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♦ Topic: Hero Team: Pantheon.
In: Boards ► Parahumans ► America ► New England ► Teams
Mumm Ra (Original Poster)
Posted on June 19th, 2011:
<Link> Photos of them, taken from my phone during their debut. Probs gonna be on the news, too. I'll archive links here as you bring them.
<Link> Actual news footage, Meet Gaea, Khepri, Minerva and Aceso
<Link> Interview with Khepri, Meet Respawn
<Link> Handing over Hookwolf, Meet Eki, confrontation between Minerva and Miss Militia
<Link> They take Purity down. HARD. Also. That's a lot of bugs.
<Link> Bombings
<Link> Someone pissed off the Khepri. Shouldn't have done that.
<Link> Holy shit, Valefor and Erigos get wrecked. Warning. NOT for the weak of stomach.
(Showing Page 2 of 107)
► Probably Stoned
Replied on June 19th, 2011:
I know it's been said before. But bug control. Fucking creepy. How did they kill Siberian with that?
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 19th, 2011:
Dunno. She's invulnerable enough to trade punches with the Triumvirate and come out the winner. Maybe she had a different weakness? Maybe she was drowned?
► ThatDude
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Drowned? You mean forcing insects down her throat util she asphyxiated? Great. I didn't want to sleep this week anyway. What's the term for "fear of Khepri"?
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Sanity. Khepri's a badass, even if I like Aceso better.
► Human Decoy (Unverified Cape)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Dude. Pantheon? More like the Brockton Babes. Speak for yourself, TD, I am very much looking forward to my dreams tonight.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Seriously? They're like fifteen at the most. Stop being creepy.
► Human Decoy (Unverified Cape)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Hey. I'm 15. I am allowed to perv out all I want.
In fact. I have a plan. First. I'm going to join their team. You guys just watch for the guy that's immune to death.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Well. Alrighty then. Good luck with that. And enjoy your ban.
► Human Decoy (Unverified Cape)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
First. They're the ones dressed up in bedsheets. Greek gods are down with the freaky.
Second. No Regrets!
► Judge (Moderator)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Good. Then I don't regret banning you.
Page 8 of 107
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Holy shit. Gaea's power is nuts. She just built like five city blocks worth of stuff in minutes. That's Triumvirate tier bullshit right there.
► DaWizard
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
I always knew Panacea's power was badly underutilized. But this... isn't this kinda Class-S territory? I know it's just plants but I can't help but look at this. Then at Blasto. Then back to this. Then over at Nilbog. Not saying she'd ever do anything like that. there's gotta be a lot of people in the Protectorate seeing this and thinking exactly that sorta thing.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
<Link> Khepri interview. She wasn't near as scary as I expected her to be, Even if Vickory was being nice to her and I thought he was done with that 'on location' stuff and had a cush office job.
Also. You'll never guess who shows up to crash the interlude at the end.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Holy shit. Is that who I think it is? Thought he was lying about being a cape. That's a weird ass power, though. Fits the owner.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
I know, right? Did you see the part where Khepri was stunned when he disintegrated like that? I think he actually managed to make her nervous!
► ThatDude
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Nah. She was probably coming up with exciting new ways to kill the unkillable. His power's not *that* good, and the owner's a moron. Grab him and throw him into a pit full of scorpions. Or man eating thorn bushes. The end of that fight.
► Judge (Moderator)
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Alright. That's quite enough. Namecalling and speculating on ways to disable a specific parahuman is pressing your luck in a few areas.
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Aaand that's their fifth member, huh? We got long range nightmare, badass action girl, the smart one, the scariest white mage in history, and now the damage soaker. Need a flyer, then it's everything you could ever want in a super team.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
What do you think they'll do first? I'm betting they shove a tree up E88's collective asses. Minerva's jewish. As if you needed any excuses to go after those fucks.
► GuyWithAGun (BB PRT)
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
I can see that. Not just Minerva, for that matter. I've seen some of their victims. Panacea's healed some. Besides, they've been talking about combat operations. Who else would they go after? E88's the only gang in town that's still standing.
(Showing Page 19 of 107)
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Thanks for the link, Math Geek. Ouch. Poor MM.
► Math Geek (banned)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
She looked like she'd been punched. Do you think there's any validity to Minerva's claim?
► GuyWithAGun (BB PRT)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Okay. Minerva was clearly deflecting attention. Did you see the way Gaea was reacting to Miss Militia's questions? She clearly was planning to keep the nazis around. Probably offer them spots on the team. She already has a history with Skitter/Khepri and Tattletale/Minerva. All respect I had for them is gone. Kudos to Miss Militia for seeing through their bullshit first.
► Math Geek (banned)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Towing the company line, huh? Standard government protocol... fling mud anyone who makes them look bad. Yeah. I'll side with the real heroes. You guys let fuckers like E88 move in and own this town and do nothing to stop them. They come along and lays down the law, doing in two weeks what you couldn't do it two decades. Then you have to trash their reps because nooo, can't have anyone making you look bad.
Same shit happened to New Wave after they took down Marquis. Disgusting.
So why don't you pack up your shit and leave BB to the real heroes. While we're on the subject, I'd like my tax money back. Dunno what it costs to keep your magic tower up, bu I can think of better ways to spend my money.
► Celestial Orb
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Bloods in the water now, you can almost see the reporters circling.
► Judge (Moderator)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Normally that would result in a warning, but investigation reveals Math Geek as a dummy account for another user. Banned. And the main account gets an infraction and a two day mute. This topic is about the team itself. If anyone wants to continue discussions of the relative competence of the Protectorate in a given area. It belongs <here>.
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Well that's a thing. But you're all missing the most important part. They now have a flyer! With lightning powers! See how confident she was for the camera, compared to the others? I think she's a vet that came over from another team.
► GuyWithAGun (BB PRT)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Edit: Sorry, mods. Removed the post. So, MG, I'd love to continue this conversation. Go ahead and PM me with your real account after you get back from vacation.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Yeah. She did seem like someone who's been around a while. Dunno of any capes that have lightning and look like her. Could be someone from out west. Canada, maybe?
This is Gaea we're talking about. Her powers? Eki could be a black dude in disguise. NOT Speculating! Just sayin we cant go by looks for a guess. Not for this team.
► Celestial Orb
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Black superhero with lightning powers? That's like a shitty cliche from Earth Aleph.
(Showing Page 36 of 107)
► Celestial Orb
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Damn. That is scary. Eki is a powerhouse.
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
She is. Do you think it was really necessary for her to hit Purity so hard?
► Effing Tinkers
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Nazis don't get any sympathy from me. Especially ones who incinerate people and blow up neighborhoods. I'd make a crass comparison to their historical actions, but I'm going to avoid the infraction.
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
She was trying to be a hero. Then her identity was revealed and her daughter taken from her. I won't say I agree with what she did. I don't. But I can't help but think that she was backed into a corner. I can understand her lashing out.
► Laserdream (Verified Cape)
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Stone Faced: You're right. It was overkill. I'm sure it's been guessed at, but I'm also moonlighting as Eki. I'll get my cousin in here to vouch for me. The lightning was the armor I'm wearing. Biotech stuff. Super electric eel. It uses my lasers as a power source. For that and a few other tricks. Purity hit me. It caused a glitch in the armor's settings that activated the "anti brute" power levels for the attack. She was suppose to get something closer to a taser than a blast normally reserved for people like Hookwolf and Lung.
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Really? I guess that makes sense.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Awesome! Finally contact from one of the actual members! I was afraid we'd have to wait for Human Decoy to be unmuted.
Speaking of which. Do you know what he said on pg 2?
► Laserdream (Verified Cape)
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
... I do now...
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Oh god! Laserdream! I love you!
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
May I please PM you? It's kind of important.
A/N- Can you spot the canon characters? And sort them from the decoys? I mean, not counting the ones that actually say who they are. Or Dragon.
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
You are currently logged in, Laserdream (Verified Cape)
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♦ Topic: Hero Team: Pantheon.
In: Boards ► Parahumans ► America ► New England ► Teams
Mumm Ra (Original Poster)
Posted on June 19th, 2011:
<Link> Photos of them, taken from my phone during their debut. Probs gonna be on the news, too. I'll archive links here as you bring them.
<Link> Actual news footage, Meet Gaea, Khepri, Minerva and Aceso
<Link> Interview with Khepri, Meet Respawn
<Link> Handing over Hookwolf, Meet Eki, confrontation between Minerva and Miss Militia
<Link> They take Purity down. HARD. Also. That's a lot of bugs.
<Link> Bombings
<Link> Someone pissed off the Khepri. Shouldn't have done that.
<Link> Holy shit, Valefor and Erigos get wrecked. Warning. NOT for the weak of stomach.
(Showing Page 2 of 107)
► Probably Stoned
Replied on June 19th, 2011:
I know it's been said before. But bug control. Fucking creepy. How did they kill Siberian with that?
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 19th, 2011:
Dunno. She's invulnerable enough to trade punches with the Triumvirate and come out the winner. Maybe she had a different weakness? Maybe she was drowned?
► ThatDude
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Drowned? You mean forcing insects down her throat util she asphyxiated? Great. I didn't want to sleep this week anyway. What's the term for "fear of Khepri"?
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Sanity. Khepri's a badass, even if I like Aceso better.
► Human Decoy (Unverified Cape)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Dude. Pantheon? More like the Brockton Babes. Speak for yourself, TD, I am very much looking forward to my dreams tonight.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Seriously? They're like fifteen at the most. Stop being creepy.
► Human Decoy (Unverified Cape)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Hey. I'm 15. I am allowed to perv out all I want.
In fact. I have a plan. First. I'm going to join their team. You guys just watch for the guy that's immune to death.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Well. Alrighty then. Good luck with that. And enjoy your ban.
► Human Decoy (Unverified Cape)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
First. They're the ones dressed up in bedsheets. Greek gods are down with the freaky.
Second. No Regrets!
► Judge (Moderator)
Replied on June 20th, 2011:
Good. Then I don't regret banning you.
Page 8 of 107
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Holy shit. Gaea's power is nuts. She just built like five city blocks worth of stuff in minutes. That's Triumvirate tier bullshit right there.
► DaWizard
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
I always knew Panacea's power was badly underutilized. But this... isn't this kinda Class-S territory? I know it's just plants but I can't help but look at this. Then at Blasto. Then back to this. Then over at Nilbog. Not saying she'd ever do anything like that. there's gotta be a lot of people in the Protectorate seeing this and thinking exactly that sorta thing.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
<Link> Khepri interview. She wasn't near as scary as I expected her to be, Even if Vickory was being nice to her and I thought he was done with that 'on location' stuff and had a cush office job.
Also. You'll never guess who shows up to crash the interlude at the end.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Holy shit. Is that who I think it is? Thought he was lying about being a cape. That's a weird ass power, though. Fits the owner.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
I know, right? Did you see the part where Khepri was stunned when he disintegrated like that? I think he actually managed to make her nervous!
► ThatDude
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Nah. She was probably coming up with exciting new ways to kill the unkillable. His power's not *that* good, and the owner's a moron. Grab him and throw him into a pit full of scorpions. Or man eating thorn bushes. The end of that fight.
► Judge (Moderator)
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Alright. That's quite enough. Namecalling and speculating on ways to disable a specific parahuman is pressing your luck in a few areas.
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
Aaand that's their fifth member, huh? We got long range nightmare, badass action girl, the smart one, the scariest white mage in history, and now the damage soaker. Need a flyer, then it's everything you could ever want in a super team.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
What do you think they'll do first? I'm betting they shove a tree up E88's collective asses. Minerva's jewish. As if you needed any excuses to go after those fucks.
► GuyWithAGun (BB PRT)
Replied on June 21st, 2011:
I can see that. Not just Minerva, for that matter. I've seen some of their victims. Panacea's healed some. Besides, they've been talking about combat operations. Who else would they go after? E88's the only gang in town that's still standing.
(Showing Page 19 of 107)
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Thanks for the link, Math Geek. Ouch. Poor MM.
► Math Geek (banned)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
She looked like she'd been punched. Do you think there's any validity to Minerva's claim?
► GuyWithAGun (BB PRT)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Okay. Minerva was clearly deflecting attention. Did you see the way Gaea was reacting to Miss Militia's questions? She clearly was planning to keep the nazis around. Probably offer them spots on the team. She already has a history with Skitter/Khepri and Tattletale/Minerva. All respect I had for them is gone. Kudos to Miss Militia for seeing through their bullshit first.
► Math Geek (banned)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Towing the company line, huh? Standard government protocol... fling mud anyone who makes them look bad. Yeah. I'll side with the real heroes. You guys let fuckers like E88 move in and own this town and do nothing to stop them. They come along and lays down the law, doing in two weeks what you couldn't do it two decades. Then you have to trash their reps because nooo, can't have anyone making you look bad.
Same shit happened to New Wave after they took down Marquis. Disgusting.
So why don't you pack up your shit and leave BB to the real heroes. While we're on the subject, I'd like my tax money back. Dunno what it costs to keep your magic tower up, bu I can think of better ways to spend my money.
► Celestial Orb
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Bloods in the water now, you can almost see the reporters circling.
► Judge (Moderator)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Normally that would result in a warning, but investigation reveals Math Geek as a dummy account for another user. Banned. And the main account gets an infraction and a two day mute. This topic is about the team itself. If anyone wants to continue discussions of the relative competence of the Protectorate in a given area. It belongs <here>.
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Well that's a thing. But you're all missing the most important part. They now have a flyer! With lightning powers! See how confident she was for the camera, compared to the others? I think she's a vet that came over from another team.
► GuyWithAGun (BB PRT)
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Edit: Sorry, mods. Removed the post. So, MG, I'd love to continue this conversation. Go ahead and PM me with your real account after you get back from vacation.
► Mumm Ra
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Yeah. She did seem like someone who's been around a while. Dunno of any capes that have lightning and look like her. Could be someone from out west. Canada, maybe?
This is Gaea we're talking about. Her powers? Eki could be a black dude in disguise. NOT Speculating! Just sayin we cant go by looks for a guess. Not for this team.
► Celestial Orb
Replied on June 22nd, 2011:
Black superhero with lightning powers? That's like a shitty cliche from Earth Aleph.
(Showing Page 36 of 107)
► Celestial Orb
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Damn. That is scary. Eki is a powerhouse.
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
She is. Do you think it was really necessary for her to hit Purity so hard?
► Effing Tinkers
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Nazis don't get any sympathy from me. Especially ones who incinerate people and blow up neighborhoods. I'd make a crass comparison to their historical actions, but I'm going to avoid the infraction.
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
She was trying to be a hero. Then her identity was revealed and her daughter taken from her. I won't say I agree with what she did. I don't. But I can't help but think that she was backed into a corner. I can understand her lashing out.
► Laserdream (Verified Cape)
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Stone Faced: You're right. It was overkill. I'm sure it's been guessed at, but I'm also moonlighting as Eki. I'll get my cousin in here to vouch for me. The lightning was the armor I'm wearing. Biotech stuff. Super electric eel. It uses my lasers as a power source. For that and a few other tricks. Purity hit me. It caused a glitch in the armor's settings that activated the "anti brute" power levels for the attack. She was suppose to get something closer to a taser than a blast normally reserved for people like Hookwolf and Lung.
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Really? I guess that makes sense.
► ThatDude
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Awesome! Finally contact from one of the actual members! I was afraid we'd have to wait for Human Decoy to be unmuted.
Speaking of which. Do you know what he said on pg 2?
► Laserdream (Verified Cape)
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
... I do now...
► Rebirth Flame
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
Oh god! Laserdream! I love you!
► Stone Faced
Replied on June 23rd, 2011:
May I please PM you? It's kind of important.
A/N- Can you spot the canon characters? And sort them from the decoys? I mean, not counting the ones that actually say who they are. Or Dragon.
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