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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Mute, power-copying Taylor ends up reviving/becoming Eden. Taylor in one way or another convinces Eden and thus Zion to adjust their behavior for the cycle. The two go around killing all parahumans everywhere and take back the shards. They then leave Earth with the intent of coming back in cycles to farm it as a "garden of Eden". Eden is also running a simulation of Taylor's mind who had been steadily becoming more and more disassociated from humanity throughout the story.

Basically, it's the single most depressing Worm-related ending. It totally insulated me against stuff like what you've written here.

God damn it, now I need to change the ending.



Uh. I mean. Noooo, I totally had something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in mind! Yeah! It's nothing like this at all!

still, I read Silent, and I don't recall this coming up. then again, this is 03:20 where I am and quite drunk, so I might not recall many things. I do recall that we have a bit of wine in the cellar still. maybe it'll last till morning. maybe not.
Now I'm imagining Scion is not actually a god, but rather a spacewhale 4chan script kiddie.
Pathetic? Bored? Destroying worlds for teh lulz?
It hangs together a bit too well.

"Hey Scion, thanks for stopping that natural disaster!"


"Hey Scion, what's up with the lack of costume?"


"Hey Scion, why are you pulling cats out of trees?"

"That was you?!" Two sets of guns from the armored suits pointed toward Lisa. All three sets of armor went dark and sat down. "How?"
Shut your pie hole, Lisa.

Also, you couldn't have said that in Japanese or something, instead of invoking an Andrew Ryan-esque shutoff for their suits?
Basically, it's the single most depressing Worm-related ending. It totally insulated me against stuff like what you've written here.
So what you're saying is that there's no way that Tana can write something even more depressing?

I'd like to make a prediction: The reason why Dinah predicted a dropping chance of the 'talk Scion into leaving' plan working is that Taylia was growing stronger, and thus Scion was becoming more confident that reviving Eden would work.
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Does someone actually have a link to Silent?
ish? the author was going to coil-con it. but honestly, the wormverse would do much better to not have parahuman powers regardless, so i still say it's a good end
When they woke up with zombie bodies, my reaction was basically... "God damn it, Scion."

Taylia becoming an entity isn't exactly unexpected, I mean... a lot of us have been calling it, in one form or another, for several hundred chapters now. Loved the execution, though. The ride up to this has been fun. Now it's just a matter of time to see how it plays out.

... Oh god. It's a fix-fic for Scion, isn't it? It was never about the people.
And then, Clarice appeared out of nowhere, gave Taylia a genky cool-down hug, with the unconditional support of Missy and Thep. Libecca added some sage words, while Zack gave some really pervy (but still sage) words, and Emma hit him. And together, all of Pantheon made the Ultra-Avaton, which defeated Scion with the power of FRIENDSHIP!
Moments later, Scion appeared before me. He hadn't needed to attack the building to get in, that was merely to pressure us to act, part of the plan. He simply teleported right before me. The humans turned, scattered, retreating for fear of losing their flicker-lives. I'd concern myself with them in due time.









And that's how Scion discovered his girlfriend was gay now.
Today, in "TanaNari, Verified Dick" our beloved author approaches the titilating conclusion of Amelia, a tour de force of both speed and creativity. However, the Silence sudden appearance seems ready to destroy the originality of his ending. Has TanaNari been clockblocked by a fic he never read, or is everything still going according to plan?
Stay tuned next update for the exciting new development of Amelia, which will make or break the Darkest Fix-Fic ever seen!

No pressure TanaNari!

My money is with "all according to plan".
But can you do it with a bullet and put them in a magical troll coma?

Clarice: I can do it with pine needles.

So... Canon Worm, then?

Despite having the title of darkest fix-fic, it sure is hilarious when even the writer himself is tripping-ball over the ending.
What? Try again? Use English this time?

Stay tuned next update for the exciting new development of Amelia, which will make or break the Darkest Fix-Fic ever seen!

No pressure TanaNari!

... You. Fucking. Bastard.

*shrugs* Oh well. Live by the Troll, die by the Troll.

In all seriousness, though. I know what the Ending is, and have for the longest time. I think it's good enough to live up to the hype. *AS LONG AS* the writing is solid enough to make it work.

I still reserve the right to be nervous that I've gotten this far and risk fucking it at the last possible moment.
I still reserve the right to be nervous that I've gotten this far and risk fucking it at the last possible moment.
Even if you do fuck it up, you will learn from it and your next work won't suffer from the same mistake.
Actually, i'm predicting Taylia shanks Scion from behind, dragon had a backup on a 72 hour delay and Lisa had planned for all this all along
If it wasn't for the shards actively preventing space travel (I can provide a WoG on this), I would say that they did a clever thing by sending Dragon and a bunch of backups into space.

Granted that, theoretically, they could get around this by having an AI that lacks a passenger be the one that pilots the ship, rather than Dragon herself, and leave Dragon in a housing that isn't powered on.
Hey, we already got prediction from Dinah that Taylor and Amelia will separate somehow and splitting the Pantheon.


Oh God, the darkest ending isn't fucking Scion in the ass, it's Taylor and Amelia divorced through spacewhale power.
Hey, we already got prediction from Dinah that Taylor and Amelia will separate somehow and splitting the Pantheon.


Oh God, the darkest ending isn't fucking Scion in the ass, it's Taylor and Amelia divorced through spacewhale power.
Dinah can't predict Taylia, Dinah can't predict Scion. Dinah definitely can't predict Taylia as an Entity.

OTOH, Taylor and Amelia can split off into an Entity pair, and drag the rest of the Pantheon-turned-Shard people with them?
So what you're saying is that there's no way that Tana can write something even more depressing?

It would be the difference between your hand getting destroyed by being burned by a very hot thing, or a transcendentally hot thing. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Past a point, pain is pain and depressing is depressing.The only way to really be more depressing is... Heh. I'll hold on to that one.;)
Well.....that was totally expected.

Kinda. I was hoping for better more horrific, honestly. Doing a fleshmerge with the Eden-corpse is the muffin easy button for body-horror in this setting.

Either way I have been entertained and will definitely be waiting for the last bit.
Yeah. The horrific part is more subtle. Notice how no one's even reacted to "it's just a body transplant".

Body horror has become so par for the course in this story that the audience doesn't even blink anymore.

That's the horrific part. :p

Not quite as horrific as all the people who were afraid to leave the concentration camps after they were rescued, because they'd gotten so used to the horrors that they couldn't imagine life in the normal world anymore.

But that was real life. Horror, much like comedy, is amplified exponentially when it happens to real people.

Drama and romance, strangely enough, are actually less interesting in real life than in fiction.
Didn't the original Silent ending get Ret-Coiled?
It did. I'm not sure just how believable it was (since it seems to me like Coil's power shouldn't be able to predict both Scion and a new/replacement/whatever entity), but it was still a pretty good read.

And then the fic died, but that's just how it goes usually.
You left out the part where their original bodies were converted into endbringer zombie goop, first. Honestly, man.

I was kind of expecting them to go that route themselves if things had dragged on any longer. Ditch the armor and just copy their minds into "combat bodies"

Yeah. The horrific part is more subtle. Notice how no one's even reacted to "it's just a body transplant".

I blame Eclipse Phase.;)
Body horror has become so par for the course in this story that the audience doesn't even blink anymore.

That's the horrific part. :p

The Endbringer goop bodies were worse than merging with Eden. I had been half expecting Amelia to use Taylor as a vector to parasitically infest Scion and kill him from within.
And then, Clarice appeared out of nowhere, gave Taylia a genky cool-down hug, with the unconditional support of Missy and Thep. Libecca added some sage words, while Zack gave some really pervy (but still sage) words, and Emma hit him. And together, all of Pantheon made the Ultra-Avaton, which defeated Scion with the power of FRIENDSHIP!
No, I already did that with HCtBB :p

As for this chapter: yeah, I actually said, "Well, fuck me rigid" out loud.
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