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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Well, that was some ending, kind of bittersweet in a way in that although humanity's been saved, Taylor & Amelia, depending on how one looks at it, only sort of survived in the form of Avalon, becoming something that's not quite human (in the form of the Taylia gestalt) and not quite space whale, while retaining the memories of both elements, but those two individuals whom that we've come to know & love over the last 412 chapters are gone.

And interesting that a lot of what Taylor & Amelia did in life played a role in what Avalon did, the planning, preparation, and focus on power interactions in how Avalon prepared herself by calling in the unused shards, taking the powers of the Cauldron capes, as well as those of capes whose actions made themselves unworthy of having powers or otherwise had powers Avalon needed, and taking time to recharge rather than going after Scion right away, and the betrayals that they experienced that gave them the ability to turn on Scion despite all the memories & bonds from the space whale half.

Despite being something ailen the human side Avalon gained from Taylia showed in her desire to become a new kind of entity, as well as her parting gifts, such as healing all the mutations caused by Cauldron vials, giving some of the people Taylor & Amelia had been close to new powers to replace those lost (Lily, Missy, Emma [who gets to be the one to develop a space program], Becky) and allowing others who might be happier as normal people that chance, as well as tweaking Lisa's power so she can turn it off at will (suppose that'd be handy for her TMI overload issues), and going to the trouble to find Eve & salvage what could be saved from the backup cloning data to restore some of those who fell fighting against Scion.

However, it was really poignant when Avalon found that although Taylor & Amelia's bodies could be restored, it would just be creating a shell of them, as their very personhood had become so wrapped up & intertwined with their shards that it'd be impossible to resurrect them (guess that popping out a couple copies of their shards wasn't practical for one reason or another), and decided that the best course of action would be to delete her mothers but at the same time give Taylor & Amelia the daughter they never got the chance to have.

And little Taylia going to have quite the interesting life, with the communication shard given a new purpose to help people, and then there's whatever Avalon & Eve have planned for her & that second spacewhale that got shanked. (Though just what knowledge of her mothers & her space shark 'big sister' she ends up with could make things complicated.) Plus, until then, she's going to have quite the interesting extended family to help raise her.

Guess Vicky will get an answer of sorts to her question of whether her sister & sister-in-law are still around when whatever's left of Pantheon starts figuring out what happened. (Also wonder if the Taylia part of Avalon hid any sort of good-bye message in Eve's databanks or the memories their daughter will inherit, or if they've become too alien to do that.)

Then there's the new kind of entity Avalon wants to become, focused on conservation instead of consuming everything in a quest for knowledge, the importance of individuals as well as the group, and a new sort of cycle that tries to tone down the conflict drive, has nicer trigger events, and focuses on power bonds like Taylor & Amelia had & relationships like those that the people who were close to them have. And then she goes hunting the old-style space whales down to protect what she sees as important to the rest of the universe, even it causes 'big picture' problems- guess there's a bit of the 'Taylor' aspect pushing through. Of course, its not all good, as there's still an Entity messing around with humanity's destiny, and one might wonder just how many of their friends & family members, as well as anyone else who gets a power bond, might end up being offered the chance to become Mk. 2 space whales space sharks.

Well, here's to the memory of Their Imperial Majesties, Empresses Taylor Anne Hebert and Amelia Claire Lavere Hebert, two of the greatest capes Earth Bet produced, who had a great and deep love for one another, who dedicated themselves to preparing humanity to fight off the apocalypse, and in the end, sacrificed their humanity in order to become something that could save the rest of it, leaving a chance for a 'brighter' future. They will be missed.

As a species, I would be unable to breed in the traditional sense of my kind. Amelia Lavere and Taylor Hebert died in joining with me, leaving only the Administrator and Homeostasis shards, heavily imprinted with their personalities.

Heavily imprinted shards were nothing new. Entities fully expected the more successful hosts to leave at least some sign of their influence on the shards. Rare in that only one in ten thousand hosts would ever be successful enough to accomplish it.

I found Taylor and Amelia amongst the clones. In a way, they were me. In a way, they were my mothers. They were too close to their powers, too much a part of their Shards that what came out of the cloning pods would not be them anymore. I erased their codes.


If we do our jobs right, they won't survive long enough to know that was a flaw. We are apex predators evolved to hunt apex predators. If they are whales, then we will be the sharks. Sophia would be proud.

Who's Sophia? I... can't remember. Must not be important.

LMAO at that one final burn & dismissal. Although if Sophia were still around & had some way of knowing how she was being blown off as irrelevant & who said that, the look on her face would truly be something to behold.
Edit: I think I have Proven, however much he would like to deny it, that TanaNari is Not a Dick
I wouldn't be much of a dick if I couldn't deliver a satisfying and timely climax, now would I?

*Most well thought out review*

Everything I was hoping my readers would feel.

Also- Sophia's too busy knowing she doesn't have powers anymore, and the girl she tormented killed a god, stripped her and many, many others of their powers, and can basically show up and reverse the flow of her digestive system for fun at any time.
Uhh... She died, looped back to a pre death state, then died again all while retaining her memory.

That is literally Grey Boy's m.o
Cool, I don't have a problem with that. I agree, even.

It is, however, iterative time looping, not recursive time looping. I'm not even what recursive time loops would be supposed to be (but it would probably involve time-looping time loops, time looping time-looped time loops, and/or time looping time-looped time-looped time loops.). Hence my post.

So if GB's power is the one that's supposed to be described, AFAICS the description is incorrect.
Not much I can say that hasn't been said already so I'll keep this short.

Thanks for this amazing story TanaNari, I look forward to the sequels and your next work!
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Is it me or TanaNari totally forgot Ziz? She was wounded but hid in some other dimension, so everybody would think she was dead. I expected her to show up with some kind of plan. And she never did. What happened to Ziz?
Is it me or TanaNari totally forgot Ziz? She was wounded but hid in some other dimension, so everybody would think she was dead. I expected her to show up with some kind of plan. And she never did. What happened to Ziz?

Pretty sure she had her shard ripped out by Avalontity.

This. Also, she was really damaged. I think she said that she couldn't see a future where she was really needed and didn't know whether she'd wake up again.
So, did I miss a line about ensuring the Yggdrasil lived on? I guess Eve could probably manage it somehow with her zombie entity.

The irony was not lost on me that one of my own superweapons had corrupted the artificial binding process, creating a weapon that might have destroyed the cycle if allowed to get out of hand by forcing improper shard buds.
There's your Ziz cameo. She was playing the long con. Ain't nobody got time for that. Also, is this implying that the canon monstrous triggers were a Ziz plot to ensure the entity fully died?
There's your Ziz cameo. She was playing the long con. Ain't nobody got time for that. Also, is this implying that the canon monstrous triggers were a Ziz plot to ensure the entity fully died?
I think that's actually referring to Noelle and her clones, which are forced buds. Forced buds can ruin the cycle by breaking the shards involved.
This makes this, what, the third completed Worm fic?

Also, great run. Fun rereads during.
Third completed?

Well, if you accept a narrow definition of "completed" as "resolved the ultimate Scionpocalypse conflict" then yes, I can only name three off the top of my head.

Hope through Superior Firepower.
Hope comes to Brockton Bay.

CONTRIBUTED BY pheonix89: Oracle

If you accept other fics?


Both fics deserve a honorary mention of being completed, and of being awesome.

There are more, but these are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
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What is Hope through Superior Firepower? Is it any good? Should I be reading that instead of crying over the fact that Amelia is over?
Third completed?

Well, if you accept a narrow definition of "completed" as "resolved the ultimate Scionpocalypse conflict" then yes, I can only name three off the top of my head.

Hope through Superior Firepower.
Hope comes to Brockton Bay.

If you accept other fics?


Both fics deserve a honorary mention of being completed, and of being awesome.

There are more, but these are the ones I remember off the top of my head.
There's also Oracle, which kind of finished abruptly, but did finish. And it resolved the Scionpocalypse back at day one. Eden ate a Contessa interrupt as in canon, but Zion ate a Sol Invictus interrupt of social-fu variety: He actually IS a hero rather than just bored in Oracle, even if he's kind of shitty at it.
What is Hope through Superior Firepower? Is it any good? Should I be reading that instead of crying over the fact that Amelia is over?
A Worm/Diebuster cross. It's good and pretty damn funny, though it is rediculously curbstompy. Taylor turns into a second Buster Machine Number Seven thanks to shenanigans instead of getting a shard, and full-power Buster Machine Number Seven treats planet-killing beam weaponry as props for dramatic monlogues. Seriously, the Gunbuster-Diebuster setting has things perfectly capable of brute-force killing Endbringers in previous generations of tech.
Well, that was a satisfying conclusion, kudos.

So Avalon's going to murder Entities and ship their corpses home so that other power interaction groups can take them over and make more anti-Entity Entities? Neat.

I wonder what they'll do when all the Entities are dead, though. Merge into a single Entity, eat all the uninhabited stars, then burn all their energy on the "solve entropy" problem? Suicide back at home to allow Eve and Taylia to distribute the shards as they wish? Hibernate while taking periodic trips around the multiverse to cull any other upcoming space viruses?
And so draws to an end one of the great works of the fandom. The primary antagonist is turned into universal plague that will wipe out all space whale life in the universe.
Simurgh wins.

Yea that's about the only ending we could really expect i guess.

I kinda wish we could get another 6 chapters just so i can see Colin return a 418 during his wedding.

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