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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

[] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
--Bruce Lee
[] Write-In
Some manner of Glorious Solar Bullshit refusal. The entire series starts with Issei finally getting a date - during which he is extremely polite and restrained, showering the girl with attention.
Issei wants a harem because he physically and emotionally adores women - he doesn't want groupies to go through like tissue paper. This should bother him.
...Of course, Glorious Solar Bullshit is not completely immune to backfiring, I'd imagine something like him saying that though he desires the attention of many women, he wants to return that attention in greater amounts - something like
[X] Plan Butcher
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
-[X] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.
--[X] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands." You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school and much more important, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting."

I dunno about Devil magic. Mostly I want to raise it's utility and our mobility, as more powerful applications are better taken care of with Solar Charms.
...which should have every female present swooning - he's a noble pervert, so all of them still have a chance. Every male will be enraged and intimidated by the "damned handsome" who is somehow managing to monopolize all the women while still looking noble.

There's a NSFW thread for this quest?
Yeah - here it is; https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/nsfw-god-harem-king-of-the-world-nsfw-stuff.487/
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Calmly ask what's going on
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Write-in.
-[X] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

this is hilarious
[] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
--Bruce Lee
Eh, that's for doing stuff properly, or in competition with someone or something. That's if we want to use Devil magic in battle. We have charms for that. I think in Devil magic we should focus on utility.

pulling our charms for something like this, is honestly not a good thing, it's actively trying to make things WORSE and one of the leading reasons Solars in the First Age got Ganked.
We don't know that. My goals here are:
1. Enable an orderly school experience.
2. Make Sona like us by taking charge of our own messes.
3. Continue cementing the foundation of our Harem.
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We don't know that. My goals here are:
1. Enable an orderly school experience.
2. Make Sona like us by taking charge of our own messes.
3. Continue cementing the foundation of our Harem.

err yes we do actually we have Bright in our head remember

and incase you hadn't guessed yet pulling something like that out here is a massive spotlight on use basically going 'Look at me am I not awesome' this is not something we want to do at all

this is going to do nothing towards making Sona like us, if anything the reverse would be true

and three, we don't need this to cement out Harem, our harem is fairly well cemented and these fangirls are just that, fangirls, we been nice to them we find out what the hell is going on but we sure as shit don't do something as silly as waste essence on them

not when there is Cocopell wandering around the place with his minions and the half-assed holy swords
-[ ] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.
--[ ] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands." You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school and much more important, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting."

[ ] Write-in.
-[ ] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

Now to combine those :Those 5 get the best places in the orgy? ;)
-[ ] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.
--[ ] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands." You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school and much more important, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting."

[ ] Write-in.
-[ ] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

Now to combine those :Those 5 get the best places in the orgy? ;)

I was thinking about toning down the whole "Aura of Ignis Divine" thing... that might get too close to revealing the supernatural. Exactly what we don't need. And we don't need to be so bitter about this mob, else that will blow up in our faces. I do think that we should talk down the mob, but we don't need to sound so bitter. I think the tone of the speech should be "I am too tired to deal with this bullshit. Calm the hell down and get back to class." Then we should help our friends and Sona. Because that's what we do.

I was thinking nothing special, just First Presence Excellency + Irresistible Salesman Spirit would be enough to get them to be quiet. Or will that activate our anima? I am not sure.

One thing's for sure, I will certainly support you, Walkir.
-[ ] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.
--[ ] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands." You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school and much more important, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting."

[ ] Write-in.
-[ ] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

Now to combine those :Those 5 get the best places in the orgy? ;)

I was thinking about toning down the whole "Aura of Ignis Divine" thing... that might get too close to revealing the supernatural. Exactly what we don't need. And we don't need to be so bitter about this mob, else that will blow up in our faces. I do think that we should talk down the mob, but we don't need to sound so bitter. I think the tone of the speech should be "I am too tired to deal with this bullshit. Calm the hell down and get back to class." Then we should help our friends and Sona. Because that's what we do.

I was thinking nothing special, just First Presence Excellency + Irresistible Salesman Spirit would be enough to get them to be quiet. Or will that activate our anima? I am not sure.

One thing's for sure, I will certainly support you, Walkir.

:p. As long s my invite 5 girls to lunch things is involved I'm happy to vote for it. Walkir might I suggest rephrase the speech to work in some stunting? Get a free motes advantage. Might need it to calm some rowdy guys. Personally I like passing the ball to Sona as we have been a source of headaches what with turning into a dragon and beating up raiser before. Helping her out here does seem nice!
I can give it a try, but won't promise anything.


My attempt.

-[ ] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.
--[ ] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands. ONE at a time!" You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them... and finds them lacking right now. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school. The first five female students that make it to their classes first WITHOUT STARTING TO RUN BEFORE I FINISHED TO TALK and breaking any rules as judged by Sona will be invited to lunch with us directly before the orgy. The well-behaved ones at that date will then continue on to the orgy. Remember, being patient, demure and scholarly is sexy! Fangirling is just pathetic."
You snap your fingers and look over to Sona. "Sona, if you would make sure you can actually judge who is at the classes first." you nod as she moves towards the building, still stunned. "You others, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside, turning around when you are at the school door. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting. Move it."
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:p. As long s my invite 5 girls to lunch things is involved I'm happy to vote for it. Walkir might I suggest rephrase the speech to work in some stunting? Get a free motes advantage. Might need it to calm some rowdy guys. Personally I like passing the ball to Sona as we have been a source of headaches what with turning into a dragon and beating up raiser before. Helping her out here does seem nice!

Doing nice things always feels nice.

I can give it a try, but won't promise anything.

Try to focus on making it less about Issei being bitter and more about convincing the mob through guilt or guile to disperse and get to class calmly. Again, I think we should use some form of charm to disperse the crowd as quickly as possible. What charms can we use without becoming a visible beacon of light?

Also, Sona seemed to expect this to happen, so we should try and talk to her about it.
Ha, ninja'd you!

Didn't want to double-post.

My attempt.

-[ ] Use the Aura of absolute Authority gifted to us by Ignis Divine to bring ORDER into this Chaos.
--[ ] Time to burn some personal motes. "HALT!" you cry in a voice of thunderous Authority, "All of you should be ashamed of yourself, to not only disturb the peace of the school, but also to brazenly flaunt the authority of the student council. Where are the shining stars of the prestigious Kuoh Academy, all I see is a bunch of rabid savages! We're held to a higher standard, remember your place! Boys! I remember well the need to punch out bishonen. But declaring it in front of their admirers? Jealousy is an ugly thing and will only bring your chances to gain a girlfriend to zero. If you want to beat me up, wait until I am alone like reasonable people, or better yet, challenge me to a duel behind the gym as tradition demands. ONE at a time!" You turn towards your admirers. "And you..." you say in an icy voice, meant to evoke danger and make shivers run down their backs. Your cold stare challenges them, weighs them... and finds them lacking right now. "You seem to have forgotten who I am... have you forgotten how you always called me a dreadful pervert? Well, you're right, if you want to, we can schedule an orgy, IN AN ORDERLY FASHION, but DO NOT obstruct the operation of our wonderful school. The first five female students that make it to their classes first WITHOUT STARTING TO RUN BEFORE I FINISHED TO TALK and breaking any rules as judged by Sona will be invited to lunch with us directly before the orgy. The well-behaved ones at that date will then continue on to the orgy. Remember, being patient, demure and scholarly is sexy! Fangirling is just pathetic."
You snap your fingers and look over to Sona. "Sona, if you would make sure you can actually judge who is at the classes first." you nod as she moves towards the building, still stunned. "You others, DO NOT PUSH ASIDE MY FRIENDS." You collect those friends among the stunned student body and march inside, turning around when you are at the school door. "What are you waiting for, classes are starting. Move it."

Much better. The part of about the orgy is hilarious. It goes to show that even though he is a lot more tactful about it, he is still an unashamed pervert. The line about fangirling is kind of a mean-spirited one. I think a line like "There's no need to form a mob" would get across what Issei is trying to say better. I would also like to change how we hand authority back over to Sona. It has the tone of a higher-up handing down something to a subordinate. I would like it to read more like one leader handing authority to another. The humbleness of Issei's speech would contrast with our awesomeness to make our natural superiority more apparent.

I do have two questions:

How did Sona know that something like this would happen? And what exactly is "the Aura of absolute Authority"?
I just threw this together in a couple of minutes, feel free to improve on this.

Lunch for five followed by that orgy where all the other girls (except those that bitch during lunch and turn out to be pains in the ass) can join in seems like a more special reward than just a VIP position in the orgy.
Also, defining scholarly as sexy will go a long way with lazy teenage girls.

But sure, if someone can do better, go ahead..
I just threw this together in a couple of minutes, feel free to improve on this.

Lunch for five followed by that orgy where all the other girls (except those that bitch during lunch and turn out to be pains in the ass) can join in seems like a more special reward than just a VIP position in the orgy.
Also, defining scholarly as sexy will go a long way with lazy teenage girls.

But sure, if someone can do better, go ahead..

I've got a few ideas. But first when was it mention we had an aura of absolute authority?I don't know when it was mentioned we had that ability what does it do?

Probably better to coach "orgy" in terms which they'll interpret as something else and which Sona can't really object to. "Intimate time together"/"personal time together) as an example. She totally might know we mean something else but we just mention we just made it clear how important studying is to us, and the number of teenage girls mobbing her she won't be able to complain.
Hey, I just copied the aura bit, but I think it's either the excellency or this one:

Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Solar's Charisma in days
Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
It is hard for mortals to resist the shining glory of the Solar Exalted. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence to create a Compulsion effect. The Lawgiver's player rolls (Manipulation + Presence). If the result exceeds the target's Mental DV, the target receives a compulsion to follow one order given by the Solar. The order can be as complicated as the Solar desires. The target must spend one Willpower to resist the order but need pay this cost only once per day. The influence fades when the Charm expires.

When the Solar uses Hypnotic Tongue Technique, the target is not aware of the compulsion, nor does the Solar need to spell out the order explicitly in words. If the target wishes to recognize the influence or remember it later, doing so costs four Willpower, which must be spent all at once, and the target is thenceforth fully aware of the effect. Recognizing or remembering the influence is not considered "resisting" it, and the target does not gain Limit from doing so.

Probably better to coach "orgy" in terms which they'll interpret as something else and which Sona can't really object to. "Intimate time together"/"personal time together) as an example. She totally might know we mean something else but we just mention we just made it clear how important studying is to us, and the number of teenage girls mobbing her she won't be able to complain.

The orgy bit works perfectly with the "dreadful pervert" bit, though. And with dozens (I doubt it's hundreds) of girls trying to rush us.
It's better then telling them to draw a number and stand in line.
Hey, I just copied the aura bit, but I think it's either the excellency or this one:

The orgy bit works perfectly with the "dreadful pervert" bit, though. And with dozens (I doubt it's hundreds) of girls trying to rush us.
It's better then telling them to draw a number and stand in line.

It's Hypnotic Tongue Technique

Cost: 10m, 1wp
Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Social, Stackable, Touch
Duration: Solar's Charisma in days
Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
It is hard for mortals to resist the shining glory of the Solar Exalted. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence to create a Compulsion effect. The Lawgiver's player rolls (Manipulation + Presence). If the result exceeds the target's Mental DV, the target receives a compulsion to follow one order given by the Solar. The order can be as complicated as the Solar desires. The target must spend one Willpower to resist the order but need pay this cost only once per day. The influence fades when the Charm expires.

When the Solar uses Hypnotic Tongue Technique, the target is not aware of the compulsion, nor does the Solar need to spell out the order explicitly in words. If the target wishes to recognize the influence or remember it later, doing so costs four Willpower, which must be spent all at once, and the target is thenceforth fully aware of the effect. Recognizing or remembering the influence is not considered "resisting" it, and the target does not gain Limit from doing so.

Probably better to just call it out I think.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Activate Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Irresistable Salesman Technique.
-[X] "Enough!" you call out, the authority in your voice halting the onrushing mob of high school girls. "You should all be ashamed of yourselves, not only missing classes and causing a scene in the front of the school but to do so in defiance of the Student Council's explicit instructions! Where are the shining stars of Kuoh Academy, the students that are the envy of every other school!" You shift your gaze over the crowd, your heavy disapproval causing many to flinch away from your sight. "Boys, do you think this display of aggression and naked hatred endears you to the hearts of the girls you seek to win? I too know the pain of being the downtrodden, the outcast, of wanting to punch out the face of the bishonen!" You reflectively clench your fist in solidarity. "But take it as a challenge a reason to better yourselves to become someone worthy of their attention! And if I Issei Hyoudou biggest pervert of Kuoh Academy can get a girlfriend than so can you!" As you raise your fist above your head a chorus of male voices answer, their voices tinged with hatred and malice, but also determination. As you turn back to face the girls, your expression softens as you make a heartfelt plea. "And where are the elegant women of Kuoh Academy I've come to love, whose brilliant smiles and easy kindness were one of the things I most looked forward to upon my return?! All I see are a pack of unruly girls that would push and shove each other just to be the first to paw the man they like! Show more respect to Sona, if not because of your respect she's earned for the hard work she does on our behalf, than the knowledge that patient, demure and scholarly girls are totally my type!" As are every other girl, but you keep that last bit to yourself. "And I've appointed her to judge of which 5 female students are the first to make it back to classes WITHOUT BREAKING ANY RULES, those selected each get to have lunch with me a day this week! So return to your classes and conduct yourselves with the dignity and grace I've come to expect from Kuoh students!"

I thought it best to leave off the orgy bit, at least still we're not in front of Sona. That seems the type of thing to drive the boys we're trying to calm down absolutely rabid too...You guys remember that ghost we tried to calm who want ballistic when he heard we had multiple girlfriends? This seems like it could be a repeat...
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[x] megrisvernin

won't this cause our anima to flare up?
Not if Issei stick to his Personal Motes rather then his Peripherals.
Exactly that. We have enough in our personal pool for it.

Ooh. I just had a trolly thought. It ...wouldn't be hard to amend this statement "patient, demure and scholarly girls are totally my type!"

"to patient, demure and scholarly girls like Sona are totally my type!"

And end up with a bunch of people mimicking Sona and some amusing rumors. Though that feels a little mean...I do like how it makes a role model though. Any thoughts?
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Exactly that. We have enough in our personal pool for it.

Ooh. I just had a trolly thought. It ...wouldn't be hard to amend this statement "patient, demure and scholarly girls are totally my type!"

"to patient, demure and scholarly girls like Sona are totally my type!"

And end up with a bunch of people mimicking Sona and some amusing rumors. Though that feels a little mean...I do like how it makes a role model though. Any thoughts?

It sounds trolling.
Any particular reason comes to mind that we shouldn't? I get the feeling Sona might be peeved at us for the trouble our popularity is anyway...And out of curiousity what are your thoughts on my plan as is...
I'd just prefer if we don't charisma everyone into acting like Sona, that seems like it will just piss her off considering we just got back from suspension.
I'd just prefer if we don't charisma everyone into acting like Sona, that seems like it will just piss her off considering we just got back from suspension.
She has enough reasons to dislike Issei already without him demonstrating that he has better control of her school than she does.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Shout out that we love patient, scholarly girls so the first 5 female students that make it to their classes first without breaking any rules get to have lunch with us! Sona's the judge so you have to listen to whatever she says!

Because this is not a case where adding magic will improve the result

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