Lords of the Night 3
Imperator Pax
Talon Master
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Lords of the Night 3
He had arrived relatively early in the morning but that of course was made possible by travelling subterraneanly. The reality was that it was becoming hazardous to drive at night for simple environmental factors. Everything was having to slow down in terms of overland travel, even the Shongairi seemed to be having fuel problems as stockpiles dwindled and synthetic production simply couldn't keep up with demand. The Cold Mountain habitation was gradually expanding.Dennis Vardry had of course seen habitation blocks before. It shouldn't have been any sort of surprise to him... maybe it was the scale or at least the speed with which the Dvorak-Wilson home had grown from the surface cabin, and the cave behind the waterfall, to the rapidly expanded facility that had convinced him that it was time for him and his wife to move in with his cousins' extended clan.
It didn't matter to Kane. He certainly didn't care that the Dvorak-Wilson clan had elected to 'bug out' as it were from Greenville, really there was nothing to criticize there. Nor was there any criticism for those who had done similar in the outer county or the surrounding farms of the neighboring ones. Dvorak had withdrawn into the rural back country, and taken stock of the situation, and proven useful for the logistical backend and storage of material for more active participation in the resistance.
Those farmers in the upstate had had some speculation that they would be able to farm, but those grand ideas greatly overestimated fuel availability for modern mechanization, even for the ones who managed to avoid Shongairi attention before the puppies had fallen back north, and towards the coast, and then from human predation. Simply put with the invasion under way it wasn't readily feasible to run modern combines, and harvesters.
Labor intensive farming was much harder to manage with aliens, and human marauders running around. Montreat was slightly better off than Greenville county because of geography, but the area around black mountain just was not as good farmland. "Asheville is using the Biltmore to grow food." Wilson, Dvorak's brother in law, stated.
"Yes, I had heard that." And that made sense, even if it approached putting all one's eggs in one basket a single kinetic strike on the estate ... well then again if the Shongairi were going to strike Asheville it wasn't going to be just one. "I am somewhat surprised that given the situation that more of the town leadership hasn't relocated to there." Kane remarked. He was a little disappointed actually, if it looked as if the council was going to switch sides having them at the estate and relatively isolated from town would have made them much easier to deal with quietly in the middle of the night.
The conversation turned as Dave Dvorak returned from racking his long arm, which quickly turned the conversation to guns. Dennis Vardry's move in had included his relocation of what Kane would have termed quaint at one point, but at the present 30-30 and the Mini 14 still managed to shoot lead at the enemy invaders, and that was enough. It was merely unfortunate that Wilson seemed obsessed with the larger caliber side of the argument.
"I admit that I was in your position at one point," as he wound around and through the finer points of a 175 gr sierra match king, and its terminal performance, "But the Shongairi did not come expecting smokeless gunpowder, and didn't bring effective body armor."
"But its just a souped up 22." The retired marine almost whined at the notion.
"And if we were routinely engaging passed four hundred yards I would concur," Kane's preferred 77gr 223 Wylde from the compact HK 416A5 was sufficient at most ranges... but the reality was he wore it more to give cover. It had come out of his gunsafe, the safe salvaged from a trip to Fayetteville about two hundred miles to the south east, solely because it was expected he had a rifle... the truth was he had pulled the trigger perhaps a dozen times in anger, and probably had fired less than two hundred rounds from a rifle over the course of the invasion... but Kane knew that in no small part to magic... and Ana's distaste for firearms. Marduk's daughter had grimacing accepted the Sig P226, and he doubted she would bother to use it if a firefight broke out... more likely immediately resorting to ... distinctly supernatural means... but he supposed that was going to be a matter to contend with later, "But we are not, this is not Afghanistan, and we are predominantly having to contend with mechanized infantry in close quarters." The Shongairi orbital advantage was only part of that.
Wilson put aside his discussion of the M1A National Match rifle as Mitchell returned with a plate of fish that he had slathered with some kind of bourbon glaze. "Any idea when we can start rolling out the M4s to the troops?" Mitchell questioned.
"The computers are already evaluating the cutting process now." It was mostly quality assurance. The M16A2 was optimized for SS109 ball and thus had a 1-7 twist. "In terms of roll out we save time by using as many pre invasion off the shelf parts as possible." Particularly commercial polymer parts, like stocks, and pistol grips, but not having to manufacture hand guards was also a plus. "It would be faster if we'd recovered the Columbia machinery intact, but again realistically, anything that slung lead.
Mitchell filled them in that the situation the coast was getting hairy, "We think that we can push the puppies out of the coast, but we also don't want a power vacuum where any two legged assholes come to try and take advantage of."
Kane nodded, throwing a look to Ana. "With the food situation desperation is going to increase. As much as an immediate counter attack would be warranted against a peer foe to keep them off balance that isn't the case." Mitchell wanted to rearm with M4s because that had been US doctrine, the human resistance groups in the carolinas had a wide range of weapons, but given the close quarters, and vehicle dependent contact with the enemy it wasn't the worst idea. They were small and less bulky than the A2. Unlike Matherson's Black Mountain based militia Mitchell was a little more institutionally loath to adopt AKMs, despite the robustness of computer controlled milled guns.
The truth was of course that the resupply of AT4s, and supply of anti aircraft weapons really was the greater benefit. That and of course synthgas, and vehicle spare parts. Kane broke a piece of corn bread and ate.
"That'll be good," Mitchell remarked as the conversation continued to wind towards the western theater, and the supply of weapons. "We're getting some contact with groups in Ohio,"
Akron might actually be ideal given its present condition. The Shongairi were unlikely to look too hard at it after their recent strike. Now might be an ideal time to build a habitation block there, but it was, "Too far north for the moment, the river network certainly is useful, and over crossing Lake Eyrie would be possible," With drone transports, though he wasn't going to specify or emphasize the robotic nature of the machines, "I am still looking for a sufficiently adequate staging ground in the Cumberland mountains."
"I thought you were going to use pigeon forge?"
"Thats not going to be large enough, I'm afraid. That's well and good for the survivors in Tennesse especially with a winter potentially colder than we expected," And so many people not used to the loss of long term electrical power Zwei had had to retask more assets there. "Our more immediate concern is the situation nearer to hand."
"But the refugees?" Dave Dvorak spoke up drawing the subject back to the original topic of food and the habitation blocks, and away from the concern of ... rumors of Shongairi experimentation.
"These can be built fairly quickly," As he had seen, "Concrete, steel, wiring can be run through, but as you can imagine the build process is automated for military conveniences, not human comfort.," And that wasn't good for civilian psychology already battered by the invasion. "Our objective with these is insure that as much of the remaining human population makes through the winter. That takes priority over much of the manufacture of new warheads and rockets, even though we will need those."
Small arms were all well and good, AT4s were great as fire and forget but they could not forget winter was coming and most urban dwellers had no idea how to deal with that, even the ones that had made it this far.
Kane felt the autumn wind tip around, pushing, and driving broken, and weathered tree branches. The desolation the Shongairi had inflicted was having effects on local ecology. Without government there was no maintenance to cut back on grass, and trees... with the Shongairi holing up in their enclaves their presence was limited and that meant roads were falling into disrepair... or rather further disrepair. The lack of brush clearing, and other factors had lead to fires, and that tended to weaken highway bypass and overhangs and that broke up roadways.
That let Mitchell disappear into the underground travel paths cut by the montauk after hitting Shongairi patrols that did leave the safety of their FOBs seemingly like ghosts and reduced the ability to pursue.
That was precisely what Mitchell was doing now. Ana leaned against the snapped cypress, coolly surveying the storm tossed damage left uncleared by state or federal government. The Shongairi certainly didn't seem to care. He looked at the single, "Mitchell is away, its just us now." He looked at the waxing moon and the starlifter. An expansion of mental will sent the telepathic command to an unmanned surface to air missile battery that was wholly disposable if it were destroyed... the Shongairi strategic transport aircraft was much much more expensive for the aliens to replace.
To that end, he had no worries as the battery quickly salvoed off its several missiles towards the descending transport aircraft. The first missile slammed just forward of the nose, and the other five hit the massive frigate sized flying machine across its body. Kane had no idea what the thing was carrying, but the Shongairi had been flying them in and out was entirely too supsicious. At its altitude the so called 'Medium' SAM Missiles insured it went into an uncontrolled free fall and that much of the aircraft body became shooting stars cratering across the landing strip the Shongairi field crews had laid out meticulously months earlier.
Fleet Commander Thickair was not immediately inclined to view the sudden SAM attack as an escalation, or as a sign to come. If anything Shongairi Ground Commanders were quick to insist that given that an entire launch had been expended, even if they could not identify the actual launch system, or that the specific missile best corresponded to a soviet launch system, was an indicator of human desperation rather than escalation or signs of a counter attack.
Of course it was 'just bad luck' the assembly of Shongairi leaders reporting to the fleet commander agreed that their existing program of zones that were only a few hundred kilometers across simply needed to continue, so that they could better prevent future attacks. The Shongairi traditions of consensus Ground and Squadron commanders who disagreed were largely ignored without repercussion. Thickair listened to them, and the reports ended up in a file ... files that would inevitably be recovered after the human victory... still the loss of such large strategic lift transport spacecraft in supposedly safe space over north america represented a problem... but it would be quickly overshadowed by the losses on the ground at the end of the human month of 'October' around what the humans called 'halloween'...
The Shongairi ironically had a relatively similar holiday at least so far as ghost and ghouls went, as it happened, something that one Vladislav Dracula found bitterly amusing when he learned of it.
As for the here and now, Kane smiled at the burning debris as it showered the Shongairi base.
"Lets hope they were bringing expensive stuff in, instead of out," Ana sourly remarked even as they waited and watched the Shongairi response start to come in over the radio. GB Commander Terraik... probably equivalent at least a brigadier general, had not been expecting such an event tonight and he was now presently in an argument with the navy puppies.
The Shongairi in Greensboro had shut the internet down.... mostly. Cell phones were still a thing so it could hardly be called successful and of course it wasn't as if Zwei was merely human in terms of plugging into their data nets...
Unfortunately that penetration of the data network confirmed that Howell was providing Shongairi convoys with security inside of North Carolina... Kane flexed a hand until the knuckles popped at the scroll of data. There was another problem to contend with as well. A shongairi Company sized MechInfantry unit was due to start patrolling western North Carolina, and would be within a patrol radius of Black Mountain. So they would be going back west after this.