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Watched, and hope this will be really nice. It certainly was so far.

(Not on SB, by the way. I do have a SV account, though...)
Very nice! I remember the ancients but I always forget how bullshit their tech was.

Man whoever triggers as an ORI would be cataclysmic to the setting because ancient vs ancient shenanigans.
Earth would probably survive due or maybe not.

His shard is pretty bullshit too. Hyperion's shields did not block his trans-dimensional connection after all

Anyway Good work! ^_^
I kept this fic open in a tab for 5 days. Probably should have read faster. This is completely hilarious. The next chapter is gonna be awesome.
Simply "awesome" or Rainbow Dash levels of "Awesome!" instead?
Nyancat levels of 'AWESOME!!'

Hi! Welcome. And the next chapter is in progress. It's not the reaction one. The one after it is, though, and I've got that in progress too. It is indeed awesome already.

Rolls to resist adding nyan cat as a reference.
Roll fails.

I'm hoping for Heterodyne levels of "Awesome!"

The best kind!
Watched, and hope this will be really nice. It certainly was so far.

(Not on SB, by the way. I do have a SV account, though...)

Welcome to my fics! All of them! At the same time! ;)
I'm not sure about whether SV will be in my future. Kinda liking it here. Figure I should help prop up the non-lewds section with some more fics.

Very nice! I remember the ancients but I always forget how bullshit their tech was.

Man whoever triggers as an ORI would be cataclysmic to the setting because ancient vs ancient shenanigans.
Earth would probably survive due or maybe not.

His shard is pretty bullshit too. Hyperion's shields did not block his trans-dimensional connection after all

Anyway Good work! ^_^

They are the epitome of bullshit. They don't seem like it due to their severe mismanagement and idiotic tendencies, but their technology is some of the most advanced in Sci-Fi.

As for the Ori? Well... spoilers, sweetie.

He does have a Shard. The Hyperion did block his connection. The next chapter will reveal some... interesting things.

Thanks! :D

Well, I found this fic here, not in SB.

I'm sure that he doesn't have one. He has something worse: An author messing with him.

He actually has both a Shard and a ROB (author) screwing with him, which is much, much worse :p

Also, hey! Welcome!
So are you dead? I would really really hate it if this was dead...
This is an awesome fic man, funny as hell XD!
With great joy and amusemt:This has been watched this is hilarious.
Hmmm, on the one hand summoning Atlantis(or the equivalent) would be an awesome sight. On the other hand, you'd injure/damage most of BB from the air pressure alone. Maybe summon it in the ocean and fly it in?
Hmmm, on the one hand summoning Atlantis(or the equivalent) would be an awesome sight. On the other hand, you'd injure/damage most of BB from the air pressure alone. Maybe summon it in the ocean and fly it in?
The bang from something that size would be enough to probably rival some of the larger explosives. I say either over one of the poles, or the center of the ocean (away from shipping lanes)

If not, use one of the other ships to take it into space where air pressure won't be a worry.
I wonder if he'd ever have enough control to slow down the build a bit to eliminate the bang.
I wouldn't think that he is able to increase the summoning time due to the risk of the atmosphere or other debris contaminating the technology he is summoning.
With great joy and amusemt:This has been watched this is hilarious.


Hmmm, on the one hand summoning Atlantis(or the equivalent) would be an awesome sight. On the other hand, you'd injure/damage most of BB from the air pressure alone. Maybe summon it in the ocean and fly it in?
The bang from something that size would be enough to probably rival some of the larger explosives. I say either over one of the poles, or the center of the ocean (away from shipping lanes)

If not, use one of the other ships to take it into space where air pressure won't be a worry.

Atlantis is big. Really, really big. Like, six kilometers tip to tip. And the larger something is, the more exponential volume it has. More like RIP New Hampshire itself if Atlantis was summoned on the Bay. Definitely gonna have to be high in the atmosphere or in space to summon it.

I wonder if he'd ever have enough control to slow down the build a bit to eliminate the bang.

The danger of summoning things provides a balance for the already OP abilities he has. Removing that danger would make it much more OP.

I wouldn't think that he is able to increase the summoning time due to the risk of the atmosphere or other debris contaminating the technology he is summoning.

Also, this.

I really like this story! I really hope to see it updated when you have the opportunity!

Thanks! :D

...and watched.

I demand MOAR.

MOAR COMING! Right after this post.
Atlantis is big. Really, really big. Like, six kilometers tip to tip. And the larger something is, the more exponential volume it has. More like RIP New Hampshire itself if Atlantis was summoned on the Bay. Definitely gonna have to be high in the atmosphere or in space to summon it.
That's just the show version. The original design (before they took the show's budget into account) was IIRC much, much larger.
Chapter 6 - Diagnosis
Ancient Legos
Chapter 6

The whine of the Asgardian transporter sounded out in one of the larger rooms of the Hyperion, accompanied by it's signature white aurorae, and deposited us.

I had bruises. Lots of bruises. Most of them were on my ribs from the gigantic freaking Dragon suit landing on me, but several were my irritable teammate's fault.

Turns out Vista, The Cute Ward, can really throw a punch. Who knew?

Certainly not me, that's for sure.

The Medbay of the Hyperion was primarily a long rectangular room with the trademark high ceilings of the Alterans. Unlike those of Atlantis, it wasn't designed to be super pretty, just functional, and so didn't have partitions or sections. The only doors out of it besides the standard entryway were to three isolation rooms and their attached observation rooms.

Lined up like pre-built townhomes were about thirty medical beds. Very high end technology that was invented right as the Wraith War was turning bad. A completely accurate physical scanning system and a guided set of healing tools, including a toned-down version of the Regeneration Cube, were the new and differing features over something, say, like the Atlantis medical floor would have. City dwellers that aren't weird like my Alteran memories said I, they, were, were usually much more hands on. Especially if they were in the 'hate on Asurans' camp. No sentient or even close automation here, no siree.

Nevermind that Destiny was sentient and a massive frakking troll. Oh no, our civilization hasn't been nailing synthetic intelligence for dozens of millions of years or anything, let's just regress because a people we made didn't want to fight!

"Fucking hypocritical, dicknugget bastards," I mumbled under my breath as I dragged the still very heavy Dragon suit to the far end of the Medbay.

There were two machines there. One was normally present in Warship Medbays, a Synthetic Manipulation Table. Thing allowed Alterans to get into and modify any technology they put on it. Nanites are wonderful, aren't they?

The second machine was not supposed to be here at all. I would have to investigate why a full spectrum Genetic Manipulation Device was present later. Don't get me wrong, there should be a Genetic Manipulation Device in the Hyperion's Medbay. It just shouldn't be one of the ones that can manipulate absolutely everything about you. Those were closely guarded secrets by my race, and I only knew about them because Janus showed me his back on Atlantis.

No! Bad Alteran! I said to myself, separating those memories from where they'd unexpectedly clung to me. Back in the 'open if needed' box you go!

Now how do I get this heavy-as-frak suit on the Table? I asked myself, studying the rather high height off the floor it's top extended to.

I couldn't help but feel I'd forgotten something important though.

"Will!" Missy hissed from right behind me.

Ah yes. My teammate.

I jumped about six feet in the air as my heart rate shot into the stratosphere. When my vision came back from the near heart attack I'd suffered I put a hand to my chest, breathing heavily, and spun around.

"You know that if I die of a heart attack you'll be stuck on the Hyperion with a deactivated heroic AI Tinker and a brain tumor that's going to eat you with no way off, right?" I sarcastically asked her, rubbing my chest.

Missy froze. Her face morphed into one of terror.

I tilted my head, confused. "What'd I say?" I asked, genuinely unaware.

The smolest Brockton Bay Ward unfroze and growled. "Tumor. Head. Eat me!" she summarized succinctly, her eyes glaring at me more and more each time.

I blinked, raising a finger in confusion. "Didn't I mention that?" I asked. I could've sworn I did, but then again... maybe not.

"NO! YOU DIDN'T!" she yelled, exasperated.

I blinked again, opened my mouth, closed it, found my focus again, and shrugged. "Oh. Well. You have two brain tumors in your head our world calls the Corona Pollentia and Gemma, they're what give you your powers and normally have two inter-reality portals in them, and with the shield on full isolation mode those portals can't exist. That apparently means your Coronas start mutating and growing like tumors, who knew?"

I went back to trying to shove Dragon up onto the Table while Missy gaped at me.

I'd just managed to get a single one of her arms onto the table (how much does this suit even weigh? Gods damn it!) when Missy's smaller hand grasped my shoulder and her fingers dug into it like steel.

I froze, just a tiny bit concerned now.

"Will," she flatly declared.

"Y-yes, M-Missy?" I stammered, trying and failing to sound calm.

Her fingers tightened their grip. "Explain. Now."

"Fingers off first!"

Her fingers tightened even more in an threatening manner before slowly retracting. I turned around, carefully not making any sudden moves, and gulped when I saw her face.

I am so dead.

She raised one of her eyebrows. Waiting.

I coughed lightly into my totally not clenched fist to attempt and ground myself around my nervousness. "Parahuman powers come from portals linked to our Coronas," I began, mentally pulling up the ship's scan history. "The Hyperion's sensors made short work of the frankly amateur attempt at dimensional obfuscation after I detected Ziz and took a look at what was on the other side." I pointed at Missy's head, bobbing my head back and forth. "Yours is some huge biomechanical construct sitting on another version of Earth. Bigger than the U.S."

Her eyes deadened and she looked at me with complete disbelief.

"You can choose to believe me or not, but it's the truth," I defended my ship. "My own seems to be rather new, I guess, even though the carbon decay shows it's got significantly smaller, older sections. When the shield went into full lockdown mode it was still expanding. Trying to build a space bridge between that Earth and that Mars, I think."

Missy set her mouth in a flat line. She definitely didn't believe me.

I shrugged. "Like I said, believe me or not, that's the truth. Now can I please fix Dragon?" I pointed back over my shoulder at her… body.

Missy screwed her face up in incredulity at me. Her mouth hung slightly open and her eyes were narrowed. Complete and total bewilderment. "Where do you come up with this bullshit?!" she asked. "Not even Dennis is this bad!"

"Reality," I grinned, spinning around to work on Dragon again. "And it's not bullshit."


"Nope, all true," I repeated yet again. I held out my hand and instructed Hyperion to assemble a Synthetic Interface Device in it. Asgard beams chiming for a few seconds netted me a cylindrical object with a white-blue emitter at the end and a tablet for viewing the results or interacting with the linked Synthetic.

"Weldon, you're claiming that superpowers come from some kind of… alien computers!" Missy shrieked.

I cocked my head to the side and snorted. "Huh. Alien computers. Yeah, that's actually a lot more accurate of a description than what I was using in my head."


"Well I was calling them Biotech Shardlings, given their similarity to something the Alterans encountered a few dozen million years ago," I conversationally continued.

Missy was silent for several seconds. The Hyperion showed her jaw-dropped stare at my back kept going the whole time.

Wave the Interface at Dragon's body to find the primary processor… Ooooh, clever girl, you have multiple core processors.

Eventually she just sighed, dropped her head, rubbed the bridge of her nose, and shook her head. "Just… just get rid of this headache, Weldon," she told me, sighing again. "Please. And try not to make it worse."

"Righto!" I agreed heartily, already barely paying attention to her. "Hop on one of the medical beds and the Hyperion will start scanning you, see what we can do."

Missy sighed in defeat one last time before trudging over to the closest bed, and as I'd asked, hopped on. Her eyes widened with surprise, presumably at how comfortable they were, and she laid down with a contented sigh. "These are nice," she commented.

Well done young one, not many of your kind figure that out this soon in your life, I thought at Dragon. Not that she would hear me. Hmmm, well, just link the fifteen of her cores together with the Interface… yes, there we go, now how about her code?

Wow, I thought to myself, momentarily breaking me out of the fugue I was just in.

Oh, wait, did Missy say something? Hyperion!


"So much better than the Atlantis ones, I know," I agreed again.

"Atlantis," Missy deadpanned, then sighed. She was doing that a lot for some reason. "I'm not even going to ask until you get rid of this headache."

"Capital city of the Alterans. One of the first functional cityships. Was used as a template for the others that followed her," I succinctly explained.

Missy groaned, rolled her eyes, and banged her head against the bed cushion. "Not. Asking!"

Hyperion, please start scanning her.

While the various arms and scanning devices unfolded from the bottom of Missy's medical bed, I took a closer look at what the Synthetic Interface had managed to figure out so far.

Dragon's code was…

Simply put, she was beautiful. The Alterans had gone for modularity with creating the Asurans and their earlier cousins the Constructors, but Dragon eclipsed them both. Instead of using lots of modular pieces running the same programs to create emergent sentience, whoever created her had built code to do the same thing.

In a vastly more elegant manner.

I almost didn't want to touch any of it. She was a work of art. To modify her would be like… like defacing the Mona Lisa to fix the little bit that looks like a mole under her nose. Like fixing the alignment of the Tower of Pisa. Like adding heavier weaponry to Atlantis. Fixing problems, yes, but somehow losing the works of art and culture they'd become.

Dragon should be declared an Eighth Wonder of Earth Bet, and I was going to have to edit her very being to save her.

Because within this work of art was… darkness.

That's all I could easily describe it as. The matrix of beautiful, flowing code contained a small section -invisible to the rest of it and without the Hyperion, me- that was…

To use my earlier comparisons, it was as if someone had taken a smear of fully light-absorbing paint and nicked the Mona Lisa in her hair. Well hidden, but if you found it… sickening.

Gods, at least my race had only wiped out the Asurans when they didn't do what some of us wanted them to. This… this was malicious. Evil.


Iron Maiden. Ascalon.

Two rather uninteresting names for something that would have had the creator executed by us.

No, not us! I thought, catching myself. A shake of my head sent the personality back into its box.

Those programs would have the creator executed by the Alterans.

I was just really, really fucking pissed off.

"Missy," I spoke, leaning on the table with both my hands and looking down, "Who created Dragon?"

She jumped a little, sat up, and glared at my back. Thank you, Hyperion. "Her parents, you moron!" she snapped. "She's not an AI!"

Gods damn it, Missy. I whirled around and held up my tablet towards her, tapping it repeatedly in the matrix of code. "Oh really? Then how come I'm looking at her code right now?!" I shot back, glaring at her with a dare of contradiction in my eyes.

Missy kept her gaze locked on mine for several moments in defiance. Then she relented and looked down at the tablet. Maybe due to her exhaustion or maybe due to being curious. Her eyebrows rose at what she found and she locked her gaze on mine again. "What's that?" she asked in a challenging voice.

I narrowed my eyes at her and pursed my lips. "You know what it is. I already told you."

She narrowed her own eyes. "I refuse to believe Dragon is an AI, Weldon!"

Yeah, I was already pissed, and this was not helping. "Well then what would convince you, Missy? I already asked you that and you said that nothing I could do would convince you. What about if Dragon herself confirmed it? Then would you believe me?!" I was almost yelling at a teammate and not proud of it, but my patience was nearly gone.

She swallowed as I began to wail on her, her gaze turning into a heated glare. "No!" she yelled back.

That snapped me out of it. The pure lack of logic, of sense, brought me back to reality. "What?" I asked.

Missy blinked as well, shaking her head. "No! I mean, maybe. Yes?" she sounded as if it was a question at the end. "I don't know, Weldon! My head kind of has a fucking migraine at the moment that you still haven't fixed!" She slapped the sides of her head and let out a little whine of pain.

The first I'd heard.

Well shit.

"Okay, okay," I agreed, with a healthy amount of sheepishness, "lemme take a look."

I put the tablet down next to Dragon's prone suit and walked the short distance to Missy's medical bed. A thought to the bed brought up a holographic display panel of all her readout and the results of the few scans that had completed, including the full body one the Hyperion took on the bridge and the one the bed's scanner just finished.

I couldn't help myself; my face fell.

Missy gulped, a worried look sent my way. "Will?" she asked warily.

I tried to put a grin back on my face, but a slight grimace and dead eyes were all I managed. "So!" I faux-cheerily asked, "how do you feel about becoming a normal human for a while?"

Missy narrowed her eyes tiredly at me. "What are you talking about Will?"

I drew in a deep, solid breath, then let it dissipate through my nose. "You want me to try bedside manner or just lay it out?"

"I get the feeling I don't have a lot of time. Give it to me straight."

I grimaced again and nodded. "Alright. I can either not treat you and let your tumors consume your brain or I can remove your Corona Pollentia and Gemma," I explained succinctly.

Missy blinked at me several times, her look dumbfounded, before she collapsed back into the medical bed's cushion. "Of course you have the technology to take someone's powers away. I shouldn't be surprised at this point," she complained.

I chuckled and nodded. "No you should not," I agreed, actually managing to grin at my own joke despite the somber situation.

Missy sighed and stared up at the ceiling for several long seconds. Just as I was about to start fidgeting she spoke, quietly. "Will it hurt?"

"Less than your brain exploding," I deadpanned.

She bodily shuddered and shook her head, then slammed her eyes closed and brought a hand up to her forehead. She groaned miserably. "Ugh, note to self; do not shake head with migraine."

"Generally a good idea, yes," was my commentary.

Missy opened her eyes and rolled them at me. "Will my powers come back?" she wearily asked, her eyes and voice begging me to say yes.

I wished I could tell her definitively one way or the other but I truly had no clue. "I don't know, Missy," I revealed. "The tumors would be gone. Whether the… alien computers need them present to connect or can regrow them, I can't say."
Missy sighed again. "It's my only choice, isn't it," she morbidly discerned.

"Pretty much."

My teammate, though that might not be the case for much longer grit her teeth and closed her eyes. "Okay. Do it."

I abruptly grinned and winked at her, not that she could see the wink. My voice definitely sounded like I was grinning, though. "It's not that easy Missy, I gotta have the medical bay operate on your brain with Nanites. You're gonna have to be knocked out."

"Do. It," she pressed.

"Alright," I hesitantly agreed. A thought brought up the medical bay's Neural Configuration systems. "You sure?"

"Yes." Her face was set, a thin grimace on her lips. She looked up at me and tried to smile. "I don't really know what most of what you say means, but I trust you. Not to do the safe thing but definitely the right thing," she spoke, conviction clear in her voice. "Just… make sure I wake up, okay?"

Her voice wobbled a little.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Okay Missy, I will," I agreed. I huffed then and shook my head. "Way to be dramatic. This tech is perfectly safe," I mumbled under my breath.

Missy rolled her own eyes and laid back down, staring at the ceiling. "Just do it, wise guy."

"Yeah yeah," I chuckled. The system engaged and a white light fired out of one of the instruments surrounding the medical bed. It hit Missy and sent her into a dreamless slumber.

Hyperion, I instructed my ship, remove the tumors. And give her body a full checkup at the same time.

As the ship proceeded to do that, various tools on articulating arms roving over Missy's unconscious body, I turned back to my much bigger problem.

"Now what to do with you?" I asked Dragon rhetorically. I glanced down the tablet in my hands and scowled at the darkness in her code.

I looked back up at her body.

And I had an Idea.

"It can't be that simple, can it?"

My fourth check of my possible solution finished just as the Hyperion slipped into a parking position above Brockton Bay's PRT Building.

Now that the ship was stationary I could begin repairs. Apparently my own alien computer decided to be nice and create the materials I'd need to repair fifty Aurora class or build five more along with the ship in its cargo bays.

Was going to have to send it a gift basket or something.

Anyways, the Constructors were assembled via the onboard repair bays and released to begin fixing the ship, copying themselves as needed, and I turned my attention back to the solution for Dragon's little issue.

It should work.

It would freak her the hell out, yes, but it should- no, would work.

Ascalon, the activator, and Iron Maiden, the darkness, were for some reason… almost added on as an afterthought. As if Dragon's creator had built most of her in one go or a series of bursts and only realized later on they wanted a way to control her.


Was Dragon Tinkertech?

That would explain so, so much. Including how our civilization was capable of creating a True AI at the time of Dragon's birth.

And why the darkness was added on. Fugue for the majority of her code, brilliant but nonetheless human programmer for the darkness.

Yup. It explained too much to be anything else.

Including why she had a soul.

My only worry now was whether that soul would follow her code, her arguable body, to its new home.

On another table I'd had the Hyperion beam in nearby lay a young woman. She had a kind smile on her face and her eyes were closed. I'd based her off of one of the few physical descriptions I'd found of Dragon's remote interaction program (or what I now knew to be a highly sophisticated avatar program).

Turns out Armsy is very thorough in his reports.

All his reports.

Aaanyways, to most it would appear the woman was just sleeping.

Fully clothed, of course, in the rather bland default Asuran clothing.

I'm not cruel, thanks. Except for my sense of fashion… which is entirely nonexistent.

Meh, she could always change it later if it was boring.

This body was of course not human. She was made up of Nanites.

Took a crapload of my Neutronium stores to create, but saving the best Tinker on the planet was totally worth it.

I'd made her all the way back at my first run through of this possible solution. Worst come to worst I could just reclaim the material. Best case, she would become Dragon's new body.

I just had to make sure the darkness didn't come along for the ride through the conversion process and that her soul did.

That was what I just finished checking for the fourth time.

The darkness wouldn't survive the conversion. It wasn't as tough as Dragon's other code. Hell this was only possible because of her code's frankly bullshit levels of redundancy and error repair.

But her soul? Even Hyperion's massive number crunching capacities couldn't tell me for sure.

It really depended on how she saw herself. Did she see her code as 'her', or did she see whatever physical machine she was operating on as 'her'?

Only one way to find out.

I might need to apologize profusely after this.

And wipe a significant section of the original Dragon's memory of this ended up cloning her and making a new person entirely, otherwise Iron Maiden would activate.

Whoo boy. I did not join the Wards to make heavy decisions like this!

I pursed my lips as I looked down on her unconscious suit.

Screw it.

I hit the mental button to start the transfer and conversion.

Her hardware's hacking protections were breached just as easily as I had previously to actually look at her code, and the process started.

Thirty minutes.

What the hell am I going to do for half an hour?!

It occurred to me several minutes in that hey, I am also a parahuman, which means I also have tumors, which means I might also be close to dying right now.

So I urgently hopped on a medical bed and had it scan me.

A couple of minutes later, I had my answer. I did indeed have the tumors, but they were not behaving remotely like Missy's had been. No enlargement.

In fact, they looked like they'd shrunk a little, given the tiny amount of space between the rest of my brain and their structures.

What the hell.

I needed more information, because this made na sense. Why would Tinker Coronas shrink when cut off from their computer but Shaker ones did the polar opposite?

I stood up from the bed and tried to think. I didn't have a headache, my Coronas were shrinking, why? Why why why?

I mean, it's not like Missy and I were any different-


My eyes shot wide open as things began occurring to me.

Exhibit A: I flew a Puddle Jumper. Uh, wait no, a shuttle. Why the hell did I think it had multiple names?

Exhibit B: I used the Throne Chair on the Hyperion's Bridge.

Uh oh.

I brought up the Hyperion's Life Sensors and turned them on the Medical Bay.

...Exhibit C: I could control the Hyperion mentally.

I gulped and, very very worriedly, looked at the detailed Lifesigns Type list.

Two Synthetic. One Human.

And one Lantean.

I gulped again, a spark of shock jolting down my spine.

Frak. Me.

A/N: I wanted to post this yesterday but I felt that would be too mean.
Yay!! An update, and a great one too. Waiting eagerly (in the shadows creepily) for more!
Thanks for the new chapter. Don't forget to update the story on fanfiction.net as well.

The Genetic Manipulation Device is an interesting find. In Stargate Nirrti managed to use a simpler device and crappy Goa'uld science to give humans super powers. Imagine what someone with the full tech database and Lantean education can do with it. Maybe Missy can be gifted some new abilities to make up for the one she lost.

Even better, it can be used to trigger ascension. Ascended versus Entity. Ascended with no pesky non-interference rules.
This was pretty good. Love how you left that plot hole for last and then filled it in in a very unexpected way.

Also: Look Armsy! I made your waifu real!
He... is a Lantean. That explains SO MUCH! No ROB is required to keep his Coronas open, because he is a more advanced human. How close am I?

He is a Lantean. But his Coronas are not currently connected to his Shard.

Yay!! An update, and a great one too. Waiting eagerly (in the shadows creepily) for more!

Great! ^_^

Thanks for the new chapter. Don't forget to update the story on fanfiction.net as well.

The Genetic Manipulation Device is an interesting find. In Stargate Nirrti managed to use a simpler device and crappy Goa'uld science to give humans super powers. Imagine what someone with the full tech database and Lantean education can do with it. Maybe Missy can be gifted some new abilities to make up for the one she lost.

Even better, it can be used to trigger ascension. Ascended versus Entity. Ascended with no pesky non-interference rules.

Thank you for the reminder because I totally and completely forgot to do it until I saw your post.

Yup, Nirrti used the lower-end device Weldon was thinking about. The possibilities are incredible...

This was pretty good. Love how you left that plot hole for last and then filled it in in a very unexpected way.

Also: Look Armsy! I made your waifu real!

Thanks! It's my opinion that plot holes are necessary for a good story, provided you fill them in later. Then they aren't plot holes, but well convoluted plot devices. And it doesn't hurt that they mess with the readers :p

Armsy is gonna be very surprised.

If he's a Lantean, does that mean he has the abilities they'd begun to develop? Telepathy, telekinesis, etc?

Well that's an interesting question, now isn't it?
Every time this popped up (and it happened a lot) it made me grind my teeth. It's not some mystical force we are talking about here. It's a goddamn program. An algorithm. A mathematical construct in the form of a failsafe. You rode that metaphor way too hard, way too far, and carried it way too long.

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