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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Haha what's going on? I don't know anymore, I got like 30% of everything. The rest makes me go "What? Is this how everyone feels when they watch them look at each other and do the thinker speak?".

It's like a feeling that they have an entire conversation with just gestures and you're absolutely excluded.

Hmmm... I swear I've seen couples in love do the exact same thing.

Lisa/Rebecca totally confirmed as Best Ship Ever.

Some days, Emma made it really hard for me to remember how much I hated her, through all the pity. But Emma brought her lot in life on herself. Nobody forced her to be a psychotic bitch.

This sentence is hilarious, because Lisa doesn't realize that she fucked up in a similar way. Way back when Taylor commited suicide.
Or he approximately double Accord's
Either remove the "he", or make it "he can".
Eki's been called in already, doesn't think she needs to call and confirm. Gaining confidence as a leader. Planning to use GL to disable their weapons.
Well, we already know they can scan a Thinker power each, and blend weaker versions of those powers with each other
They have Trump/Thinkers now!? PRT protocols are throwing their hands up in the air and walking out. Hey, when does Gemini get access to The Clairvoyant (omniscience, sure, but dat power sharing effect)? Or Number Man? How many completely OP Thinkers does GU have? How many completely OP Tinkers does GU have?

Oh, and can Seeker seek out weak points? Not that that's not kinda redundant in Pantheon, but it would be a nice effect in an otherwise lacklustre power. Oooor, are you planning on using her to find where the Shards are? She does have a broken Taboo, right?
Fuck me running. Please.
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Mixing civilian and cape names is not elegant at all.

Maybe you're trying to optimize for lower letter count?
- Costa-Burn (civilian last names)
- Sarabecca (real first names)
- Minervalex (new cape name + Alexandria)
- KnowKnow ("no-no", and also they know everything, and also they are the knowers who "know" each other in the Biblical sense)
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EDIT: Well since I'm posting might as well say how awesome these Lisa/Rebecca chapters are and that I love them. They progress the story along at a brisk pace, give insight into other characters and develop the Lisa/Rebecca plotline so it's always nice to see them :D
Yet another good chapter with Lisa/Rebecca. A problem that has popped up is that the chapter index hasn't been updated since Ch. 328 Ciara -- is there a problem with the site or just a lack of time?




This is a problem dude, they are being all adult and responsible and emotionally close without being dependant and shit, its weirding me out

How did THEY get the healthy relationship?
This sentence is hilarious, because Lisa doesn't realize that she fucked up in a similar way. Way back when Taylor commited suicide.

No, the problem is that she is extremely aware of her role in that fiasco. The reason she was so against Taylia is because of exactly what happened.

Taylor became so dependent on the bond that the second it was removed she instantly closed up and considered her own life pointless because she had lost the only thing she had been using to keep herself going. That's the entire reason Lisa tried so hard in the beginning to get them to break the bond in the hopes that Taylor wasn't already to that point. She succeeded in getting the bond to be broken only to find out that she was too late and her fears were completely correct.

That whole thing was Lisa trying to do her best to help Taylor. When you notice a friend getting addicted to something to the point that it is becoming their sole reason for living, you don't just shrug and say "well, at least they're happy", you damn well try to get them off the addiction before it really does become their sole reason for living. She failed in that regard and the only consolation she has is that they had resurrection tech before she managed to discover the end result of her success at step 1.

Emma just went nuts and used the elation of tearing down Taylor as a patch on her own trauma.
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I honestly still prefer "flirtn' with Disaster" because they are a one waiting to happen.
I honestly still prefer "flirtn' with Disaster" because they are a one waiting to happen.

Actually they're the most stable and healthy pairing in the entire fic.

All the other ones have a massive lack of communication for one reason or another, theirs is nothing but communication. They know more about each other than even their teammates do, thus includes Cauldron and the Triumvirate for Alexandria.

The only way things will go bad for them is from an outside source. If they have issues the other knows about it within microseconds, analyzes the problems, figures out a possible solution, then communicates the potential solution before they even finish their cover sentence.

The only way to match that would be for Taylia to upgrade to sharing thoughts outright instead of emotions, irritating Lisandria for horning in on their niche. Lisandria works on a way to communicate actual emotions as well, coming from the other direction to end up at the same place Taylia has.

The combined bonds of Taylia and Lisandria will then pair off with each other, create a new Entity that figures out time travel, then goes back in time to slam into Eden and close the loop. They then spend the next 30+ years bitching about how stupid their younger selves are while watching the whole thing, hiding from Scion using Mantallum's power until they can re-integrate after their younger selves go back.
Emphasis on memory tech in statement, confidence, too high a confidence and pride for reference to Gemini. Oh, so it worked. Excellent.
This transition from power to thought is confusing.
Eager to discuss, worried, curious to know what secret power actually is.

I dislike the Minerva/Alexandria ship on the sole basis that there isn't a good name for it. Bring back GaeaxNilbog. Everyone wants more Jamelia.

Or have Alexandria join Pantheon under a name that fits well with Minerva. Either way works.
Searched for "goddess of libraries." First hit was Minerva. Second hit was Seshat, which ... let's just say it doesn't combine well.
Mishat. Best name. Also, Shiva. So people are left wondering who the new Pantheon cape is and why they haven't been seen yet.
Are we still brainstorming ship names?

Naughty Librarians

Dewey Digits

Between the Lines

Papyrus Sheets

Mesektet (the vessel on which Thoth sailed the underworld; literally the name of a ship)

Mayflower (carried pilgrims to a new world; reference to the fact that they're non-physical but their love "may flower"; also literally the name of a ship)

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