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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

That's because that's impossible because there *are no other Scions ANYWHERE*.

Entities are unique. They only exist once per the sum total of all realities.

You don't understand how the Worm omniverse functions, do you?
Yes. I do. The subject in question is "people from Ameila, a post-Scion-verse, shouldn't be able to go to Atonement, a post-Scion-verse." Yes, there is only one Scion. I understand this. Yes, this is the reason you can't go to another universe that diverges after that point- there isn't another Scion, so there isn't another verse split after that point to go to, therefore "Amelia-verse" and "Atonement-verse" can't both exist. Are you being dense on purpose or what? You seem to be a smart individual, what with how well you write despite some flaws you are aware of and actively fixing. We're actually agreeing on this, whether you realize it or not. We're saying the same thing; it's just that you don't understand that. This isn't even functionally an argument. We seem to agree you can't go to another verse after Scion, because Scion doesn't exist in multiple universes, but you seem to think I'm saying you can't go to another verse "too close" as an arbitrary thing set up by Scion. (it is true, as quoted in that passage, since powers and everything coming from powers consider them to be the same universe, so Labyrinth-based targeting would consider them the same if they were "too close," but that isn't relevant here. It was a bad quote, and barely relevant, and I apologize.)
Fanon. And disproven by canon, at that. Aleph and Dalet both were worlds identical to Bet, with the exception that Scion didn't happen to them. And Dalet broke off at the point where communication was made with Aleph. Were it not for that, all three would be indistinguishable from each other.

And yet, they had Dalet and Aleph. Point stands: I don't know how much more identical you can get than identical, but those worlds were identical to Bet with exception to Scion.

Well actually there are other differences. Aleph, for instance, didn't have a Taylor Hebert. Annette married someone else and had two sons, IIRC.

We've got WoG to this effect, plus a bit of evidence.
If scion dies does his sanctions on close parallel realities die with him?,that's something readers and fan fiction writers should think about.
Depends on how dead he is. Is he dead how Eden is dead (shards still do stuff), or is he dead-dead?
If the latter, then the cordon falls. If the former, it stays up unless the shard/shard cluster that generates the sanctions is damaged in his 'death'.
Depends on how dead he is. Is he dead how Eden is dead (shards still do stuff), or is he dead-dead?
If the latter, then the cordon falls. If the former, it stays up unless the shard/shard cluster that generates the sanctions is damaged in his 'death'.
Not necessarily. It depends on if the effect is ongoing, and therefore requires maintenance, or an actual physical alteration.

Put another way, is Scion holding the door closed, or did he just use a padlock? If the latter, it'll remain locked until they can find the key.
Yes, this is the reason you can't go to another universe that diverges after that point- there isn't another Scion, so there isn't another verse split after that point to go to, therefore "Amelia-verse" and "Atonement-verse" can't both exist.

That is incorrect. Worm universe is built on something like "quantum multiverse" model. Each event with multiple possible outcomes splits world in several worlds. There were such splits long before scion arrival (low-tech worlds where Cauldron got their cases 53 in canon, barren planet which became Avalon in this fic), there were such splits after his arrival (Dalet). Amelia and Atonement could be different universes in that multiverse.

Well actually there are other differences. Aleph, for instance, didn't have a Taylor Hebert. Annette married someone else and had two sons, IIRC.

We've got WoG to this effect, plus a bit of evidence.

Taylor was born more than a decade after Scion arrival, so it can be easuily explained as butterflies. I can't remember differences between Aleph and Bet that predate Scion.
Just FYI guys, anything about Dalet is Copacetic canon only. Ballpark was that there was about 200 worlds with military technology up to the level of explosives, but we have no evidence of any splits happening after the Aleph/Bet split and Scion.
That is incorrect. Worm universe is built on something like "quantum multiverse" model. Each event with multiple possible outcomes splits world in several worlds. There were such splits long before scion arrival (low-tech worlds where Cauldron got their cases 53 in canon, barren planet which became Avalon in this fic), there were such splits after his arrival (Dalet). Amelia and Atonement could be different universes in that multiverse.

Taylor was born more than a decade after Scion arrival, so it can be easuily explained as butterflies. I can't remember differences between Aleph and Bet that predate Scion.

Unless I totally misunderstood Worm multiverse it wasn't build on the quantum multiverse model, it was built on the idea of a finite but huge multiverse, all the universes began with the big bang each being entirely identical, but due to Chaos theory some universes has developed differently from others, and the further you go from the start of all the universes, the more universes diverge from each other.
The number of universes are however so huge that there still exist a huge amount of planets that are near identical, earth bet and earth Aleph is near identical, since the same events have happened there.

But there are probably huge differences, on a galactic or universal scale, since the fact that the earth developed the same don't mean all the other planets in their universes did.

The Entities however are each unique, since they spread to all iterations of their origin world, before they destroyed it.

So while at the start of the Entities evolution, prior to them becoming interdimensional, there was probably billions and billions of different versions of the Entities, when they began to spread they began to interact, and therefore each became unique, this became even moreso true after they left their world, since they mark a route as already used, so other Entities won't come.

If universes split endlessly the entities wouldn't have a any need for the cyclesm since they could continually make a bigger and bigger universe by combining universesm thereby prolonging heat death.

And since the new bigger longer lasting universe would also split, there would never come a point where all available universes for combination was already experiencing heat death.

So yeah Worm multiverse don't split.
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That is incorrect. Worm universe is built on something like "quantum multiverse" model. Each event with multiple possible outcomes splits world in several worlds. There were such splits long before scion arrival (low-tech worlds where Cauldron got their cases 53 in canon, barren planet which became Avalon in this fic), there were such splits after his arrival (Dalet). Amelia and Atonement could be different universes in that multiverse.
Except that there is only one Scion in said multiverse. Scion, as I recall, spends all of his (pre-Gold Morning) time rocking around Earth Bet. If there's only one Scion, which Earth Bet is he currently at? If there's a Scion in each Bet (Amelia, Atonement), then one better leave, because there's only one Scion that's laid claim to Earth and all its dimensional neighbours.

Otherwise, everyone in Amelia AND Atonement is in deep doo-doo, because Scion just found another Entity to partner with, and the dance begins again ...
My personal take on it is that the Entities have access to a local Multiversal cluster: a large but finite number of closely connected universes. Their own multidimensional nature prevents any doppelgängers anywhere in their cluster. There are, however, a great many clusters in the wider Multiverse, and some have Entities too ... some remarkably similar to the Golden Man and his dead girlfriend ...
Except that there is only one Scion in said multiverse. Scion, as I recall, spends all of his (pre-Gold Morning) time rocking around Earth Bet. If there's only one Scion, which Earth Bet is he currently at? If there's a Scion in each Bet (Amelia, Atonement), then one better leave, because there's only one Scion that's laid claim to Earth and all its dimensional neighbours.

Otherwise, everyone in Amelia AND Atonement is in deep doo-doo, because Scion just found another Entity to partner with, and the dance begins again ...

Hmmm.. You are right. Scion uniqueness doesn't mesh with quantum multiverse, otherwise there would be countless universes where (from viewpoint of inhabitants) Scion just disappeared one day and no one knows why (Actually, that was because someone overslept five minutes and caused universe split fom Bet). Now I want to see baffled Cauldron's faces.)
Why hasn't Pantheon used their new alliance with Cauldron to ask for their research notes on the formula mixtures to see if they could improve or find a way make it in to a airborne gas that could trigger more people without wasting the rest of their supply.a army of triumvirate level caps and they barely wasted 1 quarter of the vial.with Coils powers they could redo the whole thing till they get it right.
Echidna happened because Noelle didn't drink a full vial, you know.

Also, triggering a bunch of people all at once with an airborn gas is just about the worst idea ever.
Echidna happened because Noelle didn't drink a full vial, you know.

Also, triggering a bunch of people all at once with an airborn gas is just about the worst idea ever.

It isn't if you hate them. Then it's pretty fun.

Haha, that one grew enlarged, inverted eyeballs! Oh, cool, he got the ability to read minds... as long as he's looking at someone.

Ooh, look at that one! Giant floppy nose! Shame it pushed all his facial features to edge of his face and shattered his skull. Ew, I think I can see his frontal lobe.
Seriously guys, this isn't rocket science.

Stop mixing up the Worm multiverse with fan fiction.
Frankly. I really don't like Atonement. It was okay for a while, but never really good, and then Pandora happened. Good fucking god evil twins yuck no. In all of human literature, the evil twin/clone/alt reality/alt future has *never once* been done well.

... Worm was okay for the evil clone thing, only because there wasn't much of a deal made of them being clones. They were monstrous weaponized copies.
Pandora is hardly an evil twin, mostly because she isn't even evil at all. Her mind was damaged and rebuilt which removed the typical Noelle influence. I think you missed out on what would have changed your mind about things.

The author of that story loves to bait-and-switch people, much like you.
Frankly. I really don't like Atonement. It was okay for a while, but never really good, and then Pandora happened. Good fucking god evil twins yuck no. In all of human literature, the evil twin/clone/alt reality/alt future has *never once* been done well.

... Worm was okay for the evil clone thing, only because there wasn't much of a deal made of them being clones. They were monstrous weaponized copies.
Another well done evil twin would be Amelia from Silencio who again has a reversed Manton limit version of Amy's power.
Another well done evil twin would be Amelia from Silencio who again has a reversed Manton limit version of Amy's power.
Not really. Silencio gets away with it by being charming, funny, fun, and not taking itself too seriously... but there's a huge difference between "getting away with" and "well done".

Pandora is hardly an evil twin, mostly because she isn't even evil at all. Her mind was damaged and rebuilt which removed the typical Noelle influence. I think you missed out on what would have changed your mind about things.

Yes. I am aware. I got to the part with their whole "truce". Bombings. The stuff with Taylor's dad. Yeah, I walked away because it was a combination of convoluted, cheesy, boring, and just unenjoyable in general.
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You'll end up with a ton of villains and one heroic black kid with electricity powers.
Your bringing up the plot of static shock is pointless, it wouldn't be hard for a cauldron/Pantheon alliance to find tributes.. I mean volunteers for them to test the superpower gas and with Coil in the background using his powers to perfect it and chev and Vicky nearby nothing can go wrong.
Your bringing upup the plot of static shock is pointless, it wouldn't be hard for a cauldron/Pantheon alliance to find tributes.. I mean volunteers for them to test the superpower gas and with Coil in the background using his powers to perfect it and chev and VickyVicky nearby nothing came go wrong.
Of course, if you really wanted to make an army for Cauldron, you'd grow a bunch of Different-DNA'd-Becky's, feed them all highly deviant Cauldron vials, and have the Victalier team fix the ones they can into a normal human shape.

Powerful capes that are already devoted to the cause. What could possible go wrong?
They could could create a airborne varient of the forumala that works by cloudseeding Avalon to make it more effective.....a world of triumvirate level parahumans.
They could could create a airborne varient of the forumala that works by cloudseeding Avalon to make it more effective.....a world of triumvirate level parahumans.
What we don't realize is that at some point, while Taylia was inactive (probably during the time Amelia was dead), Contessa used PTV to gain herself access to a copy of the team. She has them working in an alternate Earth doing just that.

Now I say that with tongue firmly in cheek, but if there was a time that Contessa would be most useful in regards to Pantheon, that would have been it...


And now I've gone and worried myself.
No reason not to just clone Eidolon over and over at that point. Then half a quarter running recharge.
The biggest problem I can see with doing that is that each Eidolon is a blind spot on PTV, so they'd have to decide if it's better to have multiple weapons of that caliber compared to having even less of a clear view of the future... Of course, when you have Taylia mucking it up anyway, it might be a moot point.

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