159- Horus
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159- Horus
"Haze isn't an illusionist!" Clarice shouted over the com. "He's a reality changer, like Labyrinth! Everyone fall back! Retreat!"
Moments later, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my side. I tried to cry out, but the pain and shock had taken my breath away. Then Missy slumped forward. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I gripped Calysta's reins with the arm that wasn't holding Missy. I forced my power tight around the injury in my side, trying to staunch the blood flow. "Aceso," I managed to gasp. "Lachesis is unconscious."
I brought Calysta up and back, landing her on a rooftop a couple blocks from the mission location. Atropos and Clotho followed, with Shaman trailing behind. I could feel my armor working itself into my wound, both back and front. It was patching itself in, relieving pain and providing for my biological needs as best it could understand. Injecting what passed for its blood into my bloodstream. Missy's armor would be doing the same, but it her case it would do more harm than good.
A series of explosions sounded in the purple fog, detected and amplified by my suit's systems. It was dimmer than the usual perfect clarity it typically grants. Whether that was because the suit was putting too much of its effort into keeping me functional, or because I was injured enough to lose hearing, I didn't know.
I laid Missy flat on the roof. "I'm going to stabilize her and then shunt her over," I insisted. "This is really bad." I called upon the memories that had been installed thanks to the memory tech. Six years of medical college from Rey, plus a few updates provided by Riley and Emma. Tinker knowledge didn't translate, unfortunately, but I had first rate skills and then some. Who gives a fuck if I didn't earn them?
"Not from a rooftop," Riley insisted. "You know the shunts are geoanalogous."
"Just... just buy time in there for us, okay? I don't want them attacking us while I'm working on her."
Atropos landed first. "Is she okay?"
"Cut open her armor," I instructed, speaking slowly so as to not strain my own injury. "Neck to crotch."
Atropos didn't argue, slipping a clawed finger into the armor and splitting the high durability living armor like it was gossamer. Deep red fluid sloshed out in a way that would make you think the armor itself was bleeding. Too much blood, my unfamiliar knowledge told me. I tore open her shirt before thinking about it.
The human male part of my brain apparently spent too much time around Zach, because I couldn't help but think that I was now looking at my girlfriend topless. Unfamiliar programmed instincts screamed at me that I didn't have gloves. Not things I care about right now, I instructed my mind, but that was probably my own shock and blood loss speaking. Alongside the certainty that she was far beyond my ability to help.
"The fuck happened?" Shaman asked, after he landed. "Holy shit!"
"Not your business," Atropos told him, still staring at Missy.
"The fuck were you thinking!?" he continued, yelling at her. "You knew they had an illusionist and you fired a lethal attack!"
"It wasn't my fault!" Atropos yelled at him. Meanwhile, another series of explosions went off in the clouds.
"Nothing ever is, is it?" Shaman retorted.
"Will you two just shut up and fuck already!" I screamed at them. They looked at me, and a small part of my mind once again confirmed that I spent too much time around Zach. Another small part of me was terrified. A good amount was in pain. The overwhelming majority, however, was pissed. "We're in a god damn war zone right now, and you two are arguing while one of our own is dying in front of you! Learn some fucking priorities!"
None of them spoke up. "Clotho," I instructed, as I started to push Missy's armor back together. It needed to seal so the shunt would work on her. "You're the most vulnerable of us. Take Lachesis and shunt her. We'll coordinate from there. Then you're to go support Battery's team at the other location." Missy got shot because your girlfriend was too busy looking after you to think about the team, I added mentally. That won't happen again.
"Isn't that dangerous in her..." Clotho started.
"At this point, it doesn't matter," I interrupted. "She'll die before we get her anywhere, and the only place with facilities that can help is on the other side of our teleportation. Take her and go." A few lies, there. We didn't want Shaman to know about our side dimension. And I didn't want to tell anyone, even myself, that Missy had already died. That shot pierced her heart.
Atropos spoke up. "You don't get to make that call," she insisted. "You're sending her to..." she paused, glancing toward Shaman. Bonesaw, that's the name you can't say.
"The fuck I don't," I started coughing, and felt the metallic tasting fluids coming up. Blood, I realized. Must have pierced my lung. Fuck it, I only need one of them. "Someone needs to take command here. You have a problem with that, take it up with Khepri and Gaea when we get back. Our suits have recordings for a reason, I'm sure they'll be fair in their evaluation. Of both of us."
"It... it's fine," Clotho said timidly, her ribbons moving to wrap around Missy gently and firmly. She has the same medical 'training' as I do. She'll handle everything with proper professional care. "Saving her takes priority. I'll be back soon." At least one other person here is competent.
There was another explosion in the mist.
"Fuck!" Riley shouted. Wow, first time she's ever sworn. Now is not the time to focus on that. I had to wonder about how much my mind was wandering. Probably a function of the anesthetics the armor uses. "Lost Clarice. Sorry I couldn't buy you more time."
"Aceso's down," I wheezed. Talking so much with only one lung sucks. "Clotho, go. We'll take care of ourselves."
She hovered slightly and then vanished over to the other side. Smart choice, establishing flight before teleporting.
I forced myself to stand, using my armor to do much of the work. It was laborious to work my way back onto Calysta, despite the antigrav built into my armor, and my metal shaping to help me. "Okay, now we're going back in."
"What for?" Shaman asked.
"Rescue operation," I said grimly. "This mission's fucked already, but I'm not about to lose someone." Else.
"You're going in there for Aceso?" Atropos asked incredulously, which of course earned a look from Shaman.
"Don't forget Adamant," I reminded her. "Aceso can take care of herself, but he's barely more than baseline human."
"Once we're in there, we won't be able to trust anything we see," Shaman pointed out.
"I know," I agreed. "That's why we make a plan now. We know Adamant's power will cancel any of ours. Pretty simple to verify that it's him, that way, just have anyone claiming to be him touch your armor, and see if they lose a hand. Whoever finds Adamant is responsible for escaping with. Once they're out, our... mission control... will activate the emergency shunt and bring the rest of us to our home base. There is exactly zero other goals.
"You're going to show him our..." Atropos hissed. "You can't trust him with that."
"Oh, sure, the cheat says I'm the one who can't be trusted," he scoffed.
Can't believe I'm thinking this, but I wish Zach was here. "Horus to Clotho," I said over our com. "Tell our mission control to contact me."
"Uh... mission control?" she asked.
"Yeah," I insisted. "She should be the only other person except Lachesis there with you right now."
"Oh, right," she agreed. "I'll let her know."
A few seconds later, Riley's voice spoke into the coms. "Kinda busy, what do you need?"
"Turn on Shaman and Atropos' lie detection systems for me," I requested. Why they didn't already have them active, I thought. Know what? Don't care.
"Done," she answered.
"There," I said. "Now, Atropos, did you cheat on him?"
"No," she answered, her voice hard.
"That's a start," I sighed.
"He still got my girlfriend drunk to sleep with her," she continued.
"No I didn't!" he insisted. "Yeah, I slept with her. A bunch of times, actually, but she was sober! Most of the time, at least."
"Then why did..." Atropos started.
"Doesn't matter," I interrupted. "You guys can go find your mutual ex and have a heart to heart when people aren't trying to fucking murder us all."
"Fine, whatever," Shaman agreed. "Now what?"
"We split up and follow different paths. Keep your powers active, trust no one and nothing you see. Don't use any ranged attacks. We're immune to almost anything that matters, and we're no longer trying to win this battle. Just find our ally, cut our losses, and hope the other teams succeeded where we failed. No other goals. And remember that Clarice got out already. You see her, it's a fake." I struggled to get a deep breath. Who'd have thought running on one lung was such a pain in the ass. "If we see each other, we don't bother speaking. That's our code: there is no code. If the other talks, we know it's a fake. But don't attack... just ignore it and go back to the search. Com silence as well, we can't trust what we hear over it."
I was glad to have Calysta. I was glad to have a mission. I kept thinking about Missy. Sure, she had the memory scan... but was that still her? Or just a really convincing copy? Would I be able to tell the difference? Would I care? It would be easier if Riley could save her. No hard questions.
"H-help," a voice croaked. I turned my head. Clarice? No, that doesn't make sense. But there she was, partially trapped under some rubble. "Horus, I'm so happy to see you!" she smiled, and tears ran across her beautiful face. "Please, help me. It hurts." I felt a pang of sympathy and a desire to protect her. She's one of my friends, the one who introduced me to Missy. I owe her so much.
I knew it was a fake. I knew it was a fake for a bunch of reasons. Clarice is a remote control doll for Riley, who was safe. Clarice is designed to shunt over if damaged. If that fails, she self destructs entirely to prevent anyone from reverse engineering the tech inside her. Clarice doesn't have tear ducts. Clarice can't feel pain.
Despite that, I moved toward her. "How can I know it's you?" I asked.
"I don't know," she admitted, her voice going soft and timid. I wanted to hug and comfort her so much it hurt. "My armor's damaged, the com broke. I can tell you something only people you trust would know. Like your name?"
She knows my name, that makes sense, I decided. And she speaks it beautifully. "Okay, that's a start," I agreed. I approached her. My armor flashed its lie detection warnings. Lying about what? I paused again. Life signatures. Not injured. Definitely not a humanoid shaped cybernetic pseudo fungus. "You're not hurt, and you're not Clarice," I stated.
She blinked. "Well, nevermind then," she sighed, extracting her leg from the rubble and climbing to her feet. "Don't know how you're so resistant. I'm not picking up any power interference. Doesn't really matter, though. You may know I'm not 'Clarice', but my power works on the subliminal. You still believe I'm her, despite your awareness. You can't hurt me, and you will trust me. Now would you mind letting down your armor so I can climb onto the horse?"
She's right, I realized with a slowly dawning horror. I know better, and it doesn't make a difference. She approached the side of Calysta, walking seductively. I wanted her body against mine. No, that's not true. Yes, I think Clarice looks attractive, it's hard not to considering she was built like that on purpose. But this is artificial. As I was fighting my warring emotions, I caught sight of the knife she wielded. Fuck, I know it's going to happen and I can't change it. Except... "I know something you don't know," I stated.
"Do tell," she said with a confident smile.
I answered with two metal spears, formed from my armor on the side of Calysta's body. They lanced out at her, spearing in the left shin and right kneecap. She dropped screaming, and the spell was more or less broken. Must be one of the ones that require concentration. "Something like that wouldn't have hurt Clarice," I informed her as I quickly retreated from the fake that I didn't believe was a fake, forcefully crushing the emotions she played on. I love Missy, I was forced to remind myself. Not Clarice. It helped that I knew Clarice was really Riley's automoton, and I didn't feel that way toward Riley. Knowing didn't stop me from crying at the loss.
As it turns out, I probably could have spared myself the trouble of looking. It was Shaman who found and escaped with Adamant. A fact I only discovered after being shunted, painfully, into our alternate world. I gasped in agony from the sudden distortion of momentum as I was brought across the dimensional barrier.
"We got everyone out," Riley announced, and I was glad for that. "And I've managed to stabilize Missy." I smiled, but my heart wasn't in it.
A/N- Ah, one of the chapters I kinda wished I could have ended on a cliffhanger right around the point where she pulled the knife. Que Sera, Sera.
"Haze isn't an illusionist!" Clarice shouted over the com. "He's a reality changer, like Labyrinth! Everyone fall back! Retreat!"
Moments later, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my side. I tried to cry out, but the pain and shock had taken my breath away. Then Missy slumped forward. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I gripped Calysta's reins with the arm that wasn't holding Missy. I forced my power tight around the injury in my side, trying to staunch the blood flow. "Aceso," I managed to gasp. "Lachesis is unconscious."
I brought Calysta up and back, landing her on a rooftop a couple blocks from the mission location. Atropos and Clotho followed, with Shaman trailing behind. I could feel my armor working itself into my wound, both back and front. It was patching itself in, relieving pain and providing for my biological needs as best it could understand. Injecting what passed for its blood into my bloodstream. Missy's armor would be doing the same, but it her case it would do more harm than good.
A series of explosions sounded in the purple fog, detected and amplified by my suit's systems. It was dimmer than the usual perfect clarity it typically grants. Whether that was because the suit was putting too much of its effort into keeping me functional, or because I was injured enough to lose hearing, I didn't know.
I laid Missy flat on the roof. "I'm going to stabilize her and then shunt her over," I insisted. "This is really bad." I called upon the memories that had been installed thanks to the memory tech. Six years of medical college from Rey, plus a few updates provided by Riley and Emma. Tinker knowledge didn't translate, unfortunately, but I had first rate skills and then some. Who gives a fuck if I didn't earn them?
"Not from a rooftop," Riley insisted. "You know the shunts are geoanalogous."
"Just... just buy time in there for us, okay? I don't want them attacking us while I'm working on her."
Atropos landed first. "Is she okay?"
"Cut open her armor," I instructed, speaking slowly so as to not strain my own injury. "Neck to crotch."
Atropos didn't argue, slipping a clawed finger into the armor and splitting the high durability living armor like it was gossamer. Deep red fluid sloshed out in a way that would make you think the armor itself was bleeding. Too much blood, my unfamiliar knowledge told me. I tore open her shirt before thinking about it.
The human male part of my brain apparently spent too much time around Zach, because I couldn't help but think that I was now looking at my girlfriend topless. Unfamiliar programmed instincts screamed at me that I didn't have gloves. Not things I care about right now, I instructed my mind, but that was probably my own shock and blood loss speaking. Alongside the certainty that she was far beyond my ability to help.
"The fuck happened?" Shaman asked, after he landed. "Holy shit!"
"Not your business," Atropos told him, still staring at Missy.
"The fuck were you thinking!?" he continued, yelling at her. "You knew they had an illusionist and you fired a lethal attack!"
"It wasn't my fault!" Atropos yelled at him. Meanwhile, another series of explosions went off in the clouds.
"Nothing ever is, is it?" Shaman retorted.
"Will you two just shut up and fuck already!" I screamed at them. They looked at me, and a small part of my mind once again confirmed that I spent too much time around Zach. Another small part of me was terrified. A good amount was in pain. The overwhelming majority, however, was pissed. "We're in a god damn war zone right now, and you two are arguing while one of our own is dying in front of you! Learn some fucking priorities!"
None of them spoke up. "Clotho," I instructed, as I started to push Missy's armor back together. It needed to seal so the shunt would work on her. "You're the most vulnerable of us. Take Lachesis and shunt her. We'll coordinate from there. Then you're to go support Battery's team at the other location." Missy got shot because your girlfriend was too busy looking after you to think about the team, I added mentally. That won't happen again.
"Isn't that dangerous in her..." Clotho started.
"At this point, it doesn't matter," I interrupted. "She'll die before we get her anywhere, and the only place with facilities that can help is on the other side of our teleportation. Take her and go." A few lies, there. We didn't want Shaman to know about our side dimension. And I didn't want to tell anyone, even myself, that Missy had already died. That shot pierced her heart.
Atropos spoke up. "You don't get to make that call," she insisted. "You're sending her to..." she paused, glancing toward Shaman. Bonesaw, that's the name you can't say.
"The fuck I don't," I started coughing, and felt the metallic tasting fluids coming up. Blood, I realized. Must have pierced my lung. Fuck it, I only need one of them. "Someone needs to take command here. You have a problem with that, take it up with Khepri and Gaea when we get back. Our suits have recordings for a reason, I'm sure they'll be fair in their evaluation. Of both of us."
"It... it's fine," Clotho said timidly, her ribbons moving to wrap around Missy gently and firmly. She has the same medical 'training' as I do. She'll handle everything with proper professional care. "Saving her takes priority. I'll be back soon." At least one other person here is competent.
There was another explosion in the mist.
"Fuck!" Riley shouted. Wow, first time she's ever sworn. Now is not the time to focus on that. I had to wonder about how much my mind was wandering. Probably a function of the anesthetics the armor uses. "Lost Clarice. Sorry I couldn't buy you more time."
"Aceso's down," I wheezed. Talking so much with only one lung sucks. "Clotho, go. We'll take care of ourselves."
She hovered slightly and then vanished over to the other side. Smart choice, establishing flight before teleporting.
I forced myself to stand, using my armor to do much of the work. It was laborious to work my way back onto Calysta, despite the antigrav built into my armor, and my metal shaping to help me. "Okay, now we're going back in."
"What for?" Shaman asked.
"Rescue operation," I said grimly. "This mission's fucked already, but I'm not about to lose someone." Else.
"You're going in there for Aceso?" Atropos asked incredulously, which of course earned a look from Shaman.
"Don't forget Adamant," I reminded her. "Aceso can take care of herself, but he's barely more than baseline human."
"Once we're in there, we won't be able to trust anything we see," Shaman pointed out.
"I know," I agreed. "That's why we make a plan now. We know Adamant's power will cancel any of ours. Pretty simple to verify that it's him, that way, just have anyone claiming to be him touch your armor, and see if they lose a hand. Whoever finds Adamant is responsible for escaping with. Once they're out, our... mission control... will activate the emergency shunt and bring the rest of us to our home base. There is exactly zero other goals.
"You're going to show him our..." Atropos hissed. "You can't trust him with that."
"Oh, sure, the cheat says I'm the one who can't be trusted," he scoffed.
Can't believe I'm thinking this, but I wish Zach was here. "Horus to Clotho," I said over our com. "Tell our mission control to contact me."
"Uh... mission control?" she asked.
"Yeah," I insisted. "She should be the only other person except Lachesis there with you right now."
"Oh, right," she agreed. "I'll let her know."
A few seconds later, Riley's voice spoke into the coms. "Kinda busy, what do you need?"
"Turn on Shaman and Atropos' lie detection systems for me," I requested. Why they didn't already have them active, I thought. Know what? Don't care.
"Done," she answered.
"There," I said. "Now, Atropos, did you cheat on him?"
"No," she answered, her voice hard.
"That's a start," I sighed.
"He still got my girlfriend drunk to sleep with her," she continued.
"No I didn't!" he insisted. "Yeah, I slept with her. A bunch of times, actually, but she was sober! Most of the time, at least."
"Then why did..." Atropos started.
"Doesn't matter," I interrupted. "You guys can go find your mutual ex and have a heart to heart when people aren't trying to fucking murder us all."
"Fine, whatever," Shaman agreed. "Now what?"
"We split up and follow different paths. Keep your powers active, trust no one and nothing you see. Don't use any ranged attacks. We're immune to almost anything that matters, and we're no longer trying to win this battle. Just find our ally, cut our losses, and hope the other teams succeeded where we failed. No other goals. And remember that Clarice got out already. You see her, it's a fake." I struggled to get a deep breath. Who'd have thought running on one lung was such a pain in the ass. "If we see each other, we don't bother speaking. That's our code: there is no code. If the other talks, we know it's a fake. But don't attack... just ignore it and go back to the search. Com silence as well, we can't trust what we hear over it."
I was glad to have Calysta. I was glad to have a mission. I kept thinking about Missy. Sure, she had the memory scan... but was that still her? Or just a really convincing copy? Would I be able to tell the difference? Would I care? It would be easier if Riley could save her. No hard questions.
"H-help," a voice croaked. I turned my head. Clarice? No, that doesn't make sense. But there she was, partially trapped under some rubble. "Horus, I'm so happy to see you!" she smiled, and tears ran across her beautiful face. "Please, help me. It hurts." I felt a pang of sympathy and a desire to protect her. She's one of my friends, the one who introduced me to Missy. I owe her so much.
I knew it was a fake. I knew it was a fake for a bunch of reasons. Clarice is a remote control doll for Riley, who was safe. Clarice is designed to shunt over if damaged. If that fails, she self destructs entirely to prevent anyone from reverse engineering the tech inside her. Clarice doesn't have tear ducts. Clarice can't feel pain.
Despite that, I moved toward her. "How can I know it's you?" I asked.
"I don't know," she admitted, her voice going soft and timid. I wanted to hug and comfort her so much it hurt. "My armor's damaged, the com broke. I can tell you something only people you trust would know. Like your name?"
She knows my name, that makes sense, I decided. And she speaks it beautifully. "Okay, that's a start," I agreed. I approached her. My armor flashed its lie detection warnings. Lying about what? I paused again. Life signatures. Not injured. Definitely not a humanoid shaped cybernetic pseudo fungus. "You're not hurt, and you're not Clarice," I stated.
She blinked. "Well, nevermind then," she sighed, extracting her leg from the rubble and climbing to her feet. "Don't know how you're so resistant. I'm not picking up any power interference. Doesn't really matter, though. You may know I'm not 'Clarice', but my power works on the subliminal. You still believe I'm her, despite your awareness. You can't hurt me, and you will trust me. Now would you mind letting down your armor so I can climb onto the horse?"
She's right, I realized with a slowly dawning horror. I know better, and it doesn't make a difference. She approached the side of Calysta, walking seductively. I wanted her body against mine. No, that's not true. Yes, I think Clarice looks attractive, it's hard not to considering she was built like that on purpose. But this is artificial. As I was fighting my warring emotions, I caught sight of the knife she wielded. Fuck, I know it's going to happen and I can't change it. Except... "I know something you don't know," I stated.
"Do tell," she said with a confident smile.
I answered with two metal spears, formed from my armor on the side of Calysta's body. They lanced out at her, spearing in the left shin and right kneecap. She dropped screaming, and the spell was more or less broken. Must be one of the ones that require concentration. "Something like that wouldn't have hurt Clarice," I informed her as I quickly retreated from the fake that I didn't believe was a fake, forcefully crushing the emotions she played on. I love Missy, I was forced to remind myself. Not Clarice. It helped that I knew Clarice was really Riley's automoton, and I didn't feel that way toward Riley. Knowing didn't stop me from crying at the loss.
As it turns out, I probably could have spared myself the trouble of looking. It was Shaman who found and escaped with Adamant. A fact I only discovered after being shunted, painfully, into our alternate world. I gasped in agony from the sudden distortion of momentum as I was brought across the dimensional barrier.
"We got everyone out," Riley announced, and I was glad for that. "And I've managed to stabilize Missy." I smiled, but my heart wasn't in it.
A/N- Ah, one of the chapters I kinda wished I could have ended on a cliffhanger right around the point where she pulled the knife. Que Sera, Sera.
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