling German military industrial complex lacks only the manpower to employ its production. Simply put, there are few opportunities. However, those opportunities that remain are lucrative. The German electronics industry is weak, and severe workforce shortages have precluded its expansion. There is also considerable demand for oil; few pipelines from Russia or the Middle East survive.
The political news is less dramatic, but also less potentially profitable. The Eastern European nations have been formed into a singular bloc by their participation in the war. There are no talks of unification, but cooperation between the EU's eastern half is greatly increased. This has led to friction with the rest of the EU, which chose to remain uninvolved. The German coalition deeply resents their neighbor's cowardice. France's colonial adventures have only exacerbated the resentment. Abandoning the defense of Europe in favour of profitable expansion is considered an insult to Germany and its allies. Despite this antipathy, the Europe remains externally united. Germany would have aided France before allowing a true defeat in Africa; the easterners take their assumed duty as defenders of Europe seriously.

Unlocked Diplomatic Action (Diplomatic Alliance with Germany),
Unlocked Financial Actions (Sell Electronics to Germany, Sell Oil to Germany)
Cost: 400

[Trade With Sphere (2x)] (1)
Profits begin to accumulate as trade is established across America's sphere of influence. The profits are not limited to US merchants, instead accruing in economic benefits throughout the sphere. The treaty's ratifiers are fairly satisfied by the result, although there is some grumbling over minor economic fluctuations.

Trade Deal with Sphere, +400 Trade Income
Cost: 1000

Military Actions:
[Recruit From Militia] (1) -> 50/25
You begin an ambitious expansion of the American military. Over a million militiamen are recruited and given basic training in only a year. They aren't ready for deployment yet, they'll need more specialized training, but you can finally begin filling the backlog of staffing requests.

Military <- Recruits(Large, Experienced)
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Permit Alien Alloy Manufacturing] (1)
Your industry partner have finally begun producing alien alloys. The process was substantially longer than was desirable, but you are confident the increased security is worth the delay. More seriously, the alien alloy remains prohibitively expensive. Further expansion of the industry should reduce costs and expand throughput.

Factories <- Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Consumer Goods to Argentina (3x)] (1)
Sales of consumer goods to Argentine markets bring in their first profits this year. The quantity is disappointing, barely enough to justify the trade route's existence. Perhaps profits will increase after Argentina's economy recovers.

Trade Deal with Argentina, +100 Trade Income
Cost: 1200

Diplomatic Actions:
[Australian Military Alliance (4x)] (1) -> 70/15
The Australians are eager to establish a defensive alliance. As one of the few countries to maintain peace since XCOM's victory, they are eager to maintain their record. This position aligns nicely with modern American isolationism. Before long, the two nations have created a comprehensive treaty for the mutual preservation of peace and isolation from global affairs.

Military Alliance with Australia
Cost: 800

Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (4) -> 66/15
Your computer scientists begin to reverse engineer the alien software. Some progress is made, but it will likely take a few years for the program to show results.

Alien Software Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Naval Beam Lasers (2x)] (1)
Production models of beam laser weaponry are finished this year. A total of five weapons are developed. The first two are merely adaptations of existing aerial weaponry. The Heavy Autolaser is essentially a reimagined Heavy Machine Gun. While not capable of the same rate of fire, it compensates with dramatically increased precision. The Rotary Laser Cannon is a redesigned Rotary Autocannon. The multiple barrels distribute heat accumulation and lens damage, allowing the weapon to sustain longer periods of fire. The final aerial weapon is an entirely new design. The Heavy Laser Lance is slow firing, but capable of remarkable penetration at long ranges.
The final two weapons are developed on behalf on behalf of America's budding military space program. The first is not a singular weapon, but rather an array of high powered sensors and small laser turrets. The Point Defense Array (Laser) excels against missiles and other small craft. For larger craft your starships may install PDALs big brother. The Naval Laser Cannon is the largest beam laser ever produced. The massive turret can project a blinding concentration of energy anywhere within its considerable range.

Gained New Equipment
Cost: 800

[Alien Spaceframe (2x)] (1)
The new spaceframe is truly a sight to behold. The alien alloys provide dramatic increases of both economies and capabilities. To unleash the design's true potential would require a fusion torch engine. However, chemical rockets are serviceable enough for the time being.

Unlocked Orbital Vessels, Unlocked Industrial Action (Build Spaceport)
Cost: 1000

Financial Report:
Income: 7200+4600=11900
Expenses: 1000+8200=9200
Interest: 1218
Net Profit: 1482 -> 1500 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 330%
Planning 2052
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
XCOM Training (Quality: +1)
Oil: 1/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Surplus of Military Aircraft
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+4600
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 333% [59500]
Interest: 3% [1785]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance. You'll be able to make use of it (and start paying upkeep) once you recruit the necessary personnel.

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (3)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Officers(Small, Veteran) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Air Force Personnel:
The Air Force has reached the limits of its current personnel numbers. We must train additional airmen if we wish to operate additional aircraft.
95%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Personnel(Small, Elite) -> [Air Force].Personnel(Medium, Elite)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), [Vehicle Crews](Small, Veteran) -> [Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Infantry(Medium, Veteran) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft):
Our Alien Alloy spaceframes will need better engines to fuel their ascent. The fusion reactors used by our naval vessels hold potential. The design, if scaled up and attached to a torch drive, may be precisely what we need.
80%, 1000(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Spacecraft Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Build Spaceport:
Orbital launches are currently carried out in unacceptably haphazard manner. New technologies requires an overhaul of your launch infrastructure. As an additional benefit, the new launch facilities will provide a central terminus for commercial spacecraft.
65+5%, 1000x0.5x4(+10%), 2
Infrastructure <- Spaceports: Mediocre

Foster Orbital Launch Capacity:
American orbital spacecraft technology has been greatly improved. Large scale orbital launch capacity is quickly approaching economic feasibility. Existing production facilities are insufficient for the increased scale of endeavors. We must go beyond isolated assembly sites and establish entire shipyards.
75+5%, 1000x0.5x4(+10%), 1
Factories <- Orbital: Mediocre

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
70+5%, 1000x0.5x4(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Alloy Housing:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. There are a number of lower quality variants with substantial civilian potential. The sheer durability of alien construction offers to revolutionize architecture. Impossibly tall skyscrapers, wafer thin levees, hurricane resistant treehouses, burglar proof doors; the possibilities are endless.
70+5%, 1500x0.5x4(+10%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Housing -> Good

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
70+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia, UK}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
80%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
85%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Germany: (Degrees of Success)
Germany has a large market for electronics. Furthermore, workforce shortages have kept their electronics industry from meeting demand. This is a prime opportunity for American mercantile profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Germany, +200-700 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Oil to Germany: (Degrees of Success)
The loss of Russian and Middle Eastern petroleum imports has hit Eastern Europe hard. Imports from the French colonies have kept the crisis manageable, but prices remain high. An additional source of oil would be greatly appreciated. It would also be very profitable for the supplier.
90%, 400(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Germany, +500-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. We must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
75%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
70%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: Locked, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Alliance:
Central Africa, like most of the world, was not happy with your decision to abandon the mantle of world defense during the War. Your recent interactions have begun to improve the previously soured relationship. Trade has created bonds between ordinary citizens while arms deals have earned the government's gratitude. It is time to establish a formal alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Central African Alliance, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: Take this to unlock the military alliance.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 45%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
50%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Industrial Action

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Improved Fortifications:
Conventional fortifications simply weren't made to handle Xenotech. Walls are less effective when the enemy can land an assault carrier on your heads. Artillery isn't designed to combat orbital targets. These problems and more must be solved if your defenses are to be effective in the coming decades.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock Minor Planetary Fortifications

Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
30%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2052
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+5200
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 324% [58400]
Interest: 3% [1752]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Good (Cost: 200%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Unrestricted Actions:
[Expand Factories (Alien Alloy) (2x)] (1) -> 42/10
[Expand Factories (Alien Alloy) (2x)] (1) -> 30/10
The alien materials industry is massively expanded this year. Perhaps even more importantly, manufacturers have begun to refine their production methods. Throughput is greatly expanded, and costs have been halved. Even civilian use of alien materials is beginning to look economically feasible. There is some concern over security, but most nations already have access to processed Alien Alloy. It is the manufacturing process which must be protected, not the materials themselves.

Factories.[Alien Alloy] -> Good (Cost: 200%)
Cost: 1000+1000

[Central African Alliance (2x)] (1) -> 37/15
The Central Africans agree to an alliance readily enough. They are quite grateful for your support, expensive though it was, and understand American reluctance to become entangled in foreign conflicts. The Central African Union wouldn't want to become entangled in an American war either.

Diplomatic Alliance with Central Africa
Cost: 400

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (4) -> 16/20
Design of a spacecraft fusion reactor hits a dead end this year. The initial work appears promising. However, it soon emerges that no one informed the design team the final product would operate in Space. Their design achieves its considerable improvements by dumping massive quantities of waste heat into the atmosphere through forced convection. Naturally, this is not suitable for any craft intended to operate in vacuum. It is also unsuitable for terrestrial craft; the sheer quantity of heat released would cook bystanders alive. If the craft was not properly vacuum sealed, it would also cook the crew.

No Result
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Oil to Germany (2x)] (1) -> 31/0
Germany is eager to acquire a additional source of petroleum. The negotiations are considerably expedited, enough to allow shipments to begin before year's end. Profits are somewhat reduced by French competition, but remain high nonetheless.

Trade Deal with Germany, +600 Trade Income
Cost: 800

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (10) -> 67/0
Negotiations between XCOM and the American Government have begun. Both parties are open to the idea of a full unification, the latter is particularly eager. Numerous meetings between the President and Acting Commander Bradford have already occurred. Both have agreed to pursue unification, at least in principle. Final implementation of the unification will take some time. XCOM has acted with total independence for over two decades; subordinating themselves to a civilian government is a significant change. There is also some concern over the organizations international mandate, but most members trust the Americans to intervene in the event of a second Invasion.

XCOM Integration Locked, 9 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (3)
Work on the alien software continues. Cryptographers have finally cracked the encryption and researchers have managed to insert breakpoints within the code. Progress is clearly accelerating, but much work remains to be done.

Alien Software Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Elerium (2x)] (5) -> 38/15
The alien fuel possess nearly mythical properties. Elerium is remarkably stable under normal circumstances, making storage simple and easy. When subjected to particle bombardment, however, it releases massive quantities of energy. The density of energy available through these reactions is astonishing; it considerably exceeds the already prodigious density of fusion. The form of energy released is even programmable. Elerium power shifts from thermal to electrical to kinetic as the type of particle bombardment is altered. Elerium can even be refined into a powerful chemical explosive.
Needless to say, replicating such an advanced artificial fuel source will be a challenge. Dr. Vahlen is optimistic, but still expects research to last at least half a decade. Age has been infamously unable to dull the keen intellects of XCOM's scientific division, so you're inclined to trust the sexagenarian.

Elerium Locked, 4 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Improved Fortifications (2x)] (1) -> 49/10
Alien alloys greatly improve the durability of your fortifications; beam lasers benefit your weapon emplacements. However, protecting against orbital attack requires more than improved materials. The design paradigm of your architecture must be reimagined to defend against threats both terrestrial and orbital. Similarly, artillery emplacements must be altered to target both orbital and terrestrial landing craft. Finally, construction technologies must be upgraded to allow implementation of the altered designs.

Unlocked Military Action (Erect Planetary Fortifications)
Cost: 500

Financial Report:
Income: 7200+5200=12400
Expenses: 1000+1390+7100=9490
Interest: 1785
Net Profit: 1125 -> 1100 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 324%
Planning 2053
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 18000 (40%) [10000@180%]
Income: 7200+5200
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 324% [58400]
Interest: 3% [1752]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Good (Cost: 200%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Elerium: 1000
Weapon Fragments: 100
Alien Elerium Generator: 1
Alien Navigation Computer: 1
Alien Plasma Rifle: 1

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance. You'll be able to make use of it (and start paying upkeep) once you recruit the necessary personnel.

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (9)
Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (2)
[Elerium (2x)] (4)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Erect Planetary Fortifications:
A perfect defense of an enemy with control of the orbitals is, sadly, not possible. However, there remains tremendous room for improvement. Your recent research has revealed means of giving fortress much greater defense against orbital attack. Improved architecture provides greatly increased resistance to both orbital and terrestrial bombardment. Redesigned artillery emplacements are capable of interdicting orbital invaders. Both missiles and landing craft are vulnerable to the new cannons. Performance is further improved by ample use of alien materials.
Continental US:
The American heartland must remain the first priority of any defensive strategy.
90%+5%, 6000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
Continental US <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Greenland, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands:
While not technically part of North America, these islands may serve as gateways for invasion.
80%+5%, 3000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Greenland, Caribbean, Pacific Islands} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Alaska and Canada:
Although the northern territories are less densely populated, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Alaska, Canada} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Mexico and Central America:
Although the southern territories are less wealthy, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Mexico, Central America} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)
Note: 'Minor' fortifications is because they only include planetary installations. Standard and Major fortifications include orbital installations. Minor fortifications are still excellent by terrestrial standards.

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Officers(Small, Veteran) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Air Force Personnel:
The Air Force has reached the limits of its current personnel numbers. We must train additional airmen if we wish to operate additional aircraft.
95%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Personnel(Small, Elite) -> [Air Force].Personnel(Medium, Elite)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), [Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran) -> [Vehicle Crews](Large, Veteran)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Infantry(Medium, Veteran) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft):
Our Alien Alloy spaceframes will need better engines to fuel their ascent. The fusion reactors used by our naval vessels hold potential. The design, if scaled up and attached to a torch drive, may be precisely what we need.
80%, 1000(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Spacecraft Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Build Spaceport:
Orbital launches are currently carried out in unacceptably haphazard manner. New technologies requires an overhaul of your launch infrastructure. As an additional benefit, the new launch facilities will provide a central terminus for commercial spacecraft.
65+5%, 1000x0.5x2(+10%), 2
Infrastructure <- Spaceports: Mediocre

Foster Orbital Launch Capacity:
American orbital spacecraft technology has been greatly improved. Large scale orbital launch capacity is quickly approaching economic feasibility. Existing production facilities are insufficient for the increased scale of endeavors. We must go beyond isolated assembly sites and establish entire shipyards.
75+5%, 1000x0.5x2(+10%), 1
Factories <- Orbital: Mediocre

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
70+5%, 1000x0.5x2(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Alloy Housing:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. There are a number of lower quality variants with substantial civilian potential. The sheer durability of alien construction offers to revolutionize architecture. Impossibly tall skyscrapers, wafer thin levees, hurricane resistant treehouses, burglar proof doors; the possibilities are endless.
70+5%, 1500x0.5x2(+10%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Housing -> Good

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
70+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia, UK}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
80%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
85%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Germany: (Degrees of Success)
Germany has a large market for electronics. Furthermore, workforce shortages have kept their electronics industry from meeting demand. This is a prime opportunity for American mercantile profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Germany, +200-700 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. We must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
75%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
65%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Industrial Action

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
30%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2053
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 19000 (40%) [10000@190%]
Income: 7600+5200
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 303% [57600]
Interest: 3% [1728]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 95

Unrestricted Actions:
[Expand Factories (Alien Alloy)] (1) -> 68/20
The alloy industry continues last year's expansion. The manufacturer's have improved their knowledge of the production process to the limit. Alloy is now barely more expensive than conventional equivalents. The higher grades remain expensive, but not significantly more than the highest grade of conventional structural materials.

Factories.[Alien Alloy] -> Excellent (Cost: 100%)
Cost: 500

[Foster Orbital Launch Capacity] (1) -> 94+1/20
The spacecraft construction industry expands rapidly to meet the demands of civilian markets. Not one, but many, massive shipyards are constructed. It takes only slightly more than a week for their output to exceed humanity's combined prior construction of orbital craft in both tonnage and quantity.

Factories <- Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Cost: 1000

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (4) -> 28/20
Compact, void-worthy fusion reactors will significantly expand the capabilities of orbital craft. The reactor proper provides ample electricity for even the most power intensive systems. The integrated torch drive dramatically improves both thrust and specific impulse. Combined, these improvements represent a sea change in capability. A Mars voyage would take not years, but weeks, or even days. Fuel and reactor weights will be significantly decreased, cutting costs and increasing range.

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft) Locked, 3 turns remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Build Spaceport (2x)] (2) -> 99/20
The idea of centralized spaceports proves an incredible success. Although originally intended primarily for military use, the idea of "an airport, but for spaceships" proves incredible popular among civilians. The original military spaceport is rapidly dwarfed by a sprawling network of civilian equivalents. It is rather akin to ARPANET and the Internet in that regard.
You expected the lack of immediately accessible economic opportunities to deter both civilian and commercial interests from orbital excursions. This clearly has not been the case. There have already been dozens of private moon landings, and a very odd series of complaints from some crank who claims to own the moon. You should probably do something about that, preferably before lunar settlers start murdering each other over property rights.

Tax Base +10%, Infrastructure <- Spaceports: Good, Foster Orbital Launch Capacity Boosted
Cost: 2000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Electronics to Central Africa] (2) -> 43/20
The Central Africans are happy to purchase American electronics. Foreign electronics had previously been luxury goods and status symbols, so the cheaper and more numerous imports prove popular. Unfortunately, the CAU's economic woes have left many unable to purchase the goods despite the dramatic price cuts. As a result, the market is smaller than expected.

Sell Electronics to Central Africa Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 500

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (9)
The American military continues to integrate XCOM. There is some question of the member's reaction. After all, many hail from foreign nations. However, all have lived as, with, and among Americans for over two decades. Many have lived longer in the USA than in their homelands. Some have even been naturalized, becoming US citizens. Nonetheless, most are loyal to XCOM first and country second. Thus XCOM is integrated wholesale, becoming a fourth branch of the military. This is more palatable to its members than dissolution and allows continuation of its unique mandate.

XCOM Integration Locked, 8 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (2)
The reverse engineering of the software is almost complete. Researchers have gained a broad understanding of the alien technology, but a number of specifics continue to elude them. The remaining problems are difficult, but far from insoluble. They should be resolved within a year.

Alien Software Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Elerium (2x)] (4)
The capabilities of the Ethereals' designer fuel continue to amaze your scientists. It's apparently programmable form of output is particularly amazing. They have not managed to reduce the percentage of thermal energy output below 5%, but even with this limitation Elerium provides 95% thermal efficiency. The most efficient conventional sources barely break 60%; even our best fusion plants only achieve 80%. Unfortunately, production of this artificial energy source is likely to be expensive. Elerium is, in effect, an extremely advanced battery.

Elerium Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Pure Fusion Warheads] (3) -> 8/0
Conventional nuclear warheads are expensive, large, or both. Worse, their radioactive byproducts make them difficult to safely deploy. Pure fusion warheads will solve both problems. Fusion warheads produce yields similar to fission with none of the radiative side effects. They are cheaper and far more easily miniaturized.

Pure Fusion Warheads Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 500

Financial Report:
Income: 7600+5200=12800
Expenses: 1000+1390+7900=10290
Interest: 1752
Net Profit: 758 -> 800 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 303%
Planning 2054
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 0/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 19000 (40%) [10000@190%]
Income: 7600+5200
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 303% [57600]
Interest: 3% [1728]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 95

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance.
Chance%, $Cost(bonus from each doubling of investment%), years

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (3)
Industrial Actions:
[Build Spaceport (2x)] (1)
Financial Actions:
[Sell Electronics to Central Africa] (1)
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (8)
Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (1)
[Elerium (2x)] (3)
[Pure Fusion Warheads] (2)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Erect Planetary Fortifications:
A perfect defense of an enemy with control of the orbitals is, sadly, not possible. However, there remains tremendous room for improvement. Your recent research has revealed means of giving fortress much greater defense against orbital attack. Improved architecture provides greatly increased resistance to both orbital and terrestrial bombardment. Redesigned artillery emplacements are capable of interdicting orbital invaders. Both missiles and landing craft are vulnerable to the new cannons. Performance is further improved by ample use of alien materials.
Continental US:
The American heartland must remain the first priority of any defensive strategy.
90%+5%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 1
Continental US <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Greenland, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands:
While not technically part of North America, these islands may serve as gateways for invasion.
80%+5%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Greenland, Caribbean, Pacific Islands} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Alaska and Canada:
Although the northern territories are less densely populated, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Alaska, Canada} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Mexico and Central America:
Although the southern territories are less wealthy, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Mexico, Central America} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)
Note: 'Minor' fortifications is because they only include planetary installations. Standard and Major fortifications include orbital installations. Minor fortifications are still excellent by terrestrial standards.

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Officers(Small, Veteran) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Air Force Personnel:
The Air Force has reached the limits of its current personnel numbers. We must train additional airmen if we wish to operate additional aircraft.
95%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Personnel(Small, Elite) -> [Air Force].Personnel(Medium, Elite)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), [Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran) -> [Vehicle Crews](Large, Veteran)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Infantry(Medium, Veteran) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft):
Our Alien Alloy spaceframes will need better engines to fuel their ascent. The fusion reactors used by our naval vessels hold potential. The design, if scaled up and attached to a torch drive, may be precisely what we need.
80%, 1000(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Spacecraft Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Alloy Housing:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. There are a number of lower quality variants with substantial civilian potential. The sheer durability of alien construction offers to revolutionize architecture. Impossibly tall skyscrapers, wafer thin levees, hurricane resistant treehouses, burglar proof doors; the possibilities are endless.
75+5%, 1500x0.5(+10%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Housing -> Good

Lunar Base:
American citizens have already begun establishing outposts, campsites, and vacation homes on the moon. We must formally incorporate Luna into the Union as American territory. Like the frontier territories of old, it shall initially be federal land; states shall be formed only when the population grows large enough to justify the change. To make this situation de facto, not merely de jure, we must build a lunar base. Further development will be needed, but this is the necessary first step.
65%, 4000x0.75(+10%), 3
Territory <- Luna
AN: This will be much cheaper (1/4) with Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft).

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
75+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia, UK}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
80%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
85%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Germany: (Degrees of Success)
Germany has a large market for electronics. Furthermore, workforce shortages have kept their electronics industry from meeting demand. This is a prime opportunity for American mercantile profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Germany, +200-700 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African electronics industry is still new and unproven. Prices are high and quality is low. These problems will likely resolve themselves in the coming decades, but local companies are currently quite vulnerable. We must strike now in flood the market with cheap, high quality American electronics. We will simultaneously eliminate potential competitors and make a tremendous profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success, Future Trade Actions

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
75%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
65%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Industrial Action

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software:
The alien computers run software vastly more complex than even the most advanced algorithms. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Software Techs
Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
70%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2054
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 1/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Central Africa: Electronics -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--Heading coalition for intervention in Indian civil war.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Colonizing Arabian peninsula.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 19000 (40%) [10000@190%]
Income: 7600+5600
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 291% [55400]
Interest: 3% (10 turns till 2%) [1662]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 95

Unrestricted Actions:
[Investigate Trade Opportunities (UK) (3x)] (1) -> 80/20
The United Kingdom is, as a potential trading partner, extremely disappointing. They are quite self-sufficient in most regards, even exporting substantial quantities of industrial goods to France. The British consumer goods is potentially lucrative, but the opening has already been filled by French imports. Superior American goods could probably out-compete the French produce in the open market. Unfortunately, fear of retaliatory tariffs on industrial imports has made Her Majesty's government extremely reluctant to allow American competition.
The UK is a far more lucrative source of gossip. From them you learn of the recent resurgence of the French economy. With the war over, civil unrest disappeared practically overnight. The French economy returned to its normal course, seemingly stronger than ever. They even established outposts in former Qatar and Bahrain to supplement their oil supply.
The British themselves have been no less active on the world stage, primarily in concert with their former colonial subject in India. They began an ill-fated collaboration to resettle the devastated area of Southern Africa. The British were to exercise their colonial expertise and assume the expense of occupying the area. The Indians would provide large quantities of willing and able settlers from its overpopulated cities and countryside. Their tax revenue would rapidly repay the British expenses. Unfortunately for the British, the widespread malfeasance within the Indian government prevented the plan from reaching fruition. They were left with a large and sparsely populated territory, but no excess population to settle it.

Unlocked Diplomatic Action (Diplomatic Alliance with United Kingdom)
Cost: 400

[North American Research Union (2x)] (3) -> 90/25
Negotiations over a North American research sharing program begin. Both Canada and Mexico are thrilled; US industrial research is infamously successful while their domestic research initiatives proved disappointments. This can likely be attributed to a shortage of labour. Both your neighbors experienced a sharp drop in skilled research personnel shortly after the establishment of tighter economic bonds simplified migration. US research programs pay extremely well; the most brilliant even have the opportunity to work with XCOM.

North American Research Union Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 600
AN: As you may have noticed, your research actions are almost invariably boosted to double, or more, cost.

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (3)
Military engineers have made significant progress on the proposed fusion torch drive. A proof of concept has been completed, and functions admirably. The engine, when connected to a specialized research reactor, is capable of immense thrust. Now, the engineers need only adapt the paired reactor and torch for orbital use.

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft) Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Alloy Housing (2x)] (2) -> 65/10
Use of alien materials in civilian construction has begun. The effects are suitably dramatic. An alloy structure is incredibly durable and only slightly more expensive than its conventional competitors. While alloy is far from the cheapest construction material, only a small quantity is required to maintain structural integrity. It will take time for these improvements to percolate, but they will surely revolutionize architecture.

Alloy Housing Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1500

Financial Actions:
[Sell Electronics to Central Africa] (1)
With the governmental negotiations complete, American traders swiftly begin to add electronic devices to their shipments of food, munitions, and military equipment. While profits are blunted by the ongoing economic crisis, they remain significant. The Africans, for their part, are busily integrating the cheap electronics into the local economy. The local electronics manufacturing has, to the joy of your merchants, been annihilated, but entirely new industries are already forming to take advantage of low cost electronics.

Trade Deal with CAU, +400 Trade Income
Cost: 500

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (8)
XCOM's integration is an extremely slow process. There is much debate over their role within the wider American military. Many would like to see XCOM work closely with the rest of the military, while others wish it to remain entirely focused on extraterrestrial threats. Eventually, Acting Commander Bradford's suggestion is accepted. XCOM's combat section will serve the two roles best suited to their experience.
The first role is a primarily terrestrial affair; XCOM will serve as the United States' premier special operations unit. Most of XCOM's combatants were originally recruited from pre-war special operations, and they have only gained experience since then. This suits the American military quite well; the special forces' conspicuous post-war absence concerned many.
The second role is primarily extraterrestrial; XCOM will perform boarding operations on downed or otherwise vulnerable spacecraft. As a direct continuation of their wartime role, this arrangement is somewhat obvious. While XCOM was not the only force to assault downed alien vessels, it was the only force able to consistently succeed in its assaults.

XCOM Integration Locked, 7 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Alien Software (2x)] (1)
Your scientists have finally discovered the basics of alien software. While this knowledge alone is of limited practical application, it will allow research on the alien computers to reach new heights. The most immediate application is the potential improvements to software programming which may be gleaned from the alien approach. In concert with a similar breakthrough in the field of alien hardware, it could even allow the replication of alien targeting and navigation devices.

Unlocked Alien Software Programming.
Cost: 1000

[Elerium (2x)] (3)
The first man-made Elerium is synthesized this year. The sample, although lacking Elerium's customary stability, marks a milestone in American reverse-engineering. The building blocks of alien technology are, perhaps, finally within your grasp. Of course, it will still be at least a year before Elerium can be produced in appreciable amounts and with acceptable precision. It will likely take another year to reduce costs to economically feasible levels. Nonetheless, the first step has been made.

Elerium Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Pure Fusion Warheads] (2)
Researchers have finally perfect a prototype pure fusion warhead. The device exceeds expectations, achieving yields exceeding conventional nuclear equivalents without radiative side effects and at substantially lower size and weight. The design even proves remarkable scalable. While fusion grenades and shells remain impracticable, the new technology is suitable for use in a wide range of missiles. All that remains is to bring production costs down to reasonable levels. Merely equipping your submarine fleet with the current designs would bankrupt you.

Pure Fusion Warheads Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 500

Financial Report:
Income: 7600+5600=13200
Expenses: 1000+1390+6900=9290
Interest: 1728
Net Profit: 2182 -> 2200 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 291%
Planning 2055
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 1/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Central Africa: Electronics -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa.
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Selling mercenaries to China.
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
--'Assisted' by Argentina
--'Assisting' Brazil
Europe: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Poor
Asia: Debt: Extreme, Finances: Disastrous
Australia: Debt: Small, Finances: Passable
Tax Base: 19000 (40%) [10000@190%]
Income: 7600+5600
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 291% [55400]
Interest: 3% (10 turns till 2%) [1662]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Decent
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 95

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance.
Chance%, $Cost(bonus from each doubling of investment%), years

Unrestricted Actions:
[North American Research Union (2x)] (2)
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (2)
Industrial Actions:
[Alloy Housing (2x)] (1)
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (7)
Research and Development Actions:
[Elerium (2x)] (2)
[Pure Fusion Warheads] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Erect Planetary Fortifications:
A perfect defense of an enemy with control of the orbitals is, sadly, not possible. However, there remains tremendous room for improvement. Your recent research has revealed means of giving fortress much greater defense against orbital attack. Improved architecture provides greatly increased resistance to both orbital and terrestrial bombardment. Redesigned artillery emplacements are capable of interdicting orbital invaders. Both missiles and landing craft are vulnerable to the new cannons. Performance is further improved by ample use of alien materials.
Continental US:
The American heartland must remain the first priority of any defensive strategy.
90%+5%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 1
Continental US <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Greenland, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands:
While not technically part of North America, these islands may serve as gateways for invasion.
80%+5%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Greenland, Caribbean, Pacific Islands} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Alaska and Canada:
Although the northern territories are less densely populated, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Alaska, Canada} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Mexico and Central America:
Although the southern territories are less wealthy, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Mexico, Central America} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)
Note: 'Minor' fortifications is because they only include planetary installations. Standard and Major fortifications include orbital installations. Minor fortifications are still excellent by terrestrial standards.

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Officers(Small, Veteran) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Air Force Personnel:
The Air Force has reached the limits of its current personnel numbers. We must train additional airmen if we wish to operate additional aircraft.
95%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Personnel(Small, Elite) -> [Air Force].Personnel(Medium, Elite)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), [Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran) -> [Vehicle Crews](Large, Veteran)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced), Infantry(Medium, Veteran) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran)

Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft):
Our Alien Alloy spaceframes will need better engines to fuel their ascent. The fusion reactors used by our naval vessels hold potential. The design, if scaled up and attached to a torch drive, may be precisely what we need.
80%, 1000(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Spacecraft Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Alloy Housing:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. There are a number of lower quality variants with substantial civilian potential. The sheer durability of alien construction offers to revolutionize architecture. Impossibly tall skyscrapers, wafer thin levees, hurricane resistant treehouses, burglar proof doors; the possibilities are endless.
75+5%, 1500x0.5(+10%), 2
Tax Base +5%, Housing -> Good

Lunar Base:
American citizens have already begun establishing outposts, campsites, and vacation homes on the moon. We must formally incorporate Luna into the Union as American territory. Like the frontier territories of old, it shall initially be federal land; states shall be formed only when the population grows large enough to justify the change. To make this situation de facto, not merely de jure, we must build a lunar base. Further development will be needed, but this is the necessary first step.
65%, 4000x0.75(+10%), 3
Territory <- Luna
AN: This will be much cheaper (1/4) with Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft).

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
75+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
80%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
85%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Germany: (Degrees of Success)
Germany has a large market for electronics. Furthermore, workforce shortages have kept their electronics industry from meeting demand. This is a prime opportunity for American mercantile profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Germany, +200-700 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
75%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

British Alliance:
The United States of America once had a long standing 'special relationship' with the United Kingdom. The Ethereal War left this relationship damaged, perhaps to the point of destruction. The British remain displeased with America's decision to abandon its international responsibilities. However, they are prepared to forgive and forget. The relationship may be, if not repaired, replaced.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with United Kingdom, possibility of further cooperation.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
65%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Pure Fusion Warheads:
The yield density of our warheads has long been held back by the limits of chemical explosives. While nuclear ordinance is more powerful, concern over the fallout has limited practical deployment. A pure fusion warhead would sidestep the downsides of fission warheads and allow for significantly more compact warheads.
90%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Equipment

Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Industrial Action

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we can have the opportunity to create a mass producible version.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software Programming:
The alien software makes use of algorithms, optimizations, and other improvements of potential use in human software development. By systematically applying these innovations, we can revolutionize the field of computer science.
70%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action
Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
70%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2055
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 1/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +1500
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +400
Central Africa: Electronics -> +400
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +100
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa
--Colonizing former Qatar and Bahrain
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Tax Base: 19500 (40%) [10000@195%]
Income: 7800+5600
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 279% [54500]
Interest: 3% (9 turns till 2%) [1635]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Good
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 80

Unrestricted Actions:
[Train Air Force Personnel] (2) -> 92/5
The United States Air Force begins its largest expansion in decades. Tens of thousands of pilots, ground crew, engineers, and other personnel are trained. Orders are made for hundreds of training, cargo, and logistics planes. Old bases, long unused, are refurbished and supplied by a renewed fleet of logistics vehicles. In short, the Air Force is made ready for a second generation of post-war fighters, bombers, and ground attack craft.

Train Air Force Personnel Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

[North American Research Union (2x)] (2)
Negotiations for the creation of the North American Veracity Initiative (NAVI) are concluded this year. It is agreed that all classified and proprietary research will be shared amongst the ratifying nations. In return, the signatories agree to uphold the secrecy of any classified information. No outside parties will receive research without the consent of all three nations. All that remains is the process of transferring the research data, which will likely take another year.

North American Research Union (2x) Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 600

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (2)
Military engineers have successfully created a paired reactor and torch drive suitable for use in orbital craft. The prototype is extremely promising, although a number of minor issues remain unresolved. The tendency to vaporize portions of the launch site is particularly concerning; the traditional ablatives were found lacking when confronted with engines of the desired power.

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft) Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Alloy Housing (2x)] (1) (1500)
Last year's improvements in the civilian construction industry have begun to pay dividends. On of the most dramatic benefits, albeit not the one of greatest economic benefit, is the ability to craft dwellings almost totally immune to natural disaster. Even civilian grade alloys can resist hurricane force winds without difficulty. Even tornadoes are of little concern with sufficient reinforcement. Flooding is also of lesser concern. Alien sealant technologies allow ordinary walls and doors to establish a watertight seal.

Tax Base +5%, Housing -> Good
Cost: 1500

Financial Actions:
[Investigate Trade Opportunities (Russia) (3x)] (1) -> 15/20
Attempts to investigate potential trading ties with Russia prove futile. The convoy of diplomats, merchants, spies, and heavily armed guards departs Anchorage on time but never reaches Vladivostok. The Russian military's contract with the Chinese had recently expired, leaving the politburo overextended. Japanese took advantage with a renewed offensive, launching strikes on ports and airstrips throughout Korea and Northern China in an attempt to cripple China's ability to threaten the island nation. The fighting was fierce and extended far north, even unto the Arctic. The convoy was forced to turn back or risk a dangerous, and diplomatically disastrous, entanglement in the conflict.

No Result
Cost: 400

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (7) (400)
The integration of XCOM's engineering division is, in comparison to their other departments, a simple affair. Dr. Shen and his masterful artificers have com to participate closely in American technology initiatives. The aged doctor has taken a less prominent role over the years, going into semi-retirement shortly after his 2054 centennial. However, he remains the nominal head of his department and is surprisingly spry for his age. He handles the many and sundry difficulties of integration with alacrity.

XCOM Integration Locked, 6 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Orbital Construction (3x)] (3) -> 28/0
Space is, in many ways, an ideal location for construction. Space is practically unlimited, neither gravity nor the elements strain the structure's integrity, and starships need not be built with launch capacity in mind. These benefits, and more, make orbital construction a lucrative prize. Unfortunately, space is also a very difficult location for construction. Accessing the orbitals is possible only with expensive launch capacity. All structures must be completely airtight, and capable of maintaining their vacuum seal despite potentially deadly spaceborne debris. Zero-G conditions pose a substantial health risk to any inhabitants. These problems, and more, must be solved before the benefits of orbital construction become a reality.

Orbital Construction Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 2000, 15 Fragments

[Elerium (2x)] (2) (1000)
Researchers continue to improve batches of synthetic Elerium in both quality and quantity. The latest samples have broken the threshold of industrial and military usability. Unfortunately, the manufacturing process is still not ready for widespread use. It is only suitable for laboratory usage; the expense remains infeasible. Next year's research will focus on reducing costs and increasing the practicality of production.

Elerium Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Pure Fusion Warheads] (1) (500)
American engineers perfect an improved design of pure fusion warheads this year. The new technology possess performance equal to the prototype models. The price, however, has been significantly reduced. The newest warheads are mass-producible, scalable, and cheap enough to replace everything from Minutemen to Sidewinders.

Equipment Unlocked, Armaments Upgraded
Cost: 500

Financial Report:
Income: 7800+5600=13400
Expenses: 1000+1390+8400=10790
Interest: 1662
Net Profit: 948 -> 900 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 279%
Planning 2056
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 1/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +500
Central Africa: Electronics -> +600
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +200
Germany: Oil -> +600
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa
--Colonizing former Qatar and Bahrain
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Tax Base: 19500 (40%) [10000@195%]
Income: 7800+6500
Expenses: 1000+1390
Debt: 279% [54500]
Interest: 3% (9 turns till 2%) [1635]
Morale: Excellent
Number: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Small, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 10)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Good
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 80

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance.
Chance%, $Cost(bonus from each doubling of investment%), years

Unrestricted Actions:
[Train Air Force Personnel] (1)
[North American Research Union (2x)] (1)
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (1)
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (6)
Research and Development Actions:
[Orbital Construction (3x)] (2)
[Elerium (2x)] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Erect Planetary Fortifications:
A perfect defense of an enemy with control of the orbitals is, sadly, not possible. However, there remains tremendous room for improvement. Your recent research has revealed means of giving fortress much greater defense against orbital attack. Improved architecture provides greatly increased resistance to both orbital and terrestrial bombardment. Redesigned artillery emplacements are capable of interdicting orbital invaders. Both missiles and landing craft are vulnerable to the new cannons. Performance is further improved by ample use of alien materials.
Continental US:
The American heartland must remain the first priority of any defensive strategy.
90%+5%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 1
Continental US <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Greenland, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands:
While not technically part of North America, these islands may serve as gateways for invasion.
80%+5%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Greenland, Caribbean, Pacific Islands} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Alaska and Canada:
Although the northern territories are less densely populated, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Alaska, Canada} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Mexico and Central America:
Although the southern territories are less wealthy, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Mexico, Central America} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)
Note: 'Minor' fortifications is because they only include planetary installations. Standard and Major fortifications include orbital installations. Minor fortifications are still excellent by terrestrial standards.

Officers (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
Infantry (Size: Large, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 500)
1000 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 150)
600 M1B1 'Bradley' Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Upkeep: 90)
200 M100 'New Orleans' Armoured Personnel Carriers (Upkeep: 50)
600 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 150)
400 M300 'Avenger' Mobile SAM (Upkeep: 60)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 50)
4000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 200)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Officers(Small, Veteran, 20) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran, 100); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Air Force Personnel:
The Air Force has reached the limits of its current personnel numbers. We must train additional airmen if we wish to operate additional aircraft.
95%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), [Air Force].Personnel(Small, Elite, 10) -> [Air Force].Personnel(Medium, Elite, 50)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Army.[Vehicle Crews](Small, Veteran, 10) -> Army.[Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran, 50)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Infantry(Medium, Veteran, 100) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran, 500)
Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
75%, 500(+10%), 5
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft):
Our Alien Alloy spaceframes will need better engines to fuel their ascent. The fusion reactors used by our naval vessels hold potential. The design, if scaled up and attached to a torch drive, may be precisely what we need.
80%, 1000(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Spacecraft Fusion Reactor
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Lunar Base:
American citizens have already begun establishing outposts, campsites, and vacation homes on the moon. We must formally incorporate Luna into the Union as American territory. Like the frontier territories of old, it shall initially be federal land; states shall be formed only when the population grows large enough to justify the change. To make this situation de facto, not merely de jure, we must build a lunar base. Further development will be needed, but this is the necessary first step.
65%, 4000x0.75(+10%), 3
Territory <- Luna
AN: This will be much cheaper (1/4) with Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft).

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
75+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
75%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
80%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Electronics to Germany: (Degrees of Success)
Germany has a large market for electronics. Furthermore, workforce shortages have kept their electronics industry from meeting demand. This is a prime opportunity for American mercantile profit.
80%, 500(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Germany, +200-700 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
85%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

British Alliance:
The United States of America once had a long standing 'special relationship' with the United Kingdom. The Ethereal War left this relationship damaged, perhaps to the point of destruction. The British remain displeased with America's decision to abandon its international responsibilities. However, they are prepared to forgive and forget. The relationship may be, if not repaired, replaced.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with United Kingdom, possibility of further cooperation.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 50%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
65%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Research Union:
Restrictions on the sharing of research between yourself and your neighbors are counterproductive. You already have a unified military command; what harm could sharing your proprietary tech possibly do? It can certainly do a great deal of good. Both Mexico and Canada will benefit from access to your world class industrial and aerospace technology.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 300(+5%), Time: 3
R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Note: This is not an extra requirement. A research union would have been part of the 5 turn union action after NAWU. Taking this action will reduce the action to 2 turns.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Elerium, the incredibly energetic alien fuel, is key to the high performance of many alien devices. If we wish to continue our study of alien technology we must discern a means to synthesize element 115.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Industrial Action

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we have the opportunity to utilize alien materials in the creation of similar craft. However, our understanding of the alloy's aeronautical properties remains rudimentary. Further research is required before our aircraft may take full advantage of the Alien Alloys.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software Programming:
The alien software makes use of algorithms, optimizations, and other improvements of potential use in human software development. By systematically applying these innovations, we can revolutionize the field of computer science.
70%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action
Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
70%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2056
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 2/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +500
Central Africa: Electronics -> +600
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +200
Germany: Oil -> +600
Germany: Electronics -> +700
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa
--Colonizing former Qatar and Bahrain
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Importing Electronics from USA
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Tax Base: 19500 (40%) [10000@195%]
Income: 7800+7200
Expenses: 1000+1330
Debt: 266% [52000]
Interest: 3% (8 turns till 2%) [1560]
Morale: Excellent
Demography: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 100)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Good
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Good (Cost: 50%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 80

Unrestricted Actions:
[Train Air Force Personnel] (1)
The expansion of the Air Force finishes this year. The new assets added in 2055 become accustomed to normal operations and ready themselves to accommodate an expanded second generation of post-war aircraft.

[Air Force].Personnel(Small, Elite, 10) -> [Air Force].Personnel(Medium, Elite, 50)
Cost: 1000

[North American Research Union (2x)] (1)
American, Canadian, and Mexican scientists, researchers, engineers, manufacturers, and construction firms spend the year busily exchanging information. Data on tiered farms, industrial fusion reactors, elerium synthesis, and more is shared with your neighbors. Such a massive transfer is time consuming, but your allies are now ready to begin the process of implementing your hard won knowledge. With the institutional knowledge accumulated during your own implementation, the process should be briefer than your own attempts.

R&D Union with Canada, Mexico.
Cost: 600

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Spacecraft)] (1)
The fusion torch drive is readied for full scale production this year. The prototype is further refined into a robust final model and the launch procedures are updated to handle the increased output. The results are extraordinary. The improved, fusion capable, craft outperform their conventional counterparts by orders of magnitude. The shrunken fuel tanks reduce wasted mass and volume while the cheap hydrogen fuel plummets operational costs. This alone is sufficient to expand ownership of spacecraft to an entirely new, and much larger, civilian demographic. The military implications are even greater.
Previous potential for military orbitals was limited. The proposed craft were limited in size and dominated by the need for immense quantities of expensive rocket fuel. A ship the size of a Arleigh Burke Destroyer would have been impractical. The fusion torch technology alleviates these difficulties so greatly that they are virtually eliminated. Not only is a space-borne Arleigh Burke now practical, orbital vessels the size of the canceled BB-67 Montana are now possible.

Unlocked Orbital Equipment (Fusion Torch Drive), Unlocked New Industrial Actions (SDI, SSI)
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Expand Factories (Orbital) (2x)] (1) -> 47/10
The development of the fusion torch drive instigates a second boom in civilian spacecraft purchasing. American orbital shipyards expand swiftly to meet the new demand. In the process, a number of innovative cost saving measures are discovered and swiftly implemented across the industry.

Factories.Orbital -> Good (Cost: 50%)
Cost: 1000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Electronics to Germany (2x)] -> 96/10
Attempts to sell electronics to Germany prove immensely successful. Local demand is even higher than expected and the EU authorities are willing to expedite your trader's authorization. American electronics quickly become a staple through Eastern Europe, lessening the burden on overworked electrical and computer engineers.

Trade Deal with Germany, +700 Trade Income
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (6)
XCOM's alien research division is one of the more troubling difficulties facing the integration efforts. Dr. Vahlen's breeding program would, should it become public knowledge, be extremely controversial. While the information gained is of undeniable value in preparing for a second invasion, the danger is not inconsiderable. XCOM has immense experience dealing with such hazards, experience which the wider American armed forces lack. Ensuring that the program's management remains under the firm control of XCOM personnel is thus of paramount importance. However, this must be balanced with the need for congressional oversight. This task is far from trivial, and consumes most of the year.

XCOM Integration Locked, 5 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Orbital Construction (3x)] (2)
Research continues on the methods required for orbital construction. Much work remains, but progress is noticeable. Substantial improvements are made on zero gravity construction, vacuum sealed structures, and more.

Orbital Construction Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 2000

[Elerium (2x)] (1)
American engineers finally develop industrial grade Elerium synthesis this year. The difficulty and expense of the procedure has been drastically reduced. Elerium production remains an extremely expensive and energy consuming process, but it is no longer unaffordable. Future refinement may drop prices further.

Unlocked Industrial Action (Permit Elerium Manufacturing), Unlocked R&D Action (Alien Power Systems)
Cost: 1000

[Advanced Surgery (2x)] (3) -> 11/15
The research into Ethereal surgical techniques never even begins. There is a pandemic scare in Canada, and all your medical researchers are scrambled to fabricate a vaccine. It turns out to be a false alarm, but the lost time cannot be recovered.

No Result
Cost: 500

Financial Report:
Income: 7800+7200=15000
Expenses: 1000+1330+8500=10830
Interest: 1635
Net Profit: 2535 -> 2500 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 266%
Planning 2057
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/2
Munitions: 1/2
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 2/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +500
Central Africa: Electronics -> +600
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +200
Germany: Oil -> +600
Germany: Electronics -> +700
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa
--Colonizing former Qatar and Bahrain
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Importing Electronics from USA
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Tax Base: 19500 (40%) [10000@195%]
Income: 7800+7200
Expenses: 1000+1330
Debt: 266% [52000]
Interest: 3% (8 turns till 2%) [1560]
Morale: Excellent
Demography: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
1000 F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptors (Upkeep: 100)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Good
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Good (Cost: 50%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 80

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance.
Chance%, $Cost(bonus from each doubling of investment%), years

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
Industrial Actions:
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (5)
Research and Development Actions:
[Orbital Construction (3x)] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Erect Planetary Fortifications (Location):
A perfect defense of an enemy with control of the orbitals is, sadly, not possible. However, there remains tremendous room for improvement. Your recent research has revealed means of giving fortress much greater defense against orbital attack. Improved architecture provides greatly increased resistance to both orbital and terrestrial bombardment. Redesigned artillery emplacements are capable of interdicting orbital invaders. Both missiles and landing craft are vulnerable to the new cannons. Performance is further improved by ample use of alien materials.
Continental US:
The American heartland must remain the first priority of any defensive strategy.
90%+5%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 1
Continental US <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Greenland, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands:
While not technically part of North America, these islands may serve as gateways for invasion.
80%+5%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Greenland, Caribbean, Pacific Islands} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Alaska and Canada:
Although the northern territories are less densely populated, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Alaska, Canada} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Mexico and Central America:
Although the southern territories are less wealthy, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Mexico, Central America} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)
Note: 'Minor' fortifications is because they only include planetary installations. Standard and Major fortifications include orbital installations. Minor fortifications are still excellent by terrestrial standards.

Officers (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
Infantry (Size: Large, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 500)
1000 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 150)
600 M1B1 'Bradley' Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Upkeep: 90)
200 M100 'New Orleans' Armoured Personnel Carriers (Upkeep: 50)
600 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 150)
400 M300 'Avenger' Mobile SAM (Upkeep: 60)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 50)
4000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Officers(Small, Veteran, 20) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran, 100); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Army.[Vehicle Crews](Small, Veteran, 10) -> Army.[Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran, 50)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Infantry(Medium, Veteran, 100) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran, 500)

Build Second Generation Air Force (Composition):
Our first generation of post-war combat aircraft, the F-0 'Atalanta' Interceptor, are now over 2 decades. They are outdated and overextended. A new generation of aircraft would take fuller advantage of recent technical developments. The American Air Force will finally be restored to its former glory as the world's strongest.
90%, 20000x0.5(+10%), 1
4000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
2400 F-2 'Cougar' Standoff Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
200 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 50)
200 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 200)
3000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 450)
600 A-1 'Hawk' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
3000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 450)
200 A-1 'Hawk' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 50)
200 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 100)
600 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
250 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 250)
Note: If these compositions are unsuitable please suggest further variations on the unit design discord. (See the informational threadmark for more info.)
Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
80%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
80%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Strategic Defense Initiative:
The possibility of rendering ICBMs ineffective via orbital interception has long tantalized. The bedrock of MAD would be overturned concordant with the utility of MIRV warheads. Limited and expensive launch capacity made previous attempts impractically, if not outright fantastical. Low cost hydrogen fuel and advanced alloy rockets solve this problem neatly. A new Strategic Defense Initiative incorporating the latest laser point defense technology is now possible. While it would not prevent the usage of nuclear bombers and cruise missiles, it would render hostile ICBM systems completely ineffective. It would not be entirely immune to interdiction, but the alloy armoured satellites would resist many existing anti-satellites weapons.
75%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 3
Gain Orbital Anti-ICBM Network.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Elerium Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien fuel technology. Mass production of Elerium is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+10%), 3
Factories <- Elerium: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Strategic Signal Initiative:
The Ethereals Invasion demonstrated both the fragility and the importance of global communications. The effects of their efforts at interdiction are still keenly felt despite the passage of decades. Your military, diplomatics, spies, and traders alike would benefit greatly from instantaneous, uninterruptible, and high bandwidth global data transfer system. With recent advantages in rocketry and your improved communications technology, this could be affordable accomplished through a truly prodigious number of communications satellites. The network would even have the potential to jam, or even monitor, enemy communications.
80%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Gain Orbital Communications Network: (Trade Capacity: +3, ???)

Lunar Base:
American citizens have already begun establishing outposts, campsites, and vacation homes on the moon. We must formally incorporate Luna into the Union as American territory. Like the frontier territories of old, it shall initially be federal land; states shall be formed only when the population grows large enough to justify the change. To make this situation de facto, not merely de jure, we must build a lunar base. Further development will be needed, but this is the necessary first step.
85%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Territory <- Luna

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
75+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
75%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
80%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Alien Alloy to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
The alien alloys have, as recent construction has shown, great civilian potential. As the only country capable of producing the materials, America has the potential to profit substantially through their export. The only obstacle is national security, we will not risk losing the strategic advantage of alloy production. Fortunately, civilian export presents minimal danger. Australia, like most council nations, retains a considerable stockpile of untouched alien alloy for future research. The addition of American alloys would not provide substantial benefit to their engineers.
75%, 400(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +400-800 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
85%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Japan: (Degrees of Success)
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war have placed great demand on Japanese factories. While our own munitions industry is not superior to Japan's, it could supplement their production.
80%, 200(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Japan, +100-200 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Military Alliance:
The Japanese have suffered greatly as a result of the 3rd Sino-Japanese war. Moreover, their fragile naval superiority will last only so long as the Chinese continue to war amongst themselves. Therefore, the Japanese have made military supplies and alliances their first priority. Only once these are obtained will the Japanese consider other treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Japanese.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Japan, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

British Alliance:
The United States of America once had a long standing 'special relationship' with the United Kingdom. The Ethereal War left this relationship damaged, perhaps to the point of destruction. The British remain displeased with America's decision to abandon its international responsibilities. However, they are prepared to forgive and forget. The relationship may be, if not repaired, replaced.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with United Kingdom, possibility of further cooperation.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

Send Volunteer Pilots to CAU:
The Central African Union is beginning to have difficulty training enough pilots to fly all the planes we sell them. Our pilots have yet to test themselves in battle. We could solve both these problems simultaneously by subtly encouraging our pilots to volunteer as CAU pilots. They would have to resign to avoid a diplomatic incident. Fortunately, we could render their resignation little more than a formality.
65%, 150(+5%), 1
CAU Gains Pilots, ???

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Alien Power Systems:
Our newfound ability ability to synthesize Elerium allows us to begin research on the aliens' most impressive technologies. The Ethereal Elerium generators produce vast quantities of power with remarkable thermal efficiency. A human equivalent would further improve the capabilities of the American military and lay the groundwork for Elerium propulsion.
70%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce of effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we have the opportunity to utilize alien materials in the creation of similar craft. However, our understanding of the alloy's aeronautical properties remains rudimentary. Further research is required before our aircraft may take full advantage of the Alien Alloys.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software Programming:
The alien software makes use of algorithms, optimizations, and other improvements of potential use in human software development. By systematically applying these innovations, we can revolutionize the field of computer science.
70%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action
Orbital Construction:
Space has a lot of space for construction projects. However, current technologies make this prohibitively expensive. Orbital factories seem appealing until you realize it would be cheaper to build them in the middle of Manhattan.
70%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Orbital Shipyard, Unlock New Construction Techs
NOTE: When a technology has poor success chance you're probably missing some recommended techs or facilities.
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Results 2057
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Japan: Diplomatic, Military
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Armour: 1/2
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/3
Munitions: 2/3
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 2/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Australia: Munitions -> +300
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +500
Central Africa: Electronics -> +600
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +200
Germany: Oil -> +600
Germany: Electronics -> +700
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa
--Colonizing former Qatar and Bahrain
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Importing Electronics from USA
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Tax Base: 19500 (40%) [10000@195%]
Income: 7800+7500
Expenses: 1000+2230
Debt: 308% [60100]
Interest: 3% [1803]
Morale: Good
Demography: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
4000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Good
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Good (Cost: 50%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 80

Unrestricted Actions:
[Build Second Generation Air Force (Multi-Role)] (1) -> 91/10
No expense is spared in the preparation of the Air Force for military intervention. Thousands of fighters and hundreds of bombers roll off the production lines in a frenzy of activity. The new craft are equipped with the latest in American military technology, most notably xenotech beam lasers and miniaturized fusion warheads. The production of the aircraft themselves is accompanied by the creation of massive stockpiles containing the fuel, munitions, and spare components required to operate the new planes.
America's military has gone from a skeletal force to a world-class power, albeit one of unbalanced composition. However, the frantic pace of this military buildout came at a cost. Specifically, the cost of very large quantities of cash. The sheer expense of such rapid production has induced a massive upward surge in the national debt of a magnitude not seen since the Ethereal war. As a result, a recent trend of rising investor confidence in government bonds has come to a sudden end.

Military.[Air Force].{F-0: 1000} -> /dev/null
Military.[Air Force] <- {F-1: 4000, A-2: 300, B-0: 400, B-1: 150}
Cost: 10000

[Japanese Military Alliance (4x)] (1) -> 91/15
Your diplomats easily conclude an alliance with Japan in return for American involvement in the war with China. The Japanese government is thrilled at your decision to enter the 3rd Sino-Japanese War on their behalf. Their eventual victory was likely already assured, but American aid may hasten the conclusion of the decades long war of attrition.
The American public is less pleased with your decision. The move is decried as pointless interventionism, risking American lives in furtherance of mere diplomatic convenience. To most the East Asian conflict seems more distant, and substantially less American, than the lunar surface. The war has it's supporters, but they are scarce. Most of the few proponents make their living selling food and oil to Japan. Overall, the public's mood has worsened, but remains positive.

Military Alliance with Japan, Population.Morale -> Good, War with China
Cost: 800

Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Aircraft) (2x)] (4) -> 56/10
Work begins on the development of fusion reactors suitably for use in the 'aero' portion of the aerospace industry. Much of the requisite work, in both miniaturization and heat management, has been addressed by previous projects. However, many difficult problems remain for the engineers to solve. The incredible energies involved in fusion jet propulsion is proving particularly difficult, with early prototypes prone to spectacular flameouts.

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft) Locked, 3 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

Industrial Actions:
[Lunar Base (3x)] (3) -> 8/0
Plans for a military base on the lunar surface begin with the construction of massive cargo vessels to ferry the necessary supplies. Massive Alien Alloy hulls are laid down in the Midwest shipyards. As the year progresses, massive fusion reactors and titanic torch drives are encased within their skeletal frame. Finally, at the years end, the completed cargo vessels are floated down the Mississippi and into the middle of the Atlantic upon disposable launch platforms.
The ferries exit to a safe distance. Gigantic fusion torches, mounted upon the anterior of the vaguely tubular vessels, pushed their noses skyward. Then, as the launch platforms collapsed and the ships began to fall from the air, the primary drives engage. Gouts of plasma vaporise the churning waters below as the leviathans first cease their fall and then begin to rise. They rise into the distance and out of sight, but the glare of their plasma trail remains. The maiden voyage is a complete success.

Lunar Base Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 2000

Financial Actions:
[Sell Munitions to Australia] (1) -> 57/20
Australia accepts your munitions deal eagerly. They are currently in the midst of a long recession, and any budgetary savings are welcome. The income from your purchase of their munitions stockpile makes the deal almost irresistible. Unfortunately, defense cutbacks limit the profits despite their enthusiasm.

Trade Deal with Australia, +300 Trade Income
Cost: 1000

Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (5)

XCOM Integration Locked, 4 years remaining.
Cost: 400

Research and Development Actions:
[Orbital Construction (3x)] (1)
American engineers have finally solved the key problems of orbital construction. Practical orbital structures are now within our grasp. However, further research is required to develop orbital structures with which to apply the knowledge. There are numerous possibilities. Orbital farms and residences are unnecessary; The United States possesses ample excess terrestrial capacity in both residential and agricultural area. But, they remain a possibility. Orbital fortresses have to potential to greatly improve America's protection from extraterrestrial threats, a worthy goal. Orbital industry is perhaps the most lucrative, with the potential to entirely bypass the limitations of lift capacity.

Unlocked R&D Actions (Orbital Shipyards, Orbital Fortresses, Orbital Habitats, Interplanetary Construction)
Cost: 2000

[Advanced Surgery (3x)] (3) -> 20/10
The alien invaders carried a number of advanced surgical and stasis units aboard their vessels. These artifacts were not intended for traditional medical use. They were used not for the healing and preservation of alien crewmen but for the study and preservation of human research specimens, dead or alive. Despite these gruesome origins, they hold the potential to revolutionize the medical profession. The surgical advances alone are incredibly promising. Surgeons will be able to complete operations at record speeds and with unparalleled safety. The stasis technology holds similar promise. Spare blood, donated organs, and even injured patients can be kept stable almost indefinitely. Derivative technology will even allow for astonishingly lifelike artificial limbs.

Advanced Surgery Locked, 2 years remaining.
Cost: 1000

[Improved Radar (2x)] (2) -> 36/0
Radar has been a crucial tool of military mariners, aviators, and planners since before the second world war. In the intervening century it has only improved, becoming an increasingly crucial portion of military operations. The size, range, and accuracy of radar have seen dramatic increase. However, modern stealth technology has allowed circumvention of its clairvoyant capacity. Lessons learned from Ethereal technology could extend the former and mitigate the latter. The next generation of American will enjoy unprecedented range, size, fidelity, and stealth penetration.

Improved Radar Locked, 1 year remaining.
Cost: 400

Financial Report:
Income: 7800+7500=15300
Expenses: 1000+2230+18600=21860
Interest: 1560
Net Profit: -8120 -> -8100 (Rounding for ease of use.)
Debt -> 308%
News 2045
News Update: 2045

Peace in Europe:
The Russo-German war has finally concluded after more than a decade. The conflict, instigated by a Russian invasion of the Baltic nations, had ground to a bloody halt in the Polish interior. The stalemate was broken earlier this year when German forces achieved a decisive victory in Ukraine, forcing Russia to abandon the annex Eastern European countries. A ceasefire was signed shortly shortly thereafter. While there were no net territorial changes as a result of the war, it is widely considered a German victory. Germany has pledged to reestablish civilian in the occupied countries, which it says will be inducted into the EU.

War in Africa:
Tensions between France and Central Africa erupted into war last month. The war began when half a million French troops crossed the border into Guinea in an attempted Blitzkrieg. The operation saw initial success, with Liberia and Sierra Leone falling shortly after Guinea. However, the French were forced to retrench after an African reversal at the Battle of Tunisia. The French had counted on their armoured and air forces to carry the day against the numerically superior African army. Details are sparse, but most give credit for the victory to a daring raid on the French regional command and a surprisingly strong showing by the Central African air force.

Indian Government Rocked by Scandal:
Mass protests in India continue in the wake of last year's stunning revelation of government malfeasance in recovery efforts. A whistle-blower revealed that patients with terminal radiation sickness were subjected to forced labour after being sent to government hospices. The hospices, established in the wake of India's brief nuclear exchange with Pakistan, sent their patients to participate in cleanup operations focused on removing fallout from bomb sites across India. The government has insisted that all participation was voluntarily and motivated by a desire to spare others from potential radiation sickness.

Brazil faces Crisis:
Rising civil unrest in Brazil has placed the government in crisis. Martial law was declared early this morning after rioters stormed the National Congress building. However, many in the government fear sterner measures will be needed to quell unrest. Argentina has pledged to assist the Brazilian government in maintaining order.
The unrest is believed to be motivated by anger over the continuing depression and government corruption. Protesters claim the government has done little to rebuilt the nation in the aftermath of the War.

Australian Economy makes Recovery:
The Australian economy has finally recovered from the recent recession. Government officials officially declared the recession of 2041 over on Thursday. A spokesman stated that the government plans to unleash Australia's potential for further economic growth. The Prime Minister has previously expressed his government's belief that unfair trading policies allow foreign exporters to attack local businesses and hinder growth. The government had no comment on whether 'unleashing Australia's potential' includes a change in trade policy.
Battle of Tunisia
Battle of Tunisia:

French Forces:
552,800 Soldiers
24,000 Combat Vehicles
1,400 Aircraft

Central African Forces:
1,051,000 Soldiers
6,000 Combat Vehicles
1,200 Aircraft

Initial Stages: 90 v. 95
The battle begins with a French advance on Tunis supported by aerial interdiction. The African air force is able to disrupt French bombers, but the French infantry continue to push forward with the aid of significantly superior artillery support. The French use of laser weapons and advanced body armour prove a decisive advantage, overcoming their numerical inferiority. By the time African reinforcements halt the French advance the African artillery positions have been overwhelmed.
50 French Infantry Regiments (250,000 Infantry, 6,000 Artillery)
50 African Infantry Divisions (500,000 Infantry, 500 Artillery)
800 French Fighters
150 French Bombers
1,000 African Fighters
France: 20,000 Infantry, 200 Fighters, 50 Bombers.
Africa: 30,000 Infantry, 500 Artillery, 100 Fighters.

General Engagement: 07 v. 94
Both sides deploy the remainder of their forces to the engagement along the route to Tunis. The French strategists attempt to flank the African position with their armoured forces, but coordination fails when contact with the general in charge of operations is lost. The armoured battalions aren't given a chance to recover; thousands of soldiers with shiny grey skin dive from moving aircraft and proceed to tear open tank hatches with their bare hands. The soldiers ignore the crews small arms fire and slaughter everyone inside. The remaining half of the force quickly annihilates the strange soldiers with heavy weapons fire, but the damage is done. The African mechanized forces are, with the aid of attack helicopters, able to repulse the remaining French tanks. The French armour inflicts heavy losses with their Heavy Autolasers and Laser Lances, but are too disorganized to mount a cohesive defense.

The air war is, if anything, a larger disaster for the French. The Central Africans anticipate the targets and approach trajectories of French aircraft perfectly. The French aerial forces are rapidly drive from the Theater, leaving African bombers free to attack French artillery positions.

With their armoured support missing and their artillery subject to aerial bombardment the remaining French forces are in disarray. They are saved from rout only by their superior laser weaponry excellent inter-unit communication. The French commanders rapidly assess the situation and begin an orderly retreat while inflicting heavy losses on the advancing African infantry.
100 French Infantry Regiments (480,000 Infantry, 12,000 Artillery)
100 French Armoured Battalions (12,000 Vehicles)
100 African Infantry Divisions (970,000 Infantry, 500 Artillery)
100 African Mechanized Battalions (30,000 Infantry, 5,000 IFVs, 500 Helicopters)
10 African Airborne Battalions (6,000 Elite Infantry, 100 Transports)
800 French Fighters
150 French Bombers
900 African Fighters
100 African Bombers
France: 100,000 Infantry, 2,000 Artillery, 7,000 Vehicles, 600 Fighters, 150 Bombers.
Africa: 100,000 Infantry, 2,000 IFVs, 300 Helicopters, 300 Fighters, 6,000 Elite Infantry.

French Retreat: 95 v. 94
The French are able to successfully retreat with minimal losses despite continued harassment by African forced. The most significant losses are inflicted on the French armour by African bombers.
100 French Infantry Regiments (380,000 Infantry, 10,000 Artillery)
100 French Armoured Battalions (5,000 Vehicles)
100 African Infantry Divisions (890,000 Infantry, 500 Artillery)
100 African Mechanized Battalions (10,000 Infantry, 3,000 IFVs, 200 Helicopters)
200 French Fighters
600 African Fighters
100 African Bombers
France: 20,000 Infantry, 1,000 Vehicles, 100 Fighters.
Africa: 10,000 Infantry, 500 IFVs, 50 Helicopters, 50 Fighters.

France: 140,000 Infantry, 2,000 Artillery, 7,000 Vehicles, 900 Fighters, 200 Bombers.
Africa: 140,000 Infantry, 2,500 IFVs, 350 Helicopters, 450 Fighters, 6,000 Elite Infantry, 500 Artillery.
French Response:
While disappointed by the loss, the French are satisfied with their gains farther south. More concerning is the cost the cost in lives, which may jeopardize support for the war. They hope to win a decisive victory in a minor skirmish to restore their national prestige and then seek a ceasefire.

The French are greatly concerned over the unexpected potency of the African air forces. They notice the American construction of the African planes and are quick to denounce the American arms sales as short sighted. They also push public sentiment in the EU towards the opinion that 'Americans would sell nukes to terrorists if they thought it profitable.' More concerning than the American planes are the strange grey skinned soldiers. French intelligence had uncovered information on African human augmentation projects; the potency of the enhancements, however, was wholly unanticipated. There is considerable fear that widespread implementation could prove a decisive advantage.

Central African Response:
The Central African government is ecstatic. They have triumphed over a foe which once seemed unbeatable. They credit their victory in the air war to US aircraft sales. They send an official missive to America thanking them for their products and making several uncomfortable offers. You inquire with the diplomatic core and are informed that the CAU has reconciled their anti-corruption campaigns with local traditions by giving ceremonial 'bribes' after the completion of a service. You are initially alarmed, but they explain that the practice is de facto nothing more than tipping.

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