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But he is not right. All he is going to do is create more chaos and destruction as he seems to want to rip apart the modern Jedi order in a way that will undoubtedly lead to strife and violence. Cam at this point in his life is an arrogant child who seems to think the Universe revolves around him. This leads to a lot of mistakes, and we have seen this already with him thinking he can walk the path of both sides of the Force without even having mastered one of those sides. He has already tasted why this was foolish as the Dark side while not inherently evil it is not something to play around with.

While I respect preparing for the worse and gathering resources and bolt holes in case things go to hell. But he seems to think that he can create some Force order which is better than the Jedi. Which is not something that I have any faith that he can accomplish as he has been presented.
compared to the clonewars showing how the order was ripping itself appart, and ending with 99% of jedi being executed? I fail to see where he could do worse.

And fixing the Jedi order would involve trauma counciling and removing the rod from their ass, so, yeah, he's on the right path.
Your "arguments" were based on fan theories and stretched out interpretations. Shatterpoint is canon for the EU and offers direct access to Mace's inner thoughts. And they're nothing like what you theorize them to be.
If you can't accept that your take on his character is objectively wrong it's your problem.
So. If Shatterpoint ignores the surface-level writing and themes of its own source material, then that's my problem? Sure buddy.
As much as I'm enjoying this, at this point it's left the question of 'Can this story's version of Mace Windu fall?' And Migrated to 'Can any interpretation of Mace Windu Fall?' And that belongs in the general starwars thread and not here. So it might be a good idea to move to that one before it hits derail territory.
General images for things related to Cam.
(I will try to remember to add to this as time goes by)

If someone wants to make better images, feel free to do so. These are just rough guides.

Around Naboo








Do remember this is 80 to 100m in length rather than the ~40m from the ships seen in TCW
Colours and markings

Weapon loadout
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Cool pictures there. Love the pendant. And I must say, Cam is a rather pretty young man.
Cool pictures there. Love the pendant. And I must say, Cam is a rather pretty young man.
Aye. Though given I'm using Kate Beckingsale as the image for his mother, Revan (Keanu Reeves) was a great-granddaddy, and he a Gamer (even if it's a very light system) that's not a big surprise ;)
"Hmm, well it's time for bed. If your light is not out and you're not under the sheets in 5, I'm banning you from any Force training tomorrow.
"Still, we need to carry out a few more test to be sure if he is suitable to join the Younglings at one of the training centres," Tardon stated slowly. "With your permission Chancellor, I'd like to try and teach him a few basic Force abilities."
"Nothi…" was as far as he got as I pressed the trigger and blasted a hole through his head, making his body slump over the ledge before sliding back into the room. Even as the body slumped to the floor, I moved backwards until I was
missing text?
To be clear, this where Cam will begin to travel to the future. The console in the cockpit that was damaged was the part of the hyperdrive that regulates time relative to real-space.
this was where?
One of the consoles was blinking, and thanks to reading up on starship operations, I knew this was the requesting access to the local Datanet; though no reply seemed to be incoming.
the phrasing is off but I'm not sure of which way to fix it was intended
"One day you will have to start calling senior Jedi Master Cameron,"
I think this is missing a comma or two
"Fine. I mean, I've been here two months now, but I still haven't heard anything from the Council as to if I placed in a clan or not."
if I've been placed?
"There is no shame in failing them, indeed most do not sand out until they are at least 10 cycles, but we are curious about how you will fair."
do not stand out?
She shook her head." No. But there are times that a Jedi is able to solve a problem that a normal being couldn't. We are here to help the Republic serve the people." Her voice was slowly rising as she spoke as her emotions came through. "We are here to serve the people of the Republic to the best of our abilities and protect them from threats."
misplaced space
Force Teleport allowed me to make short-range jumps from one place to another, and while the cost was high – currently 1994FP at Novice 2 – and had a range limited to 2*my level, it was a handy skill to have.
2*lvl what? inches? feet? meters? miles?
where all Initiates over 8 had to gather for the start of the Trails.
"The High Council is still conducting a review of the flight logs of the ship you arrived in. " Remarked a red-skinned humanoid member of this Council. " And I was not aware that you had ownership of it."
extra spaces
He shrugged, making his head-tails bounce upon his shoulders. "No idea, but I'm not complaining. Last year we were fifth out of ten clans, and the older members were taken as Padawans since then. Honestly, I was expecting us to struggle a bit his year, but Serra and Aayla did great. Your time just pushed us over the top."
a bit this year
"Just gave him a pointer my grandfather told me years ago after I go into a fight at school," I replied as I watched a Jedi Master with dark brown, almost leathery-looking skin stepped to the edge of the circle to begin the spar.
after I got into a fight
"Says the girl you jumps around like she's on fire," I said back, which was true as Aayla loved using the Force to jump and rush around the duelling ring.
girl who jumps?
"Don't sound so surprised," I replied to Aayla's comment as I approached where she was sitting with Serra and Jaeman was gathered. "Just because I've never beaten you doesn't mean I can't be others."
can't beat others
"You are a rare breed," Master Nilas said and as I looked at the old woman, I noticed for the first time that she had a strip of light-blue cloth covering her eyes. "A light within the Force." She smiled. "Not like any Jedi I have seen before. Darkness touches your soul, yet it does not taint your essence. It makes your shine brighter, clearer than any I have seen before." I frowned at her words.
your light shine brighter?
"And she had a vision involving me?" I asked slowly, not liking the idea that the Force was trying to control what I would do or manipulate the Jedi into a course of action for me. 'Is the Force actually sentient in a way that allows it to manipulate the Jedi like they claim the Dark Side does to the Sith? And if so, is it trying to stop me from making wave, preventing me from changing what is to come?'
from making waves?
from the way you worded the first post he should be suffering severe penalties from having hunger at 0
Level not higher enough for self-learning.
not high enough?
I shrugged. "The main part of the combat trail was one-on-one combat. Of the three Forms I had been shown, the only one that was designed for that was Makashi."
"Hmm, so you will be taking Dooku as you master?" Giiett asked as he leant forward.
as he leaned forward?
The pair revered their actions until Aayla's blade was halfway-down an aggressive arc.
"Yes Master," Darihd said with a bow that I copied, and we left the chamber, even if no formal dismissal was given, it was clear that were to leave.
that we were to leave?
And the option to hid long info dumps from the interface is another bonus.
to hide long
The issue with discovering that was it was my joint most expensive power outright along with Teleport.
phrasing is rather poor here
"You used the Force to clamp his mouth shut and then threatened to do worse. That is acceptable behaviour for a Jedi," snarled Piell as his ears pulled back in a way that reminded me of an angry dog.
I nodded along as Rancisis spoke, and ignored the new power notice in my log until I thought popped into my head. "Sir is there a form of this ability that would allow a user to use it while active. From the stories I was told, Bastila had to meditate away from a battle, thus she would've been unable to defend herself"
until a thought? also missing period I think
"Yes. And no." I replied and sighed. "I am aware of a… prophecy that some have applied to me but that is not what I am thinking about. The Sith and the Jedi are two sides of the same coin. Two extremes of a pole. Too much one way, and nature, the Force, reacts and seeks balance. But often this tilt the other way takes things to that extreme."

"Master, is everything alright?" I asked as Fay stumbled backwards

However, if I fought back too much, I risked them giving up. The abduction took too long, they'd more than likely break off to avoid the police who patrolled around the area semi-regularly.

I glanced at the minimap and saw that on-one had reacted to the shots; the noise of the engine having covered my attack.

For an army, I was looking at the Mandalorians. Death Watch was something to be removed, as they were fare to cruel and bloodthirsty.

Though if he did still get me assigned, it gave would give me a chance to rob some more criminals and potentially find a fleece to sell the gemstones to.

Do we want to? I mean, the Republic, at least from what I have seen, if flawed.

"If you have any suggestions, any visions bring them to us. At once. Do not hide them for fear of how we might react, or what we might say. Act on the information given to you by the Force. Use it." Dooku added bluntly.
"Yes, Masters," I said with a bow; which was far harder to do when sitting than I liked.

TThese are the three standard groupings used and accepted by most all Force-wielding communities;

It also gave me a hint of how they were felling, though this was blocked able if they were trained in controlling their emotions, or their Empathic Shield power was greater than my Empathy power.

"A bond allows one to sense much about those they are close to, and while the High Council would prefer that such bonds only existed between Master and Padawan, the bond can from with anyone if enough time is spent in their present," she paused and smiled in the way a grandparent might when talking to a young child, "indeed, I suspect you have formed a bond with Miss Naberrie. Though that should fade in time."

"However, what my former master is failing to mention, is that bonds formed with other strong in the Force do not fade easily," Saa added as she stood nearby, a cup in her hand, "and in moments of high emotions, you may sense them, even when the distance between you is great."

"Mainly about how modular and adaptable it was. I suggested a few ways to change the airframe, but I doubt they'd work." Mainly, that was because I'd used jet fighter designs from the Earth in the nineteen-seventies, though I'd only been able to do map out that idea once the relevant skill, Mechanics [Fighters] had reached Professional 1. While I doubted my ideas would take hold, the larger wing surface from my design was commented on by the instructor as a possible way to help with heat dispersion.

"Which should we then Cameron?" Asked once we had walked for about a minute.

Qui-Gon chuckled loudly, and I noted that Nilas smiled as well. "No, no. Obi-Wan has taken the defeat well. He has started to learn Soresu to help counter the lack of defence in Ataru. Though I believe he wishes a rematch." Though if the way Master Dooku looks when you duel, I fear my Padawan will suffer defeat again."

"For some time now, we Seers, and others with the gift, have sensed a coming darkness within the Republic. That veil of darkness became to most Jedi four years ago. And yet, with the darkness came a new light. One that didn't shrink or cower from the darkness, instead it grew brighter as it touched the darkness."

"This new light, one I know within my very bones is young Cameron, has altered that future. The darkness will still grow, though how much in covers all is far less clear than before. It could cover every source of light within the galaxy, yet I feel it is far more likely that it will not be as large or long-lasting as it could have been.

"Shien is the most obvious choice, especially against blasters, but it lacks much in the way of offensive capabilities. Or at least, from the velocities I had studied so far, while Djem So is only useful once close enough to use a lightsaber offensively." While I had answered, Dooku had moved a few metres further down the corridor.

Most lost their blaster or blade, though a few managed to keep the grip. That resulted in those few being pulled forward and falling face-first into the deck.

I also noted that we while we were approaching the planet slowly, the ship was carrying out a series of seemingly random movements along the y-axis hopefully suggesting that our vessel was damaged.

They only fired for a few seconds before Precog warned me of an attack, and I dropped the blasters, spun and unclipped and ignited my lightsaber, allowing me to easily deflecting the blast that was aimed for my head back the way it came. Using Precog with Bullet-time was incredibly overpowered when dealing with a small number of enemies, which explained why well-trained Jedi were so feared as opponents.

"Reithe, I need you to get to make sure the others follow me. We're going to another hanger where we'll meet the adults."

She was the first person I had discovered with such potential who was not a member of the Jedi Order. Oh, I'd come across a few with intermediate Force Potential outside the Order, but those had all been people older than me, not a someone younger. And certainly not with that a high Force Potential.

Perhaps I could get her placed in the temple once this was all over, however, I was concerned they would reject her based on her age and what she had experienced her. And I would also have to speak with her mother if she was still here.

"Program the ship to bring us down in the clearing at the west of the camp. Once that is done, reach out and see when you can sense."

Bookworm, Dominant, Enhanced Regeneration, Luck of the Force, One with Beasts/Nature, Physical Regeneration and Style were all the same as before, while Boosted Growth Mark 2 increased my XP gains for all things by another ten per cent.

Of the new perks, Brainiac, Cat's Grace, Cult of Personality, Giant's Strength, Iron Skin and Wisdom of the Ancients lowered the time required to upgrade a stat – INT, AGI, CHA, STR, VIT and WIs respectfully – by ten per cent. While that was nice, it wasn't a big deal currently as I'd already increased Intelligence and Wisdom in just over half a year. In the future, however, those perks could be extremely useful though as the help menu stated that it became harder and harder to increase a stat.

the word is 'percent' not 'per cent'
[Using the map, and where they are walking, I believe I can appear behind both groups safely.] I replied as I glanced at the interface and saw I had about seventy per cent my FP.
percent of my FP
So. If Shatterpoint ignores the surface-level writing and themes of its own source material, then that's my problem? Sure buddy.
No. It ignores the themes of your headcanon.
However, it has been pointed out we're moving slightly off topic. If you want to discuss this further we could do this on Discord and voice chat instead of risking Mods getting involved.
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Honestly, it made me wonder why the Jedi didn't have a fleet of similar-sized vessels for members to use. It would make the Order more able to react to situations around the galaxy without having to wait for the Senate to get off its arse and do something.
Pretty sure that's the point.

Spoiler: Mandalorian Sigil for Clan Shan
if you move the circle a little bit down it kinda looks a bit like a tie fighter, doesn't it?
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You realize the EU(ie books like Shatterpoint) are the canon this story is based in right. . . . .
You realize there's a higherarchy right? Shit USSE makes up, the six movies, then the EU, and maybe disney if it's useful; in that order. And shatterpoint is contradicted by both the movies and Cam's recent force vision; both of which are on a higher tier.
You realize there's a higherarchy right? Shit USSE makes up, the six movies, then the EU, and maybe disney if it's useful; in that order. And shatterpoint is contradicted by both the movies and Cam's recent force vision; both of which are on a higher tier.
You realize I'm part of the team that helps him make it right. . . . the EU is above the movies in this story and that Vision doesn't contradict Shatterpoint
The vision has Windu falling in at least 1 major timeline. If shatterpoint says he can't or won't, then it's in contradiction.
Were there multiple Sellena's? because a quick search shows Sellena having died years ago and later speaking in the current time and then her dying in the big attack on the city

Created the note page that should help for remembering.
If there's anything else that you'd like added, let me know.
Though I do reserve the right to withhold certain notes until the story has reached a relevant point. ;)
It'd be nice to have a central listing of the various powers/perks/etc that he has or can purchase if he has the points and what they do.

as best I recall most of your typos were missing or extra spaces or quotation marks ... if there are any quoted sections that the typo isn't obvious feel free to point out which ones and I'll take another look and elaborate

"Yes, it is an unusual ability you have. One of many. Still, do not become overconfident Padawan, Dooku warned. "No matter how powerful you become, you can still die as easily anyone."

"No, master," I replied with a partial smirk at him thinking I was trying to use this situation to bring up Mandalore again. "More that the anger shown by those freed here has to be controlled.

Harnessed. I know it isn't the Jedi way, but we can't expect them to simply forget about what has happened and let go of their anger and resentment."

The anger he felt was understandable and useable. But I had to be careful as Observe suggested he was little more than a rapid Gutkurr. Whatever that was it didn't sound good, though I suspected it was a local variant of the rabid dog analogy.

Incident Quests were quests that were generated when I was in a situation – be it a battle, competition, or the like – where I had a no time to prepare and a desired goal to achieve.

Repeating the process, I attempted touched each of their minds in turn, though a few were able to actively resist. I suspected I could push past the blocks on their minds given time. However, doing so would likely make it difficult to keep a link with everyone else and there was a chance that they would sense my actions. Thus, I left those minds alone but made a note of their location in case they became a problem as the battle progressed.

While Player's Body meant I couldn't get physically tired like a normal person – only having to watch my stamina and hunger levels – Ii appeared that could still get mentally tired. Or at least I could since the update.

"Of course, though perhaps you could arrange from someone to escort Master Nu and her team to the main computer terminal. They are eager to begin their investigations regarding this impressive structure's history."

"I, uh, may have cut a deal with the Mandalorians to learn more about who was responsible for this operation and the attack," I explained. "And the true leaders are under guard a few levels for here to await justice from the Republic."

"A logical decision Padawan, and one I may have well made in your place," Koon said before turning back to Nia and Thur. "Very well. I will honour the deal Padawan Shan has negotiated."
Nia smirked "Good."

"I, um, was thinking that I could divert some of the funds to help the Lokella. I mean, they currently only have three beaten-down patrol ships and a freighter for defence. Not to mention that they lack supplies to establish a small colony on the surface and prepare defences for any reprisal from the Decca the Hutt, or attacks for random pirates or slavers." I replied, starting slowly to make it seem like I was unsure of my intentions. Which I was.

Like most rooms on the station, it was empty, lacking any sign of the formerly ornate decoration of a Pius Dea cathedral ship. However, unlike the larger great halls that I suspected had been sued for worship, the walls of this room were made of what appeared to be a unique alloy. It had a starkly different colour and texture than what was uniform within the rest of the station. Positioned around the room were several empty racks that looked to have held a verity of weapons in the distant past.

There were three small doors along the left side of the room that, thanks to my minimap having an overlay of the station's corridors, I knew led to the holding cells were the leaders of the attack were being detained.

It had also clarified that altering the water in a person's body into another substance was no possible with my current power as the closest of organic material – read the water was inside the body – meant it could not be affected by Inanimate Conversion.

While they were reluctant to let me join the Lokella's missions – even with one of the min attendance – they were unconcerned about me teaching the Lokella combat.

According to the interface, my FP was negligible, and the barrier was holding firm, which was a little frightening. If I could hold it so easily against two corvettes when it was only in the middle of the fourth tier, what could this power do when maxed out?

[Do you require any help?]
I shook my head on instinct as I replied. [No. I think I'm ok for now]
[Very well. However, I will jump in if I feel you are struggling] Fay sent back before the link closed and I wondered why she didn't just help automatically. Perhaps she wished to see just how powerful my barriers had become, or she had faith in me not failing.

"We lost the Swiftsurebut the Uhara, the Iluami and the Geskyria are both serviceable," replied the Rodian female at the comm station.

"Mtael, the corvettes are signalling their surrender," the captain of the freighter, a Human by the name of Ranze Faar, said, drawing my attention back to the bridge of the Freerunner.
"Good. How are the other ships?"

"Captain, you should be safe to secure the corvettes now, but I'd keep an eye on those ships. If any other them begin to move this way, we may need to leave in a hurry." I suggested in a tone that was a step down from an order.

"Indeed," Dooku said, though the tone indicated it was as much a question as a statement.
"Yes," Fay chuckled at her fellow Jedi's reaction even as her stomach rumbled. "Perhaps we can regale you over lunch?"

"Certainly," Dooku stepped to the side and indicated for Fay walk with him.
I began to follow him.

as I slowly followed him out, I cast Observe.

I'd already used the Affiliation display to determine that the spy in the Lokella was a Rodian and had...persuaded him to reveal how and why he was undercover with the Lokella.

As the facility was used primarily for the training, disciplining, and selling of minors into slavery.
Nearly a thousand children of various ages – the youngest being Tedra's age – were held in cramped cells.

Yoda's ears twitched upwards. "In trouble, you are not. Merely a review of your mission, this is."
I nodded and at a prompt from the aged Grandmaster, I began to recite the events of the last half-year.

I nodded in affirmation and the pair stepped into the small room I was assigned at the Temple.
It had been a few hours since the meeting with the High Council, that had gone exactly as I had expected.

Again, it was noted that many more senior Jedi would not have been able to do such a thing.
Since Fay and Dooku had spoken with me privately about using emotions, especially negative ones, to power my actions, they hadn't felt the need to inform the Council and neither Rachi nor Master Nu had been made aware of the incident.

"Great, so all we have is the Council's promise of discretion, which is about as useful to us as an air cooler on Ilum," I grumbled."

Still, I could use this to my advantage. I could re-Observe every one of my friends and fellow Padawans and use the Temples Force Power XP bonus to help level up my abilities faster
Fay smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "A month, perhaps two. While the Council can offer advice, it cannot interfere in the way a Master instructs their Padawan. Not without breaking the pairing and bringing into question the Master. And while there are voices on the Council who may be pushing for that, the majority are not prepared to go that far."

"We shall discuss the issues with the Council, and it's uncertainty regarding you in the future, at a more private location," Fay added after sharing a look with Dooku and I nodded in understanding.
While we had some support for the Coalition of two Jedi Council members – in Sifo Dyas and Nilas – it was better if we limited the amount of time that I spent around those two.

"It's Serra and Rachi. They're about to have a spar," he explained as he scratched at his sleeve.
I sighed, pinched the bridge of my nose and slumped a little in my seat. "Again?"

If she was only using a single blade or even a shoto-blade, it wouldn't be so bad, but as she always used dual full-sized blades, and it was costing her.

The smile widened as she saw the other Jedi dotted around the room – and on the walkways above – who were all watching in awe at a mere Padawan going toe to toe with the Grandmaster of their order.
This whole spectacle had occurred because in Cam's words, 'the Council doesn't like me.'

She felt her heart beat faster as she watched Cam seemingly float effortlessly away from an overhead slash and then parry with dancer-like precision a thrust of the Grandmasters' green blade.
They were moving fast, though she'd seen Cam go faster during their spars and against a few others, as the pair glided around the sparring area.

And now she shared a Force Bond with Cam, just as Bastila had with Revan. She firmly believed that such bonds were gifts from the Force itself and that they wouldn't be bestowed on those who were neither worthy nor compatible with each other.

At these thoughts, her emotions began to calm, and she was able to verbally reply, "Yes, Master."
'Emotion, yet Peace. Emotion, yet Peace. Emotion, yet Peace.'

Cam rubbed the back of his neck as he responded. "It's not something I've done often, Senator Palpatine. I just… lost myself in the duel. He chuckled once, but it was a strange sound to her, as though it wasn't fully alive and more for show. "Though I realised quickly how far I still have to go to be able to stand against someone like the Grandmaster."

Lorana had talked about how her master often spoke of the fact that Jedi were superior to most withing the galaxy, and that their connection to the Force meant they should, if not be outright in command, then be very near the top of the command chain for running the Republic and the galaxy.

Something about those two unnerved her. Perhaps it was just because they came at Cam together, perhaps it was because both were individually dangerous to him. She did not know exactly, but she made a vow to be ready to protect her Cam from them; and anyone else that tried to her him.

I'd shifted my gaze away from the Master of the Order and called up the quest completion for Trial of the Grandmaster. Which was when I'd discovered that the bonuses were not as I'd anticipated.
There was one to win the spar, and another to land a blow on Yoda, but the last two resulted in me wanting to smash my head against a wall.

According to Observe, the pill would ensure I was infertile for a month however, upon ingestion, Player's Body nullified the chemicals in it. That meant, if I wished to avoid any unexpected surprises, I was going to have try the other methods – which Dooku said were freely available at the Temple and most Republic worlds – on the hope that one of them would work.

We ate in silence as I knew it was better to let her give her time to process everything that had been discussed two days earlier.

Serra's reaction to my usage of Observe all but confirmed my suspicions that she could sense when I used it. I'd caught her expression and behaviour shift a few times when I'd used the power near here, but her turning to look directly at me as I used it here confirmed my theory. Though how she was able to do so, was still an unknown.

Adonai's eyes settled on me as my name was confirmed. "Ah, so you are the one who killed Girk Saxon in a duel."
I shook my head. "No sir, I defeated him in a duel. He then dishonoured himself by trying to shoot me after he conceded. His death was a result of that dishonour."

I had promised that I'd stop calling them those nicknames once the managed to defeat me, but with Serra challenging them more than they could challenge me, and the advantages I had from my stats, carried over skills, and skill growth, the chances on the pair getting me to stop using the nicknames before my verd'goten were slim.

"Yes. And before you ask, it didn't count for the verd'goten as it wasn't a threat to kill me," replied Naz with her smile slowly decreasing. "The kill for the trial must be life and death and against something that would threaten your life."

"Anyway…" I muttered, both to cut off whatever was going on between the two – and avoid my mind wandering to places I did not want it to go. "I imagine that the Duke will arrange from someone to observe our verd'gotens." I paused as I said the word. "Verd'gotenins?" I frowned as I realised that I didn't know what the plural for the word was; or if there even was one.

I gave the door an experimental push, but as I suspected, it did budge. Though I did hear something scrape as I turned the handle suggesting that they'd blocked that before putting whatever they had in front of the door to trapped me inside.

"I heard Serra scream," Bo began as Serra started to shiver." They had her pinned against the crate, and Morn ripped her top open and…"

Thus, I'd have to review those lessons in my mind – thank the Force for Eidetic Memory – and then try to determine just what was true and what was mindless Jedi drivel and propaganda, otherwise I'd never feel comfortable use a dark side power properly.

Thankfully, there were those rare days that made the constant trying nature of his cover worthwhile, and like today, many of those days were linked to the Institute for Combat Training and Protectorate Selection, though why those shabuire in Sundari just had to give such a ''Republic-sounding'' name was yet another – admittedly minor – gripe that Pre had with the capital.

Most of the others laughed along at that including Pre. Marod was old, but Pre knew the man was skilled and, in his day, had been a fine warrior. That he had not died in battle was something Pre both feared and hoped for, as to Pre the idea of growing and dying in a bed, feeble and unimportant was one of the few things that scared him. However, Marod had found a new calling in teaching the next generations the proper usage, maintenance, and respect for their weapons, which was worthy of respect.

Pre also knew that Gar had modified his pistols for an increased rate of fire, though this came at overheating the gas conversion enabler at a far faster rate than normal.

It felt good to be able to cut loose and draw on all training, as both a soldier and a Jedi.

Most of that was due to the challenges she'd faced on Mandalore, but a large part was also due to Master Fay. The ageless Jedi's opinion had quickly come to matter to Serra almost as Cam's and Master Drallig's opinions did. She had talked daily with Master Fay before they had entered the Mandalorian Institute.

A third howl, this time from where the first had come from, reached her ears. While it was louder than the initial howl, it was quieter than the second. Hopefully that meant the beasts weren't heading towards her, but it was hard be certain with the way the wind continually changing directions. She'd have to stay alert to be sure her hope wasn't misplaced.

The single remaining spider began to move quickly towards the edge of the rock-hill and, fearful that it the swarm was still close, she looked to see where it was heading.

"What is going on do there?" I asked the sensor operator, finally able to get my question out.

How much longer is this going to take?" I heard someone mutter from behind me and I turned to respond only to stumble and fall to a knee.

Even though we were now closer to the ground, the strength of the wind, and the complete lack of visibility, made such an idea foolhardy at best, fatal at worst. Still, at least being able to contemplate such a foolhardy idea helped elevate some of my feeling of inadequacy.

Specifically, given to my location, I was concerned how my team, Brown-Nine, would function with a member short. While there were likely to be contingencies that the Institute had for such occurrences, no one had spoken with me about them during since I'd arrived back on Mandalore with my masters, Serra and her Master, and Duke Adonai.

I'd been immensely proud of her for breaking from Jedi thinking to hunt the spider as trying to take it head-on would've been extremely dangerous for her, though Serra had almost seemed ashamed of the fact she'd almost died on her hunt. However, Andeeld had soothed her worries but saying that he'd been badly hurt on his verd'goten – a male kath hound during mating season – and others had added in that it was fairly common for people to be injured during the trial.

I'd always wondered if my reputation with someone would have them react differently than how I'd expect them to, and this might be the first oblivious case of that.

I scoffed at the insanity of such a thing. With the Force suppression bracers active and limiting me to nothing more than Precognition while I wandered, and my only weapon being a beskar knife, I'd put my odds against either of those beasts at slim to none, with the slim option looking for a way of this sand-covered backwater.

Even as I recognised what the roar was, and that acknowledge a notice that had appeared in the Interface, a massive mouth – one lined with teeth that looked longer than my legs and sharp as my knife – came down and clamped shut just behind the beak to the sarlacc.

"It's a krayt dragon." The Jedi master said, cutting Thaas off. "And from the way to appears to be all but swimming underneath the sand, I suspect it's one of the larger varieties."

I watched as the dragon stopped its vertical ascent, with it not towering over me and the cliff behind me, with nothing but its rearmost – and thickest – legs supporting its bulk. As it lowered its head to glare at me, I lifted the boulder from the sand, floating it above the ground and begun to spin it.

It was thanks to the young man – Dooku felt it better to consider Cameron a man as he was far, far more mature than those his own– that Dooku felt his spirit revitalising somewhat, and had been gifted with a renewed sense of purpose about what needed to be done. Training the young man – the descendent of one of the galaxy's most famous Jedi and Sith – to the rank of Jedi Knight, then helping him guide the future generations of Jedi and the galaxy, would be his greatest achievement.

"Do it yourself." Bo stated, cutting off my attempt to get her to lay the groundwork for me making things up with Naz." She took a step back. "You may be my friend, but Naz is my closest friend. No way I'm taking your side over hers." She paused as a chuckle escaped her lips. "Besides, watching you flail around trying to make this right is sure to be fun to watch."

"I… I didn't feel safe leaving you with the Order." Her eyes darted up as if looking for something before they returned to looking at the floor in front of her. That man… your father, H-he was more powerful than any of the Masters at the Temple, and possibly all of them combined. So, after you were born, I faked your Force potential check, dropped you with my father then disappeared. I… I wish… that I could've seen you grow; seen you become a man that I know in my heart will help those in need, but I couldn't risk it. The Sith would be after me."

The other big issue with this reveal (beyond the thoughts about what Kadir had been like as a person – Sith of no, he had been my father) was how the Jedi in general – and the High Council in particular -would react to this. Something told me that if they found out about this, then my chances of altering the future – and thus, preventing the rise of Sidious' Empire – would be… restricted.

"Can we be of any assurance?" Fay offered. I swore I saw Torrhen bite his tongue to cut off a snide remark.

Would I reach a point where I could .take down the shields of an ISD?

I felt a spike in anger as I discovered that Death Watch was also targeting the Institute because of me and Serra. Well, that tried to target it. The complex had driven back their initial assault and while not safe, wasn't in immediate danger. That helped soothe my anger, though since the markers for Naz and Bo were that general direction, there was a chance I'd be able to relive my anger on those fools who'd attacked a training school. (Not that the Mandalorians would appreciate me calling it that.)

As I floated down towards the corner that would bring me into sight of the closest Death Watch group that had my friends trapped, I enacted my hastily developed plan. Just before reaching the corner, I floated away from it, released my hole over the air, and lifted one arm. I aimed the vambrace upon it at the wall and a moment later, a grappling wire shot out from it. It bit into the wall, then a slight movement of my hand had the grapple begin to reel me towards the wall. At the same time, I cancelled my levitation.

With them being short-ranged ordinance, that made sense, but it would more than likely allow Shan to do something with the now u powered explosives.

. Additionally, it showed he had no issues with killing in combat or acting in a brutal manner, suggesting that much like his ancestor, Shan may have an inclination towards the Dark Sith. That was a possible avenue to have the boy ostracized by the Jedi, then turned to the Sith; though it also increased the threat he could pose to the Grand Plan.

Shan grimaced – possibly from the pain of the quick movement – as he slid into a loose Makashi stance. While he disdained lightsaber combat – even if he had mastered all seven forms to prove – Plagueis understood it served a purpose. Shan's stance was loose, likely due to both his injury and the shorter blade he was wielding. That made his height and reach disadvantage even greater, though the way the Force swirled around Shan, Plagueis was certain the boy could overcome those weaknesses.

My actions were simply the Will of the Force guiding me to my friends," I continued as the Munn slid into a seat. "That same Will was why I was in a position to help with your extraction." I explained, mixing in some bog-standard Jedi drivel to make the Sith think I drank from the collective apathetic Kool-Aid; or at least knew how to fake that I did.

I paused and glanced through the gap in the seats to see Bo's mouth creeping open." Yes, I'm well aware that doesn't sound like me." I commented,

Pre shifted his attention to her as he answered her open-ended question. "He lives, and is secure in the palace, along with the two Jedi Masters," tension flowed from Bo's shoulders upon hearing that, however, there are… other issues that your father wishes to discuss with you." That had the tension return and I felt her fear spike for a moment before she got it under control.

"BO!" He called out, which was enough for Bo to lose her restraint and run to him. As he dropped to one knee to catch her – and likely avoid falling over from the sudden weight shift on his new leg – I noted away that he'd used the same nickname for as I did. I remembered how angry she'd gotten when I'd tried to use that once, so the nickname likely held significance for her.
Were there multiple Sellena's? because a quick search shows Sellena having died years ago and later speaking in the current time and then her dying in the big attack on the city

There are two. Bo and Satine's mother and their sister in law. In-verse, it's weird that their brother married someone with their mother's name. Out-of-verse, I missed it until a few chapters after both were named and just let it go. Few people spotted it.

It'd be nice to have a central listing of the various powers/perks/etc that he has or can purchase if he has the points and what they do.

The index tab has his stats at the end of certain arcs. I don't do it every arc though. As for what the powers do, generally, they match something you'd find on the wiki (though trusting that place is a dangerous thing to do) but not always.

as best I recall most of your typos were missing or extra spaces or quotation marks ... if there are any quoted sections that the typo isn't obvious feel free to point out which ones and I'll take another look and elaborate

I'll likely have to go through those, and ones by others, whenever I get around to publishing this story over on SpaceBattles of Sufficient Velocity... whenever that'll be
The index tab has his stats at the end of certain arcs. I don't do it every arc though. As for what the powers do, generally, they match something you'd find on the wiki (though trusting that place is a dangerous thing to do) but not always.
That's his stats I was asking about his abilities like the mini map the enhanced mini map enlarge ... etc ... having both the names and descriptions all in a single post weather or not he has bought the ability
though come to think of it would be nice to have a central repository of all the alternate language vocabulary used as well cause there were a few mandoan words that I couldn't find what exactly they meant I mean I got a general idea from the context but it would be nice to be able to look it up
As he slid around the table, casually pulling a datapad to himself, the two guards stayed at the door. Adonai slid into a comfortable, high-backed chair with practised ease and indicated for me to take one of the two guest chairs. As I did so, he spoke

She paused and sighed. "While Master Dooku and I accept that you are still young, and weren't raised in the Temple like most Padawans, the strength of your connection to the Force, and that time raised outside the Order means it is a concern that we feel needs to be continually addressed.

"Yes and no. While miss Kryze being here is a distraction from your studies with Master Dooku and me, and thus makes it harder for you to focus on your Jedi training, having someone around whom you share a bond of friendship with maybe be of benefit in learning how to handle your emotions and the desire to help others with their problems instead of your own."

I shook my head as a smile came to my face. While I sensed the faint hint of something behind her bravado in the Force, I wasn't going down that road. "Anyway," I started, drawing out the word to help me chance the topic, "you need to keep quiet about HK and what type of body I'm really designing for him"

You Jetii and your tricks," Bo muttered as we walked towards the personal door that led out of the docking area.

Initially, I sensed nothing impressive, or on the minimap. Oh, there were certainly people around her with some strength in the Force, but nothing with the brightness that I'd expect from Anakin.

Part of me wanted to help, to find the system in place and give them all their freedom.

"Yes, to a degree." I began to reply, though not before glancing to make sure Bo and Watto were still a good distance away. They were currently examining what looked like a pit droid, but all I was concerned about was the distance between us. "The Force guided me to this world, this ship, to find you. The Force is strong in you, and I see you becoming a great and powerful Jedi."

"Wait, you're telling me you're going to just leave this here because of some di'kut Jedi rule? Bo asked as her brow rose.

"I, uh," Maan gulped hard," I see."
Lmao, I was literally so surprised when I read it had been Mace in the vision. Also, damn, I read this fic in a one-setting and it's by far the best star wars fandic (if not the best SI fanfic) I've ever read! I can't wait for more :)
That's his stats I was asking about his abilities like the mini map the enhanced mini map enlarge ... etc ... having both the names and descriptions all in a single post weather or not he has bought the ability

Ah. I actually prefer to keep things vague about what the perks can/could do. Allows me some wiggle room for writing.
Though the minimap has been stated a few times to have a range of 1km. Options from Perks could be extended that if taken and his Dectection has a much greater range, which just adds clumps of sensed beings etc at the edges of the map.

though come to think of it would be nice to have a central repository of all the alternate language vocabulary used as well cause there were a few mandoan words that I couldn't find what exactly they meant I mean I got a general idea from the context but it would be nice to be able to look it up

For ease, I use these sites (and others) along with a doc on my comp given to me by one of the backroom. Most of the words cane be found in the sites below but the curses are extra
Just wanted to ask if there was any way that you could list the missing skills/and or skill lvls needed to open up locked skills.
Just wanted to ask if there was any way that you could list the missing skills/and or skill lvls needed to open up locked skills.
I'll do so with the next stat update. Which, if time permits, I'll get to in a few days (I hope).
Though it's mainly only Force Powers that are locked. Skills did have stat limiters (I think), but Cam's blown past them with ease.
I'll do so with the next stat update. Which, if time permits, I'll get to in a few days (I hope).
Though it's mainly only Force Powers that are locked. Skills did have stat limiters (I think), but Cam's blown past them with ease.
That was the ones I was looking for so thanks. One last question, SP= stat points? And SKP= skill upgrade points?
I case I forget though:

Tutaminis: Until Deflection => Master 1
Alter Mind: Until Compulsion => Savant 1, Mind Probe + Telepathy => Professional 1
Dominate Mind: Until Telepath, Alter Mind and Mind Probe => Master 50
Lightsaber Telekinesis: Until TK, Lightsaber [style], Makashi, Soresu, Shien, Djem-So are all => Master 1
Repulse/Shockwave: Until Wave =>Professional 1
I case I forget though:

Tutaminis: Until Deflection => Master 1
Alter Mind: Until Compulsion => Savant 1, Mind Probe + Telepathy => Professional 1
Dominate Mind: Until Telepath, Alter Mind and Mind Probe => Master 50
Lightsaber Telekinesis: Until TK, Lightsaber [style], Makashi, Soresu, Shien, Djem-So are all => Master 1
Repulse/Shockwave: Until Wave =>Professional 1
Did Cameron level up for defeating the elite mooks of the Mandos?

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