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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

rooms and upstairs, perhaps.

Oh god Lisa, do you even think before doing shit like this? It's not even like she could be restored from back-ups if GU killed her, from her POV. Although it is possible that GU might perma-kill someone even with back-ups.
Obviously Lisa is now the suicidal one. She's switched places with Taylor in their dynamic.
It was a clone, though Ciara apparently doesn't know that.
Or doesn't care. Her focus is pretty heavily weighted towards the passengers rather than the parahuman. With the exception of Eidolon, everyone she talks to is addressed by their title; a function of their passenger.

And poor Contessa gets labeled as the Serpent. It's not her fault she's Abaddon's minion.
You know what we need (besides that long-awaited Shadow Stalker interlude)?

A Legend Interlude. Just to see if he knows about any of these shenanigans going on behind the scenes...

...come to think of it, what has Legend been up to since Dragon left the Guild? He was on call for S-class threats, but beyond the Endbringers...well, there aren't many of those left, really. At least, not of the S9/Nilbog variety.

That's assuming, of course, that Brian hasn't become a nascent S-class threat himself, given his conspicuous absence...
God Damn, yes David you should definitely keep that copy power in hand. Hell if he got some tinkers to analysis it, we could get genuine large scale replicators. Not just death but any kind of physical loss would be inconsequential.
A Legend Interlude. Just to see if he knows about any of these shenanigans going on behind the scenes...

...come to think of it, what has Legend been up to since Dragon left the Guild? He was on call for S-class threats, but beyond the Endbringers...well, there aren't many of those left, really. At least, not of the S9/Nilbog variety.
TanaNari can't write about Legend. He's too well adjusted, level headed, and reasonable. I'm pretty sure Tana wouldn't know what to do with a character that wasn't barely holding themselves together, or using someone else to prop up their own psyche.

All joking aside, I would really enjoy seeing Legend pop back up. Doesn't need a whole POV chapter, but an appearance or mention of what he's up to would be cool.
TanaNari can't write about Legend. He's too well adjusted, level headed, and reasonable. I'm pretty sure Tana wouldn't know what to do with a character that wasn't barely holding themselves together, or using someone else to prop up their own psyche.

All joking aside, I would really enjoy seeing Legend pop back up. Doesn't need a whole POV chapter, but an appearance or mention of what he's up to would be cool.
he's old enough for a mid-life crisis i'm sure that counts as maladjusted.
The kitchen, too, was visible from the front door, separated merely by a counter.
I'm not sure if this is actually good grammar, I never encountered it outside of two writers, both fanfic writers.

'The kitchen was also visible...' flows better in my mind.

EDIT: Also, in the last line of the same paragraph, the second 'was' should be 'were' due to plurals:
The second was in the hall beside the staircase, and I found myself wondering if there were, indeed, any rooms upstairs.
And poor Contessa gets labeled as the Serpent. It's not her fault she's Abaddon's minion.
That was either a *really* happy coincidence. Or Wildbow's secret brilliance. Your pick.


what has Legend been up to since Dragon left the Guild?
Nothing terribly interesting.

He was at the last Endbringer battle. He'll be at this one. That's all you're getting for the time being.
So Alexandria adopted Lisa, then?

Probably the better relationship option, really.

Surprised that she's so cheery around GU, especially with the touching. Perhaps she's taking refuge in audacity, trusting that GU will be too off-balance by harmless cheer. I doubt the Fairy Queen has seen much of that as of late.
I dunno. I thought Lisa did everything there for a (just one? Perish the thought!) purpose. Some more discernible than others.

Poor Lisa. Also, can't wait till David is dead.
That was either a *really* happy coincidence. Or Wildbow's secret brilliance. Your pick.

Well, wouldn't the plot make sense if this was all a PtV from Abaddon to kill Zion and Eden and show up later to hoover up their remains? I mean from the perspective of Abaddon that would probably work out very neatly.
I bet Tattletale is roleplaying Alexandria's daughter because the hand-holding mind-sex is dirtier and more disturbing that way.

Meanwhile, on the subject of scary children molesting people, it looks like Ciara and David have a chance at romance. Or perhaps mutual therapy. Not sure which of those is more hope-inducing; I'm sure they'll do the other one.

Hmm, if Cauldron is all about shipping children with grownups, that makes the origin story of Dr. Mom x Contessa only a little worse than usual. (Only a little worse because of the power disparity.)

As usual, Legend is the one guy who was left out of their dirty little secrets. (Legend: "I don't even like kids in that way!" Alexandria: "We know, that's why we don't invite you to the meetings.")
Hmm, if Cauldron is all about shipping children with grownups, that makes the origin story of Dr. Mom x Contessa only a little worse than usual. (Only a little worse because of the power disparity.)
The only time where it's actually the child abusing the adult. You don't get to say no to Contessa. She always finds a way.
Well, wouldn't the plot make sense if this was all a PtV from Abaddon to kill Zion and Eden and show up later to hoover up their remains? I mean from the perspective of Abaddon that would probably work out very neatly.
Considering that from the Scion interlude we know that the cycle cannot continue with just the Warrior... even if Khepri didn't end up happening, the Warrior only had a few thousand years of energy left. Abaddon could have chilled out until Scion was almost empty, swung by and finished the job without having to worry about a retaliation.
Considering that from the Scion interlude we know that the cycle cannot continue with just the Warrior... even if Khepri didn't end up happening, the Warrior only had a few thousand years of energy left. Abaddon could have chilled out until Scion was almost empty, swung by and finished the job without having to worry about a retaliation.

Abaddon should have been fully capable of predicting Khepri right? After all it had an completely unrestricted PtV shard which it knew how to use and it had it before any of the others.

Of course Worm gets even more depressing if everyone that managed to survive gets killed by a third entity they didn't know about a couple of years later...
Abaddon should have been fully capable of predicting Khepri right? After all it had an completely unrestricted PtV shard which it knew how to use and it had it before any of the others.

Of course Worm gets even more depressing if everyone that managed to survive gets killed by a third entity they didn't know about a couple of years later...
Well, since it traded that shard, stands to reason it probably had a better version.
Hmm, So it doesn't seem David and Ciara have a power interaction yet, but they're basically a buffet line for each other, so I'm sure it's coming.

Lisa's turned her act up to 11, but I'm still not sure what her angle is. Hopefully it isn't guilting Cauldron soft, because David did not give a single shit about her accusations. Although that could just be because he was too busy waiting to see what horrible death would befall her.

Crow is a.. cute name. In an alternate (identical) universe, I'd like to think she'd go by Hypatia.
The only time where it's actually the child abusing the adult. You don't get to say no to Contessa. She always finds a way.
Non-comedy answer: grown-ups have experience and may be able to manipulate a child into changing her goals / values / etc., which is why there's an implied social power difference between kids and adults. Contessa can only use PtV for things she knows how to ask about, for concepts she already knows, and she can be wrong about choosing her goals even if she's always perfect in reaching those goals.

Comedy answer: Rebecca and Lisa slowed their pace a fraction as they approached the crosswalk. Lisa's right ear twitched, implying a covertly impetuous grin. Her pinky curled slightly. Hold your little girl's hand when crossing the street? Rebecca's nostrils and pupils dilated one millimeter, in synch, as she drank in the sight of her lover's feigned innocence. Three hairs of her eyebrow moved against the wind. Oh, she hoped there would be time enough tonight.
Abaddon should have been fully capable of predicting Khepri right? After all it had an completely unrestricted PtV shard which it knew how to use and it had it before any of the others.

Of course Worm gets even more depressing if everyone that managed to survive gets killed by a third entity they didn't know about a couple of years later...
It might not have bothered running it that far. It only needed to run PtV to kill one of the pair, after that the other one is a sitting duck.
Crow is a.. cute name.
I can't wait until Zach or Vicky makes an "eat Crow" joke.
I wonder if there's any chance that Crow is actually a clone of Lisa. It would put a different light to her comments about mommy. And (given how her clone might view itself) might explain why she seems a little unhinged even for her, because tweaking GU like this is awfully... risky.

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