Tidings Part 2
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Part 2
Part 2
Oskyld looked at the pitiful creature as it thrashed angrily inside the aquarium. The beserk serpent frenzied by Nirti's meddling. He had some of the deposed System lord's notes... not that her records were complete. Detailed record keeping was not a goa'uld strong point, and part of that was probably a matter of the modifications the gate builders had made to the symbiotes in distant eons past. Nirti had little reason to keep notes, but it seemed she had been sharing her findings or a portion of them with among other system lords, Pelops and Olokun, which made sense of course given their own interests. The problem was Nirti had a nasty habit of diverging into a decidedly common habit of the goa'uld in their poetic ritual bragging in such official correspondence.
He extended a tendril of theoric energy touching the creature's mind. There was a fragment of intellect there, but stifled under a near blinding rage. What Nirti had managed to do to the queen that had spawned the goa'uld had... it was as unclear to her as it was to him why this was the result of the brood she had spawned. Even the most sane of the brood were prone to wild fits of anger, and blind fury that simply was undesirable. They certainly wouldn't have made reliable underlords for Nirti, if that had been her goal... though he doubted that given her comparative position amongst the goa'uld. If she had been trying to create a queen that could reliably spawn a scientist caste of symbiotes, then she had certainly failed... but certainly that was an idea... though one that this brood would be of little use for.
The divine magic soothed the fury and made subtle changes to the creature's physical and spiritual form. The creature would likely always be short tempered, and if this solution worked out so to would likely all of its siblings. That wasn't to say there weren't advantages. The ones who had enough sense not to be in a near constant state of frenzy had demonstrated access to planning and access to the goa'uld memory, the problem was the rage made them very short term thinkers. That made them very unwieldy as anything other than blunt instruments, which had been something Nirti hadn't been looking for. She had been deposed as a result of the shenigans of the treaty before she could make any adjustments to her experiments.
There was a tone, and he shuttered the aquarium structure as the feed began to fill the holographic globe. He was distant enough from Earth that even without having to contend with crossing other domains it would have been impractical for standard goa'uld drives to cross the space in a time frame that wouldn't have otherwise attracted attention... never mind that he'd have have to cross Apophis's domain. That didn't, or wasn't stopping him from his current actions.
He was exploiting the treaty though nothing he was doing was illegal, or against the treaty. It was just most of the goa'uld hadn't wanted to run afoul of Ra during the time he'd been alive... and Ra had really not liked it when lesser goa'uld went around interacting with the Asgard directly. The Supreme System Lord had thereby been the stick to keep most of the goa'uld in line.... so to that extent it was ironic that Heru'ur had tried to invade Cimerria. Not that it mattered.
No since he was a system lord and recognized as such by the others he was legally allowed to monitor the planets of the treaty, and he had the resources to do it. That was practical due to improvements in hyperdrive mostly. The best he'd been able to retrofit Moloch's fleet to get up to was thirty two thousand times the speed of light. Those Ha'tak had been of inferior quality to those he had taken from Heru'ur, and then been able to improve upon once he understood the mechanisms. Never mind with Zeus's assistance and the Asgard database, even if it was five hundred years out of date.
Not that the goa'uld production base, never mind the one he had access to at the moment, was capable of replicating that level of engine technology for mass production. The shipyards he was expanding and updating would be able to produce faster, and more heavily armed standard Ha'tak, and his improved contiguous hull would be more dangerous still but he needed time.
The Treaty between the System Lords and the Asgard affirmed a number of points. He was allowed to monitor, and report breaches of compliance. Ra might have done it, or another Goa'uld, in hopes in what was effectively narcing on a rival would result in an Asgard Mothership smashing up their rival's empire. Of course, unsurprisingly being known as a snitch wouldn't necessarily be a popular moniker to have in Goa'uld circles.
The goa'uld technological base was derived from copying Alteran technology. The technology of the gate builders. It was why among other things the goa'uld had wrist mounted dial home devices, and a variety of other useful basically knickknacks as well. Most of the Goa'uld had no scientific acumen to speak of though, not really. So when those ancient examples of Ancient Hyperdrive had been lost goa'uld hyperdrive became well much slower cheaper, and reliable, models. During Ra's reign on Earth even though Goa'uld fleets had been much smaller ships had been faster than they had afterwards. By about a thousand the Goa'uld were using the much slower drives outside of specific vanity projects even though Ptah had developed faster drives for use by Ra and his dynasty. Most likely it had been those secrets that Apophis had stolen and applied to improve the speed of his Ha'tak... Cronus certainly had done just that.
So no, the much faster drives of even his weakest pyramid ships didn't help all that much. Those wouldn't be the ships which would head for Earth anyway. It would have taken too long if he ever needed to get there quickly. No, for Oskyld sending someone in person would help in other ways. So having a faster hyperdrive spin up and break orbit of earth had been a little worrying. The signature though had been too small to be a mother ship, or a dedicated warship. He'd seen signatures from contemporary Tel'tak, presumed from intercepted transmissions to be Tok'ra. The latest ship was fast though.
An underlord's personal chariot, skiff, or yacht most likely. That meant of course Ra's underlords from before the loss of Earth to the Goa'uld. None of the others would have wasted such a luxury on their minions. The alternate possibility was that a system lord had lost such a ship of his own when earth had fallen, but that was less likely.
He was waiting for the SGC to respond. He didn't think they'd take too long. A few days maybe, but weeks were unlikely. Oskyld adjusted the cloaked monitoring platform... in truth he wasn't just monitoring the earth for potential breaches in the Protected Planet's Treaty. He had other reasons.
The goa'uld were too busy at the moment to really attack earth. Cronus, Heru'ur, and Apophis were all too deeply embroiled in war, and the other system lords were looking to exploit that for that most part. Earth would have to do something tremendously stupid to provoke any of the weakened system lords to risk a squadron of motherships if the Asgard did show up. Apophis was the most likely to try something, and Cronus and Heru'ur were pushing too hard for him to reasonably try something.
"And?" He said in response to the flash of light. Asgard teleportation technology was actually significantly more advanced, and useful than its Ancient equivalent. Of course, the goa'uld could readily replicate Ring Platforms, and there was something to be said for already having the tech base and infrastructure for that given that all goa'uld ships larger than the standard death glider carried them.
"Asgard monitoring platforms have been confirmed by our own platforms around the other protected planets." Not surprising that, "I have also confirmed a number of anomalous platforms, and signatures. I believe that the Asgard must suspect the Goa'uld Olokun of having access to dangerous ancient technology. A number of his worlds show signs of Asgard surveillance. As do several of Nirti's worlds."
"That's interesting." He agreed. Nirti was supposed to be imprisoned on Tartarus, though her realm had been picked at by some of the other goa'uld few were willing to go out of their way to try at present given its location, and her neighbors were more worried about each other. "I had expected Kali to make a move against some of those worlds by now."
"Given the nature of Nirti's experimentation on humans we should consider intervening. Some of the damage may be irreversible,"
The description of Island of doctor moreau in space came to mind. "If they're alive I can probably undo, or mollify at least anything she's done." He might not have had much technology in the way of capital ships, but there were plenty of medical technologies, mutagenic compounds, and real time genetic manipulation that could stabilize or repair damaged systems. "Is that what you want to do?"
Zeus nodded, "I have the requisite forces already prepared, and outfitted with biowarfare equipment."
That he was already prepared for that wasn't a surprise "What about those Asgard platforms you mentioned this morning?"
"Nirti's deposement may have reduced their concern for such, we should still exercise caution," He declared "More interestingly they remain monitoring Olokun but do not seem to be doing anything. I suspect that the council must be distracted by matters distant."
That wasn't likely anything good, "We should hope not. The Asgard has largely hewed to the Peace of Tonsberg,"
"That is indeed true."
That had been in about the mid tenth century, even if according to records it had taken time to get everything else in place, and even longer to achieve treaty compliance. "Indeed, I'll handle briefing my emissary, and we'll see what's all this mess on earth." He declared with somewhat forced joviality. "Nirti was in contact with Olokun, and Pelops as well, is there any indication of scrutiny of the latter?"
"None that I have discerned, but his is more distant than Olokun's realm." Pelops was on the complete opposite side of Cronus, and Apophis's domains relative to his own... which was odd since Ares's domain was on the near to side. Olokun's domain was too far to reasonably project even their fast moving Ha'tak vessels across intervening space. Whatever the Asgard thought he might have would likely a mystery. "Unlike Nirti and Pelops Olokun, lacked Alteran involvement directly, if he unearthed something he likely has expended significant effort conceal. Nirti's own artifice suggest gate builder machines."
"Her attempts to modify symbiotes as well as host suggested as much." He agreed. "No sign of the device?"
"Not as of yet." A pity of course. Magic worked fine, but any alteran system was likely to have significant specialist material in genetic engineering. "As I said, I have those standing by to invest the worlds most near to our own, and to clean them of the phages her recklessness has left behind." Which of course left him to deal with the matter of the Reetou, a conflict, a foe the Jaffa were scarcely suited to face, but he supposed that threat did give cover to his raptors. The broader movements into what had been hindi territory by the Reetou drew the attention of the system lords in that region of space, and that had its advantages.