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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

I notice that you're not objecting to "Skinny Chick". Which is negative toward people who are skinny, and chicks.
Look, despite all evidence to the contrary, I'm perfectly capable of reading things without missing whole lines worth of text. Lets just forget that it happened to be about the most recent topic. Which I started.

God damn it.
you know what would be a real troll from TanaNari? having it not be Eidolon making the Endbringers.
That would be incredibly disappointing more than anything. There has yet to be a story that has dealt with Eidolon having created the Endbringers are something more than some epilogue trivia. This is usually after some OP character curb-stomps their way through Worm.

It would be nice to see this dealt with in a more natural way and not after he is dead.
That would be incredibly disappointing more than anything. There has yet to be a story that has dealt with Eidolon having created the Endbringers are something more than some epilogue trivia. This is usually after some OP character curb-stomps their way through Worm.
I disagree. Having the Endbringer problem solved after 15 minutes with Bonesaw (or after 15 weeks with Yamada, if that's not an option) would be incredibly anticlimactic. If TanaNari could come up with a coherent set of motivations for the group that created the Endbringers, and an explanation for why Cauldron hasn't found them (they have Clairvoyant, after all) then that would be far more interesting.

Though, I'm not sure that's possible.
Clairvoyant is (relatively) easy to get around. If I'm remembering right, Clairvoyant has focusing issues due to the fact they see everything in multiple earths. So provided whatever group made/created/controlled the Endbringers never calls them that (which is likely, since they are responsible for them they'd have their own names) they'd be hard to find.

They'd have to have dimensional crossing technology or abilities, so moving/hiding isn't hard. And they can create precog blocking creatures, so there's something else that makes them hard to find.
That would be incredibly disappointing more than anything. There has yet to be a story that has dealt with Eidolon having created the Endbringers are something more than some epilogue trivia. This is usually after some OP character curb-stomps their way through Worm.

It would be nice to see this dealt with in a more natural way and not after he is dead.
Security! has him alive and taking therapy ...

... not saying they're dealt with (yet) but the process is happening.
So ... if they can get ribbons of Atropos-kills-everything-fuck-you that are under Sabah's control and affected by Missy's power ... what keeps them from just making a sphere or cage?
Probably the amount of ribbons they could manipulate in the time they had.
shame they don't have a expendable clone army of Clockblockers....that would be cool.this is trailer music that i found called "Earth is lost" from the Twisted Jukebox Studio and created by Chris Haigh and Matt Welch.
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this is trailer music that i found called "Earth is lost" from the Twisted Jukebox Studio and created by Chris Haigh and Matt Welch.
I like the contrast between the endbringer fight and something like... the first movement of Beethoven's 6th.

It seems like it wouldn't fit, and it doesn't... At least not from the heroes' perspective. It fits better if you imagine the chapter from the Endbringer's perspective. Wendy floats in, casually disregards the attempts to limit her consumption and goes right on doing her thang.
Security! has him alive and taking therapy ...

... not saying they're dealt with (yet) but the process is happening.
I was talking more about the whole Endbringer side of things. In Security, there hasn't been an opportunity to see if anything has changed on that front. Eidolon's role in things is still very much a secret that only a handful know and was revealed by a person with meta-knowledge of Worm.

It doesn't have the same impact as people figuring it out on their own and then trying to figure out how to deal with it without someone there to guide them.
I was talking more about the whole Endbringer side of things. In Security, there hasn't been an opportunity to see if anything has changed on that front. Eidolon's role in things is still very much a secret that only a handful know and was revealed by a person with meta-knowledge of Worm.

It doesn't have the same impact as people figuring it out on their own and then trying to figure out how to deal with it without someone there to guide them.
Your point is valid.
Can't they just shunt it into another dimension?
You know...everyone keeps asking when Lisa will figure out the Endmaker is Eidolon...

As things stand now, that is 100% impossible. She CAN'T figure out it's Eidolon, because her power is working off of several wrong assumptions.

It's made clear that Lisa's power CAN be wrong, if it's working off of an incorrect bit of data. Off the top of my head I can see two MAJOR assumptions her power is using that are wrong.

1: The Endmakers are a group using power combinations to create them.

2: The Endmakers are controlling the Endbringer directly.

So two puzzle pieces need to be discovered for Lisa's power figure out it's Eidolon.

1: There is only one Endmaker; not a group.

2: The Endmaker is NOT AWARE he's making them.

So can we quit with all the "C'mon Lisa, figure out it's Eidolon already!" posts after every chapter?:D
You know...everyone keeps asking when Lisa will figure out the Endmaker is Eidolon...

As things stand now, that is 100% impossible. She CAN'T figure out it's Eidolon, because her power is working off of several wrong assumptions.

It's made clear that Lisa's power CAN be wrong, if it's working off of an incorrect bit of data. Off the top of my head I can see two MAJOR assumptions her power is using that are wrong.

1: The Endmakers are a group using power combinations to create them.

2: The Endmakers are controlling the Endbringer directly.

So two puzzle pieces need to be discovered for Lisa's power figure out it's Eidolon.

1: There is only one Endmaker; not a group.

2: The Endmaker is NOT AWARE he's making them.

So can we quit with all the "C'mon Lisa, figure out it's Eidolon already!" posts after every chapter?:D
Why would we do something that makes sense? That's boring.
Endbringer chapters are rapidly becoming banal.
*curls up and cries*

So ... move the Endbringer elsewhere THEN beat the snot out of it?
Sure, if you can convince the Endbringer to cooperate with that.

you know what would be a real troll from TanaNari? having it not be Eidolon making the Endbringers.
I know the line between "troll" and "retarded" is both thin and blurry. But this wouldn't be a troll move. It'd just be retarded.

Sabah is this things perfect counter.
In what possible way?

what keeps them from just making a sphere or cage?
Because Lily's power has limitations in canon that clearly make this impossible.

Can't they just shunt it into another dimension?
How, pray tell, are they going to do that?
She'd experimented, after getting her power. Found that she could contain the telekinesis and keep it from dissipating. It hadn't been constructive until she started working with more flexible materials. Porous materials worked best, because her telekinesis could soak into them, through them, and allow her to move the fabric rather than just the material within. The gaps in the fabric allowed her to feed power into the 'shell' without it building to critical mass and collapsing. Cloth worked best. Torn or ripped seams could be mended, any other damage proved easily fixable, compared to the issues sturdier material posed. It was plentiful, cheap, and effective. Cloth was her ideal material.
Since her power works on Endbringer tissue, I had the notion that this Endbringers' destabilized form would be especially susceptible to her brand of TK if it was timed correctly.
In what possible way?
Her power is actually micro-telekinesis? I seem to recall hearing a rumor about word of god to that effect. I think GiftofLove is thinking "okay, Endbringer made of lots and lots of tiny pieces ... Sabah just controls it via her micro-TK."

Or something. I'm guessing, here.

Edit: somehow completely overlooked GiftofLove's post just above. Don't mind me.
How, pray tell, are they going to do that?
Create a portal in front of the Endbringer, impart momentum on the endbringer, close the portal behind the endbringer.

I guess I may have missunderstood stuff about their portal creation, but considering how easily they seem to be capable of shunting around between dimensions I don't see why this couldn't be applied to an endbringer.

Considering you didn't even consider this option, there probably is some reason why this wouldn't work, but it would be nice if you could enlighten me about it.
Yeah, these Endbringer fights are definitely inducing reader apathy. But on the plus side, at least it's not reader antipathy. It's not so ridiculously and obviously hopeless that you go around recommending against it being read.
Sure, if you can convince the Endbringer to cooperate with that.
Well, we've never been shown someone attempting to communicate with an Endbringer. Have you tried having your characters, I don't know, be polite to them for once? Gees...

*curls up and cries about people not liking EB chapters*
I've never really liked fight scenes in general (have a little trouble following what's happening, regardless of who writes them, so don't take this personally), but I don't mind your EB fights in a way. I get to look at what's happening and wonder whether Pantheon is revealing anything they don't want to/shouldn't and what the world might be thinking.

With their resurrection tech, I don't even have to worry about your characters that much and can concentrate on other things (Zack took me y surprise, for obvious reasons). But I can see how some readers would find the EB fights repetitive, since they're kind of just big targets to wail on, whilst loosing secondary (or not even that, civilians) characters and showing off new tech. Problem is... it's a little hard to escalate from Endbringers. Scion's there, yeah, and the characters are all working towards figuring out a solution to that problem, but there's a ways to go.
You know...everyone keeps asking when Lisa will figure out the Endmaker is Eidolon...

As things stand now, that is 100% impossible. She CAN'T figure out it's Eidolon, because her power is working off of several wrong assumptions.

It's made clear that Lisa's power CAN be wrong, if it's working off of an incorrect bit of data. Off the top of my head I can see two MAJOR assumptions her power is using that are wrong.

1: The Endmakers are a group using power combinations to create them.

2: The Endmakers are controlling the Endbringer directly.

So two puzzle pieces need to be discovered for Lisa's power figure out it's Eidolon.

1: There is only one Endmaker; not a group.

2: The Endmaker is NOT AWARE he's making them.

So can we quit with all the "C'mon Lisa, figure out it's Eidolon already!" posts after every chapter?:D
I disagree, simply because I haven't seen anywhere that shows Lisa is making those kinds of assumptions. I also don't believe that she is incapable of working of off of various assumptions at once.

You're acting as if she can't manage her own power.
I am getting a bit sick of the reoccurring "New Endbringer shows up and wrecks shit" storyline. The time to finish off that part of the story has come.
I'm agreeing with this now.
*Shrugs* Well, Endbringers are a fact of life in the Worm setting, so, well, don't have much choice in the matter. Besides, if I didn't have Pantheon get humiliated on a semi regular basis, everyone would bitch that they're all too OP and nothing bad ever happens to them.

Create a portal in front of the Endbringer, impart momentum on the endbringer, close the portal behind the endbringer.
That's a really different thing than the shunt drive tech. Also... it requires putting Labyrinth within several feet of a freakin' Endbringer. Yeah. Good luck getting Faultline to agree to that.
As someone who pretty constantly feels things like "I wish this was a little different", "That's not what I would have done", and "I really wish they didn't do that" about basically every piece of media I consume (and doubly so for those I really like!), I am repeatedly surprised by the number of people who constantly think telling the Internet about it is a productive use of their time.

Now, for something very, very important:

Is Sveta that guy from One Piece?
*Shrugs* Well, Endbringers are a fact of life in the Worm setting, so, well, don't have much choice in the matter. Besides, if I didn't have Pantheon get humiliated on a semi regular basis, everyone would bitch that they're all too OP and nothing bad ever happens to them.

That's a really different thing than the shunt drive tech. Also... it requires putting Labyrinth within several feet of a freakin' Endbringer. Yeah. Good luck getting Faultline to agree to that.
Create portal with Doormaker, get Vista to make the portal EB sized, shove EB throug portal then close it ?
Create portal with Doormaker, get Vista to make the portal EB sized, shove EB throug portal then close it ?
with what?Wendy the Endbringer with a superpowered Pica disorder has trashed the forcefields and absorbed most of their expendable heavy hitterrs.plus there no may in hell Cauldron is going to reveal Doormaker to the public.the only option....is to Sacrifice Labyrinth and have her close the portal with the endbringer on a dead world.:(

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