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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

And maybe this time round they can get the "I'm actually attracted to you" fix put in without anyone going bat-shit crazy over it.
Still need to wait a few months to make that work out.

"Well, you're blaming me for my predecessor's mistakes, which makes you just as big a hypocrite"
Wouldn't really hold up, since Lisa's (at least supposedly) upset by an ongoing problem, not a one shot thing.


did Riley program Vicky to be nice to her or was Vicky genuinely forgiving of her past
Omake: Bonds

Amy woke to frantic knocking on her window. She blinked blearily at Prism as the girl kept knocking.

Not again.

She pulled herself out of bed, grabbed her overnight bag just in case and opened the window.

"Is it Bonesaw and Nilbog again? Please don't tell me they've made another attempt at a disco zombie virus?"

"It's Lung and Crawler. It still hasn't happened yet, but the thinker who picked it up says you need to leave now.

Amy sighed and grabbed her Panacea robe from beside the window. As she put it on Oni Lee came out of the shadows, grabbed Prism and teleported with her.

He teleported into three places, and then each of those three teleported, again and again, until Prism cut off her power, and several hundred Oni Lee's and Prism's all slammed back into two bodies.

Amy had never really understood how the Lee/Prism power interaction worked. The only person in her family who had a bond was Shielder, he had found an interstate ward named Shriek, who's sonic attacks could influence his shields, making them tougher and more malleable.

The boy had moved into the bay, and it was rare for the two of them not to stay up late, playing with their powers together. Last night Shielder had been elated at being able to 'trap' Shriek's vibrations, and then make his shield produce them at any point.

Lee reached out to touch Prism and Amy, and both found themselves in the desert.

"You... you really came?" Crawler boomed.

Crawler was a beast, at least ten stories high and shaped like something out of nightmare, his mouth had long since lost the ability to form coherent speech. His voice instead came from a mouth on his knee. Probably grown from sheer need to communicate.

Amy looked in confusion from the knee, to the face, and decided to address the knee. It was closer.

"You, um... you know there's a price right? I need you to promise."

"I promise. No going near any humans unless there's an Endbringer fight. Just like the woman in the hat and the little girl in a suit said. Please! Save him!"

Amy looked past the knee as a giant claw lifted Lung and shoved him across the sand. He was mostly human, scales had formed, only to be rapidly eaten away by Crawlers acid. Most of his legs were down to the bone, and his torso wasn't a lot better.

Amy shuddered as her fingers entered the slime, but it was organic, which meant she could neutralizer it and begin replacing lost flesh.

"I know I have to be careful with him in the mornings, I didn't mean to spit quite that much acid..."

"I need some biomass." Amy said.

"Right." Crawler raised a tendril tipped with a glittering gray blade and drove it into his flesh, tearing out a chunk that was healed almost as soon as it was gone.

Amy reached out for the chunk of flesh and used it to create a new heart, some lungs, a bit more spine...

Lung's regeneration took it from there. New, scaled flesh flowing over his lower body and beginning to form the stumps of legs.

"We should get out of here before they get started. Goodbye Crawler, we'll leave you to it." Prism said.

Lee nodded in acceptance, and they began their power interaction again. A dozen brightly costumed girls clasped hands with a dozen black clad men in Oni masks, before collapsing into dust.

And then Amy was back home. Staring after the two of them.

It was tough, for those parahumans who didn't find someone to bond with. Matchmaker didn't get around to everyone, and studies showed that parahumans without bonds were severely prone to violence and irrational urges for conflict.

Even the rest of New Wave had their 'sky dance.' Which mainly involved the flying members throwing the non-flying members about in a pattern while everyone tried to create a light display. It wasn't a real bond, it didn't involve a power interaction and it didn't make everyone involved more powerful, but at least it was something.

Something a squishy little healer couldn't be a part of.

Well... back to wracking her brains for a way to create some sort of power interaction with her sister, Amy decided.

Then she saw the Matchmaker, a bright, golden man flying low and carrying someone.

Seeing the Matchmaker wasn't always a good thing. He paired people based on their powers, not on any sort of personal preference. The last time he had been in Brocktown Bay he had paired the vigilante Shadow Stalker with the villain Fog.

It went the way most such meeting did. They briefly tried to kill each other. They discovered their power interaction. They negotiated a bit, because who didn't like an increase in power and options? Slowly they were drawn to each other, developing something that went beyond normal human connections.

They'd killed three independent villains and one independent hero, and were still at large despite the desperation the E88 had shown in hunting down their lost member.

"Everyone! Wake up! Matchmaker is here!" Amy yelled.

It would be perfect if he was bringing someone who's power matched with one of her parents. Someone to make Brandish loosen up would be great. Or someone who could cheer up Flashbang. And if he then looked at her and Victoria and gave her a little shove in her sisters direction...

Victoria poked her head out the window, then levered it up and flew out. Flashbang came out the door, and Brandish was yelling something from the shower when Matchmaker alighted.

He felt sad, lost and lonely. His face was impassive, chiseled from stone, but what he was feeling was broadcast for all to hear. Eternally pairing powers, but never finding anyone to match his own.

He laid a thin, tall girl down on the grass at Amy's feet, and she immediately knelt down and touched the sleeping girls wrist.

Abrasions to her fingers, chemicals in her bloodstream indicating a lot of recent severe stress. Some sort of dampening effect was keeping her asleep, probably something from Matchmaker that would fade soon. Likely a recent trigger.

Then Amy actually looked at the girl, and gently pulled a used tampon from her hair.

(A brief crack AU where Scion decided he likes the bonds fairly early in the piece, and goes around pairing any two parahumans with a potential power interaction. Also, yes I blatantly stole the Lung/Crawler pairing from Wake)
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THIS... This is... holy fucking SHIT what is this...

*Headdesk* Well, I now know what my supers setting looks like. And its title. Thank you.

Also, you should go post that over at SV so they can enjoy it, too. And put it into the general ideas threads to get even more reactions... it's an insanely fun idea...
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She looked at me, more confused than anything. I couldn't help but feel a little smug amusement that I completely knocked her off her game. "Hi, I'm Taylor," I said, holding out my hand. Lisa looked at me like I was insane, then slowly reached out and accepted the handshake. "I'm sorry for your loss, and being so insensitive about it for so long. I never met her, but I'd like to think I know her pretty well. My apologies, but she was kind of a bitch."

Lisa's smile was forced, but at least it was a smile. "She had her moments, good and bad."

Wow. People in Worm sit down, communicate, come to the root of the problem and solve it.

This has to be its own kind of superpower.

On a meta-note, I like how you avoided any of the doomsday scenarios people (myself included) were throwing out there because we couldn't see a peaceful resolution. Taylor and Amelia accept who they are, Lisa gets some degree of closure.
Here's some gossip i can imagine Zack posting to help cover up the drug bust fiasco to the public.

Extra extra read all about it
  1. tensions RISED between the Founders of Pantheon and Avalon when Lisa told Taylor the horrible truth...That Amelia her loving fiance, has been fattening her up by increasing Taylor meals calories.because Amelia is all about that bass.the infighting has become so terrible that even Crystal has walked away in tears.
  2. Accord has finally found true love... with Dragon but unfortunately she's just not that into him.but don't cry dear reader for our underdog thinker has a plan to win her heart.i even spoke with her noted colleague and fellow tinker Defiant saying "Get out of here" when we asked him his thoughts on the matter inside his lab.
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That "made to love you" thing was so cheesy everyone in the vicinity will probably be constipated for a week.

One of those things that's absolutely beautiful to the people involved, not so much to an audience. Where's Zach when you need him?

Actually that's a good question. I don't remember hearing about him much recently.
I looked down at Amelia, still with her face buried in her arms. "Okay, fine, consistent it is. You've convinced me. I'm a copy. Not even that, I'm a copy of a copy. A backup plan created to carry on the legacy of the original when she couldn't. Born to be a replacement."

ConcernNegationLoss. Amelia looked up at me, to protest, but I put my thumb over her mouth. "And on the balance? I'm pretty okay with that. So I'm only a few months old?Whatever. I have success and power and prestige that I didn't have to go through the trouble of earning, because my creator did it for me." Or something like that, this situation's weird enough without us asking whether prior-Taylor counts as my parent, or Emma and Riley do. Don't know, don't care, don't matter. "I have control of two entire worlds and the single most powerful military force on a hundred and twenty different Earths all at my command, and the memories needed to know how to use them. And I even get to ignore all the guilt and regrets the original accumulated. After all, if I'm not her, then her sins aren't mine to regret. I'm an innocent."

I kneeled down in front of Amelia looking at her eyes. "And more than all of that, I have someone who loves me. I was literally born to love and be loved by you, Amelia, and I can't imagine anything that makes me happier. You were created at the same time, our histories are just memories that aren't even ours, so we don't have to regret them at all, and we're not held to their promises. The only thing that matters is our future, and I will spend mine with you." LoveHopeSafeRedemptionAgreement. I kissed her cheek. "If you'll give me a minute."
While this is about as adorable as all Taylia interactions, I am a little worried.

I have success and power and prestige that I didn't have to go through the trouble of earning, because my creator did it for me.
And I even get to ignore all the guilt and regrets the original accumulated. After all, if I'm not her, then her sins aren't mine to regret. I'm an innocent.
You were created at the same time, our histories are just memories that aren't even ours, so we don't have to regret them at all, and we're not held to their promises.

And so Taylor is not bound to her predecessor's sins. And so Taylor is not bound to her predecessor's promises. And so Taylor owns a lot.

So what keeps her working on saving the world? What is her duty? What kind of duty is there, that actually binds her?

Lisa dun goofed in it, in forcing Taylor to adopt a "consistent view on her identity". Because the view taken is dangerous, as it implies lack of responsibility on part of the creature.

The memories have value.But in denying them, what would happen?

This Taylor has success and power and prestige she didn't have to go through the trouble of learning. Her memories grant her an intimate understanding of the price necessary to pay for such things. But disregarded, the lessons of weight of power are lost.
This Taylor can ignore the guilt and regrets of the original. Her memories however grant her a great deal of knowledge on what she would regret. But disregarding them is courting disaster.
And, this Taylor says she can consider herself not held to previous promises. But if she does not, how much chaos will be there?

And what would happen, if Lisa herself decides to go through the "Rebirth of the Innocence" process?

TL: DR - there is a damn good reason for not dwelling on existential angst and overthinking it.
It's almost like it's a fix fic.

Dark, ain't it?

... I think I threaded the needle nicely. :D

And so Taylor is not bound to her predecessor's promises.
Taylor's not bound to prior Taylors, no. But the Empress(es) of Avalon are still bound to the promises made by their predecessors. Just like a country doesn't get to go "I know the President signed this peace treaty, but he's not President anymore, I am, and I'm just going to ignore it"... so Amelia and Taylor don't get to ignore Avalon's obligations...

So what keeps her working on saving the world? What is her duty? What kind of duty is there, that actually binds her?
I imagine not wanting her and everything she's ever known (plus an infinite number of copies of her planet) to burn is a good motivator. Enlightened Self Interest and all that jazz.
And so Taylor is not bound to her predecessor's sins. And so Taylor is not bound to her predecessor's promises. And so Taylor owns a lot.
The first two of those apply to everyone alive.

You are not bound to your own sins or promises, except in so far as you bind yourself to them.

Voluntarily binding yourself by someone else's promises is hardly a novelty, either. Treaties, next-of-kin, legal precedence -- plus stuff like arranged marriages, familial blood-feuds, aristocratic feudalism, etc.

So what keeps her working on saving the world? What is her duty? What kind of duty is there, that actually binds her?
Her own choices. She wakes up and she wants to save the world.

Lisa dun goofed in it, in forcing Taylor to adopt a "consistent view on her identity". Because the view taken is dangerous, as it implies lack of responsibility on part of the creature.
This Taylor can ignore the guilt and regrets of the original.
And, this Taylor says she can consider herself not held to previous promises.
Again, literally anyone alive can do this.

"I've re-invented myself!"

"I'm a new man because I got born again!"

"I'll declare bankruptcy, fuck all those financial promises!"

"I want a divorce, fuck all those romantic and familial promises! Well not literally, though, because divorce ends that specific familial fucking."

These are things people do. They wipe their slate clean (or pretend to do so), and try to make a fresh start. It's not new, it's not difficult, and human civilization has somehow survived so far.
(A brief crack AU where Scion decided he likes the bonds fairly early in the piece, and goes around pairing any two parahumans with a potential power interaction. Also, yes I blatantly stole the Lung/Crawler pairing from Wake)
Fucking. God damned. Brilliant.


Fucking. God damned. BRILLIANT.
I......can't say I was happy with how that was resolved.

Lisa has fucked the team. Crystal quitting is only one point. It's like she has gone out of her way to set things up so that she is the only one with a reason to connect to Earth Bet from Earth Pantheon, due to her link with Rebecca. Aside from that, she is tweaking things so that it will come tumbling apart when she wants and the first block has just fallen.

The question is, why?

Wanting Taylor to admit she was a copy is a minor thing in my mind. It's a justification, not a reason.

It feels like there is more going on that I havent seen.
... actually, you know something?

Lisa was great at ignoring unpleasant reality when it came to Dinah being a kidnap victim and forcibly addicted to drugs by a true monster.

But now it matters? When the well-being of the whole Pantheon is at stake? She wants to force everyone who's ever been brought back to life to basically admit that they aren't really who their thoughts and memories tell them that they are? Can we say 'identity crisis'?
Wasn't Lisa working a long game plan so she didn't end up in the same?

As for the timing if Lisa didn't just snap from the pressure, then she may have just lanced some issues that could have festered for a while.
... actually, you know something?

Lisa was great at ignoring unpleasant reality when it came to Dinah being a kidnap victim and forcibly addicted to drugs by a true monster.

But now it matters? When the well-being of the whole Pantheon is at stake? She wants to force everyone who's ever been brought back to life to basically admit that they aren't really who their thoughts and memories tell them that they are? Can we say 'identity crisis'?
Dinah was a stranger to Lisa. She cares less about strangers than friends. That's pretty normal among humans.

You care about Dinah because you have the perspective of a reader.
Dinah was a stranger to Lisa. She cares less about strangers than friends. That's pretty normal among humans.

You care about Dinah because you have the perspective of a reader.
I care about Dinah because it's fucked up. That's a pretty common sentiment among humans too. That said, what more could Lisa do? She was already trying to kill him. Double kill him?
It's almost like it's a fix fic.
When was the last time something unmistakably fix-y actually happened, that solved something from canon? (Not something you've introduced.) The most recent one I can think of was Saint's interludes, and that was nearly 150 chapters ago. Mind-jacking Moord Nag might count in the long run, but the surrounding context was darker than canon. I get that you're in uncharted territory, but it just doesn't feel like much of a fix fic anymore.

Maybe you could do another street-level arc again. Houston would be great for Purity POVs, or maybe Chicago if any of their canon Wards are still alive (I don't even remember).
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Dark, ain't it?

... I think I threaded the needle nicely. :D
You'd think that, but going by the reactions of some of the other readers, it was super sweet.

Moving on... following Taylor's statements regarding who-she-is, I came to the realization that this is easily the most successful TINO fic I have ever read. And the only one that I know that has TINO acknowledge her TINO-ness.
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The sad truth is it was Taylor that saved Lisa from herself in canon,she help her with the Fragile problem with Coil,helped to keep her alive and gave her a propose.now Taylor isn't going to a abandon her when it's clear she's truly in pain.
I really fail to see how this can be considered a fix-fic. Maybe if you're delusional or a sadist, sure.
Ah. Yeah, pretty much. A year of character development, most of it while under a mind altering influence, will do that.

Taylor-from-canon died during the Butcher arc. Both metaphorically and literally, as you see her without the Taylia bond when it happens. And people wonder why Lisa's upset.
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I care about Dinah because it's fucked up. That's a pretty common sentiment among humans too.
So like, if I show you things that are fucked up, you'll expend effort on all of them?

That said, what more could Lisa do? She was already trying to kill him. Double kill him?
Gosh I dunno, maybe give his brain to Bonesaw, forcing him to be a prisoner in his own body, who serves her loyally forever.

This story is built on the living bones and brain-tissue of fates worse than death.

But that's a tangent. The reality is that, in canon, Lisa was not sufficiently motivated to take action against Coil, until Taylor breached the subject. Lisa did not care about Dinah enough to move up her timetable; Taylor did.
Lisa was great at ignoring unpleasant reality when it came to Dinah being a kidnap victim and forcibly addicted to drugs by a true monster.
Pretty sure that, in canon, she wasn't too happy about that either. She was happy to help Taylor rescue Dinah, but first they had to make sure they'd actually survive to do it. Hell, they even managed to convince the rest of the Undersiders to help.

I care about Dinah because it's fucked up. That's a pretty common sentiment among humans too.
Remember that 'caring' and 'doing something about it' are two different things. There's probably plenty of things you care about and don't do anything about, and I'm saying that without even knowing anything about you. It's what we're like as a species.

And Lisa did end up doing something about it, she just had to get into a position where she (1) could without being killed first and (2) could without being killed after.

That said, what more could Lisa do? She was already trying to kill him. Double kill him?

They can do that now :p

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