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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Keeping her favorites around forever? More easily customizing flesh-furniture? Exotic demi-human skin rugs to liven up her Dinosaur-stables? As a prerequisite to Army-In-An-Instant Smile?(converts a township of mortals size category Essence/3 into a fanatically devoted disposable retinue of supernatural attendants, allowing an unprepared Solar to arrive at surprise parties in style.)
That is something that Bright would try to invent a Charm for that when she was alive.

What name would you give to that Charm?
Word-As-Reality Diatribe? Be-As-I-Say Declaration? Rumor Realization Imposition? Solar Bullshit Understanding?

Jokes aside...pretty sure you wouldn't need a special Charm. Just one that can convince a large number of people to believe something...which I'm fairly sure exists in multiple forms.
Just one that can convince a large number of people to believe something...which I'm fairly sure exists in multiple forms.

Wise-Eyed Courtier Method explicitly does this, Wild Revelry Approach could probably be used to get the same effect by evoking the right emotion, and Taboo Inflicting Diatribe can introduce fads as well as taboos so you could make treating Person X the appropriate way to Youkaize them the newest fad.

All are entry level (no pre-reqs) Solar Socialize charms. So yeah, this is easy as pie for a Solar who puts in even minor effort.
yeah this story has gotten hiatused often enough that I tend to forget it exists.
[X] Practice (Raise Rank in Devil Magic)
[X] Relax and enjoy the attentions
I'd love to join this....now, if someone could give me a crash course in Exalted so I could do so without looking like an idiot...

Also, hello, everybody! This is my first time coming here, I hope we all get along!~
I'd love to join this....now, if someone could give me a crash course in Exalted so I could do so without looking like an idiot...
As someone who was new to Exalted when I began reading, I found this extremely helpful:

TVtropes - Exalted | TVtropes - Exalted (Types of Exaltations)

Those two pages in particular helped, but I also recommend a general surfing of the various Exalted subpages on tvtropes.
Also, hello, everybody! This is my first time coming here, I hope we all get along!~
Greetings, please deposit all used tissues in the refuse bin and feel free to come again!
As someone who was new to Exalted when I began reading, I found this extremely helpful:

TVtropes - Exalted | TVtropes - Exalted (Types of Exaltations)

Those two pages in particular helped, but I also recommend a general surfing of the various Exalted subpages on tvtropes.

Greetings, please deposit all used tissues in the refuse bin and feel free to come again!

Welcome and enjoy the quest.

Omakes and Fan Art are welcome.

Thank you!
So, I took a look at the tv tropes page, and it gave me a good idea of lore. Is there anywhere I can go to learn mechanics? Much as I'd love to buy /any/ trpg at this point, im broke. If not, anything i need to know for the character stats and abilities would be nice, unless thats just left up to people who understand it?
So, I took a look at the tv tropes page, and it gave me a good idea of lore. Is there anywhere I can go to learn mechanics? Much as I'd love to buy /any/ trpg at this point, im broke. If not, anything i need to know for the character stats and abilities would be nice, unless thats just left up to people who understand it?
Well, you can go to the official forums. Or one of the many other RPG forums out there that are bound to have at least a section on the game and it's mechanics.
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Omake ideas.

1- The cast meet Ruby, and Yang dog Zwei.

2- God Harem King Chibi (With closeted Bright fan of JoJo).

3- Issei having what if dreams.

4- An encyclopedia made by Bright about the weirdness of this world, that includes the many types of one Yokai, Sacred Gears, Devils, Angels, Grigori, and many things.

5- The last moments of Atlantis, and the birth of "Gojira".

6- Issei meeting the parents of his harem members.



The Omake needs to be more than 1200 words.

EX- An OVA/Movie non-canon like story for this quest.
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