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War 2057-β
Third Sino-Japanese War, 2057, Phase 2:

November, 2057
Preparation of the convoy began months ago. Dozens of massive merchant vessels were leased to transport aircraft, supplies, and personnel. A hundred of the heavier escort vessels, destroyers and cruisers, were relieved of patrol duties and refitted for the expedition. Preparations proceeded quickly, easily matching the pace of airframe production. Expedience was not, however, without cost. Rapidly acquiring and refitting so many vessels proved expensive beyond already lofty expectations.

Finally, November arrives and with it deployment. Ships depart with little fanfare in the midst of freak blizzard blanketing the West Coast. While the mighty vessels are unfazed by inclement weather, the ports' residents lack such stout constitution. They are unable to bid the ships farewell, or even to witness their departure. Even the departure of the expedition's sole carrier and largest vessel is sparsely attended. The massive Ford class, displacing a titanic hundred thousand tons and covered by rime as it leaves harbour, is a sight to behold. Unfortunately, few are present to behold it.


As the ships reach the open ocean, they assume their formation. The cumbersome cargo carriers constitute the convoy's core. A network of destroyers, miles across, patrol the surrounding sea for any trace of Chinese submarines. Within the shroud of destroyers, a ring of cruisers encases the convoy's vulnerable center. At the head of the procession sails the Gerald R. Ford and her escorts. From her deck launch patrols of F-1 Templars, protecting the skies above. The convoy's defenses continue even below the surface; almost a dozen American submarines stare into the abyss below.

Recently developed fusion propulsion systems quickly prove their worth, allow the fleet to neglect resupply in favor of direct procession to Okinawa. Admiral Horne, the expedition's current commanding officer, hopes to preempt any Chinese response with a rapid arrival. Unfortunately, this is not to be.

One of the escorting destroyers catches sight of the former kingdom of Ryuku shortly before detecting the Chinese fleet. Its frigates and corvettes appear run down, even from a distance, but their numbers are not insignificant. At least fifty vessels led by a single cruiser, the force may well constitute the Chinese navy's entire remainder. Not dismissing the potential threat posed by the enemy vessels, Admiral Horne immediately dispatches the convoy's cruiser escort to ward off their advance as the Ford's aerial complement go in for the kill.

The sea churns as the two forces collide. Two sides pepper each other with missiles, cruiser and destroyer against frigate and corvette. The outcome is predictable, the larger American vessels quickly gain the upper hand. Chinese ships are broken one by one even as they rush towards the convoy. A heavy cruiser does attain some success, crippling a trio of light cruisers with improbably precise hits even as she dodges guided missile fire. Then the Ford's Templars arrive. Their fusion bombs prove devastatingly effective, overwhelming the Chinese point defense with sheer volume. Most of Chinese ships are blown asunder directly or, their defenses overwhelmed, fall victim to American cruisers. When the last of the Templars' munitions are released, only the cruiser and a handful of frigates respond.

A duo of American heavy cruisers quickly attempt to finish the Chinese flagship, bracketing their foe with fire. The enemy cruiser, for all her agility, finds herself faltering under the weight of fire. Then, the few remaining Chinese vessels reach the American's defensive line. The destroyers move to block their path, only to fall into the Chinese trap. Tiny Chinese ships rush directly into the mass of destroyers before immolating themselves in a surge of fire and fury. Shocked American sailors are thrown into chaos as they desperately attempt to rescue their fellows from the flames. Meanwhile, the true threat finally reveals itself.

Deep below, on the ocean floor, a triad of seemingly innocuous rock formations burst outwards, shattered by carefully placed charges. Nuclear engines roar to life like awakened beasts as a trio of submarines push free of the ground and surge upwards. Directly above lie the bare hulls of titanic cargo carriers laden with crucial supplies, and now devoid of cruiser escort. Steel snouts tip upwards, towards the defenseless vessels, and torpedoes cleave their hulls asunder. American subs descend upon the victorious Chinese like avenging angels, their torpedoes shattering pressurized hulls with the fury of lightning divine. It is too late; the cargo vessels can be seen like broken titans above as they slowly sink below the waves.


Benjamin 'Ben' Lyon had expected the Japanese deployment to be little different from his time in the merchant marine. Many bored days at sea filling out paperwork with the occasional potshots at ramshackle ships looking like something from the prior century. Instead, he was watching at least a dozen fine vessels go down in flames to some sort of kamikaze feint. It had been a long voyage, and Ben had made friends aboard many of those vessels. Just as he was thinking his day could not possibly get worse, he was nearly thrown overboard by a ferocious shaking. The entire ship seemed to groan with what Ben recognized, in the back of his mind, as the rush of water. The front of his mind was rather preoccupied not falling off the ship.


After the disastrous battle of Okinawa, the loss of the cargo vessels is unavoidable. Fortunately, the cargo itself was not damaged by the torpedoes and is safely ferried to Okinawa before the ships sink completely. The aircraft are saved, as are most of the munitions and other supplies. However, many of the less important supplies must be left behind, leaving the expedition somewhat shorter on supplies than expected. In the end, the greatest damage is the cost in both blood and treasure. Many fine soldiers died during the battle, and the destruction of the merchant vessels leaves the Navy liable for the exorbitant insurance policy they had offered when leasing the ships. Rather than decreasing the rental cost, the insurance payments now eclipsed the remainder of the expedition's budget.

The damage done to the convoy was unfortunate, but the news from your Japanese allies is far worse. A group of Japanese destroyers, en route to aid your fleet in tracking down the Chinese subs, unexpectedly encounter a Chinese missile submarine. The destroyers vanquish their foe with ease, but not before a dozen missiles are launched skyward. Within minutes, dozens of warheads are raining down upon cities across the island nation. A handful are intercepted by experimental Japanese missile defense systems, but most find their mark.

Japan's retaliation is as swift as it is devastating. Over a hundred Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles are in the air well before the Chinese warheads impact. Although lacking MIRV capability, their numbers prove telling. A hundred key Chinese military, industrial, and governmental targets are destroyed within minutes. Although this alone has likely doomed the Politburo to defeat as the unharmed warlords overrun their positions, the Japanese emissaries remain understandably grim.

You initially assume from the emissaries demeanor that most of Japan's military installation were destroyed. You soon learn otherwise. The destruction barely affects factories, airfields, or military ports. Japan's military and industrial strength is left intact, but at horrific cost. The Chinese warheads ignore potentially lucrative military targets in favor of a maximized civilian death toll, marking Japan's densest residential areas for destruction. From Tokyo to Fukuoka, gleaming spires are toppled, blocky apartments are flattened, and thousands burn. Undoubtedly millions more will die in the coming weeks and months, as relief forces struggle to deliver essential supplies.

The Japanese have sworn revenge, and they want your help. Much of their command structure has been destroyed, and that which remains is occupied with recovery efforts, but most of their military hardware is intact and at your disposal.

[X] Retake Korea
South Korea began the war as a Japanese ally, but has since been overrun by the PLA. Reclaiming the peninsula would provide a mainland beachhead without risking a drawn out counter-insurgency effort. Unfortunately, the Chinese forces in the area greatly outnumber and outgun the Japanese SHIV derivatives. Furthermore, Korea, still technically allied territory, was left relatively unscathed by the recent nuclear bombardment. A successful beachhead must make effective use of American aerial assets.
-[X] Interdict Pyongan-Bukto Rail
The Chinese conscripts are too numerous and dispersed for an effective bombing campaign. However, their large numbers require equally large quantities of food and ammo. Many of these supplies pass through just a few railways in North Korea's Pyongan-Bukto province. Interdicting these rail lines would require minimal commitment and produce significant results. With further investment, our forces will destroy key depots and warehouses as well.
--[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
A few fusion bombs will easily sever the lines and destroy the depots. AAS missiles will do the same from well outside the range of enemy SAM.
--[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
The rail lines are located in the coastal province of Pyongan-Bukto, leaving them vulnerable to naval bombardment.
-[X] Annihilate Anti-Air Armament
The Chinese retain a substantial quantity of SAM emplacements throughout their territory. These defenses will threaten the safety of our pilots and planes until dealt with. By targeting launchers and missile stockpiles in Korea, we can clear the way for future operations.
--[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
Our standoff weapons can destroy most Chinese SAM from well outside its operational range.
--[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
Many SAMs are outside the range of coastal bombardment, but some are potentially vulnerable to naval attack.
-[X] Destroy Defenses
The Chinese have built up defenses throughout the Korean peninsula. A thorough bombing campaign could render these preparations useless.
--[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
The massive Bastion bombers are perfect for destroying even the most hardened bunkers, while the agile Eagle's high powered laser is perfect for reducing smaller positions to slag.
--[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
Many Chinese forts, barracks, and other military structures are within range of coastal bombardment.
-[X] Land Troops
Damaging the Chinese presence in Korea with bombing campaigns is a good first step, but a beachhead cannot be established without a landing. Fortunately, the Japanese have provided us with large numbers of robotic infantry and attack helicopters to secure the beaches.
--[X] In Hamgyong-Namdo (Choose Amount)
This former North Korean province has recently been overrun by anti-government forces. The Chinese would unable to stop a landing here, and a successful push into Pyongan-Namdo would cut off the entire Korean peninsula from the China proper. However, our aircraft sorties would require substantially more transit time until airfields are established.
--[X] In South Jeolla (Choose Amount)
The southernmost province of South Korea, only a few miles from the Japanese controlled island of Jeju, is the closest to our existing positions. A landing here would be easily supplied both logistically and with rapid sorties of aircraft from nearby islands. However, the Chinese are expecting this and have positioned a significant defensive force in this province.
--[X] Support with Air Force (Choose Amount)
An aerial bombardment both before and during the assault will greatly increase the chance of success.
--[X] Support with Navy (Choose Amount)
The beaches are, by definition, coastal. Thus we may easily support the assault with naval bombardment.

[X] Capture Shanghai
The Chinese province of Shanghai was once a key industrial and commercial center. The Japanese hope to win a significant morale victory by capturing the province, perhaps permanently. While it is currently rather radioactive, robots are substantially less vulnerable to tumors. (Choose Amount)
--[X] Support with Air Force (Choose Amount)
An aerial bombardment both before and during the assault will greatly increase the chance of success.
--[X] Support with Navy (Choose Amount)
The beaches are, by definition, coastal. Thus we may easily support the assault with naval bombardment.

[X] Annihilate Anti-Air Armament
The Chinese retain a substantial quantity of SAM emplacements throughout their territory. These defenses will threaten the safety of our pilots and planes until dealt with. By targeting launchers and missile stockpiles throughout China, we can clear the way for future operations. Such a wide ranging operation will require a significant commitment of forces.
-[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
Our standoff weapons can destroy most Chinese SAM from well outside its operational range.
-[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
Many SAMs are outside the range of coastal bombardment, but some are potentially vulnerable to naval attack.

[X] Damage Chinese Industry
The Chinese industry has been crippled by decades of war and was mortally wounded by the recent nuclear bombardment. However, you can still hasten its demise.
-[X] Destroy Agricultural
Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly stated "an army travels on its stomach." This is as true in the 21st century as in the 19th. Attacks on the crops, irrigation, granaries, and other key components of the agricultural system would cripple the Chinese war effort.
--[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
--[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
-[X] Destroy Factories
The PLA infantry greatly outnumbers the Japanese forces. However, their numbers will mean number if they run out of bullets. Strikes on Chinese factories will help increase the severity of already endemic ammunition shortages.
--[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
--[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
-[X] Destroy Power Plants
China is, like all other modern nations, dependent on electricity to maintain its economy and society. While oil shortages and Japanese have already created a severe energy shortage, a comprehensive bombing campaign could entirely eliminate China's ability to power itself.
-[X] Destroy Transport Infrastructure
A modern economy is heavily dependent on modern transportation. Modern transportation is in turn dependent on modern transportation infrastructure. Destroy the infrastructure, destroy the economy.
--[X] Destroy Roads
Roads have been a keystone of commerce since before the Roman Republic laid the first stones of the Via Appia. They form a key portion of every modern transportation infrastructure. While the sheer quantity of road present in China makes comprehensive interdiction difficult, it is still possible with enough ordnance dedicated to the task.
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
---[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)
--[X] Destroy Rail Lines
Transport by rail is one of the most efficient means available. However, it is also the most vulnerable to interdiction. Destroy a few hubs, cut a few lines, and the entire system is crippled. Chinese rail is already damaged, it is time to finish the job.
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (Choose Amount)
---[X] Deploy the Navy (Choose Amount)

[X] Write In

Cost: 1 -> 200+900 -> 600+2700
Logistics: 45 -> Bonus: Minor
Initiative: 13 -> Chinese prepared for US arrival.
Interception: 75 vs. Convoy Defense: 27 -> China semi-successfully intercepts convoys. Inflicts logistical damage and sinks some ships.
Logistics bonus canceled.
Cost: 1000
American Losses: 2 CA, 5 CL, 13 DD
Chinese Losses: 1 CA, 18 FF, 46 C, 6 SS
SLBM Provocation (Japan): 1 -> China's last Ballistic Sub hits Japan with dozens of warheads and is immediately sunk by Japanese subs.
Japanese Losses: 10+ Million Civilians
Japanese IRBM Counterattack: 61 -> Japan responds with a hundred Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles.
Chinese Losses: 40+ Million, 2M+ Conscripts, 20K+ IFVs, Air Force


1 Supercarrier (CV, Elite)
15 Light Cruisers (CL, Elite)
69 Destroyers (DD, Elite)
10 Nuclear Attack Submarines (SS, Elite)
Air Force:
2500 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters
175 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters
300 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber
125 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber
? Nuclear Attack Submarine (SS, ?)
1,000,000 Infantry (Veteran)
3,500,000 Conscripts (Militia)
100 Main Battle Tanks (Elite)
100,000 Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Militia)
2,000 Mobile Howitzers (Veteran)
3 Escort Carriers (CVE, Elite)
4 Battlecruisers (CC, Elite)
13 Light Cruisers (CL, Elite)
97 Destroyers (DD, Elite)
500,000 Light Infantry Vehicles (LIV, Veteran)
15,000 Ground Attack Helicopters (Veteran)
Air Force:
1127 Fighters (Veteran)
134 Light Bombers (Veteran)
27 Torpedo Bombers (Veteran)

Total Campaign Cost to Date: 4300
Now that we're on QQ I say we bomb everywhere there's a large concentration of people. No need for expensive restoration if we kill them all.


Fitting that our first act after the move will match why we moved.

China must be destroyed
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Thanks, Latin isn't my strong suit.

So what would the option for something like that be? I'm assuming its a mix of taking out their Anti-Air capacity, then crippling their food production. Maybe add in some transport damage too. Maybe adding bombing runs on anywhere we can find concentrations of people worth the fuel to hit.

What month is it in the campaign? Taking out the power in the winter will be a lot more devastating than in spring.
Thanks, Latin isn't my strong suit.
What month is it in the campaign? Taking out the power in the winter will be a lot more devastating than in spring.
That would be a write in. Something like

Make China dead. Bomb all the cities until slag. Then bomb again. Also bomb crops.
-[X] Use Air Force (ALL OF IT)
What month is it in the campaign? Taking out the power in the winter will be a lot more devastating than in spring.
It is currently winter.
[X] Plan Choking the Life from them all
-[X] Retake Korea
--[X] Interdict Pyongan-Bukto Rail
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (20 F-1Cs)
--[X] Annihilate Anti-Air Armament
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (60 B-0Bs, 25 B-1As, 200 F-1Cs 100, F-1As)
---[X] Deploy the Navy (2/1 Light Cruisers American/Japanese, 10/10 Destroyers American/Japanese)
--[X] Destroy Defenses
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (60 B-0As, 10 B-1As, 15 B-1Bs, 50 A-2, 200 F-1Cs, 100 F-1As)
--[X] Land Troops
---[X] In Hamgyong-Namdo (7500 Ground Attack Helicopters, 250,000 Light Infantry Vehicles)
---[X] Support with Air Force (60 B-0As, 10 B-1As, 15 B-1Bs, 50 A-2, 300 F-1Cs, 200 F-1As/7500 Ground Attack Helicopters, 500 Fighters, 50 Light Bombers)
---[X] Support with Navy (1 Battlecruiser Japanese, 3/2 Light Cruisers American/Japanese, 10/10 Destroyers American/Japanese)

-[X] Annihilate Anti-Air Armament
--[X] Deploy the Air Force (60 B-0Bs, 25 B-1As, 400 F-1Cs, 300 F-1As)

-[X] Damage Chinese Industry
--[X] Destroy Factories
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (30 B-0As, 15 B-1As, 50 A-2s, 200 F-1Cs, 100 F-1As)
---[X] Deploy the Navy (1 Battlecruiser Japanese, 3/2 Light Cruisers American/Japanese, 10/10 Destroyers American/Japanese)
--[X] Destroy Power Plants
---[X] Deploy the Air Force (30 B-0As, 15 B-1As, 50 A-2s, 200 F-1Cs, 100 F-1As)
---[X] Deploy the Navy (1 Battlecruiser Japanese, 3/2 Light Cruisers American/Japanese, 10/10 Destroyers American/Japanese)
--[X] Destroy Transport Infrastructure
---[X] Destroy Rail Lines
----[X] Deploy the Air Force (75 B-0Bs, 40 B-1As, 50 A-2, 300 F-1Cs, 250 F-1As)

Right, this is a proto-plan based off of Sir Lagsalot plan from the SB forum. With these numbers, we have enough to perform all the actions. It is also a major co-op with the Japanese forces with the purpose of improving our relations. Nothing improves relations like fighting a war together. It also should leave enough of our navy and fighters free to watch for any sneak attacks.
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Make China dead. Bomb all the cities until slag. Then bomb again. Also bomb crops.
-[jk] Use Air Force (ALL OF IT)

I'll meme this here until I get around to considering a real plan. This is more extreme than we need after all.

We might want to get some people sent as messengers/diplomats to the warlords. While most will likely try and claim far too large of a territory (or too close of one) to allow, there might be a few we can allow to become the powers that survive to the end.

Edit: lol, a real plan popped up while I was phone posting.

[X] Plan Choking the Life from them all
[X] Plan Choking the Life from them all
I have adjusted the numbers and put what loadout the planes are using. Only the A-2 doesn't have anything because it only has the one loadout.
War 2057-γ
Third Sino-Japanese War, 2057, Phase 3:

Aerial Bombardment -> 22 with Overwhelming American Advantage
American intervention in China begins quietly. A single Templar squadron flies into Pyongan-Bukto unopposed. Dozens of fusion bombs are dropped on rail lines, warehouses, and supply depots. Hidden reserve rails had been established alongside the main lines, but it matters not. The fusillade annihilates both in blazing nuclear fire. The flow of supplies to Chinese forces in Korea has been staunched.
Naval Bombardment -> 67 with Major American Advantage
Aerial Bombardment -> 44 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Chinese SAM Retaliation -> 16 with Major American Advantage
Immediately after the successful incursion, a massive operation to cripple the Chinese SAMs begins. The first strike hits the Korean peninsula. Key distribution and assembly nodes are vaporized by sea-launched missiles.
Dozens of bombers and hundreds of fighters follow close behind the naval missiles. Titanic Bastion stealth bombers launch scores of long-range missiles and fade back into the veil of night. Chinese SAM operators scramble to return fire before the deadly swarms arrive, but they find no trace of the behemoth bombers. Most are consumed by nuclear fire without achieving so much as a target lock.
The remaining SAM sites are not given the opportunity to count their losses. Dozens of agile Raiders vertically launch from tiny, deserted islands along the Korean coast. Chinese SAM and radar revealed by their active targeting of the Bastions are swiftly targeted; the Raiders release the second wave of missiles. All remaining targets are cleansed by nuclear fire. The wing of Templars was not needed.
Aerial Bombardment -> 48 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Chinese SAM Retaliation -> 91 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Suppression of the mainland SAM sites is less successful. The initial attack is seemingly successful; the coastal targets appear no less devastated than the Korean sites. However, the operation takes a turn for the worse as a flight of Templars flies inland to suppress the second group of SAMs. Many of the coastal SAM emplacements thought destroyed by prior Japanese raids were merely playing dead. The Templars react quickly and turn their sights upon the newly revealed enemies, but the Chinese have already released a fusillade of missiles. The Chinese SAMs are destroyed, but at the cost of almost four dozen America aircraft.
Aerial Bombardment -> 4 with Overwhelming American Advantage
With the Chinese SAMs destroyed the way is open for an assault on Korea. Bombing of Chinese fortifications on the Peninsula is accomplished with no less ease than the prior operations. New fusion powered bunker busters prove even more potent than expected. Even the strongest fortifications on the peninsula, built over decades by the old Korean governments, are destroyed in a single strike. There is some difficulty when discrepancies are found between the forts' expected and actual locations, but Templar reconnaissance locates the targets post haste.
Initial Naval Bombardment -> 16 with Major American Advantage
Initial Aerial Bombardment -> 39 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Storming the Beaches -> 22 with Major American Advantage
Chinese Fortifications -> 62 with Minor American Advantage
As the American forces bomb fortifications across the Korean peninsula, one of the Japanese battlecruisers shells the beaches of Hamgyong-Namdo in preparation for a landing. This proves largely superfluous, as the aerial bombing easily destroys the targets. Finally, the bombardment is concluded and the first wave of LIVs is launched. It is at this point that the failure to destroy anything more than flimsy decoy fortifications becomes apparent.
China must have anticipated your invasion; their fortifications have been concealed and a significant force has covertly retaken the Hamgyong-Namdo province. You face not ragged warlords or conscripts, but entrenched Chinese infantry supported by the remaining Chinese tanks. The Japanese robots make a good showing, advancing into a withering barrage of Chinese firepower. However, the Chinese advantage proves telling. The LIVs are unable to force the defenders from their fortifications, and are themselves pushed back into the sea.
American Fire Support -> 98 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Second Wave -> 68 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Further Air Support -> 26 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Overrun Chinese Positions -> 28 with Major American Advantage
American bombers give the Chinese no opportunity to capitalize on their victory. The ruse has been revealed; nothing remains to prevent the fortifications' destruction. The Eagles are the first to strike, their ruby red beams piercing Chinese tanks and beach-side fortifications with ease. The Templars are close on their heels, shattering the enemy formations with guided bombs and anti-tank missiles. When the Bastion and Raider squadrons finish their own tasks, devastating the fortifications throughout the Korean interior, the enemy is in complete disarray.
A second wave of LIVs is quick to take advantage. Thousands of robotic infantry, supported by hundreds of automated helicopters, storm beaches across Hamgyong-Namdo. The devastated Chinese beach-side positions, their tanks shattered and their bunkers collapsed, are rapidly overrun. A steady stream of LIVs, with aerial Eagle support, push into Chinese position throughout the province. Unfortunately, the bombers must return to Japan to rearm their depleted munition. With greatly lessened aerial support, a lackluster showing from the LIVs is unable to overrun the Chinese positions. Most of the enemy infantry retreats in good order.
Naval Bombardment of Pyongan-Namdo -> 23 with Major American Advantage
Aerial Bombardment of Pyongan-Namdo -> 51 with Major American Advantage
Push into Pyongan-Namdo -> 98 with Major American Advantage
Chinese Morale -> 61 with Major American Advantage
The final offensive begins upon the bombers' return. Another round of heavy bombing throws Pyongan-Namdo's defenders into disarray. Makeshift fortifications are burnt to cinders, entire battalions are broken by shrapnel from anti-personnel charges, and the few remaining vehicles are crippled by the macabre precision of laser lances. Finally, the LIVs overrun all remaining resistance. The inhuman infantry truly begin to shine as Chinese anti-vehicle magazines run dry. Combining vehicular durability with a footsoldier-like platform, the LIVs shrug off small arms fire like rain while advancing through difficult terrain. Chinese conscripts and exhausted infantry are little more than chaff before an industrial thresher. Pyongan-Namdo is soon under total American control, successfully encircling Chinese forces on the Korean peninsula.
Naval Bombardment -> 28 with Minor American Advantage
Aerial Bombardment -> 87 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Naval Bombardment -> 82 with Minor American Advantage
Aerial Bombardment -> 16 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Aerial Bombardment -> 38 with Overwhelming American Advantage
Air raids in mainland China prove incredibly successful. Power plants are crippled with precision laser blasts or outright shattered by fusion warheads. Entire factory districts are set aflame as naval missiles rain fusion bomblets from above. Rail lines throughout China are crippled as over a thousand aircraft disperse death across China's rail network. Almost two thousand aircraft are involved in total; their withering fusillade leaves every power plant in China a smoldering husk, every factory a burnt ruin, and every rail a mess of tangled and melted steel.
Chinese War Economy -> 53,23,72,92,16
Repel Warlords -> 70,31,21
Battle of Beijing (Warlord 1 Attack) -> 99
Battle of Beijing (Warlord 2 Attack) -> 69
Battle of Beijing (CCP Defense) -> 14
Chinese Morale (Korea) -> 40
Chinese Morale (Shanghai) -> 93
The destruction and interdiction of Chinese industry soon provide results beyond your wildest expectations. The CCP is able to provide its troops with sufficient food and fuel. However, the loss of almost all industry, military or otherwise, has turned endemic munitions shortages crippling. Meanwhile, with the last dregs of civilian electricity eliminated, the remaining population centers are on the edge of outright collapse.
The warlords quick to spot weakness, and the Politburo soon finds itself assaulted from all directions. A coalition warlords, led by a 'General Jiang' converge on Beijing to overthrow the old government. Most of their best soldiers are in Korea and the last Chinese tanks were recently slain by American aircraft. The Chinese Communist Party has little more than conscripts and artillery to repel the ragtag invading forces. They choose to make a last stand in the ruins of Beijing. They do not succeed.
The Battle of Beijing can only be described as a total and complete defeat. After a traitor defects with the entire artillery battery, the conscripts and remaining infantry are caught between hammer and anvil. The infantry fight on for a brief time, but the undisciplined conscripts' morale was rock bottom weeks before the battle. Those who do not outright rout surrender to Jiang's army. The Politburo's last stand becomes little more than a prelude to the power struggle between Jiang and the 'allied' warlords. The People's Republic of China will fight on for a few more months, but its fate is already sealed.
With their leaders executed, the encircled Korean forces simply surrender. The remaining provinces are eagerly devoured by warlords and successor states, and the coastal cities of Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Macau are occupied by Japanese automatons. Another empire has fallen, and a new era of warring states has officially begun.
1 Supercarrier (CV, Elite)
15 Light Cruisers (CL, Elite)
69 Destroyers (DD, Elite)
10 Nuclear Attack Submarines (SS, Elite)
Air Force:
2460 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters
175 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters
300 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber
125 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber
3 Escort Carriers (CVE, Elite)
4 Battlecruisers (CC, Elite)
13 Light Cruisers (CL, Elite)
97 Destroyers (DD, Elite)
447,292 Light Infantry Vehicles (LIV, Veteran)
12,431 Ground Attack Helicopters (Veteran)
Air Force:
1127 Fighters (Veteran)
134 Light Bombers (Veteran)
27 Torpedo Bombers (Veteran)
Total Campaign Cost: 4500
Note: There is not voting because the war turn is over. The epilogue (and actions unlocked during the war turn) will be in the next update.
Planning 2058
Country: United States of America
Territory: Continental US, Alaska, Pacific Islands, Puerto Rico, Greenland
Allied Territory: Canada, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean
XCOM: Military, Diplomatic, Training, Research
Canada: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Mexico: Economic, Diplomatic, Partial Union (Military, Diplomatic, R&D)
Japan: Diplomatic, Military
Australia: Diplomatic, Military
Central African Union: Diplomatic
Central America: Sphere of Influence
Caribbean: Sphere of Influence
Panama Canal: (Trade Capacity: +1)
Control of the canal significantly improves your ability to interdict movement between the Atlantic and Pacific. This has benefits in both war and peace.
Hardened Electronics:
Hardened electronics are more durable.
XCOM Research: (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%)
Assistance and cooperation from the world's best scientists and engineers has proved a great boon to your R&D programs.
XCOM Training: (Quality: +1)
Training and advice from the world's best soldiers has greatly increased the efficacy of the American military's training programs.
Oil: 2/2
Food: 2/3
Armour: 1/2
Consumer: 1/3
Infantry: 1/3
Munitions: 2/3
AeroSpace: 1/3
Industrial: 1/3
Electronics: 2/3
Australia: Industrial -> +500
Australia: Munitions -> +300
Japan: Food -> +200
Japan: Oil -> +1000
Central Africa: AeroSpace, Armour, Infantry -> +2000
Central Africa: Munitions -> +500
Central Africa: Food -> +500
Central Africa: Electronics -> +600
Sphere: Generic (x2) -> +400
Argentina: Consumer -> +200
Germany: Oil -> +600
Germany: Electronics -> +700
-United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland
--'Alliance' with France
--Exporting Industrial Equipment to France.
--Importing Consumer Goods to France.
--'Alliance' with UK
--Alliance with Germany (EU)
--Exporting Oil to Germany
--Recolonizing Africa
--Colonizing former Qatar and Bahrain
--Alliance with France (EU)
--Unhappy with French cowardice.
--Importing Oil from USA, France
--Importing Electronics from USA
--Produces Consumer, Military
--Electronics, Oil Market
--Paying Australia for exclusive fuel exports.
--Importing Food from USA
--Importing Oil from USA
--War with PRC.
--Importing Industrial Equipment from USA
--Military alliance with USA.
-Central African Union
--Leads Independent Nations Treaty Organization (INTO)
--Alliance with Turkey, Israel (INTO)
--Produces Oil
--Food, Electronics, Consumer Market
--Importing Military Equipment from USA
--Importing Food from USA
--Lots of debt
South America:
Tax Base: 19500 (40%) [10000@195%]
Income: 7800+7500
Expenses: 1000+2230
Debt: 331% [64600]
Interest: 3% [1938]
Morale: Good
Demography: Good
Growth: Decent
Recruits (Size: Large, Quality: Experienced, Upkeep: 1000)
Officers (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 20)
Infantry (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
100 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 30)
50 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 20)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Small, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 10)
4000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)
Highways: Good
Rail Network (Cargo): Intact
Waterways: Excellent (Good Capacity: +1)
Electrical: Excellent (Trade Good: Oil)
Water: Good
Communications: Excellent (Resistance (Cyberwar): +1)
Housing: Good
Agriculture: Excellent (Trade Good: Food)
Officer Schools: Decent (Cost: 75%)
Militia: Good
Spaceports: Good
Factories: Partially Automated
-Alien Alloy: Excellent
-Orbital: Good (Cost: 50%)
-AeroSpace: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Armour: Decent (Cost: 75%)
-Infantry: Good (Cost: 50%)
-Munitions: Excellent (Cost: 50%, Quality: +1)
-Consumer: Excellent (Economic, Morale: +1)
-Electronics: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
-Industrial: Excellent (Cost: 50%, CoS: +5%, Economic)
Weapon Fragments: 80

The 3rd Sino-Japanese War, after almost three decades of continuous conflict, is finally over. In China the fires of war still smolder as warlords and revolutionaries, their struggle against the PRC concluded at last, prepare to fight over the ruins. To the North, a wounded and ailing Russia weighs the cost of foreign adventure against the allure of dominating over 300 million survivors. To the East, an aging Japan reels after a quarter of their population succumbs to nuclear immolation. To the South, the Indian civil war draws to a bloody end as the British coalition topples the remnants of the old regime. Meanwhile, in America, life continues as normal. There is some minor discontent at the recent campaign's cost, but public imagination remains focused on the flouring lunar colonies.

With the war finally over, the tireless Japanese automatons occupy the Korean peninsula as weary Japanese workers and diplomats attempt to reverse the PRC's meticulous deconstruction of the allied nation. The situation on the home islands is little better. It will take months, maybe years, simply to count the dead. Recovery, if it is still possible, may take decades. In light of this situation, the Japanese inform you of their intention to abandon all plans of intervention or even interaction in the former Chinese territories. They simply cannot sustain any such endeavor. The outposts in Hong Kong and Shanghai, seized during the war's conclusion, will be temporarily retained. However, the official hint that an exchange of relief funds for foreign ports would be greatly appreciated.

Note: The unit catalog has been moved to an informational threadmark for easier maintenance.
Chance%, $Cost(bonus from each doubling of investment%), years

Unrestricted Actions:
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Aircraft) (2x)] (3)
Industrial Actions:
[Lunar Base (3x)] (2)
Financial Actions:
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (4)
Research and Development Actions:
[Advanced Surgery (3x)] (2)
[Improved Radar (2x)] (1)

Reintroduce Conscription:
We simply don't have enough men in uniform to reconstitute even a single branch of the armed forces. If we intend to do so, we must first begin conscription.
70%, 2000(+10%), 3
Military <- Recruits(Massive, Trained), ???
Note: Conscripting 10 million men may have adverse economic consequences.
Note 2: Another volunteer action will become available if you exhaust your existing pool of recruits.

Erect Planetary Fortifications (Location):
A perfect defense of an enemy with control of the orbitals is, sadly, not possible. However, there remains tremendous room for improvement. Your recent research has revealed means of giving fortress much greater defense against orbital attack. Improved architecture provides greatly increased resistance to both orbital and terrestrial bombardment. Redesigned artillery emplacements are capable of interdicting orbital invaders. Both missiles and landing craft are vulnerable to the new cannons. Performance is further improved by ample use of alien materials.
Continental US:
The American heartland must remain the first priority of any defensive strategy.
90%+5%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 1
Continental US <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Greenland, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands:
While not technically part of North America, these islands may serve as gateways for invasion.
80%+5%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Greenland, Caribbean, Pacific Islands} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Alaska and Canada:
Although the northern territories are less densely populated, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5(+5%), 1
{Alaska, Canada} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)

Mexico and Central America:
Although the southern territories are less wealthy, their defense is no less important.
85%+5%, 4000x0.5x2(+5%), 1
{Mexico, Central America} <- Fortifications (Minor, Alien Alloy)
Note: 'Minor' fortifications is because they only include planetary installations. Standard and Major fortifications include orbital installations. Minor fortifications are still excellent by terrestrial standards.

Officers (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 100)
Infantry (Size: Large, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 500)
1000 M1A1 'Aquilino' Main Battle Tanks (Upkeep: 150)
600 M1B1 'Bradley' Infantry Fighting Vehicles (Upkeep: 90)
200 M100 'New Orleans' Armoured Personnel Carriers (Upkeep: 50)
600 M200 'Reaper' Mobile Artillery (Upkeep: 150)
400 M300 'Avenger' Mobile SAM (Upkeep: 60)
Vehicle Crews (Size: Medium, Quality: Veteran, Upkeep: 50)
4000 F-1 'Templar' Multi-Role Fighters (Upkeep: 600)
300 A-2 'Eagle' Ground Attack Fighters (Upkeep: 150)
400 B-0 'Raider' Light Bomber (Upkeep: 100)
150 B-1 'Bastion' Heavy Bomber (Upkeep: 150)
Personnel (Size: Medium, Quality: Elite, Upkeep: 50)

Expand Officer Core:
America's core of officers is currently sufficient. However, it may prove insufficient for the needs of your rapidly expanding military.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Officers(Small, Veteran, 20) -> Officers(Medium, Veteran, 100); Officer Schools -> Good (Cost: 50%)

Train Navy Personnel:
An orbital navy will require personnel to operate the spacecraft. We should train these personnel now rather than wait for the need to become urgent.
75%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 3
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000) -> Navy.Personnel(Medium, Veteran)

Train Vehicle Crews:
Our mechanized forces have reach the limits of their current personnel numbers. We must train additional crewmen if we wish to operate additional vehicles.
85%, 2000x0.75(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Army.[Vehicle Crews](Small, Veteran, 10) -> Army.[Vehicle Crews](Medium, Veteran, 50)

Train Infantry:
Our new recruits will require further training to meet the high standards of American infantrymen.
90%, 3000x0.5(+5%), 2
Recruits(Large, Experienced, 1000), Infantry(Medium, Veteran, 100) -> Infantry(Large, Veteran, 500)
Compact Equipment:
Improved miniaturization techniques allow our engineers to fit more features into our soldier's equipment. While this is already a significant benefit, future technology development will create an even greater need for compact equipment.
80%, 500(+10%), 3
+1 Equipment Slots
Note: Equipment slots are used to add technologies to military units. For instance, a rifle might have Hi Cap Mags and Laser Sights.

Fusion Reactor (Vehicle):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to fuel a vehicle. The myriad benefits of such an arrangement include thickened armour, greater speed, and a lightened logistical load. The innovation will even make super heavy tanks, previously an impractical pipe dream, feasible.
80%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Vehicle Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor (Aircraft):
Improved miniaturization techniques, when combined with fusion technology, allow for fusion reactors small enough to power aircraft. The sheer power of such an engine would permit the creation of larger, heavier, aircraft. In addition, traditional aircraft would see improvements to engine power and reductions in fuel volumes.
80%, 500(+10%), 4
Unlocks New Equipment: Aircraft Fusion Reactor

Strategic Defense Initiative:
The possibility of rendering ICBMs ineffective via orbital interception has long tantalized. The bedrock of MAD would be overturned concordant with the utility of MIRV warheads. Limited and expensive launch capacity made previous attempts impractically, if not outright fantastical. Low cost hydrogen fuel and advanced alloy rockets solve this problem neatly. A new Strategic Defense Initiative incorporating the latest laser point defense technology is now possible. While it would not prevent the usage of nuclear bombers and cruise missiles, it would render hostile ICBM systems completely ineffective. It would not be entirely immune to interdiction, but the alloy armoured satellites would resist many existing anti-satellites weapons.
75%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 3
Gain Orbital Anti-ICBM Network.
Expand Factories (Type):
Increased industrial capacity is always worthwhile. Expanding your factories would strengthen America both economically and militarily.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 1
Factories.Type -> CUR_LEVEL + 1, ???

Permit Elerium Manufacturing:
We have finally begun to uncover the secrets of the alien fuel technology. Mass production of Elerium is now possible, although costs remain high. These costs are further exacerbated by military importance of the technology; stringent security measures are necessary to maintain a US monopoly. Fortunately, prices are likely to drop as manufacturers gain experience and economies of scale are developed.
70%, 1000(+10%), 3
Factories <- Elerium: Mediocre (Cost: 400%)

High Pressure Plumbing:
Plumbing and sewer networks can take up significant amounts of space and prove expensive to maintain. Fortunately, advances from the miniaturization program allow the economic creation of compact, durable networks of highly pressurized piping. When combined with state of the art filter technology, a complex web of piping can be reduced to a handful of slim pressure pipes. These systems require less obstructive maintenance and are more convenient for consumers.
85+5%, 500x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +5%, Water -> Excellent (Morale: +1)

Alloy Railways:
The alien materials are not only of military utility. They also have substantial commercial potential. The aging rail network is in dire need of modernization. Unfortunately, the towns, villages, and cities established along old rail routes block the choicest paths. For decades our trains have been doomed to weave amongst the terrain rather than pierce through it. We can solve this problem.
With particularly durable and noise insulating materials, we can erect massive tunnels through the sky. There is no need for massive, and expensive, buttresses to stave off gravity. Simple Alien Alloy poles will do. Neither are local noise ordnances are a match for Ethereal materials science.
75+5%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Tax Base +10%, Rail Network (Cargo) -> Good

Strategic Signal Initiative:
The Ethereals Invasion demonstrated both the fragility and the importance of global communications. The effects of their efforts at interdiction are still keenly felt despite the passage of decades. Your military, diplomatics, spies, and traders alike would benefit greatly from instantaneous, uninterruptible, and high bandwidth global data transfer system. With recent advantages in rocketry and your improved communications technology, this could be affordable accomplished through a truly prodigious number of communications satellites. The network would even have the potential to jam, or even monitor, enemy communications.
80%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Gain Orbital Communications Network: (Trade Capacity: +3, ???)

Lunar Base:
American citizens have already begun establishing outposts, campsites, and vacation homes on the moon. We must formally incorporate Luna into the Union as American territory. Like the frontier territories of old, it shall initially be federal land; states shall be formed only when the population grows large enough to justify the change. To make this situation de facto, not merely de jure, we must build a lunar base. Further development will be needed, but this is the necessary first step.
85%, 1000x0.5(+10%), 3
Territory <- Luna

Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
75+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
Investigate Trade Opportunities (Select One: {France, Russia}):
We need to reduce our debt. Perhaps favorable trade deals would convince our debtors? We'd have to look for opportunities first.
70%, 100(+5%), 1
Trade Information

Sell Military Hardware to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
Australia has begun a substantial overhaul of their military to meet the needs of their new alliance. This initiative requires substantial purchases of military hardware. Australia has been reluctant to enter a long term arms deal for reasons of national security. The recent alliance has reassured them; our merchants could, with diplomatic support, compete for these purchases. They would have a good chance of success; American military hardware is significantly cheaper than Australian equivalents.
75%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-500 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Munitions to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
American munitions are the cheapest and most effective in the world. It would be wasteful not to supply our allies with these wonderful advantages.
While the Australians have little immediate need for ammunition, they do maintain a significant stockpile. If you were to purchase said stockpile for weapons testing, then they would be willing to switch to American suppliers.
80%, 1000(+10%), 1
Trade Deal with Australia, +200-400 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Alien Alloy to Australia: (Degrees of Success)
The alien alloys have, as recent construction has shown, great civilian potential. As the only country capable of producing the materials, America has the potential to profit substantially through their export. The only obstacle is national security, we will not risk losing the strategic advantage of alloy production. Fortunately, civilian export presents minimal danger. Australia, like most council nations, retains a considerable stockpile of untouched alien alloy for future research. The addition of American alloys would not provide substantial benefit to their engineers.
75%, 400(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with Australia, +400-800 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Sell Consumer Goods to Central Africa: (Degrees of Success)
The Central African Union has a shortage of consumer goods such as cars and telephones. Our businessmen are eager to end this shortage. We need merely negotiate a trade deal.
85%, 300(+10%), 2
Trade Deal with CAU, +200-1000 Trade Income By Degree of Success

Recovery Loan to Japan:
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war has turned portions of home islands to radioactive ruins. This did not have a positive effect on local economy. Japan has already begun their recovery, but a no-interest loan would allow them to accelerate the process substantially.
80%, 2000(+10%), 1
Loan to Japan, +20% Japanese Tax Base

Declare Bankruptcy:
Eliminate debt at the cost of massive damage to the economy.
60%, 1000(+10%), 3
-5000 Tax Base, Assets Liquidated, ???
Natalist Propaganda and Japanese Automation:
Recent increases in productivity have substantially increased real wages. The economy is in the midst of boom, and Americans are wealthier than ever. However, population growth remains substantially below the desired levels. Couples have continued to work for dual full time incomes, limiting their capacity to raise children. Encouragement of reproduction may be the solution. It could induce families to reduce their combined hours worked to have more children. There would be some reduction in productivity, but it could be countered by importing highly automated Japanese machinery.
Chance: 50% Cost: 1000(+10%), Time: 3
Population.Growth -> Good

XCOM Integration:
XCOM has begun to work quite closely with the United States government. Their research has already been integrated with government research training. Most of their training takes place in collaboration with US military personnel. Many were US citizens before joining XCOM. Most have spent more of their adult lives in America than in their homeland. It may be possible to integrate XCOM into the US government entirely. The benefits would certainly be sufficient to justify the endeavor.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 10
Gain XCOM Heroes, Gain XCOM, +1 R&D Action

Japanese Basing (Okinawa):
The island of Okinawa was for decades home to American military installations. With the advent of the Long War and the subsequent chill in international relations, the bases were left abandoned. Without domestic interest in the war torn region or foreign agreement, there was little chance of a reestablished American presence. However, the third Sino-Japanese war is finally over, and relations with the Japanese are much improved. This presents an opportunity to reestablish a strategically important foothold in Asia.
Chance: 90%, Cost: 400(+5%), Time: 1
Establish military base in Okinawa.

Japanese Basing (Jeju):
The South Korean island of Jeju is one of many coastal regions claimed by Japan after the third Sino-Japanese war. It would make for a strategic location from which to project American influence in the region. The Japanese would likely to willing to cede it in return for a modest fee.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 400(+5%), Time: 1
Establish military base in Jeju.

Japanese Basing (Hainan):
The Chinese city of Shanghai is one of many coastal regions claimed by Japan after the third Sino-Japanese war. It would make for a strategic location from which to project American influence in the region. In particular, it would allow for increased interaction or surveillance of the former Chinese republic. The Japanese would likely to glad to cede it in return for a modest fee.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 1000(+5%), Time: 1
Establish military base in Shanghai, +5% Japanese Tax Base.

Japanese Basing (Hong Kong):
The Chinese city of Hong Kong is one of many coastal regions claimed by Japan after the third Sino-Japanese war. It would make for a strategic location from which to project American influence in the region. In particular, it would allow for increased interaction or surveillance of the former Chinese republic. The Japanese would likely to glad to cede it in return for a modest fee.
Chance: 80%, Cost: 1000(+5%), Time: 1
Establish military base in Hong Kong, +5% Japanese Tax Base.

Central African Military Alliance:
The Central African government was recently forced to defend against French colonial conquest. This presents an opportunity to deepen our relationship with a defensive military pact. Such a pact would likely convince the Africans to accept more beneficial treaties. However, our own citizens will likely oppose even a defensive war on behalf of the Africans.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 1
Military alliance with Central Africa, possibility of further cooperation.
NOTE: If a military alliance forces you into a war which your people oppose you will lose Morale.

British Alliance:
The United States of America once had a long standing 'special relationship' with the United Kingdom. The Ethereal War left this relationship damaged, perhaps to the point of destruction. The British remain displeased with America's decision to abandon its international responsibilities. However, they are prepared to forgive and forget. The relationship may be, if not repaired, replaced.
Chance: 70%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with United Kingdom, possibility of further cooperation.

German Alliance:
Germany does not particularly like the United States. They feel you, like France, chose to cravenly protect your own interests while your allies fought, bled, and died. Your supposed monopolization of XCOM has been neither forgiven nor forgotten. Unlike France, you are not part of their beloved European project. Even a simple declaration of friendship would be an uphill battle. However, the Germans are not entirely intractable. They will relent if only America proves herself a worthy friend once more.
Chance: 60%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Germany, possibility of further cooperation.

Argentine Alliance:
Argentina does not particularly like the United States. They fear that you, like France and your friends across the pond, will turn to imperialism. Unlike the European powers, however, you will not need to cross an ocean to reach their shores. If you wish to build a friendship with Argentina you will need to reassure them of your intentions. The first step is an alliance, albeit one without a mutual defense clause.
Chance: 55%, Cost: 200(+5%), Time: 1
Diplomatic alliance with Argentina, possibility of further cooperation.

North American Welfare Union:
Differing welfare policies among ourselves, Canada, and Mexico pose an obstacle to integration. We must adopt a common level of welfare across the continent. Of course, Canada is reluctant to relinquish portions of their system and Mexico cannot afford too significant an expansion.
Chance: Blocked (2060), Cost: 100(+5%), Time: 5
Welfare Union with Canada, Mexico.
Research and Development:
Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

Advanced Body Armour:
Improved body armour.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Body Armour Techs
Advanced Artillery:
Improved artillery.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Weapon Techs

Advanced Armour:
Improved vehicle armour.
85%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Armour Techs
Naval Gauss Weapons:
Gauss weapons are the logical next step in our armaments development program. Unlike beam lasers, gauss weapons accelerate physical projectiles. Advanced electromagnetic technologies derived from Alien armaments improve tremendously on chemical propellants. The results are electrifying.
75%+5%, 1200x0.5(+5%), 5
Unlock Military Equipment

Alien Power Systems:
Our newfound ability ability to synthesize Elerium allows us to begin research on the aliens' most impressive technologies. The Ethereal Elerium generators produce vast quantities of power with remarkable thermal efficiency. A human equivalent would further improve the capabilities of the American military and lay the groundwork for Elerium propulsion.
70%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Improved Radar:
Our new materials knowledge is applicable to our radar systems. Improvements will not only increase detection range, but also reduce the effectiveness of enemy 'stealth' materials.
90%+5%, 400x0.5(+5%), 2
Unlock Military Actions and Equipment

Alien Aerodynamics:
XCOM's revolutionary 'Firestorm' interceptor has proven the potential of Alien Alloy airframes. With our newfound ability to manufacture the strange alloy we have the opportunity to utilize alien materials in the creation of similar craft. However, our understanding of the alloy's aeronautical properties remains rudimentary. Further research is required before our aircraft may take full advantage of the Alien Alloys.
90%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Military Actions

Alien Armour:
Alien Alloy is durable enough to serve as surpassingly excellent armour absent any further improvement. The alien warships surpassed even this high standard. However, we remain unable to replicate the hardening techniques necessary to replicate the high grade alloy plates used in the construction of alien vessels.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock New Materials Techs, ???
Alien Hardware:
The alien computers run on hardware vastly more complex than even the most advanced supercomputers. Dr. Shen believes further research may pave the way to not only more practical general use, but genuine reproduction.
75%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Hardware Techs

Alien Software Programming:
The alien software makes use of algorithms, optimizations, and other improvements of potential use in human software development. By systematically applying these innovations, we can revolutionize the field of computer science.
70%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action
Orbital Shipyards:
The orbitals offer many opportunities for industry. The vast expanses of space offer a nearly infinite supply of free real estate. Asteroid capture offers a lucrative source of mining operations. The lack of a planetary gravity well allows mammoth shipyards to construct vessels unbound by the need to attain escape velocity.
Unlock Asteroid Mining, Unlock Orbital Manufacturing
70%+5%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 3

Orbital Fortresses:
Recent advances have brought orbital military installations into the realm of practically. Orbital fortresses will not provide a potent new layer of defense against extraterrestrial threats, they will serve as platforms from which to launch terrestrial operations.
Unlock Standard Planetary Fortifications, Unlock Major Planetary Fortifications
70%+5%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 3

Orbital Habitats:
Development of orbital industries will require humans to operate them. Orbital habitats will save these workers a lengthy and expensive commute. Development of accompanying agricultural technologies will even permit the establishment of entirely self-sufficient outposts.
Unlock Orbital Agricultural Stations, Unlock Orbital Residential Stations
70%+5%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 3

Interplanetary Construction:
Orbital construction techniques are suitable for many tasks, but constructing installations in the void between planets will require additional research. The lack of a planetary gravity well dramatically changes the building environment, presenting both challenges and opportunities.
60%+5%, 6000x0.5(+5%), 30
Unlock Interplanetary Shipyards, Interplanetary Habits, Interplanetary Fortresses, Alien Construction
Advanced Surgery:
The alien surgical techniques may have been used for dark ends, but they were undeniably effective. Further study could lead to significant medical advances and allow the development of advanced cybernetics.
75%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Industry Action, Unlock New Cybernetics Techs

Alien Biocybernetics:
The mysterious alien substance known as MELD contains tremendous potential. The advanced nanomachines are the key to untold biological and cybernetic miracles. The Mechanized Exoskeletal Cybersuit, or MEC, is a key example of MELD's biocybernetic nature. Study of these devices may be the key to successful replication of the substance.
60%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 4
Unlock New Biocybernetics Techs, ???

All known aliens specimens exhibited signs of extensive genetic manipulation. Crude imitation of the most overt changes made XCOM operatives truly superhuman. A better understanding of the alien genetics may be key to further development of GeneMod technology.
65%+5%, 1000x0.5(+5%), 3
Unlock New Biology Techs, ???
Mental Communication:
Psionics can be used to enhance the mind. The first stage of this process is communicating with oneself. Bizarrely, this somehow includes telepathic conversations with other humans.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Mental Psionics

Somatic Awareness:
Psionics can be used to enhance the body. The first stage gives increased awareness of one's body. Users obtain preternatural reflexes and can push themselves to the limit and beyond.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Somatic Psionics

Mental Assault Utilization:
Psionic powers can be used to interact with the external world. The most basic of these powers attack the mind's of others. Even the most disciplined of warriors are unsettled by the rank violation of their psyche. The most courageous heroes panic when a sufficiently primal fear is induced.
80%+5%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New External Psionics
Last edited:
That Panama action looks tasty to me, but it may be better to put the dedicated slot towards the Lunar base and put Panama under an unrestricted slot.
I can only vote here since I've left SB (except when my buddy posts his story there), so I'm glad to not be alone. I've been looking at the SB votes since those are more up to date, and I'm thinking these 4:

[ ] Recovery Loan to Japan:
The 3rd Sino-Japanese war has turned portions of home islands to radioactive ruins. This did not have a positive effect on local economy. Japan has already begun their recovery, but a no-interest loan would allow them to accelerate the process substantially.
80%, 2000(+10%), 1
Loan to Japan, +20% Japanese Tax Base

[ ] Advanced Small Arms:
Improved small arms.
100%, 500x0.5(+5%), 1
Unlock New Small Arms Techs

[ ] Expand Panama Canal:
The Panama Canal is a wonder of engineering. However, it is limited by both throughput and maximum tonnage. Improved construction technologies can solve both problems. A significant expansion of the canal, while costly, would be both practical and profitable.
75+5%, 2000x0.5(+10%), 4
Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +1) -> Panama Canal (Trade Capacity: +3)
[ ] Strategic Signal Initiative:
The Ethereals Invasion demonstrated both the fragility and the importance of global communications. The effects of their efforts at interdiction are still keenly felt despite the passage of decades. Your military, diplomatics, spies, and traders alike would benefit greatly from instantaneous, uninterruptible, and high bandwidth global data transfer system. With recent advantages in rocketry and your improved communications technology, this could be affordable accomplished through a truly prodigious number of communications satellites. The network would even have the potential to jam, or even monitor, enemy communications.
80%, 2000x0.5(+5%), 2
Gain Orbital Communications Network: (Trade Capacity: +3, ???)

This is mostly because I'm deeply suspicious of Argentina. I was thinking about swapping the SSI for fortifications in Central America, but I think the money from the increased capacity and the ??? that's probably some intel malarkey is worth more. If we do end up at war with the Argentinians, that's going to have land combat, and I just can't see us winning with our base tech infantry, no matter how well-trained they are.

I know people are looking at taking the Chinese ports, but I'd rather we stay relatively consolidated until we finish eating Canada and Mexico in full. Expanding that far out when we just plain don't have the ground forces to garrison it is just asking for a Chinese warlord to ponder taking it and hoping it'd be too much trouble for us to take them back.

Beyond that? I just really like the Panama Canal.
Ah, gotta take the railway action for that tasty pop boost. Forgot about that. Switch out Panama for it?
So, is a plan supposed to look like this?

[ ] Plan Looking South
Unrestricted Actions:
-[] Alloy Railways (3) (90%) (1000)
-[] Strategic Signal Initiative (2) (80%) (2000)
Military Actions:
[Fusion Reactor (Aircraft) (2x)] (3)
Industrial Actions:
[Lunar Base (3x)] (2)
Financial Actions:
-[] Recovery Loan to Japan (1) (80%) (2000)
Diplomatic Actions:
[XCOM Integration (3x)] (4)
Research and Development Actions:
-[] Advanced Small Arms (1) (100%) (500)
[Advanced Surgery (3x)] (2)
[Improved Radar (2x)] (1)

Income: (7800+7500)
Expenses: (1000+2230)+5500
I can only vote here since I've left SB (except when my buddy posts his story there), so I'm glad to not be alone. I've been looking at the SB votes since those are more up to date, and I'm thinking these 4:
Alright. I don't check QQ as often, so feel free to ping me on Discord if I miss anything here.
I know people are looking at taking the Chinese ports, but I'd rather we stay relatively consolidated until we finish eating Canada and Mexico in full. Expanding that far out when we just plain don't have the ground forces to garrison it is just asking for a Chinese warlord to ponder taking it and hoping it'd be too much trouble for us to take them back.
You have enough infantry (100,000) for a small to moderate garrison, and the Japanese will loan you some of their infantry bots if needed. You also have plenty of air support.
We have both naval and air superiority to the ultimate degree the warlords are running on fumes they couldn't take them even if they wanted to. We can hold the ports but they can wait until next turn.
But we can't do both and watch out for Argentina, who I think is the next threat.
Argentina is afraid of us and we're planning on allying with them soon enough anyways so I don't see much of a point in putting up that defensive system really.
We can our air force and Navy make any attempt to attack us a death trap. And Argentina will not move against us they are too weak a scared to do anything.
Yes, because no one's ever heard of countermeasures for superior air or naval forces.You can try to argue me out of it, but I can't see any benefit to letting our ground forces flounder.
Yes, because no one's ever heard of countermeasures for superior air or naval forces.You can try to argue me out of it, but I can't see any benefit to letting our ground forces flounder.
Not when we out tech them in every aspect and have complete orbital and space dominance as well. Our fusion weapons alone can turn any attack into glass. We already proved that agaist a force with even greater numbers and at the end of a long logistic train. A fight in our backyard would end with the new south american empire being wrecked. And they know that which is why they won't move against beside the fact they do not care about anything beyond South America itself.
Not when we out tech them in every aspect and have complete orbital and space dominance as well. Our fusion weapons alone can turn any attack into glass. We already proved that agaist a force with even greater numbers and at the end of a long logistic train. A fight in our backyard would end with the new south american empire being wrecked. And they know that which is why they won't move against beside the fact they do not care about anything beyond South America itself.

They may try to take the Panama canal from us. But if they try to pull that sort we can glass them

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