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... yeah, no.True... unless, Carol and Sarah were using this as an ANGLE! to get them to trigger...
Hahahaha... nah... that'd be too silly XD
Nice chapter. Good OC there - if he stays, he should make a difference as well, compared to Piggot.
Interlude 14.5 said:"No, don't act like I'm going to say something bad. The Deputy Director in charge of the Wards, I can't quite remember his name, he had some glowing praise for your ability to engage with the public."
"Engage with the public? I don't remember doing much of that."
"Something about speeches to other youths at school?"
"Oh. That wasn't a big deal."
"The guy who's rating your performance seems to think it was. Can't quite place his name, the suits sort of start to blur in with one another-"
"Deputy Director Renick," Kid Win supplied.
"Yes. Thank you. He seemed to think you connected with the crowd, and you did it better than any of your teammates. You were frank, open, honest, and you stood out because of how you handled yourself when the students started getting rambunctious and heckling you."
I suspect that the BBB kept New Wave on the down-low and didn't approach the PRT with it (and the PRT, being busy with Brockton Bay in general, didn't pay much attention) until it was a done deal. In this fic, it was brought to Renick's attention and he stomped on it. Hard.Yeah, I always thought the New Wave movement was really stupid. They went on and on about resposibility and public accountability but they seemed to miss the problems with their identities being out in the open all the way up to the point that Fleur was killed. I could go on about all the ways I don't like the New Wave movement and how they handled Amy, but that would be pointless here and now.
Very well written chapter, good to see the PRT realising how stupid unmasking would be.
Like he fucking SHOULD HAVE. It's an idiotic idea. Pants on head, chewing on furniture DUMB. The knowledge that no one will do anything because everyone will dogpile on them doesn't matter... if they've ALREADY KILLED YOUR DAMN KIDS.I suspect that the BBB kept New Wave on the down-low and didn't approach the PRT with it (and the PRT, being busy with Brockton Bay in general, didn't pay much attention) until it was a done deal. In this fic, it was brought to Renick's attention and he stomped on it. Hard.
Like he fucking SHOULD HAVE. It's an idiotic idea. Pants on head, chewing on furniture DUMB. The knowledge that no one will do anything because everyone will dogpile on them doesn't matter... if they've ALREADY KILLED YOUR DAMN KIDS.
(I mean, it might be different if everyone in the family had invulnerability-style powersets, but... they're all variations of flight and/or energy manipulation. Those won't stop a properly aimed bullet from a dude waiting for you to get your paper in the morning!)
In fairness, that didn't happen.And not just killing. Constant destruction of property every time they left would drain their finances in short order. They could effectively 'starve' the group out of commission without every attacking them directly.
Note that she has Renick to act as a balance.Ah. And Emily shows all the tact of a bulldozer. Good chapter, but I think Piggot just took the topspot of "bitch" from Brandish. I am not rooting for her - a cape bigot in charge is a bad thing. The "cape sympathizer" question clearly showed her mentality. The BBB might have endangered a child while trying to apprehend Marquis. Piggot might endanger a city while trying to show capes who's boss. And thinkign she can brainwash the BBB kids? God, that's worse than Brandish.
Who the hell said anything about brainwashing? Is Vista brainwashed? aegis? Clockblocker? Was Taylor? She just doesn't trust Carol to teach her offspring about responsible power use (and given the canon Glory Girl actions, she's kinda justified)
This is her version of asking nicelyHmm another way would be to have Piggot ask that the BBB heavily consider having their children in the Wards so as to make sure that they won't make the same kind of mistakes that the adults made?
Oh, come on. Shadow Stalker was already fucked up when she got into the Wards, and she only ended up there because Alan Barnes went to bat for her. By rights, she should have been in juvey.Given what Shadowstalker got up to under her overview, she's not justified at all. Piggot's a bigot, and that's not a good thing for anyone in charge of cape kids.
Not educate. Just train them in responsible use of powers. Which their parents are sadly lacking in. (Would you trust a supervillain to safely train his kid to use their powers in a responsible fashion?).And if she's not about to brainwash kids, why does she think she can educate any kid against the wishes of their family?
I presume you mean something other than 'no'.The BBB has no years to prepare and indoctrinate the kids against Piggot.
That's that fic. This is this fic. I'm writing my own story, thanks.There's a fic out there where Glory Girl was forced into the wards, and acted like one would expect - doing her time and making it absolutely clear that as soon as she is 18, she'll leave, and that she utterly loathes the PRT. That's what Piggot is setting herself up to, no matter her intentions.
... a mediocre team at best. With their record (which she would pass on to the PRT Director of wherever they go to) she'd be glad to see the back of them.In a pinch, the BBB can simply leave, deprive Brockton of a damned good team, and leave Piggot picking up the pieces.
Renick is in charge of the Wards. This is canon.I am not sure of the source, bu aren't the wards under the leadership of the leader of the local protectorate chapter? What Piggot does by leading it herself isn't the norm.
To be fair, they set themselves up for this.
Oh, come on. Shadow Stalker was already fucked up when she got into the Wards, and she only ended up there because Alan Barnes went to bat for her. By rights, she should have been in juvey.
She was given the rules, but she was cunning enough to circumvent them when she felt like it. Note that she had been a lone vigilante, with her blue and orange morality, for around eighteen months, before she was inducted into the Wards. Plus, her activities at school should have been curtailed, but between apathetic faculty and sweep-it-under-the-rug minder, that went by the wayside too.
Shadow Stalker is not a good example of a Ward.
Not educate. Just train them in responsible use of powers. Which their parents are sadly lacking in. (Would you trust a supervillain to safely train his kid to use their powers in a responsible fashion?).
Sure they can do that. It's not like it won't be noticeable. And it will be a very stupid thing to do. Besides, it might just backfire; what's the best way to make a teen want to do something, after all? (In fact, they'd be better off pushing and pressuring their kids to join the Wards).![]()
I like the way the revisions flow better. It's not so much a "We're going to take your children! NYA-HA-HA!" vibe as a "Seriously, stop being fuckups before we have to step in. Please?"Last few paragraphs have been revised, about the kids. Please read before commenting farther.
Lady Photon glanced at her, then turned back to the Director. "Very well," she began carefully, "what do you mean by losing the the right to train our children?"
Piggot lowered herself to her chair. "Mr Renick, if you please?"
Renick cleared his throat and stepped forward. "It's clear from our information that you have issues." He glanced at Brandish, still held immobile by Manpower. "Some more serious than others." Clasping his hands behind his back to conceal the tremble in his fingers, he went on. "Those issues need to be professionally dealt with long before your children trigger, if you want to be in any way involved in their training. It's as simple as that."
Fleur spoke up. "And if we fail to deal with our issues in time?" The others looked at her, and she shrugged. "Hey, Lightstar and I might end up having kids of our own."
Renick tried for a reasonable tone. "If your issues aren't dealt with, your children will be training with the Wards, under my direction." He tilted his head. "So, as you can see, it's in your best interests to give the therapy a fair chance." Unclasping his hands, he held them out, turning them palm upward. "And then everybody wins."
"But if we do get our heads on straight," Lady Photon replied cautiously, "it's all good?"
Renick stepped back, and glanced at Piggot; she nodded briefly. "We'll have no reason to interfere." She leaned forward. "Just remember; you are still on notice. I do not want this happening again. Is that perfectly understood?"
Manpower, at Piggot's nod, ungagged Brandish; the woman did not look in the slightest bit thrilled, but she nodded reluctantly, as did the rest of them.
"Good." Her tone was dismissive. "Now get out of my sight."
Brandish led the way to the door; Lady Photon hung back. Piggot eyed her. "Was there something else?"
"We will get a fair chance with this therapy?" pressed the superhero.
"So long as you don't screw up in some other way, yes." Piggot met her eyes. "You're superheroes. Act like it."
Piggot isn't taking away the right to raise their children. She's telling a bunch of people who have shown themselves to be shockingly bad at being heroes that unless they attend therapy and smarten their act up, they won't be allowed to train their kids (if and when they trigger) in responsible power use. Because they're not using their own powers responsibly.Even as revised (and I didn't read until just now, so missed the original version), I honestly can't get behind anyone threatening "you'll lose the right to train your children". I am also not sure exactly under what authority that could be done, though doubtless the PRT could manage something.
It's the same logic as was used when they tried to take Aster away from Kayden in canon, and it's ill-advised for the same reason: taking someone's children is just as much a threat to a person's instincts as killing them, potentially more. Saying "you don't have the right to raise and train your own children" is essentially saying "you are not permitted to function as a continuing unit in society; we are cutting off your line here". You honestly might just as well tell someone they're under automatic sentence of death. If it actually came to the point of trying to take their children away, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that led the Brigade to turn villain and bolt.
Patients LIGHTSTAR and FLEUR, having passed their therapy sessions, are taking the recommended Cape Law course. Their progress is excellent.
Patient MANPOWER is still undergoing therapy, but doing well. He is making progress in facing his inadequacy issues; now that he recognises them, he can move forward.
Note to self: it is odd that a man who can bench press a truck can have inadequacy issues, but perhaps other anomalies such as this exist for capes having trouble with therapy? Bears investigation.
Patient LADY PHOTON is doing well. Still has bad memories from kidnap incident in youth (see below), but she is remarkably well-adjusted for all of that. Her determination to keep pushing the Brigade forward is almost certainly rooted in an intent to ensure others do not get hurt in the same way. She has been a great help in bringing BRANDISH out of herself for the purpose of therapy.
Patient FLASHBANG was already known to suffer from chronic depression. Discovered to neglect taking medications when he feels better, and then forgets to take them when he slumps back into depression. Partly a mental problem, partly an attitude problem, placing responsibility for remembering medication on Patient BRANDISH; when she forgets to tell him, he forgets to take them. Now that we've identified the problem, we can work on it. Also recommended a slightly lower dose of medication, but with a regular reminder. Hopeful that this will work out.
Patient BRANDISH has been the most problematic of the six, being the one who needs the most help. Along with LADY PHOTON, was kidnapped at age thirteen, for ransom. Spent months in lightless environment, suffering lack of food and comforts. She identified with captors, thanking them for small favours, developing Stockholm Syndrome. When ransom payment failed, kidnappers attempted to kill both captives, causing them to trigger with powers. Part of BRANDISH's trigger event involved a feeling of deep betrayal from the man she had seen as a friend. BRANDISH has recently revealed that supervillain 'Marquis' resembles one of the kidnappers (LADY PHOTON, upon being queried about this, recalled no such resemblance). BRANDISH has presumably transferred her feeling of hatred for the attempted murder to Marquis, which might explain the repeated attempts to capture him. Progress is slow, but continues.
Perhaps seeing a little girl in Marquis' presence made her recall her captivity, and caused her to wish to free the girl from her own 'captivity'? That might be a line of inquiry worth pursuing.
Abigail is an OC.Heh.
Amelia/Claire is cute. Also, I'm wondering if 'Abigail' is someone we know about. Her power doesn't seem immediately familiar.
Will be interesting to see if she triggers with anything like her canon power. And what her trigger situation is. And how brutally Marquis kills whoever is responsible for her trigger.
Is this going to keep timeskipping until something like the canon era? Interesting butterflies. I guess the biggest change around Brockton would be the continued presence of the Brigade as opposed to New Wave.
Hmm maybe something similar to Amy's canon trigger event, just with Abigail instead of Victoria?Next chapter, we should see Claire's trigger, as well as a look at the Brockton Bay Brigade.
Going off GGs trigger she could just slip and bang her head thoughWhoever causes her trigger will die horribly; that's a guarantee.