The Festive Season
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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The Festive Season
The klaxons wailing finally stopped by about the time they got Makepeace into the hallway. Jack didn't stop moving backwards even after he heard the Iris seal shut. Once it was secure, and Siler announced that the gate was off he relaxed a fraction. Makepeace was a solid guy, still kind of naïve in Jack's opinion for a jarhead who'd seen the mess Yugoslavia had turned into, but he was a good guy. "You alright?" He asked."Yeah." The other colonel croaked from the gurney as the airmen navigated him into Doc Fraiser's waiting room. A few of the junior docs moved to check him but he waved him off. "I'm fine, just my leg." He protested. It probably wasn't just his leg, but Makepeace's marine team had apparently run into stiff resistance.
"The UAV footage looked bad?" He asked searching for information, "There was what looked like a forest fire."
"OH, fuck," He groaned trying to sit up putting weight on his hip, "it probably did. If not for those Jaffa pulling us out we wouldn't have made it around it." Jack knew Hammond was going to have questions about that. "That big plume of smoke on the UAV footage you saw was probably where that Alkesh got shot down." Jack got the marine a cup of water with one of the bendy straws. "Thanks. I don't," He coughed some of the water going down the wrong pipe, "what happened. Things were okay, and then there was an explosion. The locals had been pretty friendly. No sign of hostilities."
"SO someone attacking the planet?"
Makepeace tried to nod his head, "Yeah, I think so. Nirti I think. I think that's the mark I saw."
"What about the Jaffa who pulled you out?"
"Ishkur's dragon guard. One of them had been showing us around. Young kid, one of his officers came and lead around the fire, got us back to the gate. They were taking fire as pulled out. It looked like there was shit going on in the skies, orbit."
"Colonel I need you to move." Apparently the captain had run to get Fraiser, as she was now shooing him away, and out of her domain. That left Jack with fuck all to do. The base would be in restricted security for a while now. They'd have to MRI all of the marines. Blood work, and a bunch of other stuff. Hammond would want a report on what all, what little, he had gotten out of Makepeace before he went into surgery. Makepeace had been the last man through the gate as well having come through with a squad automatic with less than a third left on the belt.
"I'm still looking Jack. " Daniel preempted him, before he could ask. "I mean, Ishkur on earth terms isn't someone we have a lot of information on. We do think that he and some of the others used different names for different city states, Dr Briski is an expert in Mesopotomia and I've requested some of his publications from the University of Colorado's library but he's a sumerian storm god, basically."
"And?" Jack nudged.
"The goa'uld Ishkur has been a system lord of the middle rank for a long time. Five thousand plus years. He's mercurial, Teal'c doesn't think its a good idea to trust his jaffa. His jaffa are quite fanatical according to both Bratac and the Tokra." Daniel tapped some keys on his computer to cycle through some pictures, "He may or may not be related to some of the other Sumerian and Mesopotomian Goa'uld. Baal is currently a system lord. Marduk was at one point. I mean if Makepeace hadn't seen Nirti's jaffa, I'd have thought Apophis might have attacked given where they were."
Jack had considered that to. Someone attacking an SG team on a peaceful fact finding mission... well Apophis had not been happy to find Earth added to the protected planets treaty. He had to abide the treaty, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Still he was tied up fighting both Heru'ur, and Cronus so how much in the way of resources Apophis could spare was up for debate. "If Nirti is involve they're going to keep us locked down for additional screening." Which was admittedly good because the NID had wanted to come in and sent down and 'talk the talk' "Kennedy was already coming in from the Pentagon when SG 3 was dialing in."
"What is that about?"
"I don't know. They mentioned Set, so I guess either the ATF, or FBI have been poking around." It seemed likely that having exhausted most conventional channels they had decided to make a nuisance of themselves. During his time with the CIA Jack had seen the DEA, and FBI both do it enough, and it was just as likely that ATF was no different. "I think the NID is just using it as an excuse though. They said congress though, which probably means someone in the FBI ran to a friend on the hill... that could be a problem." He supposed he could have seen if anyone at Langley would take his calls during the downtime... trying and figure out what was going on.
"Uh, yeah about that. You remember when the Stargate malfunctioned and caused us, caused the wormhole to slingshot us back in time."
"Yeah, I've got the pictures." Of the gang in front of the VW bus, "Why?"
Daniel ground his teeth, "So I was watching CSPAN, and we might have a problem." The archaeologist clack clacked away at his keyboard. "I caught it entirely by accident." Jack glanced at him. "This is the house armed services committee,"
"Okay and?"
"The representative from California doesn't look familiar?" Daniel asked, "That's Jennifer Clark, the ... hippie Sam gave the pep talk to. Apparently after we left, her and her boyfriend went back home, and he joined the air force. Early pioneer of computers in the eighties, and in particular has spent most of the last two decades as a part of the SETI institute. He's only been full time there since 94." The thing that looked for alien signals in space. Jack decided to sit down, and cleared off some books from a chair. "I've asked Sam about the work he does, and its supposed to be pretty impressive."
"Crap. Have you told Carter how Jenny grew up?" Danny shook his head, this was great, "Where was he in 'Nam?" He asked deciding to change subjects.
"I don't think he went. Testing scores that I've come across say he was sent off to technical school as opposed to sending him to Vietnam." Michael Clark was probably happier that way, Jack figured. "He worked for NASA during the eighties, and then Berkeley," Jack wrinkled his nose, "but its not like he's unconnected. And Jenny... well I haven't told Sam but she probably has the security clearance to get our files."
"I'm not sure," Daniel hedged, "But I did some digging," A few more key strokes, "And this is her..."
"That's General West, when was this?"
Daniel looked a little startled, but Jack eased back in his seat. "84. Some kind of Scientific initiative, looks like it was overshadowed by Star Wars, but West was convinced it would provide an edge over the soviets, and eventually Catherine brought me in, and well Abydos. We've got to tell Sam."
... that sort of went without saying. He was tempted to respond with 'what's this we shit', but Daniel was right, "Yeah. I don't even want to fathom what the NID reaction might be. You told her about the SETI thing?"
"Yes." Daniel repeated.
"NASA requires pretty serious background check what did he do for them?"
"Jet propulsion lab,"
In the eighties? Jack shook his head. "Alright so both of them probably have current security clearances." Jenny certainly would, "If Hammond wasn't currently dealing with SG 3, I'd say we need to take this to him." This would be a call the president before Congress started convening a commission.
Makepeace would, or was supposed to, be taking it easy for the holidays at least. Even with the use of a healing device most of SG 3 were on light duty. No one was dead though, and there wouldn't be any issue with them eventually returning to duty. Carter's summation of 'Whoops' to their politician problem was something he had wished he'd thought of it was a great summary of problems. They needed to tell Hammond of course... who would probably need to brief the President, but they had held off. So far nothing was in writing. The 1969 trip was not something that had been documented by the SGC in the official record.
It was just a 'gate malfunction' file. Minimal details, and relying on the gate's ancient origins as being unknowable. As long as it stayed with SG 1 it could stay off the books, but Kennedy had rescheduled their meeting until well into the New Year, apparently he had to also needed time to see about Area 51, which was probably true. If they were lucky they probably wouldn't have to deal with him until early March maybe later than that, certainly after SG 3 was back in the rotation for regular duty. There were only so many SG teams and the marines being out of rotation really degraded the overall operational capability of the SGC.
"Holiday plans, Colonel?"
"Me, I'm going with Teal'c help him and Drey'auc move. Bratac says there is a lot of goa'uld activity in that sector. He thinks it would be be best to get the moved now, before a Ha'tak shows up in orbit again. What about you major?"
"I'm going to San Diego visit my brother, and David and Lisa." Mark's two kids. "What about you Daniel?"
"Christmas with Kathy," So the same as every year since Daniel had been back on earth following Abydos, "Its a tradition I'm trying to keep."
Commentary: Notations, particularly on revisions. In canon, and in the original version, it is Kur who has the Dragon Guards I changed it to Ishkur or rather combined them into a single Goa'uld system lord because its easier for me to combine their plots. That's just an FYI. We are moving into the year 2000 with these interludes, but I'm not going to cover the Russian introductions to the SGC. I will probably cover the events of the episodes the Curse, and the Tomb down the road when we get there, but those are for later.