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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Just out of curiousity, how long is Amelia?

Because according to my calculations there are 730, 800 words so far, based on an estimate of 1.8k words average.

And I'm sure that's an underestimation.

Wow. Also, if you have any original serial work, I'm definitely reading it, especially if the update schedule is anything as religious as Amelia's.
Wow. Also, if you have any original serial work, I'm definitely reading it, especially if the update schedule is anything as religious as Amelia's.

There was a thread on Spacebattles about original fiction written by TanaNari and then he got banned. I don't know what happened to it.
Very interesting. Also, d'awww for David and Ciara. OTP.

Typos and other stuff:
I choose to do nothing at the moment it matters most.

Moments later, we were home, and events went where they nature dictated.
superfluous 'they'?

Italic 'What?'

The faeries aren't alive, the girls that command them bring the warmth and life.
Italics? Also, the comma should really be a semicolon.

The Charioteer was an immaciated man, and with a mourneful gaze, he looked upon the figure of a young woman clad only in black and white stripes.
emaciated, mournful. I'm guessing that the Charioteer is Manton and the Royal Assassin is Jack Slash?

He was needed for his secret purpose, today."
lose the end quote.
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Exsurgant virus vs. Dragon with no Prometheans? Yes everybody looses, well except for the Xenos driving the Fermi paradox, they won.

Yeah. It just goes to show, no matter how bullshit your clarketech is, there's always a bigger fish. Think about it; the Exsurgent Virus does pretty much anything physics-breaking that any shard can do, but it is itself a nano-scale "virus" that can be transmitted technologically, biologically, or memetically. That is bullshit of the highest quality.

The ETI have their techno-magic bullshit so refined that they throw that out there on the off-chance that something might get to a level to bother them. They need no interaction with other intelligence to improve themselves as they already have all the tech and bullshit space magic they'll ever need and can casually break the universe any time they feel the need to.

I've actually given it a great deal of thought. The Entities are scary, the ETI is existentially terrifying.

[NEGATIVE] [PATH] I shuddered at the force, my protections and my will overwhelmed by the crushing weight of his mind. I fell from the sky.

Well. Now we know what starts the rampage! Good job team!:p
"The Serpent, the Charioteer, the Royal Assassin." My three servants appeared before me. Two to whisper in my ear, one to be my sword and shield. The Charioteer was an immaciated man, and with a mourneful gaze, he looked upon the figure of a young woman clad only in black and white stripes. A ghost summoned by a ghost. The Assassin, a tall, angular man with a too wide grin and long knives for fingers. He was needed for his secret purpose, today."
I want to make sure that I'm reading this right for which Shards GU summoned.

1. The Serpent - Contessa
2. The Charioteer - Dr. Manton and the Siberian
3. The Royal Assassin - Jack Slash?

GU has called Contessa "The Serpent" for quite a while. Dr. Manton/Siberian is discernible through the description of "young woman clad only in black and white stripes. A ghost summoned by a ghost." The Assassin as Jack Slash is my guess from the "long knives" and his "secret purpose", aka the Broadcast shard.
I want to make sure that I'm reading this right for which Shards GU summoned.

1. The Serpent - Contessa
2. The Charioteer - Dr. Manton and the Siberian
3. The Royal Assassin - Jack Slash?

GU has called Contessa "The Serpent" for quite a while. Dr. Manton/Siberian is discernible through the description of "young woman clad only in black and white stripes. A ghost summoned by a ghost." The Assassin as Jack Slash is my guess from the "long knives" and his "secret purpose", aka the Broadcast shard.

Wait... When did Contessa die and/or get killed?
Wait... When did Contessa die and/or get killed?
They've been feeding her paraclones. And I guess both sides are pretending the other doesn't know, which is why Contessa couldn't show up to the last meeting. Though if Ciara doesn't know what they were doing, it's because she chose not to care enough to check.
I'm thinking maybe we serenade some of the girls who came where without dates?
Numbers Man was was, shockingly,
extra 'was'. also, 'Numbers man' looks wrong...
Remember to use the randomized shunt device if there's any change of you being harmed.

btw, I'd like to point out that dragon could gain an advantage by making herself larger than an entity to accelerate her development. her design may not be as good as that of the entities but I don't see why she couldn't brute-force the issue by devouring a few dozen Earths for materials to keep increaing the size of her brain.
I want to make sure that I'm reading this right for which Shards GU summoned.

1. The Serpent - Contessa
2. The Charioteer - Dr. Manton and the Siberian
3. The Royal Assassin - Jack Slash?

GU has called Contessa "The Serpent" for quite a while. Dr. Manton/Siberian is discernible through the description of "young woman clad only in black and white stripes. A ghost summoned by a ghost." The Assassin as Jack Slash is my guess from the "long knives" and his "secret purpose", aka the Broadcast shard.
I'm curious as to why Manton is the Charioteer.
Well that's ominous. Scion has found a path to revive his counterpart? Or perhaps create a new one? Maybe that's why people are finding "power-partners" suddenly when for the past 20 years, nothing of the sort has been heard of. Scion made a tweak to powers and they're building a new Entity out of themselves.

And I totally called it: David needed to give Ciara the D before she'd help out.
Doesn't that goes against canon ? I mean, in his Interlude, Scion does try to come up with a way to salvage the Cycle and fail. Why would it suddenly work now ?
Well that's ominous. Scion has found a path to revive his counterpart? Or perhaps create a new one? Maybe that's why people are finding "power-partners" suddenly when for the past 20 years, nothing of the sort has been heard of. Scion made a tweak to powers and they're building a new Entity out of themselves.

And I totally called it: David needed to give Ciara the D before she'd help out.
He used his path to victory to find his partner in canon to. That is how he got into Cauldrons base. He wasn't happy with the condition he found her in.
[NEGATIVE] [PATH] I shuddered at the force, my protections and my will overwhelmed by the crushing weight of his mind. I fell from the sky.
Huh. Well, that's interesting. Scion's version of PtV burns energy like a mofo, compared to Abaddon's version. I wonder how much of his stored energy he's using by being on the Path to Counterpart.
Doesn't that goes against canon ? I mean, in his Interlude, Scion does try to come up with a way to salvage the Cycle and fail. Why would it suddenly work now ?
Unprecedented power interaction, would be my guess. Finding new and creative ways to use the powers is the whole point of the cycle.

Or he's still running his emotion emulation program and this is a last ditch effort, a final grasping at stars.
So, I'm guessing that Taylia somehow caused this change. I suspect that he started noticing them a while ago, and that prompted him to start a Path to Counterpart with Talia's shards forming the core... as I think has been suggested a few times in replies to this story (with or without Scion's involvement), even before it was moved here.

Maybe Scion's running a Path to canon-endgame Khepri, which leads to him killing everyone to cause it.
I'm curious as to why Manton is the Charioteer.
"Fuck you, physics" seems like a power that benefits space travel tremendously. Siberian can do a decent flying impression as well, I guess. I actually imagined the "conversation" with Scion happening in mid air, but I don't think the chapter actually said that.

Oh, and getting hit by the Siberian is probably a lot like a peasant getting run down by a chariot, I imagine.
I thought PtV was useless when it came to Entity stuff, including manipulation.

It's weird that GU would keep her Contessa ghost when she ought to know pretty rapidly that it's worthless.

The other two ghosts make sense, especially Jack, but the Serpent seems contra-indicated.

a final grasping at stars.
If this was a typo, please retroactively declare that it was your intent. It's just such a great fit for an Entity.
[CYCLE] [COUNTERPART?] I staggered and the voices I carried screamed, pressing against the power of his words. I'd gotten through. I'd gotten through enough that he spoke back, and in moments I saw more of their purpose than the twenty Faerie Circles we held before had taught me in their totality. The Negotiator is right, they are mere rapacious horrors. Bloated gluttons eating their way across worlds because they refused to consider another way. These are not gods. Quite the opposite, in fact.

...Well'p, now we know what it takes to convince the Fairy Queen that defeating Scion is a Good Thing. It just took a manipulative talk with Lisa / Crow, some Lovey-doveyness from Eidolon / David, and talking to Scion himself to actually do it.

But... that Path he big bastard mentioned... is it like many seem to suspect, Scion planning on a replacement counter part for Eden in the form of Taylor and Amelia, or has he / it figured out a way to directly revive the brain-dead body / 'living' corpse of his / it's 'girl'friend / partner?
in canon iirc, Zion did follow the path to seeing Eden again... and she was dead in cauldron's basement. It's very likely he will get to see his counterpart again, but because the cannot comprehend the thought of her not being alive, he'll likely see her corpse
Just out of curiousity, how long is Amelia?

Because according to my calculations there are 730, 800 words so far, based on an estimate of 1.8k words average.

And I'm sure that's an underestimation.

Wow. Also, if you have any original serial work, I'm definitely reading it, especially if the update schedule is anything as religious as Amelia's.
655k, not counting the Omakes, canon or otherwise. Or the smut. Throw those in, still not 670k.

There was a thread on Spacebattles about original fiction written by TanaNari and then he got banned. I don't know what happened to it.


I actually imagined the "conversation" with Scion happening in mid air, but I don't think the chapter actually said that.
Be real hard to "fall from the sky" if you were on the ground.

I thought PtV was useless when it came to Entity stuff, including manipulation.
Yeah, but it can work with mental models. Not perfectly, mind, but still better than anything else at their disposal. And Broadcast to help build the models.
Omake: Fifty/Fifty
Omake: Fifty/Fifty

Zach: So, what are the odds Eidolon's about to die?

Dinah: You know I can't see him. Maybe if you give me some idea why you're asking.

Z: Well, he just proposed to his girlfriend.

D: Okay.

Z: Right before a life threatening mission.

D: Err... that's not good.

Z: And he all but literally said he was going to retire in two days.

D: Oh. Fuck.

Z: Also, the girlfriend's a hot redhead. We know the life expectancy of people who da- Oww! Oh, hi Emma, didn't see you there. Did I mention they're getting married right away?

D: Well, that's pretty much a guaranteed death.

Z: I thought so, too. But the author's lampshading the piss out of it in a comedic fashion. So this could be a troll bluff. Or a double troll bluff, now.

D: The odds are 49.99982% in favor of him killing off Eidolon.

Z: Really? How is it tha- He flipped a coin, didn't he?

D: He literally flipped a coin.
I just had a random thought about GU. What would happen if Cauldron/Pantheon made a power-clone of GU and had GU kill it, gaining it's power (which happens to be her own)? Would she be able to spam a GU clone (plus 2 other powers), and then have the spammed GU clone do the same. You would get (N GUs + 2N other powers) for each time she did this. Say, 20 GUs + 20 Flechettes + 20 Eidolons.
"Oh no, my dear David has died! Whatever shall I do?"


"Ah, there you are! Now we can be together forever! And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever...."

As the others watched Ciara leave the room with Eidolon's ghost in tow, Lisa could just barely see the silent horror on the smoky face of the once-greatest hero.

Did Lisa just try to solve all the End of the World problems (Endbringers + Scion) trough shipping!

And... is the only relationship she didn't ship (Taylia) going to save the world?

OMG! That is genious, it is even better than the Amy/Vicky role reversal.

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