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Advent of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

I was meaning like what are Ddrig's (in this quest) powers. If he doesn't have pen (which I'm ok with) what DOES he have or had?

I'm seriously wondering about it
Why would he have anything? since Albion doesn't have his super special power *Reflect* it's kinda not needed, Boost and such is kinda the whole thing as far as we know *Alexander hasn't said if he is replacing then, just that he wasn't using them from memory, it's been a long time*
I thought boost was a function of the SG? Not Ddrig himself

But it just...seems weird for someone known as the dragons of supremacy and domination to just have...dragoness

I mean Crom chomp and Grendal have abilities beyond just being a dragon and such.

Its just weird to me
I thought boost was a function of the SG? Not Ddrig himself

But it just...seems weird for someone known as the dragons of supremacy and domination to just have...dragoness

I mean Crom chomp and Grendal have abilities beyond just being a dragon and such.

Its just weird to me

Maybe it was the power to beat anyone without any special magical powers other than being a dragon. He was just that strong. The Dragon equivalent to Sairaotg.
I thought boost was a function of the SG? Not Ddrig himself

But it just...seems weird for someone known as the dragons of supremacy and domination to just have...dragoness

I mean Crom chomp and Grendal have abilities beyond just being a dragon and such.

Its just weird to me
Boost IS Driag's thing. Infinite Power to counter Albion's Infinite Divide.

The Gears toned it down to limit that while still giving the Users an Edge.
So... change of subject, what are we going to do with Issei in the coming chapters? I wanted to go with Silent Dawn's plan because it seemed rather solid to me. Plus I do want to get the Shinobi better.
So... change of subject, what are we going to do with Issei in the coming chapters? I wanted to go with Silent Dawn's plan because it seemed rather solid to me. Plus I do want to get the Shinobi better.

I don't really care about the shinobi at all. No idea what setting they come from, no idea which character is which, or what sort of personality/skillset each has. It's just some random crossover that i'm not aware of, and another half-dozen characters that I dont care about to add to the mess. Too many characters in the setting leaves them feeling under-developed and shallow, and it really shows with these ninja. They've had very little impact or presence in the story so far and frankly I don't care enough about them to want that to change.

If Team Ninja vanished now and we never said them again I'd consider it an improvement, because it would mean that there's less chaff clogging up the sidelines, and more screen time to go around the other characters that I actually care about.

I get that i'm probably not in the majority here, but that's how I feel.
I don't really care about the shinobi at all. No idea what setting they come from, no idea which character is which, or what sort of personality/skillset each has. It's just some random crossover that i'm not aware of, and another half-dozen characters that I dont care about to add to the mess. Too many characters in the setting leaves them feeling under-developed and shallow, and it really shows with these ninja. They've had very little impact or presence in the story so far and frankly I don't care enough about them to want that to change.

If Team Ninja vanished now and we never said them again I'd consider it an improvement, because it would mean that there's less chaff clogging up the sidelines, and more screen time to go around the other characters that I actually care about.

I get that i'm probably not in the majority here, but that's how I feel.

The reason the Shinobi haven't got much focus was because they were introduced in an arc that didn't focus on them. I must admit it is definitely a mistake on the part of the author to squeeze their introduction right before the Excalibur sword arc, but your comment definitely is right in that you are far from the majority opinion. I didn't know who the heck those girls were either, so I looked them up on the web. They come a rather good video game series Senran Kagura.
well the two votes currently are kinglugias and dawns

[X] Spending time with our harem
-[X] It's been a while since we have spent time with our lovers - now that the Phenex issue is done with, we can have time to get to know our lovers better. After all, a successful Harem King should be able to successfully balance his private and work time, right? Especially when you're a Solar.

[X] Sona's request
-[X] We hired Ninja for situations like this. Have them investigate the girl causing the disturbances in the area.
--[X] Their objective is to find a place for us to confront her. They are not to confront her if without us - emphasize that as Dragons, we tend to draw powers to us and talking with her is our responsibility.

[X] Research
-[X] The Evil Pieces are almost done and once our Manse is done we will have a workshop to experiment in so finish them off.
-[X] Check Manse construction, if it's too slow, ask Rias for help. (she completely reformed Issei's home a single night)

[X] Organizing our territory
-[X] Have Mittelt and Eiko to see to the local youkai community and if anything needs our immediate attention.

[X] Training
-[X] Finish the Training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End
-[X] Dexterity, Wits, Perception
-[X] You can finish them while in your mind-scape, after all, Bright-sensei had some kind of magical Bullshit that allows her to increase the flow of time within, right?

Going to take this option. Alexander, even if the spending time with harem doesn't win, can you still squeeze in some time for them?

Never said that getting DEX or IAM would make things a walk in the park. I said it would increase our survivality, and I'm correct in this.

And you insist to get Knacks, why? The ones you posted suck. I'm going to read them more carefully, but I don't see a reason to get them. There are few things that Solars underperform, like flying and regen, those were good Knacks that we already got. If anything we would need stuff that kills with a touch, capacity to shapeshift to anything, psychic powers and other tricks that Solars usually can't get. More damage capacity isn't among them. Show me some worthwhile Knacks.

Changing my plan:

[X] Spending time with our harem
-[X] It's been a while since we have spent time with our lovers - now that the Phenex issue is done with, we can have time to get to know our lovers better. After all, a successful Harem King should be able to successfully balance his private and work time, right? Especially when you're a Solar.
--[X] Try to upgrade our relationship with the shinobi from employer to friend.

[X] Sona's request
-[X] We hired Ninja for situations like this. Have them investigate the girl causing the disturbances in the area.
--[X] Their objective is to find a place for us to confront her. They are not to confront her if without us - emphasize that as Dragons, we tend to draw powers to us and talking with her is our responsibility.

[X] Research
-[X] The Evil Pieces are almost done and once our Manse is done we will have a workshop to experiment in so finish them off.
-[X] Check Manse construction, if it's too slow, ask Rias for help. (she completely reformed Issei's home a single night)

[X] Organizing our territory
-[X] Have Mittelt and Eiko to see to the local youkai community and if anything needs our immediate attention.

[X] Training
-[X] Finish the Training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End
-[X] Dexterity
-[X] Specialty Boosted Gear 3 (Martial Arts)

-[X] You can finish them while in your mind-scape, after all, Bright-sensei had some kind of magical Bullshit that allows her to increase the flow of time within, right?

[X] More Issei's Adventures. If Alex is interested.

In bold my divergence with Kinglugia.

since i support king lugias plan seeing as i have no clue what specialty means but here is my new vote a kind of hybrid between the two

[X] Spending time with our harem
-[X] It's been a while since we have spent time with our lovers - now that the Phenex issue is done with, we can have time to get to know our lovers better. After all, a successful Harem King should be able to successfully balance his private and work time, right? Especially when you're a Solar.
--[X] Try to upgrade our relationship with the shinobi from employer to friend.
---[X] Do something nice for Eiko, she has done remarkably well despite the increase in headaches, and deserves a reward.

[X] Sona's request
-[X] We hired Ninja for situations like this. Have them investigate the girl causing the disturbances in the area.
--[X] Their objective is to find a place for us to confront her. They are not to confront her if without us - emphasize that as Dragons, we tend to draw powers to us and talking with her is our responsibility.

[X] Research
-[X] The Evil Pieces are almost done and once our Manse is done we will have a workshop to experiment in so finish them off.
-[X] Check Manse construction, if it's too slow, ask bright if there is any way to speed up the construction.

[X] Organizing our territory
-[X] Have Mittelt and Eiko to see to the local youkai community and if anything needs our immediate attention.
-[X] Check with Rias and Sona to see if any Jurisdiction issues come up.

[X] Training
-[X] Finish the Training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End
-[X] Dexterity, Wits, Perception
-[X] Specialty Boosted Gear 3 (Martial Arts)
-[X] You can finish them while in your mind-scape, after all, Bright-sensei had some kind of magical Bullshit that allows her to increase the flow of time within, right?
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err, the whole get Rias to finish the manse is tacky as fuck, we've already hired people to do it, and the whole point of it is that we have gotten it done WITHOUT begging for help from Rias and her family, just saying
First noahgab, thanks for compiling the voting options. It helps quite a bit. Now for thoughts and impressions, cause I never got around to doing it with the others.

[X] Spending time with our harem
-[X] It's been a while since we have spent time with our lovers - now that the Phenex issue is done with, we can have time to get to know our lovers better. After all, a successful Harem King should be able to successfully balance his private and work time, right? Especially when you're a Solar.
--[X] Try to upgrade our relationship with the shinobi from employer to friend.
---[X] Do something nice for Eiko, she has done remarkably well despite the increase in headaches, and deserves a reward.
Good ideas, though I'd change it to get to know the Shinobi instead. But that's just me.

[X] Sona's request
-[X] We hired Ninja for situations like this. Have them investigate the girl causing the disturbances in the area.
--[X] Their objective is to find a place for us to confront her. They are not to confront her if without us - emphasize that as Dragons, we tend to draw powers to us and talking with her is our responsibility.
Before seeing the Phenex we decided not to send the Shinobi on this mission mostly cause they were new to the area and didn't know it that well, it's been ~24 hours since then. A good chunk of which was spent in the Underworld.

[X] Research
-[X] The Evil Pieces are almost done and once our Manse is done we will have a workshop to experiment in so finish them off.
-[X] Check Manse construction, if it's too slow, ask Rias for help. (she completely reformed Issei's home a single night)
I'd highly recommend removing any mention of asking Rias for help with the Manse for the reasons mentioned in above posts. Asking for a status update is a good idea, unless we asked for one before seeing the Phenex, can't recall if we did.

[X] Organizing our territory
-[X] Have Mittelt and Eiko to see to the local youkai community and if anything needs our immediate attention.
Consensus before we met the Phenex was that we needed to talk with Rias and Sona about jurisdiction and all that, I don't think we got around to doing so. That said I'm fairly sure we arranged a meeting with them on the issue. Might want to include mention of that.

[X] Training
-[X] Finish the Training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End
-[X] Dexterity, Wits, Perception
-[X] Specialty Boosted Gear 3 (Martial Arts)
-[X] You can finish them while in your mind-scape, after all, Bright-sensei had some kind of magical Bullshit that allows her to increase the flow of time within, right?
Good ideas. And "Specialty Boosted Gear 3 (Martial Arts)" means that when we use Boosted Gear while making a MA roll we get +3 dice. That said I vaguely recall some mention that our mindscape training wasn't available at the moment, course it's been so long since we even thought about it that period has probably passed.
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Just got volume 7... so does touching tits after boosting does what I think it does?
[X] Spending time with our harem
-[X] It's been a while since we have spent time with our lovers - now that the Phenex issue is done with, we can have time to get to know our lovers better. After all, a successful Harem King should be able to successfully balance his private and work time, right? Especially when you're a Solar.
--[X] Try to upgrade our relationship with the shinobi from employer to friend.
---[X] Do something nice for Eiko, she has done remarkably well despite the increase in headaches, and deserves a reward.

[X] Sona's request
-[X] We hired Ninja for situations like this. Have them investigate the girl causing the disturbances in the area.
--[X] Buut, they don't know the area or what we're facing here... so go with them. Make it a training trip or a date.

[X] Research
-[X] The Evil Pieces are almost done and once our Manse is done we will have a workshop to experiment in so finish them off.
-[X] Check Manse construction, if it's too slow, ask bright if there is any way to speed up the construction.

[X] Organizing our territory
-[X] Have Mittelt and Eiko to see to the local youkai community and if anything needs our immediate attention.
-[X] Check with Rias and Sona to see if any Jurisdiction issues come up.

[X] Training
-[X] Finish the Training for Hypnotic Tongue Technique and Hastening Night's End
-[X] Dexterity, Wits, Perception
-[X] Specialty Boosted Gear 3 (Martial Arts)
-[X] You can finish them while in your mind-scape, after all, Bright-sensei had some kind of magical Bullshit that allows her to increase the flow of time within, right?

Changed one of the subvotes, marked in italics. It's my personal preference to go with our ninja, for the simple reasoning we don't know what they can do in a supernatural fight. Once we know for sure where they stand in the power scale, we can give then greater autonomy. And of course, spending time with five beautiful girls.

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