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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

they fired a reality changing beam at a dynakinetic their going to be lucky if it doesn't create a million behemoths or turn the entire worlds suppy of water in to blood.or send earth to the heat death of the universe in the future.
They've exposed the singularity?

They are now beyond human comprehension.
This is exactly why I make it a point to avoid any singularity wearing just a trench-coat.

The Yangban plan seems pretty good, but I wonder if one of the Endbros will bust out Behemoth from the outside.
The ground beneath me shuddered, at it took a second to realize it was me causing it. The Yggdrasil trying to reach up and block the bullets. An impossibility, of course, from this side of the barricade.
You'll likely take this as a complement, TanaNari, but damn you for this. Every time something unusual goes on with their powers, I start having micro-heart attacks, thinking it's the beginning of the end and the new entity is starting to rise!
"We can't help them," Taylor spoke. "If we do in the middle of a Behemoth fight... it doesn't matter our reasons. We lose our allies. Almost all of them. If the Yangban tries to fight us instead of fighting Behemoth, it'll cost more lives in the long run than doing nothing."
I think I'm forgetting, or getting people's comments mixed up. People were just talking about shunting over whole cities. Can they not do it of the area with the civilians? Or would they need to be on that side to do it?

If it was just a secrecy thing, someone would have commented.
Certainly none of us felt the need to voice a disagreement.
...sure, ignore all the innocent civilians, like the ones you're mad they're slaughtering right now...
I thought they didn't bring her this time...?
The Unspoken Rules, or something similar to them, are a psychological compulsion.
An interesting idea. I've always seen it as more of a Cauldron Plot. Hm...
Fan Art: Emma
So I've been reading this for a while.

And my mental image of Case 53 Emma was really cool, especially at her first appearance with all the ice and whatnot.

My drawn image wasn't anywhere as cool, but might as well post it up.

Achievement unlocked: FANART!


.... this should be a PNG. Weird. Oh well.
Amelia, Ch 217
create a localized spacial spatial anomaly.

A naked singularity." She paused for a couple seconds as she realized that most of us didn't know what that meant.

Wouldn't event horizon be a more apt phrase to describe this phenomenon? It's cutting off whatever is inside from whatever is outside. A naked singularity, amongst other things, is well, naked. Unless the pitch black barrier is the singularity.

But I enjoy the fact you wove a bit of obscure physics in there. In M. John Harrison's Light, the naked singularity bent physics/causality over and did terrible things to it. I can only assume this one will do the same.

"Umm... it's randomly warping the laws of physics inside it. There's no possible way to predict or control it

Wtf Yangban. OSHA would like to have a word with you guys.
well the Yangban just win Idiot of the century award, no one is dumb enough to put a singularity on the place they live with out insane countermeasure incase it when out of control
Ch 218
Amelia, Ch 218

"That can't possibly work," Zach muttered. "Can it?"

"Not a chance in hell," Lisa replied. "The Endbringers already can't exist by the natural laws of our reality. What they're doing's going to put one hell of a dent in the fucker. Probably. Even that's questionable. But only attacks that can hurt the core will actually kill an Endbringer."

"Can we break the field?" I asked. "Maybe save the people caught inside? Their lives are being thrown away for nothing."

"No," Emma answered. "Opening the containment now would let the exotic effects pour out into the rest of the world. The results could easily be worse than New Delhi. It might even make our whole world uninhabitable." HorrorDismay.

"And they're using this on their own people," Taylor growled. "When that weapon shuts down, we're taking at least some of those barricades. The whole fucking thing if at all possible. We need to know how that tech works. This is a whole new kind of WMD. It might even be a way to attack Scion directly. If nothing else, if we have it that means they don't."

"And the possibility of an international incident?" Lisa asked.

"Fuck to that," I said, adding my support to Taylor. "They just unleashed that... that! On their own people. No one's going to blame us for doing what we must to stop it from happening again."

"Right. Just making sure," Lisa replied. "Any objections to Operation: World War Three?"

"Umm... if I may?" Trevor spoke up. "If you're willing to cannibalize some of our equipment, we might be able to do this without them being able to prove we were ever here in the first place."

That would be nice. "I'm listening," Taylor spoke for us.


The shield was still up, or at least we were unable to scan into its location and Behemoth had not left the containment, almost an hour later. We finished our project within that time. Over two hundred of our zerglings were cut open to remove the shunting components, but we finished our new device. A nearly sixty mile long tube of modified Yggdrasil. Crystal and Vicky were busy pumping it with as much power as they could, and I was adding the amount of power I could by drawing off the normal Yggdrasil mass. We were ready.

"The power signatures are fading," Emma informed us. "Exotic physics effects are being detected. Either it's shutting down, or it's about to rupture. No way to know until we see it happen."

The shields didn't shatter so much as they evaporated, leaving behind a desert of twisted shapes existing without rhyme or reason. Several large slabs of matter had fallen into the blue sand that was all that existed of the soil. Crystals and metals were strewn about. Strange and colorful corals extended out of the sand, and birdlike creatures started falling from the sky and shattering into goo. A goo which struggled to move before breaking down into mist.

"Life?" I asked. "That field created living things?"

"It makes as much sense as anything else," Emma replied. "The laws of reality changed, but they didn't stop existing entirely. They're dying because whatever chemical properties allowed them to exist in the first place no longer apply. As lethal to them as the weapon itself was to the people caught within."

One of the crystal forms shifted and shattered. Beneath was Behemoth. He was reduced to a skeleton. Or, skeleton might be the wrong word. Perhaps more like an artist drawing the proportion lines before getting to the rest of the drawing. Litte more than stick figure with extra details. If anything, somehow, he looked even more terrifying this way than he did with his flesh intact.

"Now!" Victoria shouted, and the ring of plant material shunted over. Taylor had six and a half seconds for the matter to completely encase the ring of barricades and shunt back. Any longer, and its cloaking effect would fail. She did it in five and a quarter. The massive wall of rings took their geosynchronous place in our dimension. Could the theft be attributed to us? I asked myself. Maybe. Our teleportation equipment was already pretty well known, but only a few knew we were using an alternate earth as a planet sized staging platform and at-will base of operations. Either way, they certainly couldn't prove anything.

Behemoth charged the line not far from where he was trapped, smashing into the soldiers who had, not long ago, murdered innocent people who were simply trying to flee. The Yangban moved quickly, opening up with similar tactics as before. This time, the eldest of the Endbringers was done playing games. Now he fired at three divisions instead of one at a time. Now when he shot, he got the whole group. In three seconds, seventy five Yangban and hundreds of soldiers died.

"They broke its program," Lisa spoke in horror. "They follow a mantra of hitting harder than they are hit, and that was one hell of a hit. It's not going to retreat. It's not going to hold back. If we were to try to kill Behemoth now, it's just going to result in a slaughter. It's going to keep killing until it feels it's achieved enough of a body count to match was just happened."

"That could take hours," I replied.

"It will take days," Lisa corrected. "Well, Eric, you get your wish. I don't think China will survive this."

"Is there anything we can do?" I asked. Fuck, didn't we just basically say we wanted this?

"Unless Chariot has a way to evacuate entire cities?" she responded. "No, there's really not."

Behemoth's next attack was a new one. He smashed the stub that was once his fist into the ground and it rippled outward, a shockwave in the earth. Where people were standing, there was no warning. They didn't fall or scream or even see their deaths coming. They simply exploded into gore.

"He's still holding back," Lisa continued her analysis. "Less than before, but that was nothing but theatrics. Taking time to telegraph his attacks unnecessarily. He could easily do that without the stomp."

Behemoth moved into the part of the city which hadn't been functionally removed from the face of the planet. His kill aura no longer simply killed people, it caused the glass of the buildings to melt.

"Radiaton output is off the charts," Emma informed us. "Much higher and your insides would simply liquify. As it stands, lethal exposure would occur in minutes. If you survive everything else for that long, at least. I think he's trying to lure the defenders into following his trail and killing themselves."

"Would the Zerg do anything to help?" Taylor asked. "Slow him down at least?"

"No," Lisa responded. "He'd just burrow underground to avoid them and start killing from beneath the earth. Fighting us in person is... more like a polite formality than anything. He certainly doesn't need to do it."

"So what do we do?" Vicky asked. "Let him go on his killing spree across China until he gets bored and takes a nap? Then kill him after he's calmed down a little?"

"That's exactly what we have to do," Lisa responded. "There are no other possibilities."

The visual display flickered again, and then fuzzed into near nothing. "What happened? Another reality weapon?" Taylor asked.

"Close," Trevor answered. "According to Dragon's tech, her satellites have gone dark as well. It's Scion. He's finally showed up."

"I hate to say this," I spoke up. "But that's good, in a twisted sort of way. The fuckers run from Scion, right? He'll go back into hibernation before killing most of China. Hell, maybe he won't run. Maybe he'll fight back and at least do some damage to Scion."

"We'll have to find out later," Lisa replied. "Whatever else happens, there's nothing more we can do here. Pack it up, head home, and hope like hell he didn't see us watching the battle from this side. The idea of him knowing where to find our dimension worries me.


A/N- And, sometimes, no matter how far off the rails you go, you intersect canon.
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A/N- And, sometimes, no matter how far off the rails you go, you intersect canon.
Likewise, even though the C.U.I. attempted to be hyper-competent, it still looked like incompetence.

I mean, holy shit, points for effort here, but Holy Fuck there's cutting off an infected limb to save the body and then there's...that. Whatever we just saw.

...and I think Pantheon now holds the record for 'largest object ever stolen.'
Depends... nuking a city to KILL AN ENDBRINGER.... nothing wrong with that. Hard people making hard decisions. You honestly think that Pantheon and Cauldon are the only ones that gets to make those calls?
Well, no, I was actually...not 'okay' with sacrificing Chongquing, but...on the balance? I could see losing a city to kill an Endbringer as more than worth it. That was what they tried to do, mind you, and that why I gave them points for effort and everything, it's just that...they fucked it up. The C.U.I. fucked it up to the point that only Scion is standing between them and complete destruction.

Unless they were 100% certain that this tactic should have killed Behemoth, they really should have had a safety net. Even then, backup plans are a good thing.
So did Pantheon with Ziz, so they are even.
As far as Pantheon knows, though, they still killed the Simurgh. The C.U.I. didn't manage that. Scion-intervention is an in-universe Deus ex Machina that cannot be depended upon. They couldn't have known he was going to show up, so it's really blind luck that might save them from being destroyed.

Granted, as Napoleon said (paraphrased), "if I had to choose between an officer who was skilled and an officer who was lucky..."
Depends... nuking a city to KILL AN ENDBRINGER.... nothing wrong with that. Hard people making hard decisions. You honestly think that Pantheon and Cauldon are the only ones that gets to make those calls?

no your wrong this is not NUKING, this is more like taking the computer that ran the law of reality and plug it in to a random number generator, what ever come out is going to be so fuck up that even the Chaos God would puke themself to a coma, and the Yangban did that to their own people
The biggest issue in my opinion is not that the C.U.I did their reality warping, it's that they didn't evacuate anyone at all and in fact shot anyone who tried to escape. The only time a nuke was used against an endbringer was during Behemoth's attack on Moskow and that wasn't until after he'd already turned the city into an irradiated ash pit.

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